So guys in the last chapter of this story you have witnessed I a 6' 180lbs home trained guy took on Jay ... towering 6'4" 160lbs NCC trained guy in an intense wrestling fight and after first two round of match the score was even.
So once we were done with the net surfing for Hot Girls Porn, we also had a talk about our strength and previous fight like experiences. That conversation revealed many new things about each other! We also learned that this was not the first time that we got boner during close body contact. Jay experienced this during his NCC. I also felt same kind of hard-on during my swimming training whenever I got close with other smooth skin guys. I guess both of us either didn't notice it or didn't take it seriously or were ignorant about such things at that time. Anyways, we noticed it today and we wanted to put final full stop on our growing curiosity and confusion.
After some more chit chat and light trash talk about how desperately we want to win the tie breaker and how we are going to humiliate each other in upcoming round we again get back center of the room ... facing each other toe to toe in challenging way. By that time we were completely dried off from heavy sweating and were able to feel the raw heat radiating from other's body.
Then again starting the moves calmly, we grasped each other in classic collar - elbow and slowly went for mutual headlock with our sides pushing each other intensely. Then very slowly and step by step, we were forcing each other to the floor so that we can have more wide range of moves there.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
Our muscles were working on their full capacity and trying to overpower the other. The lean but trained and rock hard biceps of Jay were bulging into my neck, so as mine in his.
Our abdominal muscles were clearly drawn up by the intense struggle involving our core. Eventually we got to the floor on our back after intense and powerful struggle of some fifteen minutes in standing fight. We still had our tight grip intact on each other's neck in mutual side headlock. Our necks were in python like grip of other equally strong contender ... with the intention to deliver as much vigor as possible to force the other one to give up. Although Jay had stronger arms, now we were on floor - my forte! I was now having a little advantage as fight was finally on ground.
After some more minutes of very intense and high powered struggle involving frontal headlocks, grapevine and lots of rolling on the floor, Jay was visibly exhausted and I noticed it too. So I instantly took that as opportunity and moved out from his deadly headlock in one swift move and thrown my powerful legs around his waist and thus grabbed him in tight leg scissors.
- friendship
Once I settled my body in that position, I started to tighten my grip on his lean waist and according to me he could have tap out any second, BUT then I don't know from where he got immense power and he suddenly jerked his body so hard that before I can understand something ... he was free from my grip and I was lying on the floor with my face down.
To avoid an advantage to Jay I showed quite good agility and got up again on my knees so that jay can't get advantage on me. Jay was also sitting on his knees and taking breath, at the same time I was also quite exhausted. After few seconds of heavy breathing, we returned to center of the room and start fight in knee standing position itself.
This time Jay showed bit of speed by grabbing me by my waist and started applying pressure there. It was one of the most intense bear hugs I ever experienced and that too from so light and lean person. To be very friendly I was not expecting all that from that lean body, as I always thought for a good bearhug you must have some good muscle mass and heavy built, but then I thought I have really underestimated my country's cadet corps training and was paying for that.
His stamina was also mind-blowing. He continued that bear hug for almost 10 minutes and I was not able to move even! I was getting exhausted quickly and feeling immense pain around my waist. His body heat was so high that my skin was almost burning by touch of Jay's bare hot skin. I was continuously trying to get myself free from that deadly bearhug by punching heavily on his back but there was next to no effect of all those hard hitting punches!
When all hard approaches went in vain, I thought I will need to be little NAUGHTY to get free. Going ahead with that thought I started my tries to tickle him by pushing my figures into his waist gently. I also tried to divert his concentration by some naïve tricks like telling him 'I think your phone is ringing' and god knows what.
But Man! That palm tree was so dedicated to win this round that there was no effect of my any trick and I was completely exhausted after some 15 minutes in that deadly hug and I was about to give up ... then suddenly one thought came into my mind that he didn't like that anybody touch his ass or caress his neck smoothly. These two things can drive him crazy like nothing, so I decided that before give up I have to try them!
So I slowly started to cares his neck. At first I was massaging his shoulders and upper back and was getting smoother by each cares ... and it was showing effect, Jay's grip got slightly loosened but it was not enough that I can escape.
"Stop cheating you ass whole!" Jay said in partial annoyance and partial turned on voice.
"The rule says anything is allowed except visible injury and I don't think this will visible injury on you my friend!" I replied in naughty and seducing with wink.
"Fatty asshole! You will regret that if I will start to take this sort of advantages, you fat pig!" Jay said in anger.
"We will see that who regrets and who pose winning stance, you stupid bamboo stick", I said in naughty way by twisting his tight little ass HARDLY...
Eureka! Trick worked and he instantly leaves me and jumped on his leg while caressing his butts.
"What were you doing mother fucker? That's shameless cheating!" Jay said with utter annoyance.
"I think you forget the second reason of this last round my buddy, it was never meant to be any other fight round, if you can recall ... it also meant to be a round to explore our inner orientation." I laughed naughtily.
"In that case ..." Jay got up and continued with smirk "Just wait and watch what I can do with you now, you dirty lazy pig." Then he headed towards center of the room to restart the round.
This time he was wearing very mischievous smile on his face and I can surely say that he was getting dirty by mind at that time. Anyways I was lucky at that time; at least that's what I guess, as he got an actual call on his mobile at that very moment.
He talked for a while by going out and after cutting down the call, he returned to me and said "I need to leave for some hours due to some urgent work, but don't take this as tie or draw; I will return shortly and will continue from here only. You just keep your own sentence in mind my friend. I will drive you crazy this time." he laughed as he dressed up with his casuals. It was a call from his cousin and she wanted his assistance for some time.
"Don't be so overconfident again buddy, I also won one round till now, rest the time will tell that who drives whom crazy, you little lanky guy!" I said and I also changed into street clothes.
"See you very soon, you mad pig. See you very soon." He replied and left on his motorcycle.
After Jay left, I turned on my laptop and instantly start surfing for good wrestling sites and videos. I tried to collect as much as theoretical knowledge as possible from them and also surfed through some pictures of different kind of holds and styles. I also visited official site of Indian National Cadet Corps to see what type of training they give to their trainees and what techniques these guys regularly use. So you can say that I literally researched all the way to defeat my best buddy and thus I was feeling quite confident after all of that.
After almost four hours since Jay left, it was about to evening when my mobile rang and it was Jay. He told me that he is on the way to my house and will be here in few minutes. He also told me that this time he doesn't want any preface to start the fight. We will just get stripped till shorts and resume the action where it was left. I was very excited by his call due to two main reasons, one I have got much theoretical knowledge about his styles and I was quite confident technically, second after much time I will be facing a really worthy opponent who actually has potential to beat me.
I have had many friendly and grudge matches prior but before that day, nobody could put in that much intensity in fight ... almost all of them accepted their defeats in a few minutes and then never dared to challenge me again!
The real surprising thing was the fact that all of my previous opponents were either equal or heavier and in fit shape than me, but they were too less of power or stamina that I dint actually ENJOYED even a single match!
And now there is a guy who can challenge me fearlessly and has potential to even beat me! I badly needed this type of opponent since I got adult and got know my natural strength and power. This was first in kind that a guy much lighter in weight than me ... was giving me equal fight and that too on the same thinking as I was!
Anyways, after Jay's call I shut down the laptop and done some warm up for match. In the mean time I heard something from main gate, it was Jay's motorcycle ... I can't miss it. So I quickly opened main entrance of home and headed to our fight arena, that excess room on upper floor.
Jay entered from main entrance, carefully closed it and followed me. I started to unbutton my shirt on the way to the room and Jay too followed the pursuit. Once we were in room, we both stripped our unbuttoned shirts and got rid of the pants without taking off our stare on each other. We were now in boxer briefs and I must say he was looking much better in those tight boxers then his morning dress up and his wet hairs also suggested that he has taken before coming back, so he was looking more fresh and ready to rock the arena.
"So are you ready to get defeated?" he told me in taunting way while starting a light stretching and after a second added "Hmm ... I have thought something different than regular fight for this time."
"Now what?" I replied in surprised tone.
"As there was no result of regular wrestling and grappling ... why don't we try something different and stable so we can have conclusion soon?" He replied with that damn arousing mischievous smile!
"And what is that different and stable thing running in your mind?" I replied skeptically and with little bit nervousness.
"How about we fight each other in a bear hug contest? What say, you lazy pig?" he replied in amusing voice.
"Oh man, it's too easy for me; I can beat you in seconds. Now I am giving you a chance, you can still change your decision you palm tree." I taunted with haughty laugh.
"I have thought it, bearhug it is then! What are you waiting for? Let's just go for final decision!" he again smiled mischievously.
Oh my god! There was definitely something different in that smile at that time! It was so mischievous that nobody can predict the reason for his smile and what exactly is running through his dumb head! Whatever it was, I knew it was not good news for me.
Anyways the ground reality was, I have challenged him and I can't back off now, and to be very friendly I was not even thinking about backing off at all.
What if I can't win? I can at least put up good fight and feel that extremely lean and powerful hot body. Jay always drive me crazy, and by even normal touch of him I just felt some different kind of emotion, and that was a day when I felt his half naked body with mine and now about to feel more in a bear hug combat! I got quite strong and visible boner by just imagination of that scenario!
Jay looked at me, smiled mischievously again and said "Are you ready ... paused for a second ... to lose, buddy?"
"Stop talking and start action you bitch!" I replied, opening my arms.
Jay moved forward, slowly came closer and positioned himself in my embrace and I secured my grip under his arms ... around his lean upper waist; he also wrapped his strong arms around my upper back and our chests pressed together ... nipple to nipple. This time even I was heated and we wrapped our arms around each other's literally hot torso, clasped our hands behind the other's back. For around minute we held each another in a simple friendly hug. It was strong but not too intense, just testing each other as we were now clearer with intension of this match.
We were not always been much physical and affectionate with each other, so it was little awkward to be in close and bare-chested embrace like that initially but as time passed we were getting more comfortable. We were just feeling each other up, measuring the other's strength and playfully pushing against each other while occasionally rubbing our torsos in up-down motion.
It was definitely inevitable that, in that position, my and his crotch pressed together. Initially we tried to keep our packages off of each other but gradually we gave up hesitation and collided our crotches hardly ... they were tightly pressed against each other and playing their separate battle along with our arms and torsos. It was quite a strange sensation, but surely plenty good sensation for both of us ... I guess.
As time passed ... we came on main business and started to seize each other tighter ... now we were really squeezing each other with our all might. Jay's lean but rock hard biceps were trying to crush my torso in a strong python like grip. Despite of advantages like having my arms under his in better position as well as my weight and quite good size, he was squeezing me very hard! I squeezed back equally hard and he just gave slender signal of discomfort, nothing else! As the struggle increased and intensity goes up, soon we both started to sweat heavily and breathing also got hard ... so we decided to have a little break and got separated.
"I must say you're quite strong" Jay told me with heaving, while bending slightly with resting his palms on knees ... It was the first time that he appreciated me! Hack ... I think it was very first time that he appreciated anybody and that too for power and strength so I was like on seventh heaven.
"You are also stronger then I thought you would be." I replied, wiping the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand.
Then once our breathing came to normal ... we slowly circled each other again and I moved forward to offer him a first chance this time. This time he took the advantageous position of the inner hold, but I didn't care, as I just loved the feeling of being together with him ... chest to chest, abs to abs and crotch to crotch, challenging each other, and the best part was that he seemed to enjoy all this as much as me, but none of us had hard on during the first part as I think we were more in competitive mood, so I decided to ease down things a bit for next attempt.
We moved ahead bit slowly this time and gradually got into each other's grip while giving seducing stare to each other, like we were trying to melt our bodies together, to "penetrate" each other in a way. I tried not to think about sexual aspect, but then suddenly I felt something hard rod kind of thing against my own dick it was Jay's dick quickly rising alongside my own! Actually, it wasn't a real surprise to both of us, as we were in this round to find out that sensation only. Now it looked like he was actually reacting to our close contact as strongly as I was.
Suddenly one thought came to my mind that why was this happening with us. I mean, it was true that I was single since I had a last broke up almost six months ago, and I knew Jay and his latest girlfriend were having "problems" as well, but was that enough to justify having a full boner with another man!
Then suddenly a sharp pain around my chest reminded me that Jay was squeezing me really hard, so I retaliated and gave him an equally hard squeeze back, which drew a sharp painful expression on his face.
The more we were squeezing each other, the more our boners would get hard. As I mentioned earlier I've never been in so close touch of him, from the day we met. At that particular moment our contact was the closest and intimate then we have ever shared, and I was sure he also felt my hard dick pressing against his and enjoyed my monster tool!
We held on our 'manly' hug anyway, naked chest against naked chest, a sweaty mass of entwined arms, neither winning nor surrendering the hold on the other. I was a cocky kid with no intention to give up, and I knew Jay didn't want to lose either!
We were clutching each other like Greco-Roman wrestlers and our dicks were now shamelessly pushing against each other. We started press our boners together with pressure and squeezed the breath out of each other.
"Give up you horny pig!" Jay said in commanding voice, almost breaking my back with his strong sinewy arms.
"This is for last time, I am not FATTY, I just have better assets then you, you fucking bamboo stick" I gave back equally strong wave of squeeze and added "And I don't have any intension to submit before you do!"
It turned into pure man-to-man combat, two strong boys matching their strength in one of the most classic wrestling hold ... tighter than any lover's embrace ... cocks locked in an intimate duel.
After some more minutes of squeezing each other with our all might, I was getting exhausted. It was difficult not to cry out in pain as Jay was applying all of his strength, but I was squeezing hard anyhow.
We stopped moving around room and also stopped up-down rubbing of our torsos, now we were just grinding our dicks together with the same fury we applied to our bear hug. We started grunting, gasping and crushing our pre-cum leaking dicks between our bellies covered inside the shorts. The more I pushed, the more he replied with the same strength and identical determination.
After squeezing each other for a quite a good time, we were tired as fuck and also way too excited to resist much longer. Our grunting grew little bit louder as our bodies were now squashed together like a single body, our each and every muscle was pushed to the limit. This heavy duty fight continued for few more minutes like that.
Then Jay showed up his real National Cadet Corps training and lifted me up in the air and shakes me badly in his deadly hug for some time. It was real surprise for me as I had quite good weight advantage on him! Anyhow that was the last feather on my back and I submitted after almost day long struggle including that rest period.
We loosened up our hugs instantly as I gave up and now he was wearing that killing mischievous smile again but this time I had bit predictability in his eyes. We looked into each other's eyes deeply and then, communicating without words, we roamed our hands all the way to other's mid-thigh without separating completely.
We still had bit hesitation of going further than that, and were still unsure if this was the right thing to do ... but then we renewed the mutual hold having more of sexual intensity with our fully grown up boners finally pressing passionately together, but now it was not for competition. Jay's enlarged crotch with his dick was sliding over mine, we both were wet in crotch with sweat and precum, and this time we grunted at the same time.
The contest was over, now there was a pleasure of being cock to cock with our best friend instead of a hateful match. I still couldn't believe that I was actually rubbing my crotch with Jay's and was finding it so hot!
Jay's eyes got closed in immense pleasure and his contorted expression on face was enough proof that he was enjoying this as much as I, so I held him tight and pressed my boner against his as hard as I could. Our highly aroused crotches slapped together once again and our sweaty cockheads exchanged precum through our briefs. I was in such a pleasure that I was not able to hold back anymore.
"Buddy, I am cumming!" I grunted and released all the sexual tension my hot thick creany load in briefs itself.
"Me too, Abhi!!!" he shouted, pushing his crotch with full power against mine for one last time and shooting his own massive creamy load in his brief. The force of our mutual orgasm weakened us and we just held each other up gently, we didn't employed anymore the bone-crushing grip after that point of time.
After some moments of heaving Jay opened his eyes again and asked "What do you think about final conclusion Abhijeet?" Now I dint had any doubt about his question so I promptly answered "We finally find out who is the stronger and what our ACTUAL STATUS IS. ;)" Jay looked into my eyes, smiled and placed his juicy lips on min and we engaged in post orgasm passionate smooch for some moments.
Then we went to shower and got ourselves cleaned up together and done normal chitchat for rest of day. Then we took diner together for first time after our FINAL REVEALING and then he left for his home. And here is the happy ending to the final revealing guys! Just for note, we had some more matches of struggle after that as I really don't think that just one match was enough to define someone as ultimate winner and I was able to win many of those matches by improving myself over the time.
Jay got passed with my help but had quite lower grades where as I passed the high school with flying numbers, so I got admission in quite reputed college and he needed to settle sown with substandard college for graduation. That was the main reason that we were not able to keep in touch longer and after some year or so we completely lost the connection as I grew totally new circle in college and Jay was not able to fit in my new circle at all.
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- friendship