My freshman year in college, I roomed with two guys, Matt and Scott. They were both great guys, and we loved to kid around. Plus, we were freshmen, so we did a lot of stupid things. One Saturday afternoon Scott and I were sitting in the hall outside our room, talking with some girls who lived upstairs. Our room was really small, so we sat in the hallway quite a bit to talk with other people. There was no bathroom either, so we shared one for the whole floor.
As we were talking, Matt, still wet from his shower after lacrosse practice, walks out of the bathroom wearing just a red towel and carrying a bathroom kit. He had a nice, medium build with a smooth chest, some nicely-defined pecs and great abs that rippled down to his towel.
"Hey," I say to him, and he says "hey" back. He glanced at Scott and the girls and walked past us, through the open door to our suite.
My back was to Matt and I kept talking to the girls and Scott. They could see over my shoulder into the room. In the middle of my sentence, the girls' eyes open wide, and they cover their mouths and look at each other.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
"Matt, you idiot!," Scott shouts out, laughing. "Close the door first!" Scott reaches over my shoulder and pulls the door shut.
I start laughing, too. "What happened?," I asked.
Scott is almost laughing too hard to answer. The girls are giggling, too.
- domination
"Matt, that idiot, just dropped his towel," Scott says. Then, to the girls, he says, "Excuse us a second."
Scott opened the door, and the two of us walked into our cramped room. Matt was there, wearing just some white Champion briefs. He had a good build, nice pecs and a faint ripple of abdominal muscles.
"Dudes, what's the big deal?," Matt says, like he was trying to sound like he wasn't embarrassed.
"You idiot! Can't get a date all year and that's how you decide to advertise, huh?," Scott asks.
"Whatever. Grow up guys," Matt says. He grabbed a shirt, put his arms through the sleeves, and started to button.
"Oh, so you don't mind it if Tina and Jessica get to see you like that?," I ask.
"Nothing they haven't seen before," Matt says as he grins. We whoop it up over that for a while.
"Then show them again," I say.
Matt gave me a big grin.
"Think I should?," Matt asks.
"Dude, do it!," Scott encourages.
"You guys are nuts," Matt says. He pulled down his briefs, leaving him wearing just the partially buttoned shirt. He walked over to the door and glanced through the peephole.
"They're still out there," Matt says. "Here goes."
Matt whips open the door, stands facing us, and bends over, mooning the girls. He holds it for about five seconds.
"Aw, at least take your shirt off, Matt," one of the girls says.
Matt straightened up and pulled the door shut. The three of us were laughing too much to control ourselves.
"Dude, do it!," Scott says again. Hey, worked last time.
Matt looks at me, kind of unsure of himself. "Think I should, Tom?," he asks.
"No point in just going halfway," I say.
Matt grins and unbuttons his shirt. Then he stops.
"No way," he says. "This is crazy."
"Oh come on, you've already showed it to them," Scott says. "Embarrassed?"
"Doesn't matter anyway," Matt says, looking out the peephole. "They went back upstairs."
"Sure, Matt," Scott says.
"Don't believe me? Look for yourself," Matt says.
"So moon an empty hall," I say.
"You're insane," Matt says to both Scott and me. He pulls his arms out of his sleeves, then throws his shirt on the floor. He's buck naked now. His dick and balls are still shriveled from his shower, but he was still really cute with his wet hair and tight body. I glance at Scott, and he smiles back, nodding.
Matt whips open the door. He was right, the hall was empty. But he bends down anyway, kind of squatting and putting his hands on his thighs.
"Happy?," Matt asks us.
Scott and I run forward, giving Matt a huge push. He falls backwards on his ass on the floor. Like lightning, we slam the door behind him and lock it from inside.
Matt is shouting at us, but we can't hear him because we're laughing so hard and giving each other high-fives. Scott and I take turns looking out the peephole. No one else is in the hall yet, but Matt looks pretty uncomfortable. He's standing close to the door, crouched down and covering his crotch with one hand and banging on the door with the other.
"How long do you think we can keep this up?," Scott asks me.
"Let's do our best," I say, and we both smile.
"Guys, come on!," Matt shouts from the hallway.
"Matt, you know what a pirouette is?," Scott says.
"A what?"
"The ballet move. Put one hand on your hip, the other on your head, and spin around on one foot," Scott instructs through the door while staring out the peephole.
"Fuck you both!," I hear Matt say.
"Hey Matt, want us to call them upstairs?," Scott asks.
"You wouldn't!," Matt says, not shouting anymore.
"Dance for us, Matt," I say. I'm getting into this now.
Scott laughs and claps his hand. "Take a look, Tom!"
I look through the peephole. Sure enough, there he is, spinning around and looking very humiliated.
Scott is going over to his closet and pulling out some clothesline. He walks over to the door. "That's great, Matt. Now stand facing the hall and put your hands behind your back."
Scott watches our roommate through the peephole until he sees that Matt has done as he is told. Winking at me, Scott pulls the door open and throws a pre-made rope loop over Matt's wrists and tightens it. We make Matt walk backwards into the room and close the door.
"Jesus, you guys are going to get it," Matt says, but we can tell he is having a good time.
We sit him down in his desk chair and tie his ankles to the chair legs. Then we draw the spare end of the rope back up to the rope around his wrists and tighten. Matt can barely move, and his dick and balls are there for us to see.
"So, Scott," I ask, "what should we do with our little exhibitionist?"
"Exhibitionist? Jesus Christ!," Matt shouts.
"Such language," Scott remarks. He jams a rolled-up sock into Matt's mouth and ties it in place with another sock.
We stand there for a while, staring at our captive. He really was good looking, and I had never had such a good chance to see how much. I start to get really turned on watching him struggle, trying to undo our knots.
"Check it out," Scott says, pointing to Matt's dick. It's erect, and sticking up at a diagonal angle. I have a hardon, too, and I could tell Scott has one.
"Well Tom," Scott says, "I think we have something to give our roommate."
We left Matt there. I teased his nipples and slapped his face for a bit. Then Scott got some electrical tape, and we used it to make a blindfold for Matt. "Sit tight, honey," Scott says in a sweet voice.
Both of us go down to the corner convenience store. We take our time, but buy some snacks and some condoms. After about forty- five minutes, we return to our room, open the door, and find Matt waiting just as we left him.
Scott untied Matt's ankles, leaving just his wrists tied. I stand Matt up, lead him over to his bed, and lay him face down. We tie his wrists over his head to the headboard, and tie his ankles to the rear bedposts. Matt starts trying to talk through his gag, but we ignore him.
Both of us just start to play with him. We run our fingers over his back and butt, and I start tickling him in his armpits just for the fun of it. Matt jerks around and shouts through his gag, but we ignore him.
Finally I unbutton my jeans, pull my pants and underwear down to my knees, and roll on a condom. I get over Matt and start to run my cock across his back and towards his butt. It doesn't feel quite right, so I take off my shirt, pants, and underwear. I jam my cock into Matt's tight asshole, pumping up and down, rubbing my body against his. I look up and see Scott, still dressed, watching both of us. As I keep at it, I get harder and harder, and I feel Matt moving up and down with me. Finally I can't hold it anymore, and I feel my stuff hit the condom.
The room is quiet except for my breathing and the sound of Matt breathing through his nose. Scott starts to strip, and I stand up and get out of his way. I walk over to the chair we had just tied Matt up in, and stroke my cock while I watch Scott put on a condom and start to screw Matt.
They go at it for quite a while, until finally Scott cries out with the orgasism. I come at about the same time, and catch it in a kleenex.
Scott and I pull on our jeans and T-shirts, leaving Matt tied to the bed.
"Fun's fun, but I guess we gotta let him go," Scott says to me quietly.
"No so fast, I've got an idea," I say to Scott.
I walk over and pick up Matt's clothes, which he had left in a pile by the floor before he went to shower. Slob. I find Matt's key ring, and stick it into the right pocket in his pants. Winking at Scott, I open the door, and walk about 200 feet down the hall to a trash can and toss Matt's clothes in there. Then I sprint back to the room.
Scott's there to greet me. "Beautiful," he tells me when I told him what I've done.
We untie Matt, let him stand up, and lead him over to the door. Scott takes off Matt's blindfold and I pull out his gag. Finally free, Matt tries to pull away from us, but we grab his arms.
"Just one more thing, Matt," I say. "Your clothes are down the hall in the trash. Run for it!"
We open the door and push him outside. Without saying a word, Matt sprints towards the trashcan. I watch his little butt twist back and forth as his legs carry him away from us. He's running through a hall full of open doors, showing his stuff off to quite a few people. Finally he arrives at his destination, bends down to rummage through the trash, and retrieves his pants and shirt.
Walking back to us, Matt says, "You guys will pay for this."
I just give him another spank.
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