I'd been raised in a fairly small town, so I'd grown up among what people called the "old-fashioned" values. I also grew up somewhat confused by these values. During high school, when it seemed every teen's hormones began kicking into hyper drive, I'd never really had that high a sex drive. At least, I knew that while I'd been on a few dates, I didn't have a particularly furious social life. I considered myself laid-back and relaxed and not in too much of a hurry to jump into bed with some girl. That was how I'd liked it. Of course, I'd also had sex a few times before, and it felt good enough, but I never really made a big deal out of "scoring", or whatever it was most of the guys called it.
In addition to a relatively tepid social life, I'd also known a few guys I occasionally hung around with whom I'd have no problem identifying as good-looking. I never viewed that as being gay or bi, though. I saw it as not having any hang-ups about being able to recognize good looks in either sex. I never admitted that to anyone, however, as I clearly remembered from about grade eight or so what happened when someone started a rumor about one student being gay. I sort of didn't believe something like that could happen again, but the memory stuck in my mind anyways. I didn't want the same thing to happen to me just for being "enlightened", as I once assured myself. I didn't even know any gay people, although I did occasionally find myself wondering what sex would be like with another guy. But that's what confused me about the "old-fashioned" values. People tended to bitch about the fact that the old-fashioned ones were better, but in my opinion all the old-fashioned values seemed to do was promote hate and intellectual crime.
I considered myself cut out for the big city for those reasons. At least, I didn't have any of the difficulties I'd heard described a million times over by people who supposedly knew people who had moved into the big city. I moved out not long after high school, and there I lived, working at an electronics repair shop after having taken an electronics course at a local college.
On this slightly overcast Friday I'd left for my lunch break and driven down the street to a car dealership where a friend of mine, Kriss, worked as a mechanic. Kriss had often come by with some of their electronic diagnostic machines and such to have them repaired. We'd become fairly good friends over the past several months, and we usually went for lunch together about three times a week. Influenced as I was by the stories I'd heard about the "wilds of the big city", I was initially surprised that Kriss was the only openly gay person I knew. (From what I'd heard I had expected the city to be teeming with gay people.) Kriss was what I'd call rather good-looking; he had dark hair, light blue eyes, and sharp, handsome features.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
I met Kriss in the service department. "Ready to go?"
"All ready," he said. "Busy today?"
"Not too bad. There are a few things I'm probably going to have to take home with me tonight to finish over the weekend. Fortunately I don't have to do that very often, but I'll probably be busy until about eight or so tonight."
- blowjob
- twink
We got into my car and headed off to lunch somewhere, following our lunch routine as usual. As we left the dealership I asked him, "So where should we go for lunch today?"
"I've got an idea. Make a left here."
"All right." I signalled, then turned.
Once I'd made the turn, I quickly recognized where he intended to go. "Oh, I think I know the place," I said. "That new buffet-style restaurant down here?"
He nodded.
"How is it? Any good?"
He shrugged. "My sister went there the other day. She liked it. Good food, good price -- all in all a good meal, she said. I figured it was worth a try."
"All right," I said.
We came to a stop at the first of the two sets of lights on the road. "You know, you could have picked another way there," I joked, although slightly peevishly.
"What's your problem? You don't like traffic lights?" he asked with one corner of his mouth upturned.
"Not these ones," I said as the light turned green. "I always have to stop at them."
"Well, at least we know you're human," he smirked. "Human enough to exaggerate."
"No, I'm serious," I said with a solemn face. "I have never once in my life as long as I've ever traveled on this road gotten through the lights without having to stop. These lights on this road only. This set we just got through and the next set. Every fucking time. Drives me nuts."
"Maybe it's because of the way you drive," he said. "If you drive too fast you're never in sync with the lights. I tend to make it through about fifty percent of the time, which is what I'd expect. It depends on the time of day, though. Rush hour is hell, but like I really need to tell you that."
"Oh, get real," I protested. "It can't be that simple."
"You'd be surprised," he countered. "Maybe you're looking for too complex an explanation. Sometimes it is that simple."
"Watch," I said, indicating the lights ahead of me. The amber warning lights began flashing. The light itself turned to amber, then red.
"See? See that? Exhibit A," I said, pointing at the ruby eye staring back at us. "'Sometimes it is that simple,'" I mocked.
He just laughed. "You're too cynical, you know that?"
We went on to lunch. As Kriss's sister had said, the food was very good and the price was very attractive. We made a mental note to come back again soon.
We began heading back, and I started to make my way over to another route which was probably a few minutes longer, but would also obviate the problem with the lights.
"What are you doing?" Kriss asked.
"Going another way so I don't have to fight with the lights."
"No no no no no," he argued. "Go back the same way. And we'll make it interesting this time."
I frowned. "What do you mean, interesting?"
"Just a bet," he said.
"Yeah? Well, I'll bet you anything I won't get through this time, either."
My only answer was silence. I looked over at him and saw him looking at me, a slight smile on his face and one eyebrow raised. "You'd really bet anything?" he asked, an amused tone to his voice.
I just laughed and shook my head. "Sicko," I said.
He kept that suggestive look on his face. "Only if I'm tempted," he said. I just laughed again.
"Tell you what," he said. "If you're right and we have to stop at either one of the lights, then I owe you a hundred bucks. On the other hand..."
I dared spare the time to glance back at him for a moment. He was thinking, but I was a little uneasy at the growing expression of mischief on his face. "What?" I asked.
Finally he said, "If we make it through both sets of lights without stopping, then you owe me a hot night at my place."
I turned to him in surprise. "What!?" I exclaimed. I'd never have expected him to say that. I would have expected him to want me to put on a private strip-show for him, or something like that. He didn't make his attraction to me any more of a secret than he did his sexuality, but I didn't think even he would go this far.
He pointed ahead. "Keep your eyes on the road. I'm not looking to become one with the planet by being splattered all over a little colony on the surface of it."
I looked over at him anyways, attempting to find out whether or not he was serious. He seemed serious enough, but I knew he could joke about things like this while wearing the most convincing poker-face in the world. He had me thrown for a loop this time, though.
"You're kidding, right?" I asked him. I split my attention between him and the road just long enough to see him shaking his head slowly.
I thought about this. There was virtually no chance I could lose. I knew these stupid lights, and they never synchronized. I knew many other people who said the same thing. I shrugged and laughed. "You're nuts. - All right. It's a deal."
Kriss was undaunted by my boldness. "There's always a chance I'll win. It may be slight, but it's there. Be forewarned before you accept the challenge, and understand what you're potentially getting into. Think about the chance that you might just lose, and then be prepared to go through with it if you do lose. I'm warning you now so that if you want to back out, you can do it now. If I win, though, I'm not going to let you back out."
I thought about this a moment. "Fine. I'll admit there's an immensely slight chance you're right. And I still accept, since I don't believe fate is going to bow down its ugly head just this once because of a bet."
"You have to come to a complete stop if it's going to be valid," Kriss insisted. "If you're moving even a little bit, then it doesn't count." He pointed at the speedometer. "And you have to be doing the speed limit."
"Fair enough," I said. I slowed a bit, as I'd been following the crowd of vehicles around me, doing about five klicks over.
The twin amber warning lights were still flashing and red showed in the distance as we approached the intersection. I began braking and shifted down, but out of inattention I inadvertently slipped the transmission into second instead of fourth. As I started to let out the clutch the car jerked suddenly and an angry grinding noise accompanied the engine revving way up, so I quickly shifted it back into fourth.
"Fuck," I cursed myself. "With my luck I'll blow the synchromesh or something."
"I hope you're good at that," Kriss said to me.
"What?" I asked. "Good at blowing the sync-" I paused, suddenly realizing from his smile what he was talking about. I just shook my head. "You're getting worse all the time, you know that?"
"Flattery will get you everywhere."
I just shook my head. "I was right. You're getting worse."
Just then the amber lights stopped flashing and red changed to green. There were still cars in front of us, so I had no choice but to continue slowing down.
The cars ahead started moving slowly forward. The speedometer dropped down to about thirty klicks, but fell no further. Before I knew it, I found myself wondering about what a night with Kriss would be like. I thought it was just curiosity at first, but for some reason I forced myself to stop that train of thought. I didn't really know how to react.
As we continued through the intersection, I looked around like I was in the middle of a tourist attraction, like I'd never seen the place before in my life and was totally awe-struck by it. I said, "I don't believe it. I've never made it through there without having to stop."
"Well, maybe you should try doing the speed limit along here from now on," he commented.
I grinned. "Smartass."
He grinned back. "You drive like a maniac and you call me a smart ass. Is there no justice?"
I just said, "What does that matter?"
"One more light like that and you're mine."
I just gave him a strange look.
Just then, I could see the amber lights come on for the next intersection a number of blocks in the distance. "Ha," I said. "Now you'll see."
"Maybe," he said noncommittally.
The same routine played itself out for the next set of lights, but the lights were still flashing and the red still blazed when the speedometer was reading forty kilometers an hour and dropping rapidly. The car was closing in on the intersection rather quickly, and it was going to come to a stop very soon.
"There you go," I said. "We're going to have to stop now." The car continued coasting towards the line of vehicles stopped at the lights. The car in front of me was still moving, though at a snail's pace. His brake lights blazed as he stopped, which meant I'd be stopped behind him very quickly. I smiled slightly to myself, knowing I'd all but won.
Just then the light turned green and the first cars began to crawl forward. The speedometer was down to twenty and still falling, albeit more slowly. With the number of cars ahead of me, the bet was mine.
Suddenly, the car in front of me began moving. They were all moving at once. They were moving slowly, but they were moving. I never came to a complete stop. The speedometer had dipped down to about fifteen or so for only a few seconds. I felt my face become very hot with surprise and shock. I looked over to Kriss to see him leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and his chin on his hands. He just smiled at me and said, "Looks like you're all mine for tonight, stud."
I blushed. I asked, "You've got a remote control for the lights, don't you?"
He made a face as though he were thinking about this. "No, but now that you mention it, it would have been a good idea." He smiled again.
I sighed. "I guess a bet's a bet."
He chuckled darkly. "I might even... hold you to it." He winked at me.
I blushed even more, making him smile rather darkly and deviously.
He asked me, "Do I really make you nervous?"
"Every now and then you say something that embarrasses me a bit," I replied. "I keep thinking I'm used to it, but then you go and say something that makes me blush."
"Oh," he said. "Well, you don't have to worry about me. I give extra-tender care to all the tall blond studs I wind up in bed with."
I looked over at him, my face once more hot and my eyes once more slightly wide with surprise. He just started laughing.
As we distanced ourselves from the intersection I noticed in my rear-view mirror that a large tractor-trailer truck was waiting at the lights. "That big semi there... where was he when I needed him?" I joked. "If he'd been there a few seconds sooner he would have gotten through while the light was changing and I'd have had to stop and wait for him."
"Maybe he was in fate's hands," Kriss answered. "Just like you."
"Fate developed butterfingers while I wasn't looking."
"I'm not complaining about where you landed when you fell."
I just laughed. There wasn't really anything else I could say.
The rest of the day went fairly quickly. I only had a few projects I could finish off, as I was still waiting for a shipment of components to come in and I needed those parts to complete the repair jobs. They probably wouldn't be in until Monday, so I had to leave them. I was therefore able to take care of most of the work orders I would otherwise have had to take home with me. I liked having my evenings free anyways, and I was apparently going to need my evening free tonight.
I met Kriss over at the dealership after work. We met outside near our respective vehicles, which were parked close together.
"You know how to get to where I live, right?" he asked.
"Yeah, I've been there before."
"Okay. Give me a call before you leave."
"Why, so you can prepare to lay out all the towels and the toys?" I asked sardonically.
He forced a plaintive sigh. "Now you've guessed all my secrets."
I just said, "Don't scare me."
"All right," he conceded, grinning widely, "no toys."
"I'll see you later," I hinted, getting into my car.
He waved from his own car as he started it up and drove away. I followed suit, going back to my own apartment.
I only had one project to work on once I got home. It was a memory and clock board with a burned-out control chip. Since the chip was a generic version, I replaced it with a spare from a sort of spare-parts box of components and chips I'd brought home with me. I tested it to make sure it worked, and it did. That done, I didn't have anything else I had to take care of at home. I took a quick shower and then phoned Kriss.
His voice drifted suggestively out of the receiver. "I'll be waiting," he said.
I was on my way over almost before I was aware of where I was. My mind was strangely blank on the way over. I had no idea as to what to expect, so I didn't bother thinking about anything.
I pressed the button beside his apartment number. The door buzzed open, and I went up to his apartment.
He was waiting outside his apartment for me. "I went and rented a couple of movies so we could just sit down for a while," he said.
"Oh, really?" I asked. "Standard movies for a night alone, hm?"
He looked confused for a moment. He just laughed. "No, not that kind of movie. This is just a date. It's not what you might think."
"All right." I felt a little foolish. I'd judged him based on some of the things he said. I realized, after the fact, that he just said the things he did because he felt comfortable with himself. I realized that he said what he felt like saying when he felt like saying it, also because he was comfortable with himself. I just about pounded my head on the wall at my comment.
We went inside and I sat down while he finished cleaning up in the kitchen. I called out to him, "The Domestic Goddess strikes again, hm?"
He peered around the corner from the kitchen. "The way to a man's heart starts with a clean home," he said. He paused a moment, apparently in thought. Smiling, he said, "Can I come over and clean your place sometime?"
I laughed. "Only if I win the next bet."
A few minutes later he was in the living room, loading a tape into the VCR. The strange thing was, he'd only made the one sort of half-joking pass at me. That aside, he hadn't really made any of his trademark lewd comments or passes. He was normally throwing them at me faster than I could keep up with them. I didn't know how to take this.
He sat down and leaned back in the corner of the couch, right beside me. He grabbed the remote and pressed play, and the comedy "Better Off Dead" began playing.
He explained, "I know you've probably seen this before, but I've only seen part of it and I also know you like this kind of humor."
We did have similar tastes in humor. We got some good laughs out of the movie. However, not far into the show, he put a hand on my shoulder. It slowly moved down my back, then around my waist. I didn't know how to react. I looked over at him, but his attention didn't waver from the television. I took that to mean that he simply felt comfortable with his hand around my waist, not that he was trying to come on to me. I began a furious debate in my head, wondering whether or not I should show some sort of reciprocation. I didn't know what would have been considered 'right'.
My indecision won (or lost, I'm not sure which) and I gradually leaned over towards him. He put his arms around my chest and pulled me to him. I rested myself sort of across his chest, with my head half on his shoulder and half on the pillows of the couch. His chest felt firm and developed beneath my back and the back of my neck. It didn't feel uncomfortable or wrong at all. It actually felt quite comforting to be enfolded in someone's arms like that. Oddly enough, it didn't really bother me that it was another guy whose arms were around my chest. It simply felt reassuring somehow.
We stayed like that during the whole movie. Every now and then he gave me a light squeeze, or gave my chest a soft caress with his hand. When the movie was over, he stopped it, then set it rewinding. I felt slight movements which might have meant he was putting the remote down again. Then I felt a finger tracing a line on the side of my neck. I closed my eyes and sighed slightly. It sent goosebumps racing over my body in a wave. I felt him peck the side of my neck with his lips.
I looked up at him. He said, "I expected you to be nervous."
I shook my head. "It just feels right somehow."
He smiled. Then, before I could react, he planted a quick kiss on my lips. He pulled back just long enough for us to stare knowingly into each other's eyes. I knew what was going to happen, but it didn't really bother me any longer. Something had clicked inside me, and I knew it felt right. We kissed again, our lips touching for a split second before separating and then coming back together again. His left hand roamed all over my torso, slowly and tenderly. His right hand raked firmly yet gently over my scalp, sending shivers through my body.
He finally lifted me off of him, stood up, and walked around the couch. He stopped in the hallway towards the door, looking back at me.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
He slipped his shirt over his head, exposing a nicely developed chest. He beckoned to me with his index finger, inviting me to follow him as he tossed his shirt into the bedroom. "Nowhere I don't intend going without you," he said as he disappeared into his bedroom.
I got up, turned off the TV, and made my way into his bedroom. When I got in there he was lying in bed on his stomach, his chest on his pillows. His head was resting on his arms as they lay folded across his pillows. He lay there, looking seductively back at me.
I didn't know what to say. I'd never really seen another guy naked before, except from the odd flash of buttcheeks I'd seen in a few movies. My eyes followed the lines of his body and everything just seemed to click into place. It all seemed right all of a sudden. I couldn't take my eyes off of his butt and his hips, as the sight of just the side of his body naked and exposed from head to toe pushed my imagination into overdrive.
"Come on in," he whispered. "I won't bite. At least, not unless you ask me to."
The comment didn't even faze me. I moved over to beside his bed. He rolled over onto his back, exposing the entire front of his body. His cock was still soft but lying at an angle up his body. He was thicker than I was, but I didn't know how long his prick was.
"Going to join me?" he asked.
I just began slowly pulling off my shirt. When I had it off, I started on my pants and socks. Then I began pulling my underwear off, but he reached up and grabbed my cock underneath my underwear. "Good enough," he said, pulling down gently in invitation.
I crawled onto the bed with him, lying next to him on my side, propping myself up with my elbow as he squeezed my cock through my underwear. I followed a sudden impulse to do the same thing to him, so I reached out and grabbed his thick, soft prick and his balls in my hand. I began squeezing and massaging him, and in less than half a minute he had gone completely hard. I noticed he was about the same length as I did, about seven and a half inches.
He raced his hand up my side and to my shoulder, where he pressed my back flat against the bed. He was strong and forceful without being overly domineering. He pressed his lips against mine and he slipped his tongue between my lips. Taken aback, I tried to follow his lead, attempting to play with his tongue the way he was playing with mine.
He pulled back and rolled over, pulling me on top of him. We continued kissing again as he began working my underwear down my hips, trying to expose my hardening shaft.
I managed to help him pull my underwear off, and he rolled me over on my back again. He planted kisses down my body, stopping to caress my nipples with his tongue. It sent electric sensations through my body. He continued on down to my cock, where he took one long lick up the underside of the shaft, sucked the cockhead into his mouth, and buried the length of my prick in his throat.
I cried out. I'd never felt anything like it before! It was hot, wet, and utterly sensuous as he slid his mouth up and down around my shaft again and again. His tongue did tricks around my cock couldn't believe even though he was demonstrating them. I cried out and shuddered with every stroke of his mouth around my prick.
He released me from his mouth and moved up to kiss me. We stayed locked together for what seemed like several hours. He finally rolled onto his back and grabbed my now-raging hard-on again, squeezing and tugging gently, staring into my eyes, as though begging me to do the same to him.
I leaned over his body and kissed his chest, his nipples, his stomach, his navel. The scent in his crotch was so strange, it was like nothing I'd ever experienced. It was sweet and musky, but strongly alluring. I took one tentative lick along the length of his shaft. The taste was as alluring as the scent. I tried to do what he'd done with me. I managed to get more of him into my mouth than I thought I'd be able to handle without gagging. I felt strongly compelled to keep sucking him off. I didn't want to let go of him until he came. I wanted to experience it all.
He must have been extremely horny, because less than a minute later his body began to twitch and tense up. His breathing became more intense, then finally became a loud moan. A stream of cum erupted out of his cock and nearly went right down my throat. I nearly choked on it, so I closed off the back of my mouth and let his thick cum fill my mouth before I drank all his energy.
Very soon he was pulling at my shoulders, so I moved up to look at him face to face. His heart was pounding in his chest, and his body was hot with the rapidly pumping blood. He kissed me again and whispered, "I want you inside me."
My eyes went wide. I'd never imagined this would happen. I'd never even hoped that it would happen, so it was difficult for me even to comprehend my reaction when he voiced his desire.
He looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry," he reassured me. "In spite of what I say sometimes, I'm very careful about whom I share my bed with. You can be sure I'm no risk to you. And you've told me enough about your history for me to be pretty sure you're no risk to me."
He reached over to his dresser and pumped some hand lotion onto his fingertips. He reached around and placed the lotion on his ass, then dispensed a bit more onto his hand. He warmed it up between his thumb and his fingers for a moment, and seized my cock, spreading the lotion over it. The added lubrication was intensifying the sensations. I moaned.
"Now," he said, "I'll guide you. Just let me pull you in. Don't push until I tell you to."
He put the fingers of his right hand around the base of my cock and balls. He lifted his legs up to my waist and used his other hand to position my cockhead right on his slick hole. He began pulling slightly and I relaxed enough for him to push the tip of my shaft just inside his ass. He would alternately rest a bit, then pull a bit, then rest a bit more, then pull a bit more, and so on. He eventually had the entire head of my cock inside his sphincter, at which point he let go of me.
"Now push. Not too hard, and not too fast. Just take it slow and easy."
I did as he told me. The sensations of his hot, tight asshole sliding around my shaft just about set me off. I kept going until I was buried to the root inside his ass.
He sighed deeply and passionately, apparently hornier than hell. I looked down and saw that he was rock-hard again. He smiled and kissed me deeply, and I didn't resist at all. I was also hornier than I had ever remembered being in my life. We kissed again for what seemed like an hour, with my shaft buried inside his hot body.
He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, wrapped his legs around my waist, looked me right in the eye, and said, "The rest is up to you, sexy."
I began kissing his neck while setting up a slow, delicious rocking motion. His cock was rubbing against my stomach as my own prick slid gently in and out of his body. His body was wrapped around mine and moved with mine, but there was enough friction between us to push us slowly and inexorably towards climax.
Our rocking motions intensified quickly. I was so horny I was acting differently than I'd ever have thought I would act. All I could think of was release. I was kissing his neck, his ears, his mouth. It was as though an outside force had taken over my body and all I could do was observe and enjoy the experience.
Just as I was starting to get close, Kriss cried out loud. I felt his cock explode, shooting another thick load between us. It coated a large patch of our stomachs and our chests. He moaned again as his cock pumped out another thick spurt, then another. I raised myself up slightly as he slid his hands down his stomach, coated his hands with his cum, and began rubbing it over my chest, stomach, sides, back, and shoulders. It was something else I'd never have imagined him doing, but it was so wildly erotic I couldn't help but follow his lead.
I raised myself up so I could begin sliding my hands around his now-slick body. I kept sliding my cock in and out of him, overcome by the hormones of impending orgasm. I watched disjointedly as my prick repeatedly slid in and out of his body. My balls tightened up ever so slowly, then exploded. I cried out as my cum blew out of my cock and into his tight ass. My cock pumped out about three or four thick blasts of cum before subsiding into twitches and shudders.
I lowered myself down on top of him and we kissed, deeply and passionately. We began drifting off to sleep, my prick still buried inside him and his cum drying into white scale all over our bodies. One of my last thoughts before euphoric sleep was that if I'd always driven right at the speed limit, this night probably never would have happened.
The thought that was my last was, "To hell with the speed limit."
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