David wearily rode through the forest, his handsome face covered with sweat and dust. He liked being a knight of Athamantar, but a hard day of riding wore him out as much as anyone. He was looking forward to that inn in Farington, and he would be there in just another hour.
As he rode, David looked around him with interest. He had always been an outdoors-man, and this was a part of the forest he had never been in before. There was a strange air around it, as if nothing had passed through here in a long time. Oh, there were squirrels and birds and other wildlife everywhere he looked, but he still felt like he was intruding.
A quick movement to the right caught the warrior's eye, and battle-reflexes brought his hand to sword hilt. He reined in his horse and looked about warily. Seeing nothing, David shrugged, assumed it was a squirrel, and moved on.
Another movement caught his eye, and he twisted about in his saddle. He caught a glimpse of a smile before he tumbled into unconsciousness.

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A cool wind woke David slowly. His head was tilted to the left, and the first thing he noticed as he opened his eyes was the bright noon sun shining down upon him through the treetops. David sat up, alarmed. It had been evening when last he had ridden. Then the warrior noticed why the draft had woken him up. He wasn't wearing anything to protect himself from it.
Inwardly David cursed himself for being a slow-witted fool, and remembered his survival training. The young knight looked up alertly to survey his surroundings. He was in a wide forest clearing, the floor of which was coated with a curiously thick, soft moss. It was then that David made his third discovery of the day: a pair of raven black eyes staring back at him out of the face of a young god.
An exquisite young man was sitting comfortably on the forest floor not ten feet away from David. Black wavy hair framed a hawkish face wearing a thoughtful, measuring look. Entranced, David let his eyes travel down the young man's bare chest. Hairless, glistening muscle greeted his eyes and he almost voiced his despair at seeing leather breeches hiding further treats.
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The beautiful man seemed to sense David's lust, and a faint smile came to those sensual lips. That action brought David out of his trance and reflexes took over. He quickly rolled to his right and came up in a fighting stance, his hand going to the sword hilt that was not there.
The raven-haired stud chuckled openly at this. He surveyed David's naked, tanned form with considerable interest. David was young for a knight, only eighteen, but tough training has whipped his large frame into sleek muscle that rippled as he crouched defensively, scouting around for his weapons. His face was rugged and weather-beaten, but handsome all the same, even if it didn't match the sheer beauty of the stranger.
When David's keen eyes determined that his things were nowhere in sight, he turned again to the strange but sexy man. This time he was prepared, and was not caught in his beauty. The knight met the man's gaze, then watched as it left his face, traveled down, and finally rested between his legs. David's eight-inch cock twitched at the sudden attention, and a slow flush ran up his face.
"Who are you?" David asked hoarsely.
"Why am I here, and where are my things?" The man's gaze slowly, almost reluctantly left David's crotch and rose to meet David's eyes. The knight was almost caught again in the spell of beauty, and shook his head to clear it.
"It's been quite awhile since I met someone as wary as you," the man said solemnly, in a deep bass that made David's cock jump again. His lips quirked, and he added, "I always did like fighters the best."
The David's embarrassment turned to anger, and he angrily said, "You have not answered my question! Who are you, and why am I here?" The man's gaze had wandered back to David's dick, which was now half-erect, to the knight's further embarrassment. This time he didn't bother to look up.
"You are here," he said softly, "because I want you here." He caught David's gaze.
"And a wizard always gets what he wants." David's mind quickly assessed his situation. He was naked, weaponless, and quite alone against a man claiming to be a wizard who looked fully as strong as he. Add together the fact he had been kidnapped and stripped without a bruise on him, and the man's spellbinding gaze, and he probably was a wizard.
As David saw it he had three options to him. He could run, hoping the wizard wouldn't hurl lightning bolts at him. He could attack, hoping to surprise the stud and either escape or kill him. Or he could keep talking and stall for more time. Considering his situation, David reluctantly chose the third option.
All this had happened in under a second, so his reply did not seem much delayed.
"And why would a wizard want me?" David asked casually, straightening. A defensive crouch was fairly useless against a wizard, and a casual stance might put the stud off- guard.
"For a slave," the wizard said just as casually. He was eyeing other parts of the knight now, noting in particular his short blond hair, a rarity in this region.
"Pardon my ignorance, but I was under the impression that helpless villagers make better slaves, not warriors," David said coolly. Inside, though, he had a chilling notion that the wizard wasn't talking about a servant. The wizard smiled coolly in return.
"Perhaps. But I prefer those who enjoy what. chores I have in mind, one such as yourself." His smile turned cruel.
"Something rather hard to come by."
Fear rose in David now, coming with the realization that this wizard knew his secret. He had successfully hidden his shame from the other knights, and had even bedded women to keep up appearances. But the wizard knew, and David almost cried in despair.
He must have shown his shocked expression, for the beautiful man rose from the ground where he had been sitting all this time, and strode slowly toward him.
"Oh yes," he said in that beautiful bass, "I have much need for one who is. fey."
The wizard said the word with malice, and David's fear and anger rose inside of him. The knight roared and leapt at the smiling wizard. The muscled warrior struck the man's stomach in a crushing kick - and slid into the flesh. Unbalanced, David fell hard to the moss covered forest floor, and looked up at the smiling wizard in awe as his foot slid out of the flesh and the hole sealed right back up, leaving those rippling abdominals untouched.
"What are you?" David whispered in fear. The wizard's smile grew still further.
"I am Sydoran, master of the powers of magic and master of my own flesh," he laughed delightedly.
"No form can hold me, no attack can touch me," he grinned down at David's sprawled from, "no man can resist me."
With that, he leapt down onto David's naked body. His breeches somehow had disappeared, and David felt a very large penis and large, hairless balls rubbing against his own. However, his thoughts were more occupied by the presence of Sydoran's mouth upon his.
Inwardly, David screamed at himself to fight back, to defy the wizard's attack, but the pure pleasure melted his resolve and David met that questing tongue with his and returned Sydoran's passionate embrace. Their equally smooth bodies rubbed against each other, and David could not think beyond the pleasure. They rolled in the soft moss, legs interlocked, hands questing, tongues wrestling. Every time he was on top, David knew he should attack, but he just ground his body deeper into Sydoran's and they continued their ardent grappling.
Even though the only part of the wizard that he could see in his lip-locked state were those raven-eyes, they held a smug superiority that only inflamed David further. Both their cocks were hard now, and David's eight-inches rubbed against something much larger. Both hips ground into each other with equal fervor though.
Then the most amazing thing happened. Just when David thought his pleasure could become no greater, the body he was holding onto melted. Although the face we was kissing stayed just as solid and responsive, the strong back he was caressing and the round ass he'd been exploring suddenly flattened from under his questing hands. He felt that large genitalia move lower down his body toward his ass. Although he felt he should be disgusted, it felt too good and he only kissed all the more powerfully. The eyes in front of him seemed to smile at his enthusiasm. Sydoran's flesh slid all over his body, encasing his limbs, abdomen and skyward pointing cock in a warm embrace of flesh. Somehow the head remained, and he continued to tongue wrestle as he floated on his back inside Sydoran. Then that large, wonderful cock, which David had forgotten about, made itself known again. The flesh encasing him pulled his legs apart, and the knight felt a large pulsing head force its way up his ass.
He moaned into a kiss, and heard Sydoran chuckle into another kiss. The throbbing cock slowly but insistently found its way up his anus, inch by inch until he was full. Despite his self-homophobia, David had indeed been fucked by other men, and waited ecstatically for the cock to pull out and shove in again.
And it never came. As he kissed, he gazed into the eyes of the man filling him with cock, who then winked. And David was lifted into new levels of pleasure. Instead of withdrawing, Sydoran's penis. rippled. A wave started at its base and traveled up what seemed like half of David's body until it reached the cock head. David squirmed exultantly. He had never felt such pleasure.
Then another wave started, and before that one had reached the end another ripple started at the base. David moaned and squirmed as the waves grew faster and faster, thicker and thicker, stretching his anus to its max. Then the rest of his body, which had remained untouched since Sydoran melted onto it, got its treat. The flesh encasing him rippled and squirmed, and it felt to David that a thousand tongues were licking, caressing his hard-muscled body. And his cock, oh his cock. It felt as if a million tongues were there alone, traveling up and down the length, swirling around it, caressing the head and licking the slit. His balls faced the same treats, and David gave up on kissing all together, his head thrown back into a soundless scream of exultation.
Sydoran's questing still locked his mouth, and between that and his rippling body and the cock pulsing deep inside of him, David could take it no more. His sperm burst forth with such force that it split the flesh encasing his cock and travel over his head. The several following spurts landed on his face and the flesh encasing his chest, and Sydoran's head licked some of it up.
David's end seemed to trigger something within Sydoran, and the pulsing cock deep inside David's let loose a load that bought even more pleasure to the young knight. Both David and Sydoran's bodies convulsed and vibrated, and it was several minutes before they stopped.
David panted into Sydoran's mouth as they rested there. Sydoran's wonderful cock slid out of the knight, and David watched as the flesh encasing him slowly slid off and formed into his master's wonderful body. Sydoran reached around David and held him, one hand firmly resting on David's ass. David was too tired to embrace back, and he jus stared lovingly in those raven eyes.
"You are mine now," said Sydoran, his lips curled into a smile of triumph.
"Yes, Master," David whispered back, and he heard his Master chuckling slowly as he drifted off to sleep.
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