It was the early 1960's. I was a young sailor on the world's first nuclear powered aircraft carrier on a cruise in the Beautiful Mediterranean Sea. Despite the Atomic bomb my Squadron had mounted on an aircraft ready for launch things were really quite peaceful. We would spend about ten days at sea, then five or six days in Port. Since we got paid every two weeks it worked out well. That's enough of that. The difference between a fairy tale and a Sea Story is that a fairy tale starts out "Once upon a Time" and ends up "and they all lived happily ever after". A sea story starts out "This ain't no shit" and ends up, "and that ain't no shit". Well, this ain't no fairy Tale.
We pulled into Cannes France a lot. Nice and Monte Carlo were just minutes away by commuter train. It was so hot in the summer that the women only wore half their swimming suits. Most of the guys would go on Liberty; stop at the first or second girly bar where they would charge and arm and a leg to "buy a girl a drink". The girls would rub you on the leg, gulp the colored water down, and then move on unless you bought more drinks. I had been tutored by an old salt to go to Gulf Wan, which was actually a French Naval port for small craft.
The French sailors demanded value for their money so in Gulfish Wan one could get a "Suckie Fuckie" for 25 Francs, something less than five dollars. A beer cost less than Five Francs or a buck, so, If I went on Liberty with $40 dollars I could get sucked and Fucked four times, $20, drink ten beers, $10, and pay for the train and a bowl of soup or sandwich or something and have money left over.
I was a mid-level Second Class Petty Officer (E-5) despite being only 19 years old. In those days if you were smart and hard working advancement came pretty easy. One entered Boot camp at age 17 or 18, E-3 was automatic when you came out of Boot camp either for enlisting when you were 17 or being smart and hard working. Automatic E-4 upon completion of technical school, and being smart and hard working, so E-5 was all I'd had to earn, and if you were smart and hard working it was almost automatic. In port in the Med Air Wing 2nd Class PO's stood Shore Patrol.
So we are in Port in Cannes France in the summer of 1962. I have the duty which means Shore Patrol on the first day. There were no Civilian clothes allowed back in those days so the only difference between me and the guys going on Liberty was this SP band I wore on my arm and a Nightstick , I was hardly a bad-ass but probably looked like one. We, being the SP's, got the first Liberty boat in to the Fleet landing. The Liberty boat was like a small Ferry carrying about 100 passengers from the big boat (the carrier) to the beach (Liberty). An advance party, flown in the day before consisting of a Couple of Chiefs, a Warrant and one LTJG. were there to disperse the SP's. That was my Chief! He was the old salt 1st Class (E-6) who just last Oct had told me to got to Gulf Wan and had made Chief (E-7) on the last advancement cycle. He immediately announced that he needed a responsible 2nd Class to pick 12 People and go to Gulf Wan to "Patrol the Whorehouses'.
"The bulk of our work will be here in the Fleet landing area with drunks and guys getting ripped off by the "buy me drink" girls. Chief Weir master announced. Petty Officer Schumann (That's me) will be in charge of the whorehouses in Gulf Wan. He will ask for volunteers then draft people". I looked around, I had seven guys looking like little dogs in the pet store "Pick Me", Pick Me, and mostly disinterested guys acting like cats, who cares, then two little faggot looking guys, don't pick me. I picked six of the eager ones, four of the disinterested ones, and one faggot looking one Bruce. That left me one pick. I went ahead and picked the other "pick me" guy. I had not picked him before because I was afraid he might be a challenge to my authority. He was big and his name was John, like big John.
I gather my crew and go off to the whorehouses in Gulf Wan. Business was good, the Chief was wrong about everyone wanting to stay close to the Fleet landing and get drunk; it looked like all the sailors wanted to go to the whorehouses and get a suckie fuckie. But John and I and my crew did a good job. We just kept the lines moving, no hassle and few problems. We did have one drunken sailor, John and Bruce took him into an alley and he came out calling John "Sir". The Madams were appreciative of our efforts and offered us free service when we were on Liberty.
The next day, which is a Saturday I meet John and Bruce down at deckhouse number three where the liberty boats start running at 10:00am. We caught the Liberty Boat from the big boat to the Fleet landing, walked to the train station and then, we're in Gulf Wan, the whorehouse capitol of France. John starts heckling the Madam, we have free blowjobs coming. This is a different madam than the one on duty yesterday so she just says; Bruce can give you a Blowjob for all I care, nothings free. The girls start straggling in rubbing their eyes. John wants to fuck as many girls as possible so he makes a deal with the madam, Schumann and I each pay our 25 Francs and we get to switch girls. The Madam agreed with the stipulation that we each could only cum once.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
John and I and two French Whores go up the narrow stairs into the small bedrooms. The facilities are a bidet, a sink and two small beds. The routine is, the girls wash their pussy and hopefully their asshole in the bidet, then they wash your cock and balls in the sink, then you get a few minutes of head, they flip you over, give up the pussy and you cum. John had it planned so that before we cum we switch girls. That's another notch on the gun; this is the sixties after all. It works well the first time, they suck, we fuck John's girl comes up spilling cum from both ends, and Bruce is watching from the stairwell. We do it again and again until we've fucked six of the French whores in the place. John always licked the pussy before he fucked it.
John says, why don't we go up to the Crazy Horse, they have some better looking French whores over there. So we did and he worked his deal. We pay for one cum but we get to fuck two girls each, notches on the gun. We did it twice; we're up to ten French whores. So we have had 5 cums, 9 beers, but still had money left. We wander up the street and encounter the two best looking French whores in the history of French Whores just a walking up and down the street. John makes his deal and we go into their little apartment.
Mt girl sucks me then switches into the fuckie position. John girl sucks him then switches into the fuckie position, John calls for the switch but the girls won't switch so John comes into his girls pussy. I can't cum, 11 beers, 5 cums, I don't know. My girl gets tired so she switches off; John girl lets me fuck her, my first sloppy seconds I blew one more load, then John got down and sucked her hairy cum-filled pussy. John moans, you got to fuck all twelve but I'll eat it. I had had six cums, twelve French Whores and Bruce to take care of me back on the big boat.
I never saw John again, but Bruce was my Sea Pussy. I heard that some guy from engineering had gotten caught trying to give his bunk-mate head, I figured that was John.
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