By week's end, Cheryl was taking Diane to the garage hourly it seemed. Diane spent more time in the garage than out. Jason spent as much time in his room as Diane spent in the garage. For major infractions, like forgetting to call Jason, Master, Cheryl used a wide leather belt and made her strip naked. After a punishment session, she made Diane stand with her nose pressed into a corner for up to three hours, still naked. Jason and I found countless excuses to go to the garage after a whipping. God, what a body!
Cheryl did not hit Diane hard, but she did redden her ass and thighs. Diane never laid out or even wore a swim suit. She had no tan line, and her skin, besides being blemish free, was the color of cream all over. The reddened area stood out in stark contrast. You could see where every blow landed for hours afterwards. Having us see her naked backside caused Diane no end of embarrassment. She clenched her legs tightly together and pressed bodily into the corner as though trying to merge with the wall.
Cheryl was quite pleased with the progress she made with Diane. She had Diane attending her toilet: bathing her, painting her toes, doing her hair and make-up, even trimming her pubic bush. Cheryl shaves her cunt lips, or used to until Diane started doing it for her. In addition to these personal services, she calls on Diane to clean her after sex with Frank. She said she could make her do it with her tongue, but was saving that for a special occasion. I was in awe of Cheryl's success.
The others new nothing of Cheryl's work. They only knew that Diane was helping out around the house. Whenever someone stopped by, Diane was busy. Cheryl planned a coming out party for Diane. On the Friday before the weekend get-together, Cheryl handed Diane her new uniform and ordered her to put it on. She instructed her to wear it without bra or panties. Diane took one look at the dress and cringed. She begged Cheryl not to make her wear it. Cheryl was adamant. Jason and I were introduced to the dress at dinner that evening. We almost fell out of our chairs.

You Fuck My Face in the Middle of the Night
The dress was exceedingly short with an open bodice. The ruffled lace hem did not hide her lower moons, nor did it hide much in front. Were it not for the white apron, we could have easily seen her pussy. The tiny apron just barely hid her cleft, coming just below the juncture of her thighs. She wore wide-pattern fish net stockings and a pair of five-inch heels. The waist pinched in tight and flared to the bust line. The wired top cupped her breasts, presenting them more than covering them. The full upper globes quivered in the half cups. The tops of each nipple crested the rim. When Diane turned, we saw that the back was open to her ass, showing the top of her ass crack framed by the tails of the bow. Diane was beet red throughout dinner.
After her first departure, I turned to Cheryl and said, "Outstanding! How did you get her to put that thing on?"
"It was easy after I gave her a real whipping. If she bends over, you'll see the welts."
- domination
"No Shit! What did you use on her?"
"I cut a switch from the willow tree."
"Damn, and she took it?"
"Yes, she took it. Honestly, Red, you amaze me sometimes. Do you really think she doesn't want this? Christ, she almost had an orgasm while I was doing it."
Jason piped in, "Mom, are you serious? She liked it!"
"Jason, sweetheart, you know nothing about women. If you learn nothing else, remember, never listen to what a woman says. Learn to read body language. A woman's body can't lie."
"I don't get it."
"Well, I'm sure as hell not going to give lessons. Maybe your father can clue you in. He does know some things."
Diane returned with ice tea and looked flushed. She bashfully made the rounds, filling our glasses. Jason and I tried reading her body language. All we could read was, "Please! Stop staring at my body." Cheryl must have read, "Please do something to make me show my pussy and naked ass."
Cheryl's fork flipped from her hand and landed on the floor behind her. Diane eyed it nervously. Cheryl said, "Remember how I told you to pick things up. There's a fresh switch in the garage if you forgot."
Diane's face reddened. She moved to the fork, facing away from me and Jason. She took a deep breath then bent from the waist with her feet about eighteen inches apart. Her skirt rose up over her streaked moons and her pussy peeked out from between her tawny alabaster thighs. Her shiny pink clit hung out at the bottom of the slick coral crease and her full inner lips fanned out like an orchid. Her asshole could also be seen when she was at her lowest. She picked up the fork and slowly returned to an upright posture. She remained fully doubled over with her head past her knees much longer than was necessary - a five second count, I learned later. She then stood slowly, wiped the fork on her apron, and returned it to the side of Cheryl's plate. Cheryl smiled and dismissed her. Her whole body had a red glow. When Diane left the room, Cheryl said, "If you two can't read that body language, you're both blind as bats."
It was an obscene display, totally out of character for Diane. Jason looked confused. I turned to him and said, "Son, that wasn't just a vagina you saw, that was a very aroused vagina. She loved showing it to us, despite how she acted."
"How can you tell?"
Cheryl said, "Hold on, Red. Before you start, I think I'd like to take my leave. I'll go check on the help."
After she left, Jason smiled and said, "Mom doesn't embarrass easily. This must be good."
"I don't think it is embarrassment as much as discomfort. Anyway, did you notice how full and open her cunt was?"
"Heck yeah!"
"Did you see how her clit stood out, all pink and wet looking?"
"Yeah, I noticed."
"Did you see how her inner labia lips were full open and wet?"
"You mean the flabby part?"
"Right, and besides, that pussy was drooling. Normally, you can't see inside a pussy with the legs that close together unless it's aroused. Pussies are like cocks, when aroused, they fill with blood, swell up, and open up. That pussy was ready for a fucking."
"Wow! Is Mom going to let you fuck her?"
"When the time is right, she'll probably let both of us fuck her. Just be patient."
"Do you really think it might happen?"
"It sure looks that way."
Jason pushed back from the table and stood, saying, "I've had enough dinner. I'm going to my room."
I smiled and said, "Don't wear it out, Son; you might need it soon." He blushed and left.
Cheryl returned right after he left. She smiled and said, "My poor baby. I heard what you told him. That was beautiful; I should have stayed. Hell, I should have told him myself. I don't know why I get this way around him. I'd like to be totally free and open. I can't even bring myself to walk around naked in front of him. Isn't that silly?"
"I'm sure he wishes you would. Go see him right now. You can break the ice."
"Yeah, right. I could give him a hand, I suppose."
"Hand, hell, the kid needs a fuckin' blow job."
"Well, he'll soon be getting that from the maid. By the way, she's hotter than hell. I fingered her in there. Her pussy feels like membrane soup." Cheryl held her wet hand up and said, "Want a whiff?"
"Please, I'm eating dinner."
"Excuse me! Since when did you become a connoisseur?"
"When I get a whiff of Diane's pussy, I want to get it off my own fingers, thank you."
"Suit yourself, but it might be a few days."
"Not by the looks of things."
"Hey, if you want it, she's in the kitchen. Just bend her over the counter and pork the slut."
"I'll wait. I don't want to scare her off at this point."
"Shit, Red, we couldn't drive her off with a team of killer dogs. We're stuck with the bitch."
"Poor us. What WILL we do?" Cheryl smiled.
That evening, we were treated to a punishment session in the living room. Cheryl made Diane strip right in front of me and Jason. She then took a belt to her ass and thighs. Cheryl made her stand with her ass facing us and took her time. Diane's juices were drooling down her inner thighs before Cheryl was through. Afterwards, she made Diane stand in the corner facing us until bedtime. Jason had to leave the room twice.
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