Fredro groaned against Stickys mouth, disappointed slightly as his mouth pulled from his. The warmth wandered his neck, licking slowly at that which made his athletic chest sticky. Fredro muttered silently as those lips kissed slowly down his body. His hands eased up onto Stickys bald head, gently coaxing him downward. He watched as Stickys hot mouth lingered soft pleasure on his stiffen organ, licked at his nuts.
Fredro felt his legs spread under his friends strong hands, a sudden, very warm sensation against his ass. He heard the gentle sucking, knowing the source of the pleasure; as always, Stickys hot mouth. His ass opened gently under Stickys fingers, his tongue moving inward as it had on his mouth. Warmth spread again through his light skinned body.
The warm around them was hot, their bodies sticky with semen and sweat. Fredro remained silently, grunting quietly only now and then as Sticky pushed both tongue and fingers deeper inside him. It seemed like an eternity before Sticky moved back onto him. His weight pressed down on him again, Stickys hand, wet with saliva and spit, working against his thick member.
"Do it gentle, nigga..." Fredro found his mind almost trying to back out, justifying and assuming. His physical and sexual needs spoke louder, his hands tight on Stickys shoulders.

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"Yeah, yo know I will, nigga. Just relax yo. It aint gonna hurt...I promise."
Fredro found reassurance in those eyes again, in the soft skin under his hands. Already a new sensation burned against his stretched asshole, the center between his widespread legs. The short black couldnt believe the reality, but knew there was no other explaination. His mind paniced again, spelling out the physical impossibilities poised at him.
He felt the tightening in Stickys strong body before the discomfort in his ass. Fredro grunted. Soothing words quickly followed, as Sticky kissed against his lips, drawing him back into a warm, now familiar calm. Fredro was lost again to those lips as muscles tightened, his asshole widening, opening. His ass began to protest, Sticky slowing, stopping, then working against him again, with strange skill.
- friendship
Fredros hands gripped tightly against those hard muscles, feeling each push within his embrace and against his ass. Something gave suddenly, Fredro grunting hard against Stickys tight kiss. His ass clamped, tightening against Stickys huge head as it popped inside his crushing right of muscle. Fredro could smell the alchole again, as Sticky breathed heavily through his nose, still kissing noisily at his thick lips.
Gentle motions slowly pressed that thick cock further, deeper. Fredro heard Stickys whispers to relax again, as he broke the kiss, pushing a little firmer. Light skinned muscles tightened and relaxed as slowly Stickys thick rod made its long passage.
"Open up fo' me, nigga," Fredro heard words take form in his strange mist of pleasure and pain. The voice calmed him, familiar, the source of pleasure and fantasy. "Let me in....yeah....Ima do it fo' yo up fo' me Shorty....yeah I know yo like dat name, huh?"
Something inside Fredro melted open to Stickys voice, his body, his spear of thick flesh. The two youths gasped, as Stickys fat shaft glided smoothly to burning depths inside Fredro. Everything seemed to pound to Fredros senses, his heart, his cock. Against his chest, Stickys heart throbbed, inside him, impossibly, his huge manhood, reminding Fredro of his presence with every heartbeat.
"Yeah....yo like dat Shorty?" Sticky asked. His voice came as heavy and ragged as Fredros, their bodies burning against each others. "Yo aiight Shorty?"
"Did yo fantasize bout us doin' dis?"
Fredro nodded, sweat rolling of his bald head. "Yeah...."
Fredro gazed at those dark eyes again. Something made him pull his stocky friend close, tight. His thick lips took Stickys again. There was no trace of anger, doubt, fear. Only warmth, intense, throbbing pleasure. Fredro let out moaned, barely ledgible words as Sticky began his gentle backstroke.
" yo....damn...." Fredro clung to Sticky, calling again as he began moving against him in a smooth, quicker rhythm.
"I know Shorty....Ima make love to yo in every way yo ever dreamed...."
Fredro felt the warmth of the sex taking him, fulling him like he was slowly lying down in a hot tub. Stickys strong body moved over him, like the same fluid motions of water. The short youth lay panting under him, as Stickys penis rode the rhythmic motions of intercourse against his asshole. His pants rose to match Stickys and the strokes of his dick inside his tight center.
Fredro writhed as the motions increased. His body slowly opened more to Stickys sex, as the stocky youth rode harder, faster. He kept his motions controlled, easy, watching for discomfort. Sticky saw only the unexplainable pleasure felt by a virgin losing his. Fredros mouth moved in moans, unspoken words of pleasure, thanks, pleeding. His hands locked on Stickys strong body as his friend muttered soft words, calling him "Shorty" over and over.
Fredro felt the flames shooting over his body again and again as Stickys fat member took his virginity. A sudden heat flared in his own, wetness saturating him and Sticky in strong washes of warmth. Fredro felt Stickys thick shaft in a new, unfelt light as his ring squeezed with each swift wave of semen. He felt Stickys shifting length, his size, the gradual but firm hardening and swelling. A burst of fire took his insides, Sticky groaning hard with his release above him.
Fredro felt as drained as his friend as the sex subsided. The warm burn of liquid deep inside him fulled him in ways he never thought possible, slowing after an eternity. The pleasure gave way to ragged pants, burning sweat, slicked muscles. Fredros loose ass released that devirgining member softly, caressing its long, loosening length, milking its cream.
"Fuck!" Sticky panted, lying with Fredro. "Ah fuck Shorty. Fuck I love dat....fuck, I love YO....I shoulda worked dis shit outta yo soona, nigga....I know we both needed dat shit..."
"Yo told me yo never though about guys," Fredro grinned. It barely seemed to make any difference, barely worth even mentioning. "Or tasted yo cum, or ANY of that shit, man!"
"Yo, I needed to get a rise outta yo, Shorty," he explained. Fredro felt that big penis nestling against his, sweat and cum mingling. "So I could getta chance to get anutha rise outta yo..."
Fredro smiled, getting the reference. He didnt care what he had said, what he had done. He didnt care about the humiliation. It was worth it to feel that afficial nastee. His fantasies come to life.
In the dimness of the room, blunt smoke all but gone, Fredro embraced Stickys sweaty, heavy body again. Their lips met again, as Sticky wrapped his arms around his friend again. Sticky sucked again on those thick lips. Tasting his Shorty.
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