I growled uncontrollably but quietly against the unending waves of pleasure that were unbelievably forceful and powerful. My butt cheeks unclenched momentarily, and I felt the stimulation on my dick lessen while my boy stick twitched and felt like it was trying its hardest to pump out some invisible liquid. As I convulsed, hunching forward over and over, I saw my ball sack shifting all over the place and I found that I liked the tickling feeling that Willie was giving my sack as I climaxed.
The pleasure surges moved into longer and weaker intervals. My breathing calmed a bit more as I took in the last few tickled on my ball sack. When there was no more stimulation on my skin, I felt alone in a room filled with sleepers. I pulled my jacket from under me to cover myself and waited in the thick silence, hoping that it wasn't the last of my ghost friend.
"Where are you?" I whispered into the dim room.
My answer came in the form of invisible fingers combing gently through my hair. It felt amazing in my warm and hazy afterglow. I wanted to say more and ask questions, but all I could do was take in a long and peaceful breath with every stroke against my scalp. I felt a tiny panic surge through me, thinking that I might just fall asleep before I could clean up. I kept telling myself to just sit up, clean up and then go to sleep. I also kept talking myself into laying still for just a few more soothing strokes through my hair.

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I woke up the next morning with a jolt. It felt like I had just closed my eyes while Willie was soothing me, then all of a sudden it was daylight and the other boys were awake and talking. I looked down the bed to see that covers had been thrown over me. I peeled the cover down and saw that I had my green shirt on again. I was fully dressed, shoes and all. Toby walked past my bed obviously avoiding eye contact with me. Stevie still lay in bed next to me humming a random tune as his eyes looked upward.
Something hard was pressing against my side and I saw that it was my flashlight. I got a dreaded sick feeling in my stomach as I asked myself if I had really experienced those awesome moments of pleasure last night. I couldn't remember getting dressed again last night and I sure didn't recall anyone else doing it. I thought about the intense feelings that shot through me last night and the amount of noise that I must have made. In the new daylight, the experience felt unreal and my mind told me that some one would have woken up through out the whole experience.
I suddenly recalled the moment when I saw my own undies being ripped in two. I wiggled my butt in my bed, trying to feel if I was wearing any underwear at all, but it was difficult to tell. My right hand felt past the twisted material of my jacket and pulled my shirt up. I felt the brass of my fastened belt and lifted it up and reached my left hand into my jeans.
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The huge suffocating ball in my throat was immediate. I grabbed on to the intact elastic band of my own underwear, and then felt my way lower. The my briefs were whole and not ripped in two. I felt the hot moisture of tears that wanted to fill my eyes. My body felt heavy and I tried to fight the frown on my face as I told myself that it was just a dream.
I laid in bed for a long time. I heard everyone get up and leave for breakfast, except for little Stevie, who waited patiently in his own bed. I finally sat up, hearing Stevie's excited greeting. My flashlight rolled against my moving body, letting me know that at least some of the things that I remembered, were real. The ghost was real, even though my brain thought of him differently because of a good dream.
"Hurry!" Stevie yelped at me, "Its blueberry pancakes today!" Food didn't sound very pleasing to me but I knew that Stevie wouldn't go to the dining hall unless I was there. I rolled out of bed, seeing the multitude of wrinkles in my clothes from sleeping in them.
I heard footsteps hurrying from down the hall. I felt the instant rush of anger when I saw Carl rush in to fish something out from under his bed. Before leaving the room Carl stopped to show a look of scorn to both myself and Stevie.
I stepped in front of Stevie, meeting Carl's dagger eyes. "Is that all you're gonna do? Just stand there and look stupid?" I stepped closer until I was only a foot away. The difference in height was noticeable and any other day it would of intimidated me. I kept my defiant face on, letting Carl know that he wouldn't find weakness here anymore.
Carl's face briefly flashed on confusion, then he walked out of the room in a hurry again. I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding and turned around to see the wide grin on Stevie's face. I stood a little taller when I smiled back at my little friend.
I quickly pressed flat open hands on the material of my clothes, but the wrinkles would have to stay through breakfast. Food suddenly sounded good again and Stevie's jumpy little figure was telling me to hurry so we wouldn't miss out. My shirt looked like It had been wadded up into a tight ball for thousands of years and it bugged me a little so I asked Stevie to wait two seconds while I put on another shirt.
When I had put on my favorite maroon t-shirt, I heard Stevie ask, "What's that?"
He was pointing to my pillow. I walked to the head of the bed and lifted the pillow. My eyes widened and I felt the awesome power of a smile on my face. I was looking at a pair of briefs that had been ripped in two.
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