Van's standing on the edge of the platform looking for a train that's not coming for another 20 minutes. He doesn't wanna look at me and I tell ya' the feelings mutual. He's a top bloke Van, me and him have been friends since year 7 but last night...I guess because we both did it and both saw each other doing it that we're kinda even in some way. But this is gonna be kept real quite.
Take a regular hangover and multiply by ten and that's how fuckin' wasted I feel. I can't believe what happened. I've still got a sour kinda taste in my mouth. I hope like hell it's the vomit from outside the pub but I dunno...and I'm too damn scared and freaked out to lick my lips.
Me and Van started drinking about three in the afternoon and seeing as it was hot it kinda hit real hard. So we're drinkin' at his place then decide that seeing as he's 21 in two weeks we should go to a pub to celebrate. After many ales and a few shots of bourbon him n' me are gettin' close to legless. It was a real warm night and we were at some poxy club when I really spun out. I don't know what it was. I'd had one spliff earlier in the day and was fine but the one at the club fuckin' wiped me out even though it was mostly leaf.
So we had to get outta there. The girls we were talkin' too musta thought I was schitz because one minute we're passing the spliff n' the next I'm grabbin' Van to tell him I gotta get some air.

Quick Blowjob in the Gym Showers
So he follows me out and I damn well projectile vomited between two cars - I can hear all these people goin' 'disgusting' and 'oh my' but I don't give a fuck basically.
Naturally the bouncer won't let us back in the club so pissed as newts me and Van kinda roll down the street and even though I feel better because I threw up I'm startin' to feel real tired. We go into this bar and order a shot of bourbon each but it doesn't wake me up. So we stand on a cab rank back near the club and wait to see if the two girls come out but they don't and I don't know what time it is but the streets kinda clogged with fuckin' dregs and that's me and Van.
We buy a couple of beers each from the pub and try to figure what to do. It's still real warm even though it'd be gettin' onto 3 at night so we figure we'll sleep at the station and wait for the first train but a' course it's locked so we skull our beers and try to look sober enough for a cab but they all drive right fuckin' past.
- friendship
Van then says we should go to one of the porno film places to just chill for a bit. Seeing as we had fuck all cash we picked this one that got you entry for a five each. And they didn't give a fuck that we were wearing shorts and t-shirts. The bloke on the door took the cash and didn't give a fuck how pissed we were. I thought I was gonna chuck again when I saw how many stairs we had to climb but we made it. Van threw up in the toilet then we go into the movie part and it's close to empty.
Up the back they had these couches and we both dropped onto em'. The movie was some kinda lesbian German thing, I watched it for a few minutes but I was so damn tired and wasted that I started to fall asleep. The last thing I remember is Van comin' back from the toilets and I can see this string of spit from throwing up hanging outta his mouth, he wiped it on his arm then dropped down.
You know when you're asleep and you hear a song in a dream and it's a song that's on the radio well that's how I woke up. It wasn't a song though - I'm lying there thinkin' I'm having this wild fuckin' wet dream about a German lesbian suckin' my cock n' then I wake up and in the dark I can see this head going up n' down on my dick and it feels fuckin' brilliant.
First off I think if it's a hooker I've only got a fiver but she's doing such a hot job that I put my hands on her head to help out and that's when I feel it's a bloke!! For a second I think maybe it's some chick with short hair but then I can make out what is for sure a bloke goin' down on Van. I look over Van's way and he's just woken up like me, he's kinda got his wet lips open in amazement like he doesn't know what to do but he's breathing real hard coz I can smell his vomit breath. We're both pissed still but the blokes have got us hard as fuckin' planks so we kinda lie back. I'm not into blokes and neithers Van but how many guys would wanna pull there cock out of a mouth and queers know how to suck because it's what they do.
I kinda roll my head back and see that there's a few other guys checkin' out the show. I'm not too wild about seein' guys with their cocks out but alcohol kinda broadens my outlook ya' know.
"Ah yeah shuck my cock" Van starts saying and all I can say is like 'yeah'. The two fags on our cocks really start pulling us with their mouths, me and Van are both cut and the two guys hangin' off us kinda pull back along the shaft and then tongue the cock head - it's fuckin' wild. The other guys around us kinda slide along on their knee's but we have to hold up our arms abit to keep em' not to close.
My visions a bit blurred and maybe I was seeing double but it looked like their was two blokes on my side and about three next to Van an' so that made about seven queers all like honing in on us.
Then one of the guys kneeling next to us starts snorting from something in his hand and he pulls the guys mouth off my cock and starts really blowin' me hard like a fuckin' crazy man - he's way better than the first guy coz he goes for my balls and starts suckin' em' into his mouth. I'm buckin' my hips into his face and he's loving it! The same bloke then snorts his hand and keeping his mouth open moves from my crotch to Van's. When the first guy pulls his mouth off Van's dick I can see it's all wet with spit so I tap Van and say 'wait' so he knows that the second guy really knows how to suck.
I'm getting close to blowin' and Van's sweatin and I don't think it's the heat. The other guys are all hammerin' there cocks around us like we're the best fuckin' show in town.
The guy snorting somethin' offers it to Van without takin' his eyes off Van's pubes. Van holds it up to his nose and sniffs real deep then hands it to me and I do the same. It's a little bottle with a real chemical smell like a real flammable one. At first nothin' happens I didn't think then I get this roar in my head and my body sorta lifts up and my head spins n' I feel real fuckin' horny or somethin' coz I'm staring at one of the cocks being whacked off next to us and suddenly they kinda look different, kinda still like cocks but kinda good so I reach up and I grab this one cock and I've never felt one except my own but I really start pumping hard at this blokes cock and I'm really likin' it in some way.
Van's gotta hold of some cock aswell and the guys pushed it up real close to Van's face and Van's not moving back he's just jackin' it. So I kinda turn my face so Van doesn't see me and I start flickin' the cock in my hand with my tongue an' I can taste the salty clear stuff you get.
I pucker up and kiss the piss slit fair square with my lips. Then I start hearin' this real loud 'glock glock' sound and it's Van fuckin suckin one of the cocks!! His heads bobbing back and forward like some real bitch ho'!! I get a hold a tha' bottle and take another whiff then man o man that cock is mine so I've got a fuckin' cock shaft in my mouth an' it's not like a cock but like a kinder piece a great meat that anyone'd wanna suck. I suck the b jesus outta one cock then spit it out and ask in this real hoarse whisper 'gis another one' and I got another cock in my mouth. This wasn't isn't cut so I like really play with the blokes foreskin. It taste kinda sour and soapy.
Me n' Van's head are goin' like a real coupla fags and I can hear that quick breathin' you do before you blow. And I realize I'm close. I start whacking my shaft with some guys mouth on it and my fist is covered in his spit and I spit the cock from my mouth n' start hammerin' it real fast n' then Van looks at me an' he's got jizz on his face near his mouth and he kinda licks his lips then I see all this cum fallin'; outta the guys mouth who's suckin' Van.
Then I start feelin' all this jizz fallin' down on my face and it covers my eye and I can't open them and then I jack my cock so fuckin' hard that the guy blowin' me starts spluttering like crazy and I'm still whackin' off with cum all over my hand an' I wipe my eyes an' another load of cum lands across my t-shirt and starts to soak in.....I've stopped blowin' and suddenly I feel like the dirtiest whore bastard. An I wipe my face with my t-shirt and I got more fuckin' jizz on my face.
I look at Van and he's real sweaty and wasted lookin' n' he's got some blokes jizz running down his face and I can feel I got the same coz drop runs into my mouth.
An' I say pretty loud to the guys around us "fuck off" and there all jerkin' off over each other n' one lets a load go on my legs an' I push him away real rough and close my eyes.
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- friendship