"Now why in hell would the company want me to see a doctor? Do I look sickly to you?"
Susan, my secretary, smiled and looked me over critically. "Not in the least. But maybe it's preventative. You know, like having a face lift before you really need it." She grinned at me and then looked back at the memo in her hand. "In any case, according to this you are scheduled for lab tests tomorrow and a visit with the doctor on Tuesday."
"Damn it, I am not going to go running off to see some quack doctor when I have better things to do. Like figuring out just what it is I'm supposed to be doing around here. Now go out there and do what any efficient secretary would do: think up some good reason to cancel the appointment. Then get on the phone and cancel it."
I actually was pretty busy. I'd only been in the job for two weeks and I really didn't have much idea about what I was supposed to be doing. Besides, it was my first job after getting out of school with my M.B.A. and I really wanted to make a great impression on the V.P. who had hired me.

You Fuck My Face in the Middle of the Night
I was also just slightly -- what's the word? Fascinated? Infatuated? -- by doctors. Always had been. Being in an examining room with a man who could touch me anywhere he wanted kind of scared me but, for some stupid reason, it kind of excited me too, . Once, at school, I was examined for a hernia after a disastrous touch football game and when the intern stuck his fingers up in my balls I sprung a real boner. The guy pretended he didn't see it and somehow that excited me even more. Then, for a couple of months, every time I started jacking off all I could think about was that intern holding onto my balls. Anyway, ever since then I have sort of shied away from doctors.
Susan wandered back into my office a half hour or so later. "I guess you're gonna do it after all," she said, waiving a thick binder at me. "Grace down in personnel directs your attention to..." she ruffled through the binder, "part five, section eight, paragraph seventeen. To wit: 'All new employees hired at or above grade nine will complete a physical examination with a doctor of the company's choice, and at the company's expense, within three weeks of reporting for work.' Grace says if you don't go they stop paying you. So you go." She offered the binder but I just waived her out. They didn't tell us about crap like this in business school.
The lab tests the next day weren't as bad as they could have been, I guess. They made me pee in a cup and then took what seemed like a half pint of blood before they laid me out on a table and took five or six X-rays. The X-ray technician was a prune of a woman with cold hands and absolutely no sense of humor; I hoped the company doctor would be just like her. It wouldn't be much fun but then I probably wouldn't get a hard-on, either; you take the bad with the good.
- encounters
The rest of the week went along pretty well and by the time Friday rolled around I had hit my stride and was really getting things done, things that had needed to be done for a long time but no one had been willing to take them on. I spent most of the weekend working on a report and a long range plan for upgrading our communications system. On Monday my boss liked the report so well that he asked me to present an oral summary of it to the Board of Directors who were meeting the next morning. So, all in all I didn't have much time to worry about some dumb doctor's appointment and it came as a small surprise when Susan looked into my office Tuesday afternoon and seemed surprised that I was still there. "You're going to be late if you don't get a move on," she said, acting like my mother. I grumbled some but I went; after all I did want to get paid.
The doctor's office was in a high-rise medical building only a couple of blocks from the office so it was only a short walk. I found the office -- on the 36th floor - - and checked in with a stern looking nurse sitting behind a sliding window.
"Mr. Blore?" I nodded. "Well, you're right on time. And, I am happy to say, so is Dr. Michaels. For a change. Please come right in." She indicated a door to my right. Once inside the inner part of the office she indicated another door. "Please step into that examining room, remove your clothes and put on the gown you'll find there. The doctor will be with you shortly."
I went into the little white room and began to take my clothes off. The place was well appointed, even to having one of those valet gismos in the corner to hang my clothes on. I was impressed.
When I was naked I looked around for the gown I was supposed to put on but couldn't find one. Just then someone gave a quick tap on the door and walked in. He closed the door behind him and looked me over.
"Oh, sorry. I guess the nurse neglected to lay out a gown for you. Not that it's the first time she's forgotten." He grimaced, as though he had no control over the woman. Then he threw me a dazzling smile and put out his hand. "I'm Dr. Michaels." He was a tall man, with dark hair and gray eyes which had tiny gold flecks in them. I thought he probably worked out pretty regularly but couldn't tell for sure since he was wearing a white lab coat which was buttoned up the front.
I shook his hand and he shrugged, waving his hand negligently at my nakedness. "If that doesn't bother you too much why don't we just get on with it?" He didn't wait for an answer. "Now let me see..." He consulted the chart in his hands. "Your lab tests all came back good. Your blood is red, your urine is yellow, no unusual bugs or chemicals in either one. X-rays show a healthy, vigorous young man. Work out, do you?"
I nodded. "When I get the chance. Three or four hours a week I suppose, on average."
"Good. Keep it up. I wish all my patients would. Now let's see about your blood pressure." He took my arm, wrapped a rubber cuff around it and held it tightly against his chest while he inflated the cuff and listened with his stereoscope. "Pressure's slightly elevated. Nothing to worry about though, probably just anxiety over the examination process. Now, let's take a look in your mouth. Ever had your tonsils out?"
He went on with the exam, poking and prodding me, checking everything from my scalp to the bottoms of my feet. Then he got to my crotch. He pulled up a little stool and sat in front of me and told me to spread my legs. When I did, he took my balls in his hands and gently turned them over in his fingers. His touch was so light it made me shiver.
"Your scrotum's a little sensitive," he said, lightly raking his nails over it and making me gasp. "Not unusual in a man of your age and in your condition." He took hold of my dick. "Parents left you natural. Good for them. Never did hold with all that circumcision nonsense" He pushed my foreskin back and any thought of control went right out the window. I sprung a boner that, had he not moved back, might have hit him in the chin. I also turned five shades of red and mumbled "shit!" under my breath.
"Oh, don't be concerned," he said, pulling the foreskin back down. "That often happens. It's a natural part of being a healthy young man." He moved my foreskin back and forth a few times. "Good elasticity there." Then he closed his hand around the shaft and squeezed. "Very firm erection, too. I should think it serves you well." He looked up at me with a smile.
"Now then," he said, standing up and taking a little glass slide from a drawer, "we'll need a sample of your seminal fluid. We'll get that when we do the first part of the rectal examination." He pulled on a rubber glove and patted my ass. "Just relax and turn around. That's the way. What I'm going to do now is insert my finger into your anus and examine your prostate gland. When I press on the prostate you may feel some odd sensations but rest assured they're perfectly normal. The pressure on the gland will cause it to give up some of its fluid, also"
I felt something cool and slick applied to my ass and then, very slowly, Dr. Michaels pushed his finger into me. I was very tense at first but then I began to relax as I found that it actually didn't feel bad at all. I felt myself relax more and more as he moved his finger around but then he hit something which made me clamp my ass down and gasp. It felt exactly like I was about to come and then I got embarrassed because my dick began to dribble stuff onto the floor.
"A healthy prostrate, Mr. Blore. And a good flow of fluid. A very good sign." He held the little glass slide out and caught some of the liquid as he pressed down on my prostrate again. That time it felt like an electric charge hit my groin and I thought that I actually might come.
When he was satisfied with the fluid on the slide he slowly withdrew his finger and then stripped off the glove he'd been wearing. "Now then Mr. Blore, I want to take one more look at your penis before we proceed with the rest of the anal exam." He took hold of my dick -- which was almost painfully hard -- with both hands and pulled the foreskin back and looked carefully at the area just behind the head.
"As I thought. It's quite common to have some mild irritation here." He ran his fingers completely around the head and when he rubbed that place underneath, where my foreskin is attached, my dick jerked so hard it flew out of his hands and slapped up against my belly. Dr. Michaels laughed. "You have excellent muscle tone, Mr. Blore. Excellent." He took a bottle and a swab from the counter.
"I shall apply some of this lotion to the irritated areas." He dipped the swab into the milky fluid in the bottle and did just that, painting the thick lotion liberally behind my dick-head and part way down the shaft. Then he carefully pulled the skin up, covering the head as much as possible. "There now. You may feel some slight sensation in a few moments but that's perfectly normal."
He turned me around so that I faced the examining table again and carefully placed a thick folded towel at the end. "If you will step up here," he indicated the step at the end of the table, "we will complete the anal examination. Now, lean forward," he pushed on my back until I was bent over the table, my dick pressed into the towel. "That's fine." He turned a small crank and lowered a piece of apparatus in front of me. "Now, I want you to place your chin in the rest there and hold onto this bar with both hands." When I'd done as he asked he turned the crank again and lifted the whole contraption up about a foot. That lifted my upper body off the table and immobilized my head.
"Now if you will spread your legs..." The doctor pulled my legs apart until my feet came off the step and suddenly all my weight was resting on the end of the table, pressing down on my dick. At the same time the lotion he'd spread under my foreskin began to tingle.
"I hope you are not too uncomfortable, Mr. Blore, but my research has shown this to be the very best way to conduct this particular examination." He was standing behind me where I couldn't see him. "As the instrument used in this examination is rather large, I want you to relax your sphincter as much as possible. I will do all I can to help but the true effort must come from you." He fumbled around on the counter.
"First I shall apply some lubricating lotion to make the passage of the instrument easier." I felt a coolness spread over my ass again and he gently massaged my sphincter. "If the instrument proves to be too large I do have a numbing lotion I can apply but I don't like to do that unless absolutely necessary. The examination is generally much more satisfactory when you can feel everything that I'm doing." He continued to massage my sphincter and slowly slipped his finger back inside me. In a moment he pressed in another and then another.
"Ah, yes, that is most satisfactory. You appear to have excellent resilience, Mr. Blore. We shall test that more fully during the examination of course, but I'm sure it will prove to be extremely satisfactory." He slowly withdrew his fingers.
"You seem well relaxed now so I believe we may begin with the examination. Please don't hesitate to let me know if my instrument is too large for you." I felt something press hard against my sphincter.
"That's it, Mr. Blore. Just relax. The instrument is made for just this type of examination and there should be little or no discomfort." I felt myself opening up. "You are doing fine. Perhaps if you would take a deep breath..."
I did as he suggested and I felt the instrument slip inside me. It was large but at least he had warmed it and it was shaped so that it fit perfectly in me. I relaxed as much as I could with that thing pushed into me. It was hard to concentrate though because that lotion was causing little sparks of hot and cold under my foreskin.
"We shall be testing both the resilience of your sphincter and the elasticity of your rectum with this instrument, Mr. Blore. I will be pressing it into you and then slowly withdrawing it. Each time I will press it in deeper. Please let me know if you become too uncomfortable. Let me know too of any other sensations you might have."
He pulled the instrument almost out of me and then pushed it back in, farther than it had been before. Then he pulled it back and pushed in again. About the sixth or seventh time the instrument was pushed in it hit my prostrate and I cried out.
"What is it, Mr. Blore?" he asked, not stopping the motion of the instrument. "What is it you are feeling?" His voice sounded odd.
"I don't know, Doctor, but I think I'm going to..." I searched for the medical word. "I think I'm going to ejaculate."
"That's fine, Mr. Blore." His voice sounded ragged. "Now just let..." I didn't hear the rest of what he said because suddenly I felt myself go over the edge and everything exploded in a rush of colors and sound and the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced. It even felt like Dr. Michael's instrument was pulsing too, right in time with my dick as it shot out wave after wave of cum.
When it was all over and I became aware of what was happening, Dr. Michaels took hold of my buns with both hands and slowly pulled the instrument out of my rectum, making me feel suddenly very empty.
A few moments later the doctor lifted my feet back onto the step and helped me stand. I could see that the towel on the examining table was soaked with cum. "Ah, a fine sample," the doctor said, scraping some of the liquid onto another glass slide. "And do not be embarrassed over your reaction to the examination: it is not uncommon. Not uncommon at all."
Dr. Michaels handed me a towel and then took another to wipe off the sweat that had formed on his brow.
I took my towel and wiped the lube off my ass which still felt oddly empty. I turned to the doctor and asked him if I could see the instrument he had used for the examination. He shook his head.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Blore. The instrument is all put away for now," he said. "But perhaps another time, if you like. Yes, you may certainly examine it all you like, should you require another examination. Please feel free to call me any time you like."
I guess the examination went well; at least the company continues to pay me. I've thought a lot about that examination though. Something about it...
Yeah, I'll probably go back for another. Just to see... Well, just to see.
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