Brad and I left the subway headed for the party. The directions sucked. How were we going to find this stupid cafe with a cafe every 50 feet? It wasn't like it was our first time in this area. We had been here a hundred times already. I had been to the record store, the McDonalds, the grocery, and a bunch of places here before. Brad was tired from work and was getting impatient with me.
He didn't even want to come down here tonight. But I told him it would be great to meet some of the people from the upcoming show. You see, Brad and I like to go to drama shows, like Shakespeare or some locally written play. It didn't really matter though what we saw. We like to watch the people, in the play and watching the play. The way they could get caught up in the plot.
Sometimes I wasn't sure who was more entertaining, the people in the play or in the seats looking intently on the stage. Brad was whining about having had such a long shitty day at work, but I assured him again there would be some sexy girls there that he may have a chance to ask on a date, or better yet, to bring home later tonight. He stopped his whining and a smile appeared on his face for the first time night. I got the note out of my pocket that Jeffrey had given me.
It had a scratched out map, if that is what you would call it. It had about five lines horizontal and 3 lines vertical, and one big "X" with "cafe" written next to it then "Xavier" under the word "cafe." Jeffrey had said that the cast party was going to be at Xavier's before the weekend opener of the upcoming play--Four Guys and a Gal. It was going to be a comedy about how these four guys tried to each date the same girl, and she knew they were friends.

Quick Blowjob in the Gym Showers
It was full of near misses of the guys bumping into her at the same time while she was on a date with one of them. Jeffrey assured me that the play was a riot and that the cast was friendly enough to have anyone stop by to meet them at the party. I hoped we could find someone who knew where Xavier's was. We popped into a grocery and asked the clerk. With a typical stupid look on his face, the guy said he didn't know much about the area, he actually didn't live around here, and he offered to say there was a cafe around the corner.
We darted out the door without a thank you and headed around the corner. I should have been nice enough to say thank you I thought after turning the corner. Sure enough, it was Xavier's after all. Oh, and he was a cute looking store clerk, even with the stupid look on his face. Brad's face lit up when he saw the cafe sign. He went through the door faster than me. I pursued after him and found him already heading to the bar. He ordered a couple beers (lucky for us the drinking age was 16 here).
When the tender handed us the beers we turned around expecting to see a crowd of people in the cafe. But we quickly noticed that there wasn't a soul in the place. We didn't notice this glaring fact when we walked in. How could we miss that? We asked the tender if a cast party was going be here tonight.
- college
- friendship
He replied, "Oh, you didn't hear? The chick playing the Gal, her mom got sick, and she went back home to be with her family. They are rescheduling the play for next month, the party too."
Brad looked at me with a pissed of face. I thought he was going to scream at me. Instead he lifted his glass and downed the entire mug. I followed his example and downed my glass too. I knew he was going to be hitting it hard tonight. He didn't even want to be out here, let alone out here in an empty cafe with no one around he could be flirting with. I could understand his feeling.
I really wanted to spend the night making new friends. This was the second time Jeffrey tried to get us to meet up with people from the set he worked on. I wondered if Jeffrey was going to make it there since he hadn't called us to let us know the party was called off. It didn't matter much, Brad would be pissed at him enough to make the night shitty anyway if he did show up.
Brad ordered another two beers and still hadn't said anything about the party; I mean the lack of a party. We walked over to a sofa and sat down. The small tables had small baskets of pretzels and chips on them. I wondered how long they sat there. It wasn't like anyone had even been around to be eating them.
They must have been put out for the party, the one we would be waiting for until next month. Brad slumped into the sofa and grabbed a basket of pretzels. He still didn't say a word. He looked out over the table and across the empty cafe.
"I'm sorry Brad."
"Forget it."
"No, I mean it. I shouldn't have bothered you so much about coming."
"I wanted to come; you didn't force me. Anyway, you didn't know the party was canceled."
"What are we gonna do now? We could head back home. Grab a movie."
"No, we are here now; let's make the best of it."
"I'll get us a pitcher."
"Someone will be in here later; it's still early." Brad sat back gulping his beer. I went to get a pitcher for us and two more cold mugs. When I got back Brad has annihilated the basket of pretzels. I went back to the bar and get a menu. I ordered wings and chicken fingers and a sub for us. When I got back to the table Brad was staring out the window. He was watching three girls talking right outside the cafe.
"I hope they are coming in," he said. As he finished the sentence the door swung open and the three girls stepped into the cafe laughing and chatting quickly. Brad smiled more and poured a new beer for each of us.
The girls sat at a table across the room from us. The tender walked up to them and took their orders. They were cute I suppose. But they were kind of loud. Brad was staring at them. He must have been in a daze. One of the girls had walked over to our table and asked him if he knew if there was supposed to be a party here. Brad didn't say a word. He was obviously entranced by one of the other girls.
He still stared across the room. The second time she turned to look at me. I told her that it was postponed and why. When I started talking Brad finally snapped out of it. He caught himself back up and said hi to the visitor. He asked her if they wanted to join us; he said, "Maybe we can start our own party."
That was the difference between Brad and me. He was always quick to move in on a girl, her friends, or anything else that hinted of meeting someone new girlfriend. She said she would ask her friends. As she walked back to her table, Brad was shifting in his seat. Before the girls came over, the tender brought us our food. Brad and I shoveled down the chow.
Neither of had eaten in nearly eight hours. Thursdays we usually met at the dining hall during our break because they had a two for one special. We weren't cheap, but it was nice to save a buck just before the weekend started. This wasn't the first time we went out on a weekday, and it probably wasn't the last.
The girls stood up and looked over at us. Bringing their drinks, they slipped across the cafe and sat down with us. The girl that Brad had his eyes fixed on sat directly across from him. Soon we found out her name is Helen. The other girls, Marsha and Jennifer, sat on each side of her. Jennifer, the girl who asked the question earlier, sat nearer to me.
They were chatting just as quickly as they had been at their own table. I knew this was going to be a long night. I excused myself and got two more pitchers of beer. Brad was entertaining the girls by the time I got back. He was telling them a story about his visit to the water park he had been to a couple of weeks ago. I figured the girls were all a bit older than we are.
I wondered why they were interested in us at all even though Brad and I was good looking and throwing a bunch of dough around by buying a bunch of beer. Maybe that was it. They were going to mooch our beer. I know Brad had a different idea of how the night would work out than I did.
He was doing everything to impress them. I am sure his 5'8" slim body caught their eyes, and his deep blue eyes, his nearly white blonde hair, his boyish smile, his square shoulders, and his manly big hands. He went on with his story and captivated the girls for a while. I sat by continuing to chug my beer. Brad hadn't touched his in a while now that he was thoroughly engaged in impressing these girls, especially Helen. She was staring into his eyes as he talked. And he was staring back at her.
The girls drank their beers nearly as fast as I was drinking, except for Helen. The conversation turned to where we worked. Helen worked at the Express, a ladies shop. Marsha worked at the coffee shop in the same mall. And Jennifer was a piano teacher. Since Brad and I worked at the college cleaning out the rooms after the students left, he simply said we worked at the college.
When Jennifer asked what we did there, Brad paused before he answered. He looked over at me and said we worked in the administration building answering phones. I thought that was pretty lame for an answer because we didn't even know anyone our age who worked over there. I hoped the topic would change soon.
But instead, Helen asked if we talked to new students coming in to the school. I knew this wasn't going well. Brad should have told them what we really did, but he never liked to tell people that he cleaned the messes the college students left behind as they headed to summer homes and fancy vacations. Brad had an experience once where he was making out with a girl and for some dumb reason she asked where he worked as he was unbuttoning her blouse.
He nearly had a fit. The question took him by surprise, and he told her the college. She wanted to know more. He told her he worked cleaning the rooms in the dorms. She wasn't impressed. She pushed his hands away and made some excuse about having to get home soon. He was blue balled big time. He vowed never to tell another potential date about his job. In fact, he would have quit the job altogether but $12 an hour kept him there.
There was no way for a 16 year old to make $12 an hour anywhere else in town. The job sucked, but it was well worth the money. Helen didn't stop asking about the job. She was interesting in attending the school after she saved enough for the first semester. She must have been 19 or so.
She said she couldn't go last year because her grades in high school were not that good. But her dad would pay the tuition if she could get through the first semester on her own with a B average. We didn't know much about the school except for the amount of crumbs, dirty sheets, dried out pizza and condoms under the bed, greasy towels left in closets, and smelly bathrooms covered in shower scum.
But Brad explained smoothly how the admissions process worked. His cousin had attended the college a few years back, maybe that is how he knew. Jennifer chimed in that her brother attended the college. She said he was going to be at the cafe after he finished work. In fact, he would be here before long.
Brad's face went white, then red. As the topic finally changed to discuss the Gal and her sick mom, Brad excused himself. He was heading to the bathroom. I went after him. Three pitchers and four beers earlier we had started drinking without a break.
On the way through the door I said, "Nice going pal. Now they think we work in the admissions office."
"That's OK don't worry about it. They think we are cool. Did you see how Helen was checking me out? I know I could spend a few nights with her."
"Brad, you need to stop lying about what we do."
"Why? So I can get dumped before I get going?"
"It is only gonna get us in trouble one day. You heard her, her brother is coming over here later."
"So what? It won't come up again. Forget it man."
Brad was good at that, avoiding any problem. He never seemed to think things through very well. I liked that about him sometimes, but he usually got hurt or in trouble with his parents, friends, teachers, you name it.
As we stood there pissing, Brad sounded like a fire truck unloading onto cement. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his cock springing like a fountain. When he was done he shook his cock three times. He said once, "The first is to get the drop piss off the end of his cock; the second is because it feels good, and the third is because it still feels good."
He tucked in his cock at the same time I did. I hardly remembered pissing. I guess I was too busy peeking at Brad. His had a nice wide mushroom head. When he pissed he always seemed to slowly move his cock in a small circle. I remember the first time I saw him piss. We were outside in December. We were sledding about a mile from his house. I told him I had to piss and we needed to head back soon.
He asked me why I didn't just piss in the snow. I figured if he thought it was OK then I did too. He joined me as I moved over to the side of the hill to piss near a big pine tree. He maneuvered his cock through the layers of his clothes and pissed in a big circle. I copied his artwork in a circle of my own. Then we crisscrossed our streams to connect the two circles. I remembered seeing something like it in a math class once. I think they called it an infinity sign.
Brad and I left the bathroom and turned toward our table. The girls weren't there. The tender came out and said they had gone after a guy came in but they left a note. It read:
"Sorry we had to leave; Jennifer's brother wanted us to go with him to meet some friends. See ya another time."
Brad's face turned red. Then he looked like he was going to cry. What a day! What a day it has been! Brad slumped back to our table. The crumbs of our feast sat out on the dishes. Brad poured a new beer, drank it down in a single sip much like he had done with his first drinks of the night.
When the tender came to clear our plates he asked for a bottle of whiskey. When the tender asked if he meant a shot of whiskey, Brad insisted he was correct in requesting a bottle of whiskey. The tender smirked, carried away the dishes, and returned with a new bottle of Jack Daniels and two glasses. He also dropped a bowl of ice in the center of the table. He unscrewed the cap, added ice to the glasses and poured the first of several glasses of whiskey we would soon consume.
I am always game for a good drink, but Brad usually didn't touch hard liquor, except for nights like tonight. From a shitty day at work, to being dissed by the chicks, and now nothing more to look forward to but the long walk home, since by the time we would be done the subway would be closed and the taxis would be hard to find.
Brad started to crack some pretty bad jokes by the third glass of whiskey. He was saying maybe we could buy a girl, and then maybe she would stick around so long as we were paying. The only thing keeping him at the cleaning job was the money; he may as well use it to his advantage. Then his tone changed again about the fifth glass. He was saying he was going to quit the job. It wasn't worth it if he couldn't be proud of what he was doing. And cleaning dried vomit off urinals wasn't something to be proud of.
He looked so sad. Even though he looked sad, his eyes sparkled with the tears bottled up on the corners of his eyes. He deserved better. His big hands grasped the glass like he was hanging on for life. I had matched him drink for drink since the whiskey started to flow, but I didn't feel drunk, though I am sure I was quite stoned by now. Brad said he had to piss again.
I tried to stand up and nearly knocked into a vase on the divider between our booth and the next. Brad caught my arm and helped me gain my balance back. We slogged to the men's room. When we got to the urinals, I was leaning my head on the wall to hold my balance. I undid my jeans and let it rip. I was half facing the urinal next to me, and Brad stepped up to it.
He looked over at me and laughed. I looked down to see I was missing the urinal altogether. He pulled his out and started to flood the urinal and then stepped back and crisscrossed streams with me. He was laughing still and I joined him. We were in hysterics. Finally something seemed enjoyable again tonight. We finished pissing and zipped up. On the way to the door we were half hugging to hold each other up on our journey back to the table.
The tender came over to us as we finished off the bottle. He said they would be closing in a little bit, wondered if we wanted another beer. Of course we couldn't leave without one more drink, since the bottle was now empty. When the tender brought out the last beers of the night, he brought our bill. It was $89. I almost jumped out of my seat. Between the two of us we had only about $50.
But I remembered I had my dad's credit card from a few weeks ago. If I were any more drunk, I think I would have forgotten I had it still. I pushed Brad's hands back as he went to offer his cash. I put the card down in didn't meet the tender's eyes as he looked at me. You see, my dad and I have the same name. So I can get away with using his card real well. Being called Junior isn't so bad after all.
We quickly through the beers down when the tender brought the bill back and I signed it leaving a god tip. An even $100. That should make the tender happy I thought.
We gathered ourselves up and headed out the door into the cool air. It air felt great, but I felt like my head was floating 3 feet higher than my shoulders. I looked at Brad as we stumbled forward. We both knew it at the same time. There was no way we were going to make it to his place or my own. We didn't know anyone who lived close by. We would have to find a room. A motel. A hotel. Something.
Good thing I had my dad's credit card. We stumbled down the sidewalk, leaning on each other. It felt great to have his body pressed against mine. If we looked toward each other at the same time our lips nearly met. His breath seemed heavy of whiskey. I am sure mine was the same.
Mints, we definitely needed some mints. His stronger arms and hands did most of the holding. But my legs seemed to do most of the stepping. About two blocks down we saw a hotel light. We fell into the door and nearly knocked it off the hinges. No one was in the lobby. A bell sat on the corner of the counter. We leaned on the counter and stared at each other and then at the bell. Brad reached out and missed the bell the first try. The second try he got it. With the ding came the steward around the corner instantly. I wondered if he was watching us the whole time. He had a great big smile and a loud voice.
Then he seemed to chuckle as he picked up the credit card I laid on the counter. He made an imprint of the card and handed it back with a key that looked also looked like a credit card. He said, "You'll find your room on the first floor, thought you might need that, and down the hall to the left."
As we turned toward the hall entrance I thought we would topple over. I left Brad's hands dig into my side. I liked the feel of his hands on me. We made our way down the hall bumping the walls on each side of the hall as we went. Each time we bumped the wall our bodies mashed together for a second. We got to the door and pushed the card into the slot, but nothing happened. I figured we had the wrong door. When we pulled the card out, the little light went green and the door made a "click" sound. I guess the key had to be taken out to open the door. I felt stupid, but who really cared, it was just Brad and me.
I thought about that for a minute. It was just Brad and me. We had started the night out hoping to have a little fun, make new friends, and figured on Brad finding a girl to kiss on. I thought I would head home empty handed and thinking of Brad's sexy smile. But that wasn't the case now. We were crashing though the door. We didn't stop our long fall through the doorway until we hit the bed.
Brad fell on top of me as be bounced onto the bed. We were laughing again. He lay face down next to me with his body still half covering mine. I felt my crotch stir. His left hand lay on my stomach. Only a few inches lower and he would have covered my cock. He pushed up and wearily stood. He made a turn and headed for the john. I lay on the bed thinking about the shitty night, but now there was a little hope to make it better. I heard Brad pissing sporadically.
By the sounds of things I figured we have messed up another bathroom floor. We seemed to be good at that tonight. Maybe whiskey shouldn't be the drink of choice for us. Brad came stumbling back out with his shirt untucked and his pants unbuttoned. I thought maybe I would see his cock hanging out as well, but no luck there. I figured I had stored a good enough quantity of alcohol in me as well.
I performed the same ritual visit to the john. I leaned against the wall to keep a good aim. Brad had already slicked the floor with half his piss. I finished up most valiantly not adding to the mess. I too left the bathroom with shirt untucked and ants unbuttoned. I didn't want Brad feeling alone.
Brad lay face down again on the bed. It was a massive bed. Brad was lying across the bed and he did not hang over either side. It had to have been two beds pushed together. I crawled alongside Brad. He looked over at me and smiled. I asked him if he wanted help with his shoes. He said yes. I sat up and flicked off my own shoes, then his. When I lay back down beside him I put my hand on his back.
It wasn't like me to do anything like that with Brad, but tonight it didn't seem to matter. I rubbed his lower back for a second. I caught myself and removed my hand. He looked over at me and asked, "Why'd you stop?" I didn't think twice; I simple placed my hand back on this back and started to massage his lower back again with one hand.
"That feels so good." He grabbed a pillow and snuggled his face into it as I rubbed his back. He slowly turned while I continued the movement with my hand and when he was turned on his back, my hand rested on his stomach. I didn't stop the movement. I rubbed his stomach. I could feel my cock definitely trying to escape now.
Here is Brad, drunk, relaxed finally, laying there under my caressing hand. He didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, he was most certainly enjoying it too. His cock was growing and pushing his underwear up on one side. His cock was attempting an escape as well. He just lay there with closed eyes.
I took my chance and flipped the band on my underwear to release my straining cock. The head jumped out like a swimmer getting a breath after swimming to the bottom of the pool. I also dared to rub in a larger circle, bumping Brad's cock-head. He sighed. I knew things would get interesting.
On the next sweep of my hand I rubbed over the end of Brad's cock. He slightly lifted his groin into my hand as I passed over his cock-head. His smile widened. His sighs grew louder. His cock was certainly fully erect. His 6 inches pushed the underwear over the top edge of his pants now. On the next circle, I pushed my hand under his waistband, and I stroked against his naked flesh and pulled my hand free again.
He opened his eyes and looked at me then down toward my hand. I didn't stop. On the next invasion my hand dove under the band again, this time he watched as I stopped the motion and held his cock in my hand. I grasped my hand around his shaft. He laid his head back on the pillow. A long sigh escaped his body. I shifted to get myself into a better position.
I was nearly sitting up now. My hand still grasped Brad's erection. With my other hand I pushed down on his waistband and Brad lifted his bottom to assist me in moving his underwear down. He suddenly hopped his ass up and pushed his pants and underwear down his thighs in one quick motion. It surprised me enough that I released his cock fell back on the bed laughing.
He rolled toward me and pinned my legs to the bed. His cock pushed into my thigh. He was lying almost across me and grabbed my arms and pushed them to the bed. I started to felt a bit strange with Brad responding like this. I had always imagined seducing Brad in my dreams. I never thought it would happen. And I certainly never thought he would ever respond to my advance like this. I wasn't sure I was comfortable like this. I asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"
Brad smiled back and said, "Why not, we're friends aren't we?" Brad let go of my arms and brought his hands toward my chest. He ran his hands under my shirt and pushed the material over my head revealing my hardened nipples. I felt great all over. I don't think there was a part of me not erect at this moment.
He pushed his hands down this time toward my aching cock. I could feel the pulse of it stretching it further than it had stretched before. He passed his hands over my balls and shaft. He didn't pause. He grabbed the band and trousers and down they flew. I barely lifted up enough for them to pass down my legs. He continued to pull them all the way off.
Brad laughed and scooted back letting his shirt seem to magically fly off into the room. As he scooted, his pants seem to stay at the edge of the bed. When he arrived next to me his pants were gone. There we were now totally naked. Lying side by side. Cocks reaching to the ceiling.
We turned to each other and our lips met. Our cocks jabbed each other. I could feel a dampening in my crotch. I didn't know who was leaking now. It didn't matter. Brad rubbed my shoulders and I rubbed his sides. My hands searched for his cock. I wanted to touch him again. His rod was hot and damp. I ran a finger over the tip of his cock and found a slick. I rubbed his juice into his cock.
More juice ran into my hand. It only helped me to pump his flesh. I couldn't wait any longer; I had to have his cock in my mouth. I spun around and placed my face next to his cock. I rubbed his cock on my cheek wiping off some of the juice. I licked the tip and he squirmed. I could feel his hands wrap around my own cock. He was pumping away. I felt greasy.
I wrapped my lips around his huge mushroom head. His cock was 6 inches long and very wide. It must have been twice as wide as my own cock. My fingers did not meet when I grasped his shaft. I began pushing my lips toward his balls. My nose was buried in his hair. Every couple pulses I was able to touch my nose to his sack. His cock seemed to grow and fill y throat more and more.
I could feel his hands become very wet. I wondered if he had spit into his hands. But then my cock was engulfed. Warm. Wet. Exciting. Brad had joined me into a beautiful 69. I nearly came thinking about it. I couldn't believe we were doing this. It fulfilled a dream I never had. Brad came off my cock for a second and gasped, "I am going to cum!"
I didn't stop. I felt his cock busting loose from my mouth. His groin bounced around but I didn't allow it to escape. I couldn't. I caught his load as it streamed out his cock. I could feel him filling my stomach. The warm fluid raced down my throat. I joined him in an eruption like I had never had. Three, Four, Five orgasms. I shot and sucked. Almost immediately Brad's cock went limp while it was still in my mouth. My cock was still racing. The cum didn't want to stop. Brad grabbed my again and I felt his mouth encircle my head. I came one more time.
I turned back toward Brad and we lay face to face. He stared into my eyes. I stared back. I moved my head forward and we met kissing. Our cum mixed into wetness of tongues. When we awoke we were naked and stuck to the covers. We had missed work. It was 10 am.
Brad leaned toward me and kissed my forehead, then my lips. He got up, went to the bathroom. When he returned he laid next to me just as he had been. He looked me in the eyes and said, "I can't wait until next month's cast party."
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written by berniebopRATE THIS STORY
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