I was working late again. It seemed like I had been working late almost every day this week. We were in the middle of a rush job. Build two hundred computers in a week. Sounds great on paper, but when you only have two people working on it, it's a nightmare.
First, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is William, and I work at a computer store in Illinois. Our business covers all aspects of computers, from building the PCs to creating the software they run on. I am about 6'2" tall, with fairly short dark blond hair covering my head. My face is clean-shaven, and I have thick blond hair on my arms and brown hair on my legs and chest. There are only a few people working here (4 to be exact). I guess that's why I like working here. Four guys working together, with little female intervention. But enough about that.
Well, it was Thursday evening, and we still had about twenty PCs to build. My boss, who is the owner of the place, came to the back to give us the dreaded news.
"We need to get these last computers finished, so Micah, you and William are going to have to stay overnight to finish these up. Since you guys don't have a change of clothes, I'm going to head on home and pick up some towels for you guys. When I get back, I want you to get undressed so I can take your clothes home and have my wife clean them for you to wear tomorrow," he said.

You Fuck My Face in the Middle of the Night
"Sure. Maybe then we can go home early Friday afternoon," Micah said.
"Nope. I scheduled a vacation for you guys. You are leaving tomorrow afternoon for Puerto Rico. You can spend the weekend at the beach, and then on Monday you're going to have a sales presentation for our software. I've scheduled you for a week down there, and I hope you can convince them to go with our software."
I'm thinking, 'Wait a minute. First, I have to/get to sleep with Micah. Then we get to spend the week basically vacationing in the Caribbean.'
- friendship
"I thought you were going to work the Puerto Rico deal," I responded. This deal was almost finished. The owner of the company just wanted to see a live demo before he signed the paperwork. It would take only a day, max, to get the deal.
"I was going to, but Monica wouldn't let me and, since you guys have been working so hard on this deal, I thought I'd just let you guys go and see the sights."
"Gee, thanks," was all I could say, as Mark went back to the front of the shop.
"Well, aren't you going to get undressed?" Micah asked me. He already had his shoes off and was beginning to unbutton his shirt. I hurriedly took off my clothes, being careful not to look around. Once I was naked, I bent over to pick up my clothes. When I stood up, there was Micah, naked, right behind me.
"Let's get our clothes up to Mark so we can get busy finishing these computers," Micah said. I quickly gave him my clothes, and he headed to the front of the shop. So far, I had made a mental point of not looking at Micah, but I wasn't so sure I could get through the night without cumming, or at least having a huge boner. I quickly began to build another group of computers. After about a minute, Micah came back, this time with Mark following.
"Wow, you guys are fast. I'm glad you agreed. Now, remember, these computers need to be finished by tomorrow morning, as you guys still need to get some clothes for the trip. William, are you listening?"
I looked up to speak to him. "Yes, sir. Finish these computers."
"Are you going to be okay, being here naked in front of Micah?" Mark asked. It seemed by dick decided that it wouldn't stay soft.
"I'm sorry," I said as I quickly covered my dick. "I get hard when I am naked or in an emberrasing situation." Mark smacked my hand away.
"We're all guys here, so you needn't hide your dick. Micah's dick isn't exactly a limp noodle, either." I looked at Micah and we laughed. After a few minutes, Mark left, saying that he'd be back in the morning by 9:00 or so. Since Shawn had already left, we had the place to ourselves.
"So, what do you want for dinner?" Micah asked.
"Nothing quite yet. I want to get a few of these computers built and out of the way."
After a couple of hours, we had just about finished the PCs, with only about six or seven left to build, so I suggested we go have something to eat. During the past two hours, we had sweated up a storm, so as not to waste electricity running the air. The kitchen was even hotter. We threw a couple of pizzas in the oven, then went back to work on the computers. We had put together another two PCs by the time the pizza was done, so we took the pizza outside where we could eat the pizza in the cool of the night air watching the sunset.
After we finished our pizza, I laid back to enjoy the stars. There was only one piece of pizza left, so when I saw Micah reach for it, I stopped him. "Let's split the piece," I said.
"No way. I'm the one that made it. I get the last piece."
"Get real. You only put it in the oven."
"Tell you what. Let's wrestle for it." Great idea, I thought to myself. I get to touch Micah's body all over.
"Sure," I said, "Only let's go to the garage. I'd hate for one of the neighbors to see us out here wrestling, and we can lay out the mats that are already in there." So, we went to the garage and quickly laid out the mats.
"Any rules?" I asked.
"You know me. The only rule is there are no rules. First person to say uncle loses."
We crouched down in opposite corners. Since Micah is so skinny, I felt I had a good chance at that last piece of pizza, although I knew it would be a tough match. We started out circling each other. Then I lunged first. Micah caught me in mid-lunge and had me down almost immediately, but I quickly got free. This kept up for almost ten minutes, with me almost pinning him and him almost pinning me. We were quickly sweating even more than earlier. At first, I was worried about my boner, which had sprung while we were talking outside, but it gave way during this match. About ten minutes into it, however, I finally pinned him to the ground.
"Ready to say 'uncle'?" I asked.
"No way," he said as he was fighting to get free, but I was not about to lose him. I had him in a headlock, with my butt on his chest. When he realized that I had a firm hold on him, he decided to do the only thing he could to get me to let go. He grabbed my dick and squeezed it really hard. I quickly let go of him, and he rolled me over, pinning me to the ground just like that. He had me with my stomach to the ground and his waist on my neck. I felt something wet down the middle of my neck, but just thought it was sweat. Since his entire body weight was on my top half, I leveraged him off me and quickly pinned him again. This time, I had him pinned on his back, with my hardening dick on his chest and my legs wrapped around his upper legs. My arms were wrapped around his chest, and my face was practically on top of Micah's.
"Are you ready to say 'uncle' this time?" I asked.
"Nope." I shoved my full weight on him.
"Nope." Man, he wasn't giving in. I slammed my body into him again. This time, however, he used his arms to knock me off balance, and I slammed directly onto him, with my chest on him and our faces less than two inches apart. It was then that Micah opened his mouth and kissed me.
At first I was scared. Then he kissed me again. This time, however, I opened my mouth to receive his kiss. Micah worked his tongue into my mouth, and I responded in kind.
"Uummhh," I said, as Micah's tongue worked its way around my mouth. I was really getting turned on by this and let my guard down, releasing Micah's legs. Almost immediately, however, Micah spun around and pinned me.
"Gotcha," Micah replied. Now I was completely embarrassed, as I had showed him that I liked his kiss, and it was only a trick. He didn't really want to kiss me. My face began to turn red. "Oh no," Micah said as he saw me blushing.
"The kiss was real. I've wanted to do this for a long time," he said. Then he bent down and kissed me again. "Are you ready to say 'uncle'?"
"Not if that means you are getting off of me," I replied.
"We can continue this love tryst in the office if you say 'uncle'," Micah replied.
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