Robinson stood staring at the sleeping young man. He was a handsome fellow, tall and well built. He must be around 24 thought Robinson. His long, straight, black hair framed a very handsome face that had a strange beauty about it.
Robinson felt a strange and almost forgotten urge stir in his loins. Slowly he approached the sleeping man and lifted the hand-made goatskin quilt and gawked at the naked body of the 'savage' who he had saved that very morning. The man was sleeping on his stomach, his face turned towards the door. Robinson stared at the soft, smooth brown skin that seemed to simmer and glow in the flickering light of the lamp. The curves of the strong shoulders, the narrow waist that suddenly rose to form the twin globes of the buttocks. He was panting as with shaking fingers he reached out.
The first year Robinson could think about nothing but escaping from the island. He longed for another man, someone to talk to, to hold and touch. That warm feel of another body covering his ass. That incredible sensation of a thick shaft stretching his colon. One whole year was indeed a long time to have spent with just wild goats for company. The goats were good to fulfill the impossible lust that tore at him on cold nights, but it could never take the place of another man. The warmth of a man's body, the hot mouth, the plaint lips and strong arms holding him. O, how he had missed those teen years in England and later those wild days of sexual frenzy on the ship with the young hands that he had hired to man his ship and keep his bunk warm! ONE year! It seemed another world, another existence!!!
His hopes for rescue had been so high just a few months earlier when a Spanish ship ran aground on the rocks. But when Robinson went for his boat and sailed out to the ship, be found only dead bodies and a small amount of cargo which he brought ashore. The muskets, gunpowder, and clothing would be of some use to him. He also took the only survivor of the wreck, the ship's dog, with him. 'This dog,' he thought 'must surely be better than those billy goats.' the idea had excited him!

You Fuck My Face in the Middle of the Night
But the novelty soon wore off and now the need for a man was becoming stronger. So strong in fact, that Robinson could no longer resist it. He thought about it during the day and dreamed about it at night. The same dream kept repeating itself over and over, night after night. In the dream he saw a tall, dark and handsome man with long flowing hair come one day to the deserted island and walk up to him and picking him up in his strong arms carry him into the log cabin. And then he makes passionate love to Robinson! This dream became so real that Robinson decided he had to do something about it, maybe even 'arrange' for the man to come.
He had already seen, long back, that some men occasionally came to the island in boats along with what was obviously prisoners and then sacrificed these men and ate them. He decided he must keep an eye for them, maybe one amongst them was his promised lover. He HAD to find out!!! So, Robinson began his watch on the shore. He watched for six months; he watched for a year; he watched for a year and a half. Still, no canoes appeared on the sea. Then, one morning, Robinson awoke and found the canoes he had been searching for so desperately. It also meant MEN! God, was he excited!!
He already knew these men were cannibals and therefore he had to be very careful! What if the guy he chose and finally seduced ate him after they had finished making love? But then he was so desperate he didn't much bother about that part of the scenario yet. Again maybe, he could save one of those prisoners, surely those guys weren't cannibals?! As he thought all these things he climbed to the top of the little hill above his 'fortress' and saw thirty men dancing around a fire down below on the shore. Something was cooking in a huge pot, but Robinson couldn't be sure what it was or whether it was indeed human meat. As he watched the lean and strong figures of the dancing men his cock hardened with his long pent-up lust and he slowly pumped his hips into the ground.
- twink
Suddenly he noticed two men being dragged from the boats towards the fire. But one of the prisoners caught his instant attention and sent a lightening bolt up his spine. The man seemed very young, even from this distance and he could see the muscles ripple under the glistening brown skin as he was pulled towards the fire. He had a strikingly handsome face and was like the rest of the men, naked. But what fascinated Robinson most was the incredibly thick and long cock that dangled between the man's legs!! It looked magnificent. Robinson nearly shot his seeds that instant. He groaned softly as his pumping quickened.
To his horror one of them was immediately knocked down with a club, and the cannibals began cutting him open. The other prisoner, the one that had caught Robinson's eye, was left standing by himself until they were ready for him. Seeing himself unguarded and hoping to save his life, the native suddenly jumped away from them and ran into the woods. He was heading in Robinson's direction. And as Robinson gazed at these events, he couldn't help but wonder, "Can my dream be coming true?" Then he turned his attention back to the savages and saw that only three of them were sent after the fleeing native. Robinson cheered silently as he saw the native out running the savages.
"Keep running, my man!" he whispered. "You'll make it. God, I need you!" Then as the native came to the creek, "O, please God," prayed Robinson, "let the man swim, let him swim well and swiftly!"
The man dove in and, with strong, swift strokes, made it across the creek in seconds. When the three savages reached the creek, only two of them seemed to know how to swim. The third could not, so he turned and went back towards the beach. The two savages were not as swift as the native, so he was well ahead of them by the time they reached the other side of the creek.
At this moment Robinson knew that it was his fate to save the poor native's life and enjoy the company of a virile young man again! He ran down his ladder and grabbed his guns. He climbed over his fortress wall and took a shortcut to the creek. Within minutes, Robinson stood just ten feet behind the fleeing native. He called out to him. The man turned and stared at Robinson. Robinson waved to him, calling him to come back, but the native was too frightened to move.
Soon Robinson heard the savages approaching. He didn't want to fire his gun and warn the others, so he knocked the first savage out with the gun's butt end. When the second savage saw his partner attacked, he pulled out his bow and arrow There was no time to club him now, so Robinson fired. The savage fell dead. The frightened native stared at his enemies on the ground. He was so terrified of the fire and the noise from Robinson's gun that he couldn't move. Robinson called to him again and made signs for him to come closer, smiling in a seductive way. The man started walking, trembling, with each step he took, Robinson's eyes glued to the massive shaft that dangled limply between those strong thighs.
He had never seen anything like this. 'What was that mighty stick that roared like a thunder and spewed fire to kill its enemy so far away.' he thought. As he came closer, he began kneeling on the ground every ten or twelve steps and raising his hands up, like telling Robinson not to shoot him. He stared at this strange man covered in furry clothes, so unlike him and his people. He looked so different, pale and light haired. What was this creature that stood on two legs yet was not like them? The man was scared yet fascinated and this creature had also saved him from the cannibals, or was it he had done so to ultimately eat him himself? He went close and knelt down in front of his savior and bowed his head in surrender. Robinson lifted him up and patted him on the shoulder and then hugged him tight, rubbing his groin into the naked body of the young man.
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