"What do you mean there aren't any smelling salts?!"
Hunter was knocked out. He was unconscious because he was the victim of `harmless' horsing around in the boys' changing room. Coach Anderson was going to be pissed off if he knew that his cardinal rule was broken. He didn't like filling out accident reports and hated having to explain scraped legs and broken arms to nervous administrators.
Jesse was pacing between lockers in a trance but trying to avoid coach's field of vision. The male coaches sat in an office separated from the lockers by a pane glass window. Jesse wondered if he could try mouth to mouth or something like that.
It was really Rick's fault because he slid on the slick floors from the showers to the benches. The floor gave him the sensation of skating across an ice pond. He did not expect to barrel into another student who happened to be changing.

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Hunter lay stunned on his back with eyes shut to the world. He had already managed to put on most of his street clothes and was in the middle of buttoning up his blue cotton shirt.
"You got smelling salts from the movies!" Daniel whispered in a hushed and conspiratorial tone to Jesse, "Rick should be bailing his own damn self out of this mess. We're just witnesses!"
It came as no surprise that Rick had already made a dash for it. He had no concern for the seventh grader who was bleeding from the forehead.
- athletic
"You're making me fucking nervous! Stop walking around and help me," said Daniel to his fellow eighth grader.
"What do you expect me to do? It's not like I'm the school nurse!" Jesse shot back.
It was obvious that the boy was not dead but this was not apparent to the two stressed out teens. They were the last ones in the changing room but knew that Coach Anderson could be leaving the office at any minute.
Meanwhile, Coach Anderson was content in the confines of his office. It was time for a clandestine cigarette break at his desk now that second period gym class was over. He knew that he could manage a quick smoke while the other gym teachers supervised the gymnasium until the bell rang.
"Don't move him; I hear that it might paralyze him or something like that." Daniel wondered aloud.
"We should check his vital signs," replied Jesse, "I can't leave him like this."
Daniel had an idea. He was unsure how to let it be known what his plans were.
"Jesse, here's fifty cents, go to the soda machine and get me a bottled water. I am going to try to get him to drink something."
"Whatever you say," Jesse said, taking the money and slipping out the changing room.
Daniel had the entire changing room to himself and the knocked out classmate. Crouching beside Hunter, he placed a hand on the boy's flushed cheek.
"Can you hear me?"
No answer.
"Wake up! Do something! The bell rings in five minutes and I can't leave you in here like some weird crime scene..."
Daniel's breaths became tremulous and his mind became confused.
"This better work," he said to himself.
Daniel worked his hands across Hunter's chest in circle motions. He felt a rising and falling that indicated some breathing.
Daniel was slightly turned on at the sight of this boy who was now under his control.
Hunter, however, did not stir.
Daniel started using both hands to try to wake Hunter. Still no response came from the kid.
Daniel straddled the body and continued his unusual chest massage. Daniel's rear end was resting in a peculiar way on Hunter's crotch.
Daniel didn't know what to do next. It was now three minutes until the bell was to ring and the kid was still dead to the world -- or so Daniel thought.
Daniel felt something rising from beneath him. It was Hunter.
Hunter was getting hard. Was it voluntary or just a natural response to having another guy's ass in his lap?
In the solitude, Daniel began to grind his buttocks into Hunter's growing hardness. Daniel let out a sigh of relief and pleasure.
Daniel realized that he was riding on top of Hunter soon enough because Hunters clothed cock was rubbing into his clothed ass.
"The water is sixty cents!" called out a voice from the entrance to the changing room. "I am going to borrow a dime from someone."
"Okay! I'm fine in here," shouted Daniel to Jesse.
Jesse disappeared again and left the two boys alone again.
"I hope this feels good for you," mumbled Daniel as he slipped a free hand into his shorts.
The riding continued for another good minute before Hunter's body began a nervous spasm like action. Hunter was unaware of a wet dream that was happening in the middle of a minor concussion.
Daniel knew what was going on because he routinely jerked off at home. With one minute to spare, Daniel lifted himself from Hunter's ejaculating form and began tiptoed to his locker. This was a mess for which he wanted absolutely no blame.
Daniel shoved his gym shoes into his locker right at the same time the bell rang for the next class. And like a weary boxer who snapped back at the start of the next round, Hunter woke up and rose in a dazed manner.
"What happened?" the hapless Hunter asked the only other person in the locker room.
"I can't explain," said Daniel, "It's a long story. Why don't you let me take you home after school today and we can get to the bottom of this."
Hunter blinked his eyes like he had awoken from a trippy nightmare. He had no idea of what hit him and knew that telling the coach would cost him respect with the class. Hunter silently agreed and asked Daniel to walk him to his next class.
"Thank you for looking out for me. I really owe you." Sighed Hunter.
Daniel suppressed his grin and told him that he would have many chances to repay him.
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