I'd often thought about him, but I didn't know how to speak to him. After all he was my boss and you can't ask for an appointment with your boss and then when you get in to his office say
"Excuse me sir, but can I kiss you" I'm sure that I wouldn't last long in my job if I did. Still he was often in my mind whenever I had a wank. I just wish that he was in bed with me!
He's always friendly, to all his staff, but I wanted more than friendly and I knew it wasn't going to happen, not this side of the next millennium anyway. So everyday I go to work and whenever he's in the office I just gaze at him, find myself dreaming and hastily get back to whats on my desk, usually boring accounts, but that's what I'm paid for as an accounts clerk.
I'm looking forward to this weekend as I've been invited down to Ashbury in Sussex for the weekend. A bit different to my normal weekends, I hope! Its an old friend of mine and he's getting married, another good one bites the dust. He was never gay, like me, just a very friendly guy. He was the first person I told about myself and he was so supportive at the time that I kissed him. He didn't mind, just said,

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"Look mate, kissing is fine, but you want another gay not me" and that's how we became even better friends than we were before. We had kept in touch over the years as we both travelled around to different jobs. The occasional phone call, the odd card etc. But I hadn't seen him for about seven years now when suddenly he rung me, out of the blue, and asked me to go along to his wedding.
I'm leaving work early on Friday, I've taken some holiday time I'm owed, and driving down from here, Birmingham, to this Ashbury place. I don't know anything about the place at all, but Phil, my mate, has arranged for me to stay at someone's place down there.
Bloody hell! Here comes the boss, I'd better look as though I'm doing something I suppose. Of course he has to stop at my desk and ask me if everything is OK. I look up at him and say its fine and that I hope he is OK. When I look up I can see a few grey/brown hairs edging over the top of his collar and I have to drag my gaze away from them to look up into his eyes. Oh my god! I nearly melt when I do. Fortunately I knock some papers off my desk and I hurriedly bend to pick them up, by the time I'm back in my chair the boss has moved on....
- friendship
So here it is Friday lunchtime and I've finished work, I packed my bags last night so all I have to do is get into the car and drive away. Being this early leaving town means that I miss all the rush hour traffic and I'm soon well on my way down the motorway. Its good to be out of the office and thinking about the relaxing weekend ahead. It's going to be good to see Phil again and chat about old times, I wonder who he's pushed me onto for the weekend. Most of my friends try to fix me up with someone at some time or another.
I finally arrive at Ashbury at about three' o'clock and after a couple of trips around the town, I'm always taking the wrong turning, I finish up at Phil's house. We have a cup of coffee and its just as though we have never been away from each other, we start talking about things straight away. Phil tells me about the arrangements for the weekend and it seems that I'm to stay with this couple who live a couple of streets away from the church. A couple even, Phil must be slipping not even trying to fix me up with someone, but then I suppose the ratio of gay's in Ashbury must be rather small. It's the stag night tonight and as there only two pubs in town we won't be going far, apparently they are across the street from one another and just around the corner from where I'm staying. I suppose that I shall have a couple of drinks and make small talk with all the other guys, and just keep my eyes open for any likely bed partners.
Phil takes me round to his friends' house and on the way tells me that they are called Jay and Stevie and that Stevie is something big up north. When we get to the house, very suburban it is with potted plants on the patio and a path leading around to the back at the side of the house, with a two car garage, but only one car in it a little runabout. Phil knocks on the door and this very nice looking, bearded, big guy opens the door. "Hmmm! I think, what a pity he's straight." With a deep voice he welcomes us in and we follow him through to the kitchen.
"Stevie will be home later, there is some kind of meeting going on" he says to us "But don't worry I shall be at your stag party from the start" Phil laughs as he says
"I've never known you miss a piss-up anyway Jay"
I like this Jay, but he is so straight it hurts, he takes me up to my bedroom and shows me around the house saying
"Just use it as if it was your own" I thank him and reply that I'm going to have a lie down after my drive as it'll probably be a long night tonight. He agrees and leaves me to start unpacking and have my nap. When I wake up about an hour later I pull a tee-shirt on over my jeans and wander downstairs. Jay is in the kitchen when I walk in and tells me that the kettle has just boiled if I want a coffee and after looking in various cupboards I find everything and make a cup of coffee. I look out at the garden, something I wish that I had at home, but I live in a flat without any access to what passes for a garden to the house.
"Go outside if you want" says Jay. So out I go and have a wander around, there is a small shed at the bottom, where they keep the tools I suppose, but the garden is so neat I expect that they have someone in to do it, but its lovely freedom just to walk around without all the noise and bustle of the city.
I wander back inside and Jay is bending down looking in the oven, his jeans have slipped down and there is a "Builders crack" showing. It looks as though his arse is covered in hair and I feel an urge to slip my fingers into that crack. Then he stands up, turns to me and asks if I'm ready to eat. I realise that I missed lunch in my haste to get away from the office and that I'm pretty hungry now. Jay gestures towards a chair, I sit down and Jay puts a plate in front of me and then starts laying various cold foods on the table.
"Its only cold stuff I'm afraid, but Stevie will grab a snack from it later" He says. We fill our plates and start to eat, our conversation wanders through all the usual phrases and then I ask Jay what he does. He replies that he used to be a driver for some removal firm, but they went bankrupt a couple of years ago and he hasn't worked since, hasn't had to because Stevie earns a good wage anyway. So he is, he waves his fingers in the air, the housewife.
I mumble something about no job being safe these days and change the subject. After the meal Jay says he's going to get changed and that we ought to think about getting ready to go out.
"What are you wearing?" I ask him.
"Oh just jeans and shirt" he replies as he makes his way upstairs. I follow him up, watching his arse move as he goes up the steps. When we reach the top he heads of towards, what I assume is the main bedroom, while I go in and take my tee off so that I can get a shower. I head for the bathroom and go in, the shower is running so I call out
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- friendship