Smells of Gay Army Sex

Part 1: Smells of Gay Army Sex

I wanted badly to touch it but I had to play it careful - he's considered a mad bastard by just about everyone in the unit so I figured this could be some kind of bullshit game. He flicked the last couple of drops of piss from his dick and I could see it was growing.
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Part 2: Smells of Gay Army Sex

Leaning over his cock I inhaled the stale sweat of his crotch before lapping at the tip with my extended tongue. He commanded me to suck it. The slight tang of piss shot through my taste buds before I dropped my face into his crotch and let the shaft ram into my mouth.
2.6 1483 words 7 mins military hairy  teen

Part 3: Smells of Gay Army Sex

When he pulled his own arse cheeks apart I felt the smoothness of his pink ass lips twitching against my finger tip. With a quick look in his eye and the smirk I'd got from him I soon rammed it deep into his body. Sex with men can be weird and exciting as you feel things that you'd only ever played with while growing up.
3.3 624 words 3 mins military hairy

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