This day was no different than any other day. It was a spring day just as pretty and warm as any spring day. A warm breeze was flowing from the south, the birds were singing, and the flowers were growing. If you would listen, you could actually here Mother Nature at work.
This story is about me on a day like this. Of the many times I have pleasured myself when I was young, I never thought I would ever do it now at my age, but it happen. It all started innocently enough. I was at work and I was all-alone. My office is away from the others. In fact, I'm in a big office all by myself. No one can see me. If they didn't see me, they wouldn't even know that I was here. I am totally by myself.
I got this hot sensation and this cramp feeling around my private parts. I straighten my legs several times, but that did not make me feel any better. Next I got up from my chair and pulled down at my pants and under pants with my right hand. You know, you grab the material between your legs and pull down away from your body. This released the pressure around my dick and balls. After I sat back down, I didn't felt any better and I still had the cramp feeling. It felt as if I had a partial hard-on. If I did, I didn't know why, I wasn't thinking of anything that would produce a hard-on. Just work stuff and you all know how boring that is.
I though I better check things out. What would cause me to have a hard-on? I got up and walked to the men's room, which was down the hall and around the corner. I was careful to not to let my hardness show to anyone that I pass on my way. Once in the restroom, I took the room that was next to the wall. After locking the door, I undid my belt and pants loops, letting everything drop to my ankles. Yea, I was right, I had a semi hard-on. I always enjoyed looking at my self and this time was no different. I'm sure all of you have done the same. I unbutton my shirt and let it flow around back, out of the way. I placed my right hand around my dick but I didn't do anything. I just held it. My dick got even harder.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
I though I better stop. I didn't want to waste a jack-off. It has been a long time since I did anything like that. I don't play with myself any more, not since I got married. Its still has been a long time. I let go of myself and just sat there for what seam like 15 minutes or so. In all that time, my dick didn't go down. As I looked at my watch, I realized that it was getting close to lunchtime; I though I better do something about this. I didn't want to go around work all day with a hard-on nor did I intent to spend all day in the bathroom. After straighten my clothes, I left the tiny room. I slid my dick down my left leg. I slid it down pass my under pants. I though I would take my underpants off but what would I to do with them. Here I am walking back to my office with my dick clearly marking my pants with its big imprint. I passed no one.
I hurried and put my coat on; at least this would hide my little problem. Not a little problem but a large problem. Getting in my car, I decided to drive to the local park. I knew of several park benches that are out-of-the-way. I thought I would sit on the park benches and wait until matters would go down. When I got to the park it was almost empty. No cars and no one in sight. I was the only one on the path that led around the lake. I picked a bench facing away from the path looking at the small lake that wondered through the park. As I sat down, I again let my hand drop to my big hump in my pants. I slowly dropped the zipper and let my manhood slid out of its hiding place. I pulled the underpants down my legs letting my private parts swing free as I gave as much room as I could without taking my pants down.
I'm sitting on this bench with my overcoat on and my zipper down showing my dick in all its glory. I though that if anyone came by, I would pull my coat over me. I would be safe from prying eyes. The skin of my dick was pulled all the way back. It's been like that ever since the bathroom. No one was in sight and I continued to look at my nakedness. The dome head was large and a deep purple in color. The warm sun was bouncing off this large dome, as it was a magnet, drawing every bit of the energy that the sun had to offer. The sun felt great. It gave me warmth that I still feel today. After several minutes, I still had this giant hard-on and it appeared to me that it had no intention of ever going down by it self.
- friendship
I quickly looked around and seeing no one, I again placed my right fist on my dick and started to slowly jack myself off pulling and pushing the foreskin up and down my staff and over the dome. I know it's hard to believe, my dick grew even larger as I slowly pump the large foreskin back and forth. As the skin moved over the head, I got more and more excited. A few little drops of liquid came out of my little hole and spread its self over the giant purple dome.
I loosen the grip that my right hand had on my dick and the next time my hand was on the top, I gathered as much of the liquid as I could in my hand as I pulled it back down my shaft toward the public hair at the base. I know I never seen my dick that large before. In my high school days when beating off was an every day occurrence, my dick was never that large. I would be willing to bet that I was even larger now than I was on my honeymoon. I stiffen my legs as I stroke my dick. I could feel a hot feeling starting at from my toes and racing up my legs. When it reached my bag of nuts, I felt it collect there waiting for its release.
My bags got tight as I continue to pump my staff up and down. I couldn't stop now even if I wanted to. The large purple dome was shining in the bright sunlight like a beacon in the night. I know that it would only be a matter of time before I shot this load. I had a thought that I wish someone was with me to gather my dick in as I shot this load. It would have been nice if Hank were with me then. I'm sure he would know what to do to me.
I really believe that I grown in length and width. My left hand circled my staff and balls while my right fist continued its movements up and down from my left hand on my balls to the dome at the top. The foreskin covered and re-covered the dome while I kept the movement going harder and harder, faster and faster.
My balls decided to let the fluid escape up the staff and out its little hole at the top. I'm sure the fluid shot five inches in the air above my dick only to fall back to the dome as it flowed around and under the foreskin. I looked around and not seeing anyone, I continued to pump my dick up and down even faster. After the fluid stop flowing out of its hole, I pumped now slower until I felt another wave of pleasure, than another.
I counted three times I came; three times I felt the pleasure in my insides; three times I had jack-off in a row. My right hand was now covered with the white liquid that had escaped out of it hiding place deep within my balls. I continued to pump even after the fluid stopped flowing. I then took my handkerchief out with my soaked right hand and wiped the liquid off my hands then my dick. The handkerchief was now soaking wet with my fluid.
I let it drop to the ground besides the bench. The sticky white fluid was also lying around my balls and had the hair at the base of my staff all matted like soap that had collected after a shower and before one would rinse off. Using my underpants, I then wiped the base of my dick getting the reminder of my love juice. I know my underpants would feel damp all day but I didn't care. It would remind me of what I have done.
I looked at my dick, as it was pulsing up and down and I thought I could do this again but I decided to not to, maybe later in the day. This felt great. I had this warn feeling throughout my body. I will need to clean up before I go back to work, and before I go home. I had forgotten how this felt afterwards. I was now thinking about the times I did this when I was younger and the times I was with my buddy Hank and the things we did to each other, but that another story. Right now, I only thought about this jack-off and how good it felt. I had this warm feeling and I hope I had it all day long.
After I returned to the office, I sat at my desk with a great warm feeling that spayed with me all afternoon. My dick stayed semi-hard and every time I reached down to grab it, I got warm all over my body. One time, around 3:00pm, I went to the bathroom, the same one I had visited earlier. I went to the same little room and sat on the same commode. This time, when I grabbed my dick, I continued to stroke it until a little drop of clear liquid came out of that dark little hole on the large dome at the top of my shaft. The dome was still purple in color and the pink staff stood straight in the air.
I took my index finger and gathered all of the clear liquid and held it up to my mouth so my tongue could taste it. Again I felt that warm feeling I had felt earlier. The liquid tastes the same as it did when I was younger. I didn't jack-off this time but I made that pre-cum roll out of my pee hole quite a few times just so I could taste it again and again. I was so hot. I was slowly jacking off just to the point of making myself come just to eject the pre-cum.
Around 4:00pm, I decided to call Hank. I haven't talked to Hank since we stopped seeing each other. As close as I could figure, that was about five years ago. Today, I missed not having him around. I knew that once I called him, I would want him with me again and we could do the things that I tried to forget. He had a great mouth and hands that could make me hot. Hank had called me several times and wanted me back. He said he would do anything to see me again. He would be excited to know that this time I wanted him. I called my wife and told her I would be late tonight and have dinner without me. I then called Hank. After all these years, I remembered his number and when I heard his voice, I got hard again.
He sounded executed when he heard my voice and told me to come right over, which I intended to do so. I left work about 4:30pm and I quickly drove the five or so miles to his home. He met me at the door and once inside he quickly offered me a drink. I looked at his pants and I could see a light outline of his dick. I'm sure mine was doing the same. I had a hard-on all day. Even after I had jacked off in the park, I stayed semi-hard.
He asked me what prompted me calling him again after five years of ignoring him. He said that he got tired of calling me and that he was surprise to see me there. I told him about the park and this afternoon of me being so hot. I also told him about my diet of pre-com. While I was talking I rubbed myself several times letting him see me do it. He had to see how hot I was.
I again looked at him and he wasn't any harder. I ask if I could use the bathroom and I quickly went in. I didn't shut the door but I turned on the sink water to wash my self off after I had removed my pants, underpants, shoes and socks. There I stood looking at myself with just my white shirt and tie on and nothing else. I then took off the rest of my clothes. I said to myself, "this will save time and he can do what ever he wants to, I'm ready."
My dick stood straight out from my body, I didn't need any help there. A few drops were again on my dome and I quickly wiped them off with my index finger and sucked it in my mouth. Oh, did that ever tasted good.
I decided that now was the time as I quickly walked backed into the living room. Hank just stood there and watches me as I approached him. He said "what this? Are you expecting something?" I said "Yea, you and I together, like old times".
He said "You can't just walk in here and expected me to suck you off like the old times, I need more than that now. I'm seeing someone else. You will need to do things to me also. No more of this one sided sex."
I said, "Ok, I need you badly".
With that I grabbed his outline and stroked it through his pants. He was getting hard as I unfasten his belt and dropped his pants to the floor. He had no underpants on. I grabbed his dick with my right hand as I palmed his balls with my left. I brushed his dick with my face as I looked up and looked at his opened eyes. He was watching me play with him. I would have expected closed eyes. This was not like the old days.
Then he would be playing with me and I would be the one to just watching. In the old days, I did make him come, not with my mouth, just my hands. One time I did suck him off, but that was the first time I met him in the same park were I had jacked off earlier. I didn't understand what was going on. I expected him all over me with his hands and mouth. I needed him so bad, I was so hot.
I stood up; my dick brushed his, not once but several times. I reached down and slowly stroked him. He had no foreskin like I did. He was longer than me, but mine was thicker. His staff was darker than mine and his balls lay in their little sack between his legs. I said, "are you going to do something to me?" and he said, "Yea, I want to see how hot you really were".
He grabbed my hand and lead me to the bedroom where he position him self on the bed with his head near the bottom. I position myself over him. I had my feet on the floor. I looked down and saw his large dick sticking straight up into my face. My arms were on either side of his head supporting me. I looked down at myself and he was just waiting, I guess, on me to start sucking.
This wasn't going to be like the old days. To get one of his great blowjobs, I would need to give one. The only time I did suck him off I was so hot and it wasn't that bad either. I hit his bouncing dick with my lips and as I passed over him, I blew hot air on him. He licked my dick several times. I followed his lead and did the same to him. I position my mouth directly over his dick and I let his beautiful dick slid into my waiting open mouth.
I went all the way down to his bush of hair at the base of his large dick. I don't know what he was doing to me but I was enjoying his manhood moving in and out of my mouth. Once I stopped to look down at my dick sliding in and out of his mouth. He was just lying there as I was pumping my hips up and down moving my dick harder and harder and deeper and deeper into that great hole in his face.
I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the round hole I had placed my dick into and I took him again into my mouth as I started to suck on him again only harder this time. Up and down I went. I continued that motion as I decided to enjoy this new feel for as long as I could. I went down as far as I could go; down to his hair as it tickled my nose, then up to the dome at the top of his staff.
Up and down I went. I was enjoying this feeling and I was thinking that I didn't want this to end. I was really enjoying this. I'm pumping my hips real hard now and I can feel my juices climbing my legs, reaching for my bag at the base of my staff. His dick was getting harder also as I quicken my pace on his dick. First I felt a shot of his fluid hitting the back of my mouth, I knew I just received his first deposit. Quickly, a second, but larger shot, hit the back of my throat, but this was different. It was much larger and it tasted different.
I didn't let this one slid down my throat like I did the first. I then knew the first was nothing but pre-com. The second was his dick letting go of his trapped juices. I raised my head and drank in his fluid then letting it got down my throat. I hopped I wouldn't get sick but I enjoyed the taste and feeling. I felt my dick let go of my trap juices as I was pumping my love juices down his throat. I could feel myself pumping out tons of fluid. He took it all. I wish he were there earlier when I pumped my juices on the ground. His blowjob was better than my jack off. What a waste.
As I was coming, I let his dick side into my mouth a second time, not to make him come but just to feel his dick move in and out. He did the same to me. After a few minutes, I stopped and got up off his body and lay on my back besides him. We were laying head to toe as I reached over to slowly move his dick up and down with my hand. He was real soft and small as I felt his wetness, part of his love juice and part of my salvia.
He was doing nothing to me but I didn't care. He was just enjoying me as I was handling his dick. I could feel him getting semi-hard. I raised myself up on my elbows as I watch him get hard as I was stroking him. I thought about slowly sucking on him again just to let him know how much I had enjoyed his blowjob. I started to but he stopped me and told me to lie back for he wanted to make my make me come again. With that he lay over my legs and slowly first moved my dick with his hand then with his mouth as he was bringing my dick up and hard again. I hopped I could come a third time today.
I lifted my left leg up and over his body placing him between my legs. His right hand was gently rubbing my chest and stomach while his left hand was lightly rubbing my balls and legs. His mouth, his gentle warm mouth, was slowly sucking on my small dick. My dick was starting to get hard as his warm mouth continue to softly suck. I didn't get hard real fast as you would expect me to, but I was getting hard. After all, I did come twice today already. He did this for over five minutes and it felt as if I was coming all the time. You know the feeling when your dick pumps the fluid out of its small hole only I was feeling this sanitation while he was sucking on me.
I was in heaven. I didn't want him to stop. I wanted this to last forever and as long as he sucked on me, I believe that it would have. Finally I felt the fluid rolling up my legs toward my little bag, which he was holding in his left hand. I knew my bag was tight but that didn't stop him. He continued his gentle assault on my dick and balls until it decided to release my fluid into his waiting mouth.
I arched my hips up as I pumped and pumped my love juices. He took all I had and as I release my hips to lie back on the bed, he continued to suck bring my dick back down to its normal small size. After it was over, I tried to speak but couldn't. We just lied there not touching. I finally said, "That was the greatest feeling I had ever felt". He didn't say anything.
It was getting dark now as he turned on the light besides the bed. The soft light put an amber glow on everything as we continued to lie besides each other. I said that I would like to try what he did to me and I position myself in the same position he was earlier. Using the same hands as he did, I did the same thing he had done to me. His manhood looked the same as my dick did as I placed it into my mouth. It was so soft that I could make it move between my lips.
I took my right hand and held it up for me to start moving it back and forth. As it started to get hard, I placed my right hand back onto his chest. It felt like a soft lump of meat as I slowly move my head up and down on him. There was no way to describe how it felt to suck on something, as it gets hard in your mouth. With in a few seconds, or was it minutes, his dick was hard again and I let it slide in and out as I applied pressure with my lips. I didn't move very fast, in fact I kept the tempo slow, just as he had done.
I felt him getting harder and I knew that he was getting ready for his release. He was moving now, not only up and down, but also side to side. I then, at that second, knew that he wanted this and that he wanted me to do it to him. He wanted this soft blowjob. He started to pump fluid now, not hard, like the first time, but like a gentle roll out.
You know how some hatchets runs out of the bottle while others kind of rolls out, well this is how he came, very soft and gentle. His fluid just rolled out of the small hole. I continue to suck, even after he stopped pumping. I didn't mind it at all. At this moment, we were like one person. I continued my job until be leaned up and placed his hand on my head. I knew that he was done. I knew that we both were done.
We stayed there a few minute, not talking just lying on the bed. After what seamed minutes, he get up and goes into the bathroom to start the shower. I quickly follow him and got into the shower with him. Still not talking, we wash each other's bodies. Afterwards, I left, leaving him standing in his living room. I said that we would do this again and I wanted to, but I knew in my heart, we would not make it permanent. I was still married but we would see each other again and again. I promise you that.
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