When I left the Computer Sciences classroom I was so upset I wasn't sure where I was heading. I leaned against the wall of the hallway trying to get a grip. It always makes me so mad when I cry in public. And to break into tears because some jock rejects my offer of friendship and another flea brain jock mocks me just makes me all the madder at myself for getting so emotional.
Sure, Carl's rejecting my offer of friendship hurt, but Hell, it wasn't like I was asking him to go help me pick us out a china and silver pattern, for gawd's sake. I know he's got his life and I've got mine and in the fall we'll both be in different parts of the country going to college. So, what's the big deal! And, Steve Stanley, one of Carl's football buddies let me know that Carl had been telling about out trip this past Saturday to his Grandfather's farm.
But, what about the sex we had at the ol' swimming hole. There is no way Carl would have told them about that! Not macho, straight as an arrow, super stud Carl Carpenter! But, if Steve knew about me being terrified when I thought Carl had drowned and I couldn't find him, just how much more DID Carl tell? He sure never told any of the jocks about how he took me in his arms on the spillway and kissed me. Nor would he have told them of the way he had sat on the blanket under the tree and sucked my cock and the way he got me off while we were in a 69 position or the way he fucked me Missionary style afterwards.
Any of this would destroy his persona and reputation of being the Resident Stud. Why, he'd be classed as a Cock Sucking Queer just like me and all the other gays. Just what did Carl tell about last Saturday?

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Mr. Johnson, my teacher, running late for class as usual, came hurrying down the hall towards me and the classroom door. "What are you doing out here in the hallway? Your suppose to be at your work station. Uhhh Mike, you seem awfully upset. What's the matter?"
"I'm not feeling too well, Mr. Johnson. May I cut class and go home?"
"You think you should go see the school nurse? Is there someone at home that can take care of you? Are you sure you'll be all right?" Mr. Johnson asked.
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"Yes, Sir. My Mom will be home from work soon and Dad shortly thereafter. I don't need to go see the nurse. I just want to go home and lie down for awhile. I'll be fine." I reassured him.
"Well, okay, if your sure. I'll let Administration know I gave you an early dismissal. Take care. I hope to see you tomorrow." Mr. Johnson said.
I headed for my locker to pick up some books I needed for tonight's homework and ran into Frank, my best friend and sometimes Fuck Buddy. No relationship here, just good friends that like to have a good time, from time to time.
He was at his locker too and we both said, "What are you doing out of class?" at the same time. Laughingly, Frank told me that he'd be "set free" since he had Teacher's Assistant this period and the teacher was out. He explained, "The substitute teacher didn't need me and told me to go to the library to take a Study Period. Yeah, right. Like I'm heading to the Library. Now, what's your story?"
I told Frank all about the conversation I'd had with Carl and Steve's remark and how it upset me and I cut class, with Mr. Johnson's approval. "He thinks I'm sick or something. Anyway, he let me skip class.", I explained.
"Carl's an asshole. Anyway, I guess you SHOULD be upset with the story that's been going around school today." Frank said. "Carl's been bragging how you begged him to let you suck him off and then gagged on his cock when he was face fucking you. What's that all about? You score with the football jock or is he just blowing smoke up everyone's ass?"
"He said WHAT? To who? And, besides, I didn't beg and I didn't gag! I didn't have to on both counts." I replied.
"To anybody that would listen to him, I guess? Com'on. Let's go somewhere where we can talk. I want more info than Carl's putting out. Methinks there's more here than meets the eye." Frank said.
We went to my car in the student parking lot. Frank began telling me the story as he'd heard it.
"It seems that you helped Carl with some assignment and to repay you for your helping him, he took you to some river bank for a picnic. As soon as you got there you were stripping off your clothes and wanted Carl to go skinny dipping with you.
He refused to get naked, but did strip down to his underwear and went in. You were all over him in the water, dunking him and groping him under the water. He took a deep dive and swam underwater to some spillway or something there dividing the water from some rocks or something.
He hid from you in those rocks and you started looking all around, thinking he'd drowned. When he saw how scared you'd gotten, he let you know that he was all right and you both got out of the water. It was then that you started begging Carl to have sex with you. He says he refused and threatened to beat the shit out of you if you didn't stop acting like a whore in heat. Then you started begging him to let you give him a blow job, that he wouldn't have to do anything.
Well, as Carl says, "A blow job is a blow job and the worst head I've had was fantastic! so I let the little cock sucker polish my knob."
After you made a sorry attempt at sucking his big cock, said it was too big for you to take, he had to finish the job by jacking off in your face. Then he was so disgusted with you that he took you back home."
I sat there dumbfounded! Seething! "Frank, that's not even close to how things went down this past weekend." I said. Then, I proceeded to tell Frank exactly what happened, up to and including Steve's catty remark.
After I'd given vent to my spleen and told Frank the real story, he looked across at me and said, "There is no way your going to let Carl get away with this. Why, he's as gay as you and me and his team mates, his wenches, all the people he's fooled into thinking he's this macho hunk "breeder" should be told."
"Frank, there is no way that any of Carl's friends are going to believe that he's anything but young, hung and full of cum, and most of all, straight. Can you see them believing ME, a gay guy, that supposedly tried to seduce Mr. Straight Arrow, trying to tell them otherwise? They'd laugh me out of town, after the tarring and feathering me first" I replied.
"Well, what are you going to do about it?" Frank asked.
"You can't let him get away with the slander. You've got to come up with some way to disprove what he's telling on you if you ever want to hold your head up around here again. There is NO WAY your going to let him get away with this kind of thing!" he exclaimed.
"Damn, if you just had some pictures or some sort of solid evidence to back up your facts.".
That set my mind to grinding. I had gotten a digital camera for Christmas with a telephoto lens attachment. I began thinking about the terrain on the other side of the river from the swimming hole. Was it developed?
Was it farmland? Had the land been cleared? I couldn't remember but I knew right then that I was going to go find out. I told Frank what was running through my mind and told him I was going to go out to the swimming hole and do some scouting and lay some plans.
Frank wanted to go with me but he has an after school job and had to go to work I dropped him off at his job and headed out to Grampa Caldwell's and the ol' swimming hole.
Instead of taking the exit to his farm, I drove over the bridge to the other side of the river and started looking for the next exit off the highway. Just a little over a mile down the road, I found the exit and was relieved to find it led off the highway onto a two lane, duel direction access road. Taking a right on the access, I drove back to the river.
"Oh, this was turning out to be too easy" I said to myself. Right where I needed it was a two tire track path leading along the bank of the river. I drove down it and the path took me to the swimming hole. A copse of trees hid the river from view, but I could hear the sounds of the water pouring over, under, and through the spillway onto the rocks and boulders.
I got out of the car and traipsed through the trees and I was there! The opposite side of the swimming hole. I was just a few feet down stream from the spillway. Hiking to the spillway, I found all kinds of underbrush and tall grasses directly across the river from the place where Carl and I had been.. Perfect!
Now, all I needed to know is when Carl and one of his "friends" were going to be here for some fun in the sun. It was then that I remembered that Carl had told me that he comes to his grandfather's every Saturday to deliver groceries, supplies and clean laundry and pick up the dirty laundry. So, he should be here next Saturday. If he brings someone with him, and they come down to the swimming hole, and Carl and he have a sexual escapade, then, by George, I was going to be right here with my trusty camera to capture the action and I'll have the evidence that would show the world just what Carl is! Aahhhh, revenge is sweet!
Saturday couldn't come soon enough. Shortly before 2 PM I was in place and ready to do some major spying. I checked out the area and things were just not as I had expected them to be. No one was swimming . No one was on the spillway. No one was playing on and around the boulders.
Across the river sat Carl and his conquest for the day. Mr. Conquest had his back towards me and I couldn't identify him. I focused the camera and the telephoto lens brought them up so close it was as if I was right there with them. Mr. Conquest sported broad shoulders, sandy brown hair cut short and neatly groomed (where have I seen this head before?) and was dressed in a tee shirt, shorts and sneakers. He sat in front of and to the left of Carl. Carl was dressed like he always was; blue work shirt, jeans, and those heavy looking work boots. As Carl and the mystery man talked and laughed, it appeared that Carl hung on his every word. He made total eye contact, smiling and laughing with him like he was the dessert of the day. Snap, snap, snap. Carl laughed at something that had been said, reached out his hand and touched the face of the speaker. Now, that was a gentle gesture. Snap, snap, snap. The speaker reached up and took Carl's hand, kissed it and held it as he leaned forward and kissed Carl on the lips. Snap, snap, snap. Now, this was getting interesting. It was a tender kiss. A gentle kiss. A loving kiss (or am I a romantic and putting way too much into what was happening?). Carl and the mystery man moved closer, Carl's arms went around his neck and shoulders, the mystery man's arms went around Carl's sides and waist and they began to kiss and embrace. Things certainly were beginning to warm up. Snap, snap, snap.
Who is this guy that Carl is kissing and holding so tenderly? Curiosity was eating me alive! Well, if curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back. The two stood, embraced for one more kiss (Carl was several inches shorter and had to reach up to wrap his arms around his neck) and, bless him, turned so that I got a side view of the two of them. Snap, snap, snap. As they broke the kiss, they reached for each other's shirts and began undressing each other. I got my first look at the mystery man. I almost dropped my camera! I gasped and let loose with an expletive. The guy wasn't one of the guys at all. Holy shit! It was Mr. Johnson, our Computer Science teacher.
Gawd, I'd always been attracted to Mr. Johnson. Who wouldn't be! He was a total dream boat. Mr. Johnson was about 24-25 years old, tall (at least 6'2:"), handsome (Oh, yeah), sexy, soft brown eyes that cut into your very soul, a dimpled smile that stopped your breath in your throat, shoulders out to there (a golf fanatic, I heard-swinging at those golf balls must have paid off), a tapered waist and legs that looked as if they went on for forever. At school, he was always dressed in an open necked polo shirt, with just a tuft of chest hair showing, and Dockers. He was fresh out of college and this semester had been his first teaching job. All the gays had major crushes on him, and, it appears, that our football hero was about to score, big time! You GO, Carl! Snap, snap, snap.
Carl and Mr. Johnson, I can't keep thinking of him as "Mr. Johnson". I thought. Uhhhh, Ed! That's his first name, Ed. It seemed that neither was in any particular hurry. Instead, they savored and enjoyed each other's bodies. My dick was so hard. I could feel the moistness as it oozed and dripped pre cum. I was so turned on and shaky I feared I'd loose it right here in the bushes.
Carl peeled Ed's tee shirt off and dropped it at their feet. He ran his hands over Ed's chest. Ed's chest showed up beautifully in my lens. Pecs well defined with a splash of brown hair; not so thick that it hid his muscular development, but just enough that one could run their hands across his chest and feel the warmth and the firmness of his skin and the softness of his chest hairs. Snap, snap, snap. Carl lowered his face to Ed's chest and began licking, sucking, and teasing Ed's nipples. Ed threw back his head, obviously enjoying the adoration and Carl's ministrations.
As Carl devoured Ed's chest with his lips, tongue, mouth, and hands, he unbuckled and unzipped Ed's shorts. They soon joined the shirt that had been dropped at their feet. Ed stood there, clad in electric blue bikini briefs. He looked a god! The pronounced bulge in his briefs just about made me faint from desire. My dick throbbed hard and begged for more room. I unzipped and freed it from it's tight quarters, giving it a stroke or two for good measure and went back to my surveillance and photography. Snap, snap, snap.
Carl reached for Ed's bulge, grasping it, stroking it, coping one major feel! Ed pushed his hand aside and began undressing Carl. Carl really must have been eager, because he started helping Ed with buttons, belt, and zipper. He had to stop long enough to get those heavy work boots off and then the stripping continued in earnest until Carl, too, was stripped down to his jockey shorts Carl sported one major hardon that was confined against his lower belly, held in place by the elastic of his shorts. Ed reached for the bulge and, like Carl, coped one major feel. Snap, snap, snap.
Ed took Carl in his arms again and began kissing him. They really must have been frenching deep and hard. Both Carl and Ed appeared to be trying to get into each other's body through their mouths as they ground their lips and mouths together. One can only surmise where and what their tongues were doing during all this. Hands and arms were all over each other's bodies; rubbing, pinching, feeling, grasping (Oh Lordy, I'm going to cum in my jeans!). When did each man's underwear disappear? How did I miss that? But, nonetheless, there they stood. Holding each other, devouring each other, and both naked as when they were born. Snap, snap, snap.
Nude, Ed was gorgeous! His flat stomach, the treasure trail that ran from his inney navel down to his thick, dark brown pubic bush, his cock (at least 7" cut and standing straight out from his body). Oh Lord, to have that man under me, on me, in me!
I was stroking my hard dick with one hand, holding the camera with the other so I could see this sexy, hot man through the lens as I went past the point of no return. I couldn't control, nor did I want to, my orgasm as volley after volley of hot cum expelled from my dick. The all too familiar tingle, the electric like spasms that racked my body sent me into orgasmic delight. I don't remember when I ever shot so much and so hard! It took a while for my breathing to return to normal and my legs to regain the strength needed to support me. WHEW. What an orgasm. Just think how good it would have been if only I was in Carl's place. But, back to the action across the river.
When I refocused on the action, Carl was on his back, spread eagle. Ed was lying between his legs, face down in Carl's crotch, his head bobbing up and down as he sucked Carl's cock. Snap, snap, snap Carl matched Ed's downward motion by thrusting his hips upward, feeding his dick to Ed. Suddenly, Carl threw back his head, thrust his hips up into Ed's face and began writhing and thrashing about. Ed dove hard and deep into Carl's crotch, taking his dick to the hilt, grasping his hips and holding him deep in his throat as Carl released his load. Snap, snap, snap
What a fantastic blow job! Damn, Carl has all the luck. Ed held Carl in his arms until Carl's breathing became normal again. They began kissing and Carl was stroking Ed's hard cock. Snap, snap, snap
Carl disengaged himself from Ed's embrace, went over to a duffel bag that had been stashed under the tree and retrieved a box of condoms and a tube of KY. Handing the items to Ed, Carl, once again, lay on his back, waiting for Ed's administrations. Ed lifted Carl's legs and lubed Carl's ass, put on a condom, and lubed his encased dick, as well. Ed then positioned himself between Carl's spread legs, raised them again to his shoulders and leaned forward. Positioning himself at Carl's anus, Ed pressed forward. Carl gasped, winced, and Ed, taking great efforts to be gentle, slowing entered Carl and held his position until Carl indicated that he was ready. Slowly, at first, Ed began sliding his dick in and out of Carl's ass. Short strokes that grew in length and depth. Each thrust a little faster, a little deeper than the previous, until Ed had quit a rhythm going. Carl looked as though he was in heaven. Ecstatic, writhing, working his ass with Ed's rhythm, the two men fucked. Snap, snap, snap.
Damn, this was just too much! I was as hot and as turned on as they were. My dick was just as hard as before and begged for attention. I let the camera hang loosely around my neck, grabbed by dick and started pumping it with my fist. Oh! Ughhh! Mmmmmm! Gawd, here I cum again! Once more, I reached orgasm and spilled my seed into the underbrush. I don't ever recall being this horny! I'd had enough. I'd done what I'd set out to do. I'd seen enough to provide fantasy jackoff sessions for the rest of my life!
I had to get home, load these pictures up onto my computer and see what I had. Frank has GOT to see this stuff! He's going to cream in his jeans! Now, what was I going to do with these pictures? How was I going to distribute them and who should get them? Well, Frank can help me decide this after I show him the fruits of my labor and then fuck and suck him off until we both pass out!
I loaded the pictures onto my PC and, my, oh my! did this camera do it's thing! I was stunned and thrilled with the results. The clarity, the detail, the color. Everything was just about perfect. I weeded out the duplicates, the misses (hey, I'm no professional photographer) and the shots that just weren't of any particular interest. But, what I had left was sizzling and worthy of any gay magazine or hot gay web site.
I called Frank over and showed him the pictures. He just about shit a brick when he saw Mr. Johnson! True to form, by the time he'd gone through all the pictures, SEVERAL TIMES, he was hot to trot and ready for some action of his own. He practically attacked me and we had great sex (having a fuck buddy with no strings or hangups is good!).
We then set upon a plan for distribution. My thought was to put them on my web site and pass out the URL to all that I wanted to see them, including Carl and Mr. Ed Johnson.
Frank pointed out that everyone would then know that I was sneaky and had invaded Carl and Ed's privacy. I could get in trouble for posting and/or distributing pornographic material. What if some of the kids that are underage got the URL and their parents monitored what they accessed on the Internet? What do you think they would do? Was this expose worth the danger and the possible rebuttal?
I was still pissed off at Carl and how he'd lied on me to everyone at school, but I began thinking about what good would it do to pass these pictures around. Oh, there'd be sensationalism. People would freak.
But, what about Mr. Johnson. He would lose his job over this. He could even be arrested and go to jail for having sex with a student, even though Carl IS 18 and considered "legal". His reputation with the school board, any school board, would be shot. He'd be blackballed from teaching in any school. Mr. Johnson was too descent a man and a good teacher to have me ruin his life like that. And, I certainly didn't have any ax to grind with him.
As for Carl, what good would exposure do? In 3 weeks, we're graduating and in the fall we will all be going our separate ways. I may never see him again after graduation and really don't care one way or the other. I'm sure he feels the same way about me, if it's even ever crossed his mind. Besides. Who did he tell his tale to, anyway. Just to a bunch of football jocks that don't know me nor would I give the time of day to. What's the big deal? What do I care what they think. I wouldn't give you a dime for the whole pack.
My friends that know me and heard the story know it was a pack of lies. Those that aren't my friends and heard the story and believed it, what's the deal with that. They aren't my friends and what do I care what they may think. This whole thing was turning into a tempest in a tea pot. Much to do about nothing. Really, I was above all that. Why should I lower myself to Carl's level. Two wrongs don't make a right. To thine own self be true. Clichés, clichés, clichés.
As I discussed the pros and cons with Frank, we both came to the same conclusion. Distribution of the pictures could cause more trouble and hurt than it was worth. Best to just drop it and let sleeping dogs lie, lay, whatever..
Yeah, right! All, except two of those bad puppies. I selected two of the pictures and printed them off. One was of Carl, spread eagle on the ground with Ed between his legs giving him head. In the picture, Carl's face was clearly visible and the expression on his face was of pure ecstasy. Ed's face was concealed as he was on his knees with his face buried in Carl's crotch. Hey, it was a nice shot of his ass, though. The other picture was of Carl, again, on his back, his legs spread and resting on Ed's shoulder's, Ed leaning in close and his cock buried deep in Carl's ass. Again, the look of ecstasy was all over Carl's face and Ed's face was concealed by Carl's legs. Oh, these were two very good, hot pictures that showed Carl was really in to man to man sex! Thank you very much, Mr. Straight Arrow.
I wrote Carl a note telling him just what a shit I thought he was and what a hypocrite he was. I also told him that he was as queer as a $3 bill and his macho shit just didn't cut it with me. I also told Carl that as long as he was in the closet, he'd never realize the joy and peace of being able to come to terms with his life preferences and his life would always be lacking and in turmoil until he did.
So much for being Even-Steven.
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