"Aiight. Where was we?" Sticky said. He grabbed up the bottle from where he had put it down beside the bed. "Yo...me...yo...yeah. Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Fredro was starting to feel that 'dare' was about as dangerous as 'truth'. He leaned back, trying to relax a little in his half naked state, still feeling Stickys gaze. The short black returned it.
"Yo ever fantasized about messin' wit' guys when yo jacked off?"
Fredro sucked in a breath. Why the hell was he still playing this fucked up game? He felt the sting again, hearing the liquid slosh in the bottle as Sticky gulped again. He felt the heat returning again to his athletic form. He coughed up the answer somehow.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
"Yeah." He quickly eyed the bottle, wishing he had something to down. Fredro quickly slicked the answer over before Sticky could say anything else. "Truth or dare?"
Fredro fought out quickly for something. Anything. "I dare you skull the rest of that bottle." That coulda been better, he thought.
- blowjob
Sticky gave him a slight glance, lifting the bottle. There wasnt too much left in the bottom, as he swilled it around a little. Sticky lifted back the bottle, skulling the liquid slowly, but surely, gulp after gulp.
Fredro watched silently. He found himself looking Sticky over a little, the stocky blacks eyes pinned on the ceiling as he drunk. Fredro eyes flashed over those stocky shoulders, taking in the course underarm hair, where Stickys arm held the bottle back up to his mouth. Those dark nipples, the slight hint of hair between those pecs. Stickys stomach was the same stocky build as the rest of his light skinned body. A thickish trail of course backgrowing hair drew Fredros eyes down to the bulge in Stickys baggy jeans. He couldnt get out of his mind his friends admittance to his size there.
Fredro shifted a little, tugging at his own jeans, ashamed of the sudden sturring in his groin. Sticky breathed a long breath, dropping the bottle down the side of the bed. He gave Fredro a grin.
"Truth or dare?"
The short black wanted it to stop there. He paused slightly. Something made him call "truth". His eyes fell on Stickys groin again slightly, seeing the slight jut there, seemingly unknown or uncared by the stocky youth. Fredro felt the gun turn again on him.
"Yo ever fantasized 'bout messin' wit' Sonee when yo jacked off?"
His heart thumped. Hard. Fredro felt the burn again, his throat dry. He knew the answer. He didnt want to say that he had thought about their other group member when he was doing it. Three or four times a day. Tasting his own cum. While still a fucking virgin. His face twisted a little as he admitted it, at almost a whisper. Fredro felt like a kid scorned.
"You ever tasted your cum?" The question seemed to be enough. Fredro just wanted to make Sticky feel the slight amount of discomfort he was feeling. It didnt seem to work.
"Fuck off. Nah. I aint tasted dat shit." Fredro stayed silent, his high cheekboned face still hard, his lips pursed in that hard grimace.
Sticky paused for a moment. Fredro felt his eyes again, feeling his cock stirring uncomfortably in his jeans. His heart thumped in his chest, his dick rising completely against his wants with each beat. The next question came. Fredro almost knew it.
"Yo ever fantasized about messin' wit' me when yo jacked off?"
Fredro looked Sticky straight in the eyes. He felt the uncomfortable size of a full erection in his baggy jeans, his heart pounding like a drum. The sweat was running off his slick dome as he glared almost definately.
Sticky leaned forward, taking the blunt where Fredro had left it in the ashtray. He leaned back on the bed, puffing slightly, staying silent. Fredro couldnt help notice in his extreme embarrisment the large bulge that had risen in Stickys jeans. The stocky black looked as though he was as erect as him.
Fredro stumbled with his question. "You ever thought about doing shit with guys?"
"Nop." Sticky seemed still way too cool. It infuriated Fredro, the stocky youth blowing another puff of the blunts smoke. Fredro shot back a venomous reply.
"You fuckin' lying."
Sticky blew it off. "Nah I aint. We both tellin' da truth here, aint we?"
Fredro swept unknowingly with flow of the game, embarrised, sweating, erect. Angry. "Truth, motherfucka."
"Yo gay?"
"What the FUCK?!"
"I axed if yo was gay, nigga."
Fredros face twisted. He stumbled, all but spluttering. "I....ah....I dont...." He shook, barely able to speak. "I dont fuckin' know! NAH! What the fuck?! I aint! I aint fuckin' gay!" Fredros athletic chest and shoulders rose and fell quickly, slick with nervious sweat. He cussed at Sticky, his face hard, twisted in an angry grimace. The fuming anger spoke volumes beyond his stuttered lies.
"I dare you suck my fuckin' cock, you fuckin' bitch!"
Fredro froze. Sticky sat unmoving on the bed opposite him. The small, dark lounge fell silent, save Fredros rasping pants. A long moment past before Sticky let the smoke escape his lungs, drifting softly outwards. Fredro took a gulp of air, his breathing calming slightly as he realised what he had just said.
Fredro stayed silent. His mind swum. He opened his mouth almost as if to say something. Something stopped it as Sticky put the blunt back into the ashtray. Fredros mind scrambled to work out what had just passed in his anger. Through the confusion he realised what he'd dared Sticky to do. And that Sticky had said yes.
"Aiight...." Stickys voice was lower. Fredros cock throbbed in his baggy jeans. He hadnt misheard him. He felt like he had a crowbar stuck down the front of his pants.
The stocky youth stood up, Fredros eyes following his movements closely. Sticky nodded towards the bed slightly. "I cant get at yo joint in dat seat. Sit on da bed."
Fredro stood up. He barely remembered doing it. He had no idea why he had. He couldnt believe what he had said, still. He couldnt believe what he was about to do. It was crazy! It had to be a mistake. He dared him to do WHAT?! Part of Fredro held back, confused, slightly lost. Fearful. A stronger part of him, a part that throbbed in his rock hard member, moved him in front of his stocky friend.
Sticky put a hand on his athletic shoulder. It felt reassuring, dispite the circumstances. Fredro felt those eyes, reassurance too, softer, that thick black beanie still tight over his bald dome. Stickys hand drifted down his back, motioning him towards the bed. Fire danced down his slicked body. A shudder. A tight suck of air. Fredro sat down on the end of the bed where Sticky had been for most the night.
"Yo....ah....yo dont have to do this dare, man..." Fredro found himself stuttering. Sticky was already kneeling down at the foot of the bed. The stockier black looked up at him.
"Nah, its all good, nigga. A dares a dare," Sticky stayed there silent a moment, the silence slightly unnerving. "What? Yo dont think Im man enough to do it? Dat it?"
"No. Its cool."
Fredros mind swum, saying yes and no at the same time. A million questions ran through the short blacks brain. 'Hes doing it cause Im daring him too?', 'Hes doing it cause he thinks Im gay?', 'Hes doing it cause he wants to?' Stickys hand on his thigh silenced him mind a moment, overcoming it with the arrousal and pleasure of the moment.
"Its cool, nigga," Sticky replied. His voice was low, his eyes moving slowly. "Open yo pants up fo' me...."
Fredros heart thumped as he slipped his hand onto his belt, undoing it. Reason kept tugging him away from the act. His arrousal spoke louder, made his fingers tug open his top button as Stickys hands moved to help him. The many fantasies he had had of Sticky while jacking off flouded to reality, throbbing in his erection. His heart thumped as Stickys hands too over where his had slowed, opening his fly properly, tugging at his baggy jeans and boxers.
"Sit up a bit, nigga."
Stickys voice was dead low. Shakey, his eyes pinned on his stocky friend, Fredro moved up a little. Stickys firm hands eased down his boxers and jeans. Fredros erection slipped into view as his pants went down his thighs. Sticky kept pulling until he sat naked, his penis standing against his stomach.
Fredro stayed silent. The fear and embarrisement of being exposed was dulled by the arrousal of having his close friend before him. Stickys hands ran lightning along his athletic thighs, drawing a shudder as they slipped onto his hips. Fredro watched silently, panting as Stickys hand slipped around his throbbing six inches.
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written by wildstyleRATE THIS STORY
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