An Incident Halfway To Hell 7

"Well I'm not - at least as far money is concerned. I'll admit I wasn't as smart about it as I should have been, but I'm not trying to screw Birchline. If they'll take the money, fine, but I won't do a skin flick, I can't - Paramount has a pile invested in this project. Can't you just see me in one of Vitto's epic's coming out at the same time as "Love Stories hits the big screen? God, I'd be drummed out of Hollywood."

"Well, when you come right down to it, you're not exactly a virgin. Those stills Vitto took a few years ago are still circulating on the Internet."

"Yeah, but those are only nude shots - hell, everyone does them. You know what Vitto wants, a regular fuck film. That would ruin me. What I can't figure is what Melva thinks this kidnapping bullshit will accomplish. It won't change my mind."

"Whoa there Case, what kidnapping? Hey, you and me are on a little vacation here, Buddy, like old times." Hoot replied, grinning as naively as a ten-year-old.


You Fuck My Face in the Middle of the Night

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"Old times my ass! When did we ever vacation together?"

"Well, we talked about it - it wasn't my fault you were signed up for every acting class in LA. Anyway, we always shared a room on tour - it was almost the same thing."

"Bologna - doing one night stands 7 days a week is not a 'vacation'. Yeah, we had some fun - when you weren't 'otherwise occupied'. That last tour, for instance, I must have packed your stuff 25 times and hardly ever saw you at all except on stage. I thought Melva was gonna wear you out before that trip was over."

  • friendship

"Melva?" Hoot exclaimed. "Holy shit, did you really think Melva and me were getting it on?" He laughed, "Naw, we don't swing that way. It was Sara Smith. Remember her, the little blond with the big boobs?"

"Really? Now wait a minute. . . Didn't you used to call her the Frost Queen?"

"Well, yeah, but there was a slight January thaw. It didn't last though, by the third week she froze over again."

The vibes, those soothing emanations that had existed from the very first day of their friendship had once again settled over Casey - the feeling so familiar that he found it impossible not to drop into the same old comfortable repartee. He watched Hoot slice a small block of cheese, the sharp cheddar they both favored and he realized that it had been six months or more since they had last shared a meal. Sadly, they had somehow ran out time for friendship. Work had kept them both too busy to take a day off and go to the beach, or to a movie like they used to. Instead, they had wound up talking to each other's answering machines.

It was chill from the metal footrest penetrating his stockings that brought Casey back to the present and to his current predicament.

"Ya know, you can call this a 'vacation' or anything you want, but what the hell does it accomplish except causing more trouble?"

"All right," Hoot replied, "It's not a vacation. Honest Case, I didn't know you tried to settle the advance, if I had, maybe I could have done something. Now it's too late. Melva is pissed and you're in real trouble. If you just hadn't signing that stupid release none of this would have happened."

"Hey, I was oiled to the gills that night!"

"You weren't that drunk. I don't know what your problem was - Vitto yelled 'audition' and you were the first to drop your pants."

Well, he was drunk, but Hoot was right too, he wasn't stoned drunk. He clearly recalled being embarrassed when Vitto pointed out his lack of 'essential star quality', referring of course, to Casey's average endowment. "Christ, it was just a cast party, those things were always wild - and I wasn't the only one who signed a release."

"No, but you're the who's tit's in a wringer now. Look, lets forget that shit. After tonight it's not contracts you have worry about, it's Melva. She went to the dance to harass you, to make you run with your tail between your legs, only you turned the tables on her. Now I think she want's you in a ditch somewhere."

"What! You mean dead?" Casey was shocked.

"No, that wouldn't satisfy her half as much as seeing your face smashed. She's really pissed Case, you have no idea."

"So that's it! I'm on ice out here, waiting for the bully boys, huh?"

"Oh, for Christ's sake - don't be an idiot! Melva doesn't know anything about this; in fact she doesn't know this place exists. I'm just trying to keep you from getting hurt."

Suddenly the whole thing made sense. He'd been 'kidnapped' all right, but kidnapped out of harms way. Hoot hadn't changed a bit, he was still doing what he thought was best. In this instance Casey didn't agree, a court order and a visit by the cops would straighten out both Melva and Vitto a hell of lot faster, but he was touched that Hoot would go to this extreme for him. He also realized he wasn't Hoot's only concern, "You're protecting her too, aren't you?" He asked.

"Of course I am! I don't want Melva going to jail any more than I want you beat up. I guess I'm trying to protect each of you from the other. This thing has escalated to where you have to disappear for awhile."

"How long is 'awhile'?"

"Oh, a couple of weeks maybe. John Martin can probably talk some sense to her, Markey too for that matter. It's just that greedy bastard Vitto pushing for the flick. It was his idea you know. After he heard the rumors coming out of Paramount, all he could see was dollar signs. He doesn't give a shit for anyone, not even Melva, but he sure knows what buttons to push. I don't know all the details, in fact I only heard about this mess yesterday, but I know damn well that he's the one that started the whole thing.

"Two weeks! You've got to be kidding!"

"Hey, it might get cleared up a lot sooner. I'll be in town Monday, I'll talk to Paul, maybe he can straighten it out."

"Oh, now this is cute! It sounds as though I'm stranded here like the barefoot and pregnant bride, is that the idea?"

Hoot laughed, "I don't know about the pregnant part, I sort of figured barefoot would be enough. I'll be back on Wednesday. It won't be so bad. There's a pool outside, a satellite dish that gets 200 channels and lots of reading material. This is my personal hideaway and it's pretty well stocked."

The machine on the counter buzzed. Hoot pulled the pot free, "Coffee?" he asked. Casey nodded. Hoot poured and settled beside him on the next stool,

"So when did you buy this place?"

"Oh, two - three months back. I got it so I could get away on the weekends where no one could find me - the damn phone never stops ringing at home. Only problem is, I haven't had much chance to use it yet. Melva's tour is coming up and I've been swamped."

"So, you weren't even going to tell me about it, huh?" Casey chided.

"Sure I was - the next time we got together. Hell, I haven't seen you in six months."

"Well, I've been busy too, we were on location half the winter. Anyhow, these are cool digs, Hoot. I really like the Mexican look."

"Yeah, well the next time I bring you here, just don't kick me in the nuts, OK?"

Casey suddenly felt like a jerk. He lay his hand on Hoot heavy shoulder, "I'm really sorry about that, Hoot - everything happened so fast - I saw the look on your face, got scared and just let fly. It was all reaction."

"You're forgiven," he said, "The truth is that when Melva started screaming I was pissed off at everyone for dragging me into this mess - you included. I probably looked it too. Sorry about the bloody nose, Case - I didn't mean to hit you that hard."

Shaking his head, Casey laughed wryly, "Oh, yes you did! Not that I blame you, I earned that swat. Of course if your hand print remains permanently impressed, I'm talking to a lawyer."

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written by ernies
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