When this incident took place I was around 18 and I have just passed out from final high school year. Though I did not have carved physic at that point, but I wasn't a fatty either. At 6' and 180lbs I was one fit guy but without shredded muscles. Without spotting shredded biceps or six packs too, I was most attractive guy around with light spotless glowing skin and defined facial features with jet black stubble and silky smooth hair.
Though Gujarat do not have that much combat sport culture, but being a royal family member I have received quite tough physical and combat sports training at home since childhood. The physical and combat training was more concentrated on being FIT and agile then having shredded muscles for display... and I was one hell tough guy to conquer with warrior gene I inherited in my blood from my forefathers.
Though I had a huge circle of friends but there was one particular guy was closest to me ... Jay ... Jayraj Singh Zala. Academically an idiot ... so idiot, that he was 2 years elder but was in same class as me. We were together since high school and as friendship doesn't ask for degree, our friendship was quite deep one and we were like two body one soul. If you can't find anyone of us ... you can contact other one ... you will definitely get the details of whereabouts of the one you are finding.
Though he was week in academics but was excellent in physical strength. At towering 6'4" and 160lbs he was a lot leaner than me but way more shredded. He basically had strong lean muscles and absolutely great stamina being a NCC (in India NCC as National Cadet Corps a well-known corps training institute for students, very much like informal military institute which specialized in giving corps like training to school and college guys) guy. Being quite rugged and a jerk in general behavior was making him a quite tough competition for anyone.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
So, when I completed final high school exams, I joined one small IT firm as administration intern for a summer internship to gain some real life work experience. After around a week of joining I get to know that Jay also has joined the company and was in same department and team as me. Now that was quite upsetting for me as Jay was totally a dumb guy ... he finally passed his high school just because of my support and now I have to haul him in company too! Though we were best friends but we had quite sound internal jealousy with each other. He used to get jealous by praising I get for my looks and academic accomplishments while I used to get jealous by his raw physic, power and recognition to his strength ... a tag of NCC cadet! He was bit too much boastful about NCC experience and used to shamelessly show it off even in regular conversations. I always wanted to show him that I was no less than him in terms of strength and we had MANY attempts to confront each other in some friendly physical altercation, but as we were part of top notch classy and wealthy community ... physical altercation was almost a taboo. Further being brought up in the same state as father of non-violence movement in the world, even combat sports was not a thing in Gujarat.
Once during internship my parents went out of station for couple of days and we were doing a night shift at internship. Coincidentally even Jay was alone at home on same days as me, so at evening I invited him to my home to spend some quality boy's time together after following night shift and he agreed as it was just couple of blocks away from office building. So after completing the shift we arrived to my home together. Once home we took a bath in separate bathrooms and I changed into black gym shorts and a vest while Jay too got into same kind of comfortable clothing which he brought with him.
That day he was looking quit awesome as he was clean shaved and was also in just shorts and sleeveless top. Actually I had internal crush upon him because if I put my jealousy aside he was indeed a hunk and gorgeous boy!
- athletic
- friendship
After the shower we entered in one of the spare rooms I had which I often used as home workout as it was almost empty and bare of any furniture except for one old sofa. As we just completed a long night shift, we wanted to do some stretching and light workout to get refreshed.
He was flexing his MUSCLES unconsciously while stretching and I was looking at him in awe, during that he stared at me and said: "You have got quite fluffy body little kid...." in taunting manner
"Choose your words wisely pal! I am not fat ... I am only little bit HEAVIER then you ... it seems it's your jealousy speaking out!" I replied in same tone
"Why should I get jealous? You know I am a NCC guy with heavy military like training ... good lean muscles ... and most important a good stamina to take on anybody for longer time then you even imagine." he replied ... again showing off NCC background and stopped his workout while approaching me in challenging manner and stopped just feet away from me.
"How can you be so overconfident about your fucking training without checking your real strength and stamina with any guy in full-on duel ... I know you have never fought anyone in your whole fucking life!" I replied confidently, as I also stopped my workout and added "I can take you on anytime and anywhere."
Then went further near to him and stood toe to toe. Now our bodies were so near that we can feel the heat radiating from the other.
"Ow yeah? Then why to wait buddy! Let's just find out the fact ... right here - right now!" he replied heatedly as went few steps back to take a fight stance at other end of the room and stood with the rage like he will finish whoever come in his way.
Personally I liked the idea of the fight match after all finally we were all alone, fully on ourselves without any interference and nobody to stop or ridicule us for the aggressive action. But what I didn't like was his ton ...
Anyways, I didn't moved for some more moments looking around room while brushing my hair with hands and assessing the situation ... the room was quite big and bare of any major furniture as it was not a regularly used room, we used to use it occasionally for temporary accommodation for excessive number of guests, though the room had only one sofa set and nothing more in furniture.
"What happened to you my little buddy? Did fat puppy have afraid by just idea of taking me on!" He laughed in a haughty tone ... Now I think he did that to provoke me and make me ready for fight if I had some hesitation ...
"What the fucking hell is that!!! I can take you on anytime, even when you wake me up in middle of night and at that time too I can absolutely defeat you..."
"Oh that's true Abhijeet, but that can only happen in your dreams ... you can only fight and defeat me in your dreams only ... You stand no chance in reality." he cut my sentence in the middle and again gave egoist laugh.
"Just let me complete you asshole..." I said almost shouted while going near him and pointed out warning finger to him and continued "I am not as mad as you. I have my mind in its place, not like you who lost his in public fair! So I can think more PRACTICALLY then you." I said in one breath.
"So what's PRACTICAL thought you looser..." he again smirked in taunting way.
"Just shut-up you asshole! One more time you cut me down in middle and you see...." I again shouted furiously and continued "I was thinking that now we are not kids that can answer every body for visible fight marks and stripped clothes, so if we are going to fight then it should be a fight match and not a grudge grumble! We HAVE TO follow some rules for that, some very simple and limited rules!"
After giving me some thinking expression he nodded and said "I think you are true fat boy, by the way what did you thought about hiding or avoiding your wounds and stop me to strip down your clothes?"
"Oh just stop being so overconfident you palm tree, we will see who's getting hurt and whose going to be ..." somehow I controlled my mind and left that sentence uncompleted as we were living in quite homophobic society, then I continued "What I thought is ... First rule would be we will fight in just shorts and second thing anything is allowed except which can give visible wounds ... that means no punches, no kicks or any other kind of hitting. When one gets too exhausted, he will tap out and other one wins that round. We will have three falls and best of three would be the winner!"
"Okay agreed ... now just take your place and get ready for fight as well as to get thorough humiliation from Me." jay replied in serious mood this time with clear rage in his eyes ...
"Oh just time will tell that who gets hurt at the end!" I replied in same tone and went to the other end of room, removed my shirt and turned to face my buddy and opponent for now.
By the time he also got to shorts showing off his lean - toned body, started to stretching. I also done stretching and get warmed up as A/C of the room was set on bit low temperature. I was continuously staring at Jay's bare torso and purely concentrating on fight and thinking how to prolong the fight to defeat this hard trained guy.
He was also staring me at same time and with the same intention I think. We both were thinking to stretch the duration of fight so that we dish out all the moves and holds we had under our sleeves ... after all we had whole weekend to compete as that was just morning of completely free Saturday! We really were finding such chance from the very first day we met and discussed about this for couple of times as well. At that time only we decided that we will stretch the fight as long as we can, so we really can see ACTUAL STAMINA of each other and there was the day we were looking for since years!
After some stretching we made our way to center and stood toe to toe. We giving death stare straight into each other's eyes. We stood in that gesture for a short while and then we slapped our palms with each other fiercely and got locked in strength testing, we were forcing each other backwards wildly to gain upper hand.
Soon I lost balance and Jay got chance the chance to gain control over me. By loss of balance I got slammed to floor - face first, but somehow I managed to drag Jay with me, but as I said he had a chance to gain upper hand and he just grab that chance. He quickly moved to my back... grabbed me from waist and started to apply reverse bearhug on me ... at this point I must admit that he has got the strongest arms I have ever experienced in my life (I didn't fought before that but had arm wrestling with number of guys).
At start he didn't applied the bearhug with all might, in fact initial bearhug was quite gentle but he increased his grip slowly and gradually for over next ten to fifteen minutes. I was quite exhausted by his grip and taunts like, "What Abhijeet? What happened to your fucking mouth and that all that your big talks pal?" and "You better give up before I squeeze the hell out of your fat belly you bitch!" I was also dreaded by same thought and was thinking about giving up due to overwhelming exhaustion. Adding to that his bare body touch was also burning my skin as his skin got quite heated too (he often got high body temperature when he gets anger not because of fever).
Luckily that long bearhug also exhausted him and his tight and crushing grip got loosen. I just tried to escape from that but he was quite quick to gain pace at that time. I continued my useless tries to get upper hand on him. But he dint let me go from his dominance for ten more minutes.
By the time passed ... despite of low AC temperature, we were sweaty over all. Taking that as chance to gain advantage of slippery skins when I tried to escape and finally got success to get his hands unlocked from my waist and flipped myself underneath him ... he reacted lightning fast and grabbed me again in his iron bar like arms ... but this time in frontal bearhug and looked straight into my eyes with fierce ... I never saw that much grudge in his eyes before but my inner warrior also got furious by that and I started tries to escape that deadly hug, but he was at top of his performance and was dedicated to win very first MATCH of his life.
After spending around half an hour in one sided bearhug I was exhausted to the core and was not able put up defense anymore so he proceeded with his plan and he spent many more minutes to demonstrate his various holds like, camel clutch, half nelson, full nelson, Boston crab, leg figure four, body scissors, head scissors ... I was not able to put up a defense but my warrior descent didn't allowed me to give up! But then at last he pinned my back on floor and mounted on my chest ... pinning my biceps with his knee and applied a schoolboy pin ... got his crotch near to my face ... that was last feather on camel's back for me! (I always hated the thought of any male's crotch on my face). So, just by desperation to get out of that humiliating situation ... I finally gave up.
So that's how we ended up with our first round which was quite long, exhaustive and almost one sided punishment.
I have underestimated my opponent and paid for that. Anyways, after my submission Jay got off of me, and then we went back to our sides and rested for couple of minutes. At that time Jay again looked at me with evil and winning smirk on his face and at that time I decided to win next round by hook or by crook to at least tie down the score and show that bitch what UNTRIANED guys like me can do to him. I also wanted to dominate that hell great piece of fighting excellence at least for once!
I was totally surprised by the fact that how Jay can do so great without having any real life fight experience! The more surprising thing for me was my feeling towards his touch! Till that time I considered myself as straight ... but I felt bit different then just having "opponent" thing in mind, actually my dick stirred up many times during the first round ... especially when our bare skins were sweaty and we were in closest touch ever possible.
I was not sure ... but I felt some hardness in his crotch also, but I was sure neither he nor me was COMPLETE gay, as we were both into serious relationship since I was 16 and he was 18 and enjoyed passionate moments for number of times with our respective partners. So I thought it can be sign of Bi-sexual trait, AND I was pretty cool with that. So, I decided to avoid that point till the time we wind up the fight.
Anyway, after couple of minutes our heaving got settled and he was also cool down, so with mutual nodding, we again met in center facing each other in virile manner gave a rival stare to each other and locked our palms together to start second round with comparatively calm TEST OF STRENGTH. Taking lessons from first round I was alerted this time, hence I was careful with my balance and to maintain it for a while, as the result of my alertness ... test of strength was getting stretched longer and longer. During that we mutually examined each other's body which was now struggling slowly but with full intensity this time to defeat the other.
When I looked into his eyes ... I got surprised as this time he was too staring at me ... but in different manner ... it was kind of mixture of fierce and appreciation. I have never looked into his eyes so carefully before, so I couldn't understand what they want to say.
Anyways, right now the reality was we were actually competing with each other on mental and physical level. By the time passed we were giving our all might in fight and slowly we grabbed each other in standing mutual headlock. I was just finding the chance to take the fight on the ground with me in control as according to me my weight can give me upper hand in ground fight only and I have also lost the first round mainly because of being ignorant and careless attitude. Additionally Jay had an advantage height and reach standing fight. It was not just height, but his raw strength too ... even though I had almost 20lbs on him, he lifted me in the first round. So, I was desperate to take the fight on the ground so I can use my weight advantage.
After some 20 minutes of intense slow pace struggle of pushing and squeezing each other in standing fight ... I got the perfect chance to take the fight on the ground when Jay lost his balance as his leg came between my thighs and with one forceful jerk to his body ... we slammed on ground with thud - Jay on his back and me over him. We were sweating heavily at this point and Jay was also caught off-guard by that sudden move ... so I immediately grabbed that opportunity and flipped him on his chest in one swift move. Then I got mounted on his back and applied a rear naked choke while pinning his body tightly with my whole body weight on his lean physic. I just started to crush his neck and whole body beneath me. After some ten minutes of intense and continuous headlock crushing down his strong neck, he was almost cold out, but still the moment I loosened my grip he got recovered at lightning speed ... he freed his neck and flipped himself to face me chest to chest on the floor. But this time I didn't want to lose at any cost, so I rapidly applied down face bearhug on him with his both hands tied tightly in it and also applied tight grapevine on his lanky legs to prevent roll off. I continued my deadly squeeze on him with my all might for almost next fifteen minutes. By that time we were again sweating profusely hence our skin contact got quite slippery. As I told he was NCC guy, and they master their cadets in self-defense techniques as well, so he didn't let go that chance to get free himself and in one rapid action he got himself free from my hold ... rolled aside and stood up on knees with heavy breathing. I was too heaving badly after that long and intense hold. Once our breaths became normal in few seconds Jay gestured me to restart the wrestling. Then I too got up on knees and went bit near him. As we were quit exhausted we mutually gestured the 'come to me' to each other and went closure to each other in knee standing position only.
This time we started with standard collar and elbow lock ... which shortly lead to the mutual bearhug. Again the struggle did not have that much speed but it was definitely intense. We viciously struggled a lot in that position, almost for ten more minutes. Then I sensed that Jay's grip was loosening. So I thought this was the great opportunity. Grabbing the first chance I escaped from the lock and moved behind him and slid my arms under his and grabbed locked his neck with my hands and started push his chin in his neck applying a full nelson. Then again showing his great self-defense education he slid down from my nelson and in one quick motion he faced me ... grabbed my thighs and pulled them into him and I got slammed on hard floor on my back. Then he further pushed my calves to my chest and put his whole body pressure on them. I was fully bent in double with Jay on top of me.
As I figured out ... ground fight was my forte so grabbing the raw power advance over him I rolled myself to side and without losing a second grabbed his neck ... rolled him over me to bring him under e on his chest and mounted him from side. Then again intense action started in which we mutually applied various moves we have ever saw on YouTube or anywhere on internet or TV. The struggle extends for almost one more hour and we both were extremely exhausted by now and sweating like never before.
This time I was desperate to win so to end the round I finally rolled behind him again and grabbed him in one more full nelson on floor itself. Now I was in my beast mode which never revealed to anyone, I just forced his chin into his chest so fiercely that his vocal tube must have felt heavy of pressure as he was not able to utter out a single word ... finally after lots of fierce and heated struggle to win ... he finally gave up and taped out on my arm. I then released my nelson and we rolled apart.
After really long and fierce fight for reasonably long time ... we were still undecided in our biggest conflict of our friendship. The basic conflict was "Who's the better, stronger and powerful? Whether home trained and natural fit guy like ME or professionally trained and developed lean physic guy like JAY? " ... The answer was still not there after so much of sweat, struggle, and intense fight between best buddies!
We also had one mutual question raised after fight ... Why we mutually had hard-on while struggling each other bare skin? Was that sign of homosexual trait? Were we gay? Or we were Bi-sexual maybe?
Recalling the second round, the hard-on was more profound then the first round ... we were so tight at some points that it was not possible to avoid that even if we want... so it was crystal clear that we were not completely straight.
Anyway, for "WHOS BETTER?" question we still had third round which will now be a "tie breaker" for us. Further as far as "SEXUAL ORIENTATION" question was concern and we sat on the sofa and had a talk with each other freely without any guilt about it. With that we also got some time to get refresh and recharge ourselves for next tie breaker round. Utilizing that time we did some internet surfing for short porn videos showcasing only girls through my mobile ... we felt immense hard-on by just sight of tits and pussies, so now it was clear that we were not completely gay. So we have figured out that we can be Bi-sexual and to confirm that we had another fight round ahead. ;)
Here I would end the first part dear readers! You can read about that TIE BRAEKER round in the next chapter. Till then have happy reading friends. :)
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- athletic
- friendship