I made a horrible guard. I think I was able to stay awake for a good twenty minutes before feeling the weight of my own eye lids. Fortunately for me, it didn't take long for Carl to succumb to sleep either. I heard a regular snore coming from Carl's bed and I think that put me more at ease with falling into slumber.
I stirred awake in the middle of the night, being brought to consciousness by something so tranquil and soothing. I had never actually felt it before except in my dreams. I felt the gentle and caring touch of fingers brushing through my hair. It was what I did to comfort Stevie, but it is also what I craved for myself.
My eyes opened quickly and what I saw, sent a shocking jolt through me. I would have jumped out of the bed if I hadn't recognized who and what was touching me. I felt my body go rigid as I tried to sink further into the mattress. At some point during the night, the majority of the lights had gotten turned off except for one that was across the room and I had scooted down into the laying position on my bed.
Now, in the middle of the night, I looked up and saw a set of dimples along with a smile. Willie was only about six inches above me, hovering in the air. We were face to face and I looked down toward my feet to see the ghost boy's full body hovering and swimming in the air above me. I felt the abrupt tension drain from me as I realized that the boy was here to caress and not to scare me. I breathed easier as I allowed the set of ghost fingers to comfort me and give me the touch that I didn't know that I needed so much. With every soothing stroke of his hand, my eyes closed and then opened again. On the third stroke of the caring fingers, I opened my eyes and was startled to see that the boy had disappeared.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
I sat up on my elbows, searching the room for the figure of the boy that was just there. I saw the slow rise and fall of the other boy's breathing as they slept in their beds. Stevie was fast asleep in the bed next to mine. I smiled, feeling good about giving his a restful sleep.
The silver flashlight rolled off of my chest to lay next to me. I adjusted my position on the bed to tug out a twisted piece of my jacked that I had rolled over in my sleep. That is when I felt a tugging on the gray scarf around my neck. I thought that perhaps I was laying strangely on the long piece of material, but it sat draped across my buttoned jacket. There was no mistaking it this time, the scarf was definitely moving by itself on my stomach. I grabbed at the gray cloth, holding it tight in my grip and then feeling my blood rush as the part of the scarf that was around my neck, snaked its way around and came completely off.
I gulped, staring at the fist full of material in my hand. This is when I heard the unmistakeable humming sound that I had heard earlier in the day. It was the same boy that was humming and it made me smile. I let go of the scarf and watched curiously as the scarf seemed to pull itself off of me and drop onto the wooden floor.
- sf-fantasy
The soft humming stopped in the same familiar spot that I was used to. I knew that this meant that I should continue the song, but I had only heard the second part once.
"I don't know the whole tune." I whispered into the darkness.
A few quiet seconds went by and I heard the second part of the song being hummed with an echoing ghost voice that felt far away, yet close by.
The front of my jacket began moving and tugging away from my chest. I lightly lifted my upper body off of the bed but felt chest being pushed back down on the bed. The metal buttons that held my army jacked closed, snapped open one by one. I felt myself gasp with every button that undid itself. When all of the buttons were undone, both flaps to the front of my jacket were flung open, draping over my arms at my sides. I began shrugging my right shoulder out of the right sleeve of my jacket, but I quickly felt the shoulder of the jacket, come right back up again. It suddenly became clear to me that the ghost boy wasn't helping me get comfortable for bed. I stopped trying to figure out how to help the boy and laid flat, trying to look submissive.
"Go for it." I whispered.
My breathing became shaky as I readied myself for the experience. I shuddered when I saw the green material on my old polo shirt, move around and gather near my belly button. I watched as my shirt lifted above the waist line of my pants, exposing my stomach. My tummy rose and settled unevenly and I gasped as I saw my innie of a belly button indent into me further. My hands gathered bunches of the top cover on the bed and I sucked in air as I felt what had to be a tongue probing into me. It was odd feeling moisture when there was no real wetness at all.
I watched as little points of the skin around my belly button sucked upward. I heard kissing noises and held onto the covers even tighter as I enjoyed the feeling that made my dick move a little. I tried to be quiet, but I couldn't stop a quiet moan from escaping.
The kissing on my stomach stopped and I held my breath while I waited to see what would happen next. My eyes searched the surrounding beds to make sure everyone was still sleeping and I was glad to see that they were.
I saw the leather belt on my waist lift up a little. I jumped at the tugging and felt my heard beat speed up while I contemplated what all this would lead to. The brass belt buckle clinked while the loose end seemed to push itself out of the metal loop that held the belt on. The end of the leather strap tugged quickly to the right and I felt my waist line expand, giving into the loosened belt. I wasn't fat or anything but I still had some baby pudginess that collected around my sides.
The belt loosened and undid itself, pulling the two ends completely apart from each other. The brass buckle made all sorts of loud noises and I checked the other sleeping boys to see that none had waken up.
I huffed out a quick breath when I saw the button of the front of my pants, pull upward, shaking the bed. The button tugged twice more until finally I heard the snap that opened the fly of my jeans. I swallowed and felt my toes curling in my shoes as I watched the metal pulley for my zipper, pull itself slowly toward my feet.
I didn't have a big dick or anything, but what I did have was slowly becoming hard and pushing my white briefs through the newly opened V at my crotch. I pushed my hips up slightly, liking the feel of the cotton against my hard-on and I heard my own uneven breathing as I watched the elastic band of my briefs raise up and away from my skin. The waist band of my undies was opened just enough that I could see my own skin covered dick head pulsing with my heart beat. The elastic made a quiet slapping noise as it was let go against me.
I saw an indent push in on my right side pant leg and I watched it trace all the way to my shoes. It looked like my feet were twitching or something because my shoes moved around on the covers randomly. The brown laces of my right shoe began moving all over until I saw the laces untie, pointing straight up, then fell back down again. It was the same thing for the other shoe until both shoes felt loose on my feet. I wiggled my toes in the shoes that were ready to come off and that's when it felt like both shoes jumped right off of me at the same time.
I smiled a little when it looked like the toes of my socks were becoming pointy. The tips of both of my socks stretched upward and gathered into balls in the air above my feet. Slowly, the cotton socks pulled off to join the bunched cotton until my feet were finally naked. I wiggled my toes again as I watched my socks land on the bed next to my shoes.
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written by paramoe1954RATE THIS STORY
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