"John you have to convince J.D. not to marry this girl," my ex-wife ranted
"Of course he shouldn't marry her, he's barely 19."
"He says he's going to, that he loves her."
"He doesn't even know what love is, he just wants to fuck her."

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
"Don't use that word in this house."
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. You're not my wife any more, you haven't been for 12 years so don't tell me how to speak."
"This is my home and you won't..."
- beginnings
- encounters
"...I bought and paid for this home so FUCK you."
"Look let's not fight, you've got to do something about J.D."
"I'll talk to him."
"Get him to go on the mission."
"That's bullshit. Your church wants to have my 19 year old son go work for them for two years and not only do they not pay him but they expect us to pay his way."
"He needs to do this, it's a great way to get his life and priorities together."
"It's a great way for them to get slave labor. I'm opposed to this mission thing but I'm even more opposed to his getting married. I'll talk to him."
I took J.D. out to dinner in order to find out what exactly was on his mind. "I don't want you marrying her. I'm sure she's probably a great girl but..."
"...why do you care. You don't want me going on this mission do you?"
"No but that doesn't mean I want you to make a mistake and marry someone you may not really love."
"I love her, sort of."
"SORT OF! You're making a commitment like this on a feeling that's no greater than `sort of'?"
"Dad she's okay, I mean I like her."
"J.D. what's going on, and don't give me any bullshit. Are you marrying her just to get laid?"
"Uh, not really."
"Then you're doing it to keep from going on this mission thing."
"Not entirely."
"Well considering that I'm gonna have to finance whichever decision you make you better explain it, entirely, to me."
"I can't."
"You'd better."
"You'll get mad, and mom will just absolutely lose it."
"I promise that I won't get mad and we won't tell your mom anything about it."
"Okay, but remember you said you wouldn't get mad. Before you go out on a mission they have you go out with some of the missionaries working in your area so you can get the feel for the whole thing. They send two of the guys who live in the area out with the two missionaries. Then one of the locals goes off with a missionary for a couple of hours and the other local goes off with the other one. Well I'd done this a couple of times and it was kind of boring but I figured I'd just do it. Well one of these nights I went out with Elder Hendricks."
"Elder? Is he old."
"No, it's just a title they all have. Elder Hendricks is my age, or maybe 20. He and I have worked together before so we're pretty comfortable. We drive off and after a few blocks he says that he forgot something so to go back to their apartment. As soon as we got in he took off his suitcoat and tie. Have a seat, be comfortable,' he said to me.
So you want to find out what life as a missionary is like. Well quite honestly it's not much fun. You try and teach a lot of people who don't want to be taught about the church. You really do get rejected a lot. And you have to spend 24 hours a day never being alone. Most of the time you get stuck with asshole companions (all missionaries are required to stick together in two-somes or companionships) like Daldry (Hendricks current companion). And worst of all is you almost never get to fuck'."
"What do you mean `almost never,' I thought you guys were virgins."
"Some are, the stupid ones."
"You and Elder Daldry go out and find girls?"
"Are you kidding? Daldry probably doesn't even have a dick--he's so fucking straight-laced. No I have to take care of things on my own."
"But you're always together--how do you not get caught."
"At two in the morning he's asleep and I slip out; but opportunities like this are a lot better."
"What do you mean?"
He took off his shirt and undershirt. "Let's go in the bedroom and do it."
"Nobody will ever find out."
"Would you rather stay here and break the law of chastity or go out there and teach it?" He opened his fly and pushed down his pants and underwear to his thighs; his cock was sticking straight out. I think I said something like I don't think I should do this' and then he came up right next to me and brushed his cock against my face and said
how old are you?' I told him I was almost 19 and then he asked me how old I would probably be when I died and I said eighty or ninety years and then he said so if this is wrong you've got like sixty years to repent of it, right?' Then he took my hand and led me into the bedroom. He pulled me onto the bed and started kissing me while helping me out of my clothes. Then he whispered
it's time you learned that the seventh commandment should read `Thou shalt commit adultery, a lot.' Then he pushed his penis into my mouth."
"Did you enjoy it or hate it or what?"
"I don't think that you're going to want to hear this but...maybe it was just the fact that I was doing something really bad but I got really excited. I liked having his penis in my mouth. I could only suck it part of the way down but that alone was nice. He held my hair while had me suck on him. After awhile he ran into the kitchen and got some butter, then he turned me onto my stomach. He told me `this is gonna hurt but just remember two things, eventually the feeling of getting fucked will be the greatest feeling in the world to you and that even though it hurts it's so cool that you're actually fucking--I mean you're in the game now by getting a guy's cock shoved into you.' Then he smeared most of the butter all over his cock and some into my asshole. When I felt his huge cockhead push against my butt I totally panicked. I could tell that what he was about to put in was way too big for where it was going.
"'Don't clench up. Stay loose or it's gonna hurt a whole lot more', he said as he pushed harder against my opening. I'm going in now, just keep breathing and don't tighten up, and remember that you're getting fucked. Mankind's greatest nasty pleasure and you're getting it.' I just focused on my breathing when it came inside. I found that as soon as I started to hold my breath that I tensed up and it hurt a lot more so I kept saying to myself
breathe, breathe.'"
"Did it hurt?"
"Like hell, but only for a minute or so."
"You started to like it?"
"Dad if you had known him, the guy was a god. Totally gorgeous, very sensual, and he was put his beautiful fucking cock inside my body, how could I not love it."
"Has he fucked you more than once?"
"He fucked me more than once that evening. After he came in my ass he had me roll over and he sucked on my penis until I shot all over my stomach. I had butter and cum in my butt and cum all over my chest so he took me into the shower and started soaping me up under the water. All of a sudden he turns off the water and turns me so my back was towards him. I asked him what was wrong and he said `dude I know you're still sore but I got a hard-on again and I really need to fuck you.' So he stuck it back inside and did me, this time it took a lot longer for him to cum."
"Did it still hurt?"
"Yeah, but kind of in a good way. Almost like the pain was pleasure--I know that sounds weird but that really was how it felt. After we finished I wanted to just sack out on his bed and touch him and all but he said we had to get ready in case the others got back early."
"Was that night the only time?"
"No. There were a few more times. At church that next Sunday he told me to drive over to their place at one in the morning and then he took me to some bathrooms around town where people go for sex."
"You were making arrangements in church to have sex?"
"It was worse than that. One Sunday he walked in late to church. We were singing the opening hymn when he motioned for me to come with him. I followed him out to the bathroom. `I nailed him, I fucking nailed him,' he said triumphantly."
"'My new companion.' They change over companions ever few months and he'd gotten rid of Daldry and got some new kid who'd just barely started his mission. The new kid was cute and Hendricks wanted to get him. Hendricks told me that he'd started wrestling with the new guy and before long he had the boy in doggie position and was feeding the kid his bone, right up his asshole. `This is perfect because now we can have a three-way, and you can spend all night, and the three of us can go cruising gay bars together. We can have ourselves an orgy.' He was so excited that he got horny and so had me take down my pants and he fucked me right there in the stall of the church men's room.
"J.D. I don't understand this. You've been telling me how much you enjoy having sex with guys and yet you're talking marriage or a mission, why?"
"Dad I have to get married or mom will insist I go on a mission and then I'll fuck it up."
"Just like Hendricks did. The new missionary started feeling guilty and he told the leaders about what they did and Hendricks got sent home in disgrace and kicked out of the church. Can you imagine how pissed his family must have been at him?"
"Certainly they won't send you on a mission if they know what you did with that Hendricks guy."
"He didn't tell them about us."
"Then you tell them about it. Or fucking don't tell them about it, tell them that you don't want to go and you have your own private reasons."
"You know mom won't let that go. Dad if I get married it solves all my problems. I won't have to explain anything to anyone about why I'm not going and I'll be getting sex from a woman like I'm supposed to so I won't think about guys anymore."
"How many times did that Hendricks guy fuck you?"
"I don't know, maybe twenty."
"How many times have you gone to those bathrooms he took you to?"
"Maybe twenty-five times."
"Were all of those with him?"
"No, we only went together twice."
"J.D. stop kidding yourself, you're gay. All those trips to gay sex spots prove it. Marrying that girl is just gonna fuck up your life and hers.
"I'm not gay."
"Are you willing to prove that to me?"
"Give me one full night tomorrow night. If you can get through tomorrow night without doing it with a guy I'll back you on getting married."
"What are you/we going to do?"
"You'll find out."
I have enough gay friends that I'm familiar with what goes on in gay baths. J.D. and I got to the Vesuvius Baths a little after ten. He left his wallet in the car so when they asked for ID he had to run back to get it. As soon as he left I asked the attendant what was the best way to ensure that J.D. would get laid.
"Don't get him a room, get him a locker."
"What's the difference?"
"In a room he can go into his own little space, lock the door, and never see all the sex going on around him. With a locker he's always out in public and, especially as full as we are tonight, he'll be around sex constantly. Also if you want I'll tell him that we're out of towels so he'll have to walk around nude. With all the hot action he's bound to pop a boner immediately and a cute boy like that with a hard-on is gonna be catnip to all the tomcats in there. Are you the boy's lover?"
"I'm his dad. I'm trying to keep him from making a huge mistake and getting married in order to stop being gay."
"Well make sure he sees that you're doing it; that ought to help ease him into it."
"I'm not gay."
"For tonight fake like you are."
As J.D. and I stripped down at the lockers I set up the ground rules. "We don't leave here until seven O'clock tomorrow morning, no earlier."
"It's not gonna matter dad, I'm not gonna do anything. I am going to get married."
"Don't make this a pride thing J.D. We both know that you're gonna get fucked tonight so don't feel the need to prove anything to me. I didn't bring you here tonight so I could show you that I know better than you or to embarrass you, I brought you here so you can have fun. You know fucking is only wrong if you think it is. All you have to say is `all this is is fun, nothing big, nothing serious, just fun.' And then can relax and enjoy this like every other guy in the place is, and it's not hurting any of them."
As we walked out of the locker room I was staring at his ass. I didn't need to worry about how this evening was going to turn out. J.D.'s ass is flawless, round, and firm; even a straight man like me wanted to fuck him. I suspect that there would be plenty of gay men who would want to stick their foot-longs inside my boy's buns.
We first went to a TV room where they were showing hard core gay porn. Several guys reached out and grabbed J.D.'s very exposed meat but he batted their hands away. He sat in a far corner hoping to get out of the center of everything, it didn't work. Some guy in his thirties stood right in front of him and pushed his meat into J.D.'s face. "Suck it stud," the guy growled. J.D. chased the guy off by standing up and leaving. I followed him into a sort of maze-like room and around every corner there were guys doing it. You've got to admire the gay community, they're much more open about their sexuality. I know nowhere in the straight community where you can just walk into a room and get it on with one, or ten, strangers without having to say a word or feel any obligations.
"I've got a room," whispered someone behind me as he reached around me and stroked my chest. I turned around to see a good-looking guy in his late twenties. He had the total package--handsome face, stunning body, lots of sexuality--it was time to make J.D. an offer that he couldn't refuse.
"How wild do you get?" I asked.
"See that cute little blond over there?"
"Yeah, is he your lover?"
"He's my son."
"For real?"
"Yeah, and I want him to have a real good time tonight. Get him to your room somehow and get him started. I'll wait a few minutes and then join you and you can get it on with two generations of the same family."
"I will on one condition. After I loosen him up a lot I want to see you fuck him. I've had fantasies about father-son sex."
I thought about it for a second and realized that if anything would get it through that boy's thick skull that he shouldn't be out on some mission it would be incest with his father. "Okay," I agreed.
"What's the best way for me to get him?"
"I think he's a little spooked by all these people. I think he could use a friend. His name's J.D. Tell him that you've seen him at church and you're wondering if this feels a little overwhelming for him too. Then offer to get him out of all this by taking it back to your room so you can just talk. When you get back to your room make sure you take your towel off and then gradually move in on him."
"Okay, give me ten minutes, or maybe fifteen, but you've got to promise to come by."
"I promise."
"Room 18," he said before heading towards J.D. It worked like a charm--J.D. and the guy took off together. I wandered through the maze until I reached the end where there was a platform that was about two feet off the ground. There were five or six guys lying on the platform and maybe a dozen guys all around it. The platform was obviously fuck central and the guys on the platform seemed completely oblivious to who was doing what to them, mainly because everybody was doing stuff to them.
As soon as one of the guys on the platform got off I waded in and lied down. It took all of five seconds before some guy was sucking on my dick. Five seconds later a second mouth was on my balls. I tend to think too much during sex and so I decided that this time I wouldn't think at all, just feel. I closed my eyes and let them have me. I loved the sensuality of it when some guy, I never opened my eyes to see, lowered his butt down over my cock and started riding me
Another guy then pushed his prick into my mouth. Several hands were touching and rubbing me and one guy had his mouth on my tit. Everywhere I felt I felt hard bodies and hard cocks, a mound of sex with no guilt and no consequences. Some guy put a small bottle up next to my nose and told me to pinch off one of my nostrils and breathe in real deep. I don't know what I was snorting but all of a sudden I felt a surge of sexual energy run through me that demanded release.
I pulled myself free from all the people who were working on me and stood up next to the platform. I laid the guy that I'd been fucking on the platform and started pounding his butt harder than I've ever fucked anyone. All the guys around me were urging me to really slam the fucker so I never let up. Several guys tried to kneel behind me and lick my butt while I fucked the guy but I was moving too fast and too hard for them do much more than kiss my ass a couple of times.
Several of the guys around me kept urging me to keep pounding the fucker so I really jammed that poor guy. We were making so much noise that the rest of the room sort of looked our direction. I don't know if my partner liked that we'd become a sex show for a couple dozen guys but I've always had an exhibitionist streak in me and I was especially tripping on the idea that a lot of these guys might be inspired to fuck harder, more often, and more playfully by watching us. By the time I loaded up the end of the condom with baby-making juice it seemed like everyone in the room was doing it.
I hit the showers and then located room 18. I don't know if it's the kind of thing that a father is supposed to be proud of but I was thrilled when I walked in and found the stranger's cock shoved all the way up my boy's butt. I stood back and watched for a minute. There was no question about that J.D. is gay;
I've never seen the boy look so happy and content as he did with that fuck stick lodged in his butt. It became apparent that, despite previously arrangements, they wouldn't need any of my help so I slipped out. The fact that I walked back out into the hall naked and sporting a hard-on got immediate attention. I was only five feet out the door when some horny fucker grabbed my dick.
We partially blocked the hallway but I didn't hear anyone complain as they walked past him on his knees, slobbering all over my cock. As soon as I creamed his mouth I walked around the rest of the bath. In the middle of the place they had a small pool that was heated like a hot tub.
There were about twenty guys in the pool, some were kissing, others were having sex, two couples were fucking, and a few of them were just roaming around in the water. I leaned back in the water and relaxed until my batteries were recharged. Once my cock was hard I grabbed a pretty teenage boy, turned him around and got some serious wave action going as I sodomized the boy's cute butt.
On the way home J.D. asked if I'd please explain to his mom that he wasn't going on a mission.
"Only if you swear that you and that girl aren't getting married."
"I can't get married, I've got a date with that guy from last night. And you're sure you're okay with the fact that I'm never gonna provide the daughter-in-law and grandchildren bit?"
"Whether I'm okay with it or not you are what you are and it's better that you figure it out now rather than when you're two years into a marriage or being dishonorably discharged from a mission. Besides you weren't the only one having fun tonight and I have a far greater admiration for the gay world than I did 24 hours ago."
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