I began packing my things, both my friends and I were buzzing with excitement. All three of us scurrying around like rodents trying to get our suitcases packed. I remained relatively unvocal but as I threw my shampoo, hair brush, and other things I could hear Cheri and Christina yapping away in the other room.
"Uggh, I'm so excited summer is finally here!" Christina said.
"Oh I know!" Cheri beamed as she threw her astrology book into her suitcase. "The moon is in perfect alignment with Jupiter so we should have a great time!".
Christina shot an "um, ok whatever" look at Cheri, then smiled and shook her head.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
"Well same to you Ms. Non-believer hehe" Cheri playfully jabbed.
Christina in the side, then both ladies resumed their packing.
Let me take a moment to introduce myself, my name is Juan. You've already met Cheri and Christina my two best friends. Summer has finally arrived and it couldn't have come at a better time. All 3 of us are desperate to escape the drama of our lives and escape and move on. Cheri and Christina are suffering from the usual summer fever that college students are afflicted with...burnt out from exams, term papers and pulling all-nighters studying.
- beginnings
- college
- first-time
- relationship
I however am getting over the messy situation of angry parents finding out I am dropping out of college midterm...it just isn't for me. I am very lucky to have 2 of the coolest friends anyone could ever have, they accept me for who I am,..oh by the way I just happen to be gay in case you were wondering.
Forgive me for being so stereotypical, but I guess you could say Cheri and Christina are my "fag hags" or whatever you wanna call them...I call them my angels, they keep me whole. I have to say though that Cheri, with her crazy, bubbly, eccentric self makes life a bit more interesting for Christina and I, but hey Christina has a personality all her own... she's a horse freak, she loves horses, but anyways back to our vacation...
"Ok guys!" Christina shouted, grabbing one of her suitcases
"I'm gonna..um..go and open up the doors to my AWESOME NEW SUV so we can start loading our stuff haha" she finished, jokingly bragging as she stepped out the front door. Cheri and I soon followed anxiously lugging our bags out front and then telling Christina that 50 times is QUITE enough to hear about an SUV. After the last bag was loaded, we all quickly piled into the SUV. I had hardly uttered a word of excitement all morning, but I couldn't hold back anymore.
"Come on Chrissy, fire this bad boy up!! you got 3 months of no homework ahead of you girl!"
Christina glanced over at me, then at Cheri, smiled and said.."Oh yeah baby!".
"WOO HOO" Cheri chimed as the SUV rolled out of the driveway and on the path to relaxation. Our cabin(yes cabin!) was 3 1/2 hrs away, during that time Cheri dazzlingly kept her nose in her astrology book, and Christina coyly gave me a hard time about my non-existent sex life.
"Hey Juan, maybe you'll FINALLY hook up with a cute guy there eh?". she jested (leave it to Christina, the smart ass to remind me of how single I am again). I gloated as a good comeback came to me.
"Well, I certainly hope he's sexier than the last ugly fool you tried to hook me up with, he had bad breath too...and how many gay guys do you know in the middle of the woods in Colorado anyways?".
Christina quickly snapped back..
"Are you ever gonna let that go?, I said I was sorry haha". She said looking at me through her rearview mirror on her dashboard with and air-freshener in the shape of...what else...a horse.
"Uggh, lets just focus on getting there and having a good time ok?" I said leaning back and letting the air from my rolled down window blow over my face. As I began to imagine all the great times to be had, I stuck my arm out of my window as if it was an airplane wing, gently making up and down motions as images of sun and laughter filled my mind. I glanced back at both of my friends and smiled.
"Here we are.. three 20 somethings on our way to have the time of our lives" I thought to myself. "This is gonna be a great summer".
Little did I know that my expectations would be blown away, and little did I know..that summer would change my life forever...
Our anticipation grew as our car pulled of onto Exit 84 towards our destination...Wilson Colorado. Lucky for us, Christina's uncle was nice enough to let us have the cabin for the summer..he owns it of course.
As the first signs of Wilson's quaint houses and buildings came into view, I took in the serene sights of the small town atmosphere. Christina knew exactly where to go and didn't waste anytime finding the small back road leading to the 3 lakeside summer cabins a little ways deeper into the woods, one of which was all ours. The strangest feeling that something major was going to happen, like a premonition...that sort of thing never happens to me..hell..that sort of thing is Cheri's bag. Christina parked the SUV in front of our cabin.
"Chereee..wake up girl we're here!" Christina jolted as she rudely woke up Cheri from her nap.
"Hmmpphh.. huh?..what?...oh..were here!" Cheri sprang up..quickly getting over her sleepiness.
I bolted out of the SUV and turned around and looked at the cabin in awe.
"Damn!...this place is the bomb!" I shouted.
"Ahem, um could you guys maybe give me hand here with this stuff??". Christina said standing by the open trunk grabbing bags. Cheri and I began taking out suitcases and setting them on the ground. Just then I heard light footsteps behind us followed by a young male voice.
"Hey, do you guys need a hand with all that stuff?"
Startled, I turned to see who was talking and got saw the sight of a very handsome brown haired young man slowly coming in our direction. I noticed Cheri and Christina giving him the "who the hell are you look".
"I'm sorry if I scared you all, my name is Marcus, I live in the cabin next door to the left" The young man said.
"Well..um yeah..we could use a hand with this big cooler, it is pretty heavy..right Cheri?" I glanced over at her hoping she would say ok, she obviously had her fag-hag ESP in effect. She sized Marcus up with a confident look on her face.
"You do have a positive aura about you...sure..we need to get to know each other since were neighbors I guess.." Cheri let out a small smile.
"I'm Cheri by the way, this is Christina..aannnd this is our other best friend Juan" Cheri said, her smile getting even bigger when she said my name to him, what a matchmaker.
"Hey what's up man, nice to meet ya" Marcus said shaking my hand. I had to admit I was swept away by his brown eyes and great smile, I went through my usual "oh my god please be gay" thoughts as I replied. "Yeah nice to meet you too man, hey I appreciate your help..what do you say we get it over and haul this monster inside?".
I couldn't believe I was being this trusting of a total stranger, but hey he was cute.. yeah, yeah, I know.
As we lugged the cooler out of the trunk I couldn't help but notice Marcus' strong build as we lifted the cooler and got it into the cabin, then set it down. I quickly thanked him.
"Hey thanks dude, that was really nice of you"
"No prob..anytime hehe" Marcus said catching his breath momentarily.
"Hey!" Christina excitedly shouted "How about we all have a barbecue tonight at about 7..we can have a hot dogs and all that mess...why don't you come too Marcus?" (I loved her for saying that right then)
"Sure that sounds like a plan!, well I gotta go do a little shopping so I'll catch you guys later..and welcome to the neighborhood!" He said as he stepped out of the cabin.
I turned around to face Christina and Cheri smirking at me, I mouthed the words "oh my god" to them which made them giggle.
"Oh my god Juan that guy was so checking you out!!" Cheri laughed and added, "I'm sorry but he is soo gay".
Christina chimed in.. "I'm sorry, I have to agree..hehe"
I was a overcome with giggliness as I looked out of the window to get another glimpse of Marcus walking back to his cabin
"Man..he sure is friendly.." I dazily said
"Yeah..uh I noticed that when he was like checking out your ass Juan! hahahaha" Cheri busted out with laughter then proceeded to sing, "Juan and Marcus sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!"
At this disgusting display of immaturity I rolled my eyes at her, "Oh god Cheri, the last time I heard that was 2nd grade!!" I stuck my tongue out at her.
"Ok Ok hahaha...but Juan.. you know me and how I am and everything, and I have to tell you that I got some very interesting celestial vibes from him..call me crazy.."
Then I playfully interrupted.. "Um..YES YOU ARE CRAZY CHERI"
"WHATEVER!! hee hee let me talk please, Juan I suggest you seriously check him out..in every way when he comes over for the barbecue"
I sighed and glanced out the window again at Marcus's cabin and replied. "Yeah...the good ole gaydar really went off the charts with that one"
I heard no response from either of the two which didn't phase me as that strange feeling came over me again. Something very powerful came over me once again. I told myself "I know I just met this guy and all.. he's cute but damn... wow.. something is definitely happening this summer.. but what?". I didn't want to think about it too much..I'd have driven myself insane anyways. I hopped off the windowsill and got to unpacking while the girls chatted about what to have at the... barbecue.
I am happy I had two great friends in Cheri and Christina, because within minutes they had helped me forget about Marcus as we got settled in and prepared for that evening. We had so much fun joking around and just being good friends that I completely forgot about the hunk next door, until there was a knock at the door. It was Marcus.
Cheri ran to the door and opened it up all giggly and happy as only she can be. She let him in and held him by the arm as she started talking to him about the shirt he was wearing. Christina walked over and gave him a hug and said welcome and then I guess it was our turn to say hi. I didn't quite know what to do, so as he got closer, I just raised up my hand, which made him sort of back off a little and shake it. He said hi and nodded his head and smiled. Damn, he was going for a hug! I could have gotten to hug him.
Once again I have to thank the stars for Christina and Cheri. It was amazing to have them around, there was not a lot of sexual tension between Marcus and me, but we ended up sitting next to each other around the camp fire and I started asking him questions.
After some generic conversation, I finally started getting at the good bits, and asked him, "So, you live out here? Sorry, but you don't strike me as a very rural kind of person, how did you end up here?"
Marcus laughed and said, "You think everyone living on the country-side has to be backwards and slow, or what? That we all have to look like rednecks and whatnot? Well, there is internet here too, and I mean honestly, I think it's changed a lot over time. People are different here sure, but I don't know, I like it."
"Ha!", I burst out, "So you are not from here, well tell me the story."
Marcus hesitated a little bit and then he said, "Well, I don't know, sometimes I feel like I need to get away from the city and just enjoy the country side, let's just leave it at that, for now, ok?"
"Sure," I said, but I was honestly a little disappointed. I wanted to know what was going on, I could sense there was more to this than meets the eye.
Then we talked about other things. At some point I ended up giving him a stern look when he asked me if I knew who Stephen King was. He kind of just assumed that I, as a young guy, didn't read books and I had to stop him and politely say, "I have read Peace & War, The Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby and a few other of the classics and no, not because I had to for school. I like to read and even though I am personally more into fantasy, I wanted to at least have read them once."
He frowned and said, "I honestly don't read a lot of fantasy, but what's your favorite books to date?"
I told him about my favorite authors and my top ten best books. He pulled out his phone and wrote down a few of the titles and said he was going to read them. I gave him a short introduction into the world of fantasy, but he said he was familiar with the genre, just never got around to read anything from that world.
After that lengthy conversation he asked me again what exactly prompted me to read those classic American novels. This prompted an hour long discussions about topics stemming mostly from Peace & War, such as war, power and capitalism. We even discussed the concept of peace at great lengths. We talked about progress in society and so many other deep and profound conversations that I did not expect a hick hunk to be interested in. I know what you're thinking, but he wasn't just listening to what I was saying and nodding along. He was actually contributing and it was clear that he knew his way around all these books. We had meaningful conversations that only a person that has studied these books could participate in. Over the night my image of Marcus changed. I started to realize that I really liked him as a person. He was really intelligent and seemed to know how to use his head to think.
Of course we were not rude to Cheri and Christina. We also talked a lot with them and it was not as if we were just glued to each other the whole night. That's what I loved about that evening the most, that somehow their presence made our meeting more of a melting of the minds as opposed to just carnal lust. Not that I'd had a lot of that stuff in my life. Nobody knew, but I was still a virgin. Nobody had ever fucked me. I had sucked a few cocks in my gay life and had mine sucked a few times, but I had never crossed that threshold. I couldn't say that I was waiting for Mr Right, but I definitely wasn't interested in Mr Right Now.
As the clock neared midnight, Cheri and Christina were so tired that they went to bed, I was in the middle of telling Marcus about the favorite aspects of my all time favorite fantasy book, what really made the story come alive to me and I stopped mid sentence and turned to my friend and said, "I will be right in, you guys go ahead."
They laughed and said, "Good night. See you tomorrow." and then they turned to Marcus and said, "It was really nice to meet you!" and then they went inside our cabin. As soon as they had left, I returned to my enthusiastic description of this particular work of fiction.
The night was getting colder and I was freezing a bit and was just about to go in and get a sweater when Marcus placed an arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close. I leaned in against him and curled up as close as I could to keep the warmth.
Then I said, "Sorry, where was I? I lost my train of thought."
He reminded me that I was explaining that Falcarion was a dynasty that resembled the ancient middle-east, but had also taken some influx from the Chinese Empire throughout time. I added, "Oh yeah, and I think that most people miss this connection, but I think it's brilliant what Andreas Fortnight has created there."
He seemed intrigued by my analysis and asked me a few more questions. He said that he liked the way I think and that he was slowly thinking he needs to read more fantasy. Then he placed his hand on my chin and gently moved it in his direction. He moved his head forward to mine and planted a careful and slow kiss on my lips.
I closed my eyes and returned his kiss. I had kissed a few men, but there was something special about this union. I know it sounds like I was talking constantly from my previous summary of our conversations, but I promise you that he also offered several really good insights and comments. He steered the conversation into completely different directions at times and overall, I was falling bad for this guy. Not just his charming exterior, but his mind.
I had never fallen in love with a guy because of the way he thinks, but I realized that I wanted nothing more than to have him... have him be my first that is. As we continued that sensuous kiss, I realized that I wanted Marcus to be the first man ever to fuck me. I felt as if he was worthy and then at least I could find out if this had just been a great big ploy to get me into the sack.
I let my hand caress his chest as he moved his tongue forward slightly to press his tongue inbetween my lips and enter my mouth. I let out a moan and let my hand slide around his chest and to his back, once there I pulled forward to help him get down on top of me. He moved forward and soon he was laying on the ground on top of me. I so desperately wanted him. I had never wanted anyone so much in my whole life.
There in rural America, we kissed and fondled each other. I felt his warm body press against mine and it outweighed the cold ground below me. It allowed my body to stay warm even though the temperatures had dropped considerably as the evening breeze caressed the two lovers. The two men that lay there in front of the fire, with the fire of love soaring through their veins. Their blood flooding to their sexual organs. Both of them horny and harboring that small spark of love within their hearts.
I continued to kiss his lips as I started letting my hands travel up and down his body. I moved down to his groin and let my hand first gently touch his organ. I found it and it was as hard as I had expected. As I touched it, he moaned into our mouths. I started rubbing it and that made him stick his tongue deeper into my mouth. We kept doing this for some time. His cock twitching in my hand as I tried my best to caress it through the fabric as his tongue penetrated my warm and soft mouth.
I broke off the kiss and started nibbling his ear and then I whispered into his ear, "I want you inside me. Please." as I caressed his cock through his pants.
He kissed my neck and then found my ear and whispered into my ear, "I want you too. I want to fell your lips on my cock and I want to be inside of you more than anything."
I don't know what got over me, but hearing that he wanted this as well, I went to work. I started wiggling down under him, down to his crotch. I quickly unzipped his belt and pulled down his pants over his bum and exposing his erect cock. I licked it carefully a few times and he rolled over so that he was laying on his back. I followed him and was now on top of him. I liked his head a few more times, grabbed a hold of the cock with my one hand and then took as much of it as I could into my mouth. I sucked and slurped and let my warm mouth work it's wonder on his cock.
I knew I was pretty good at this from my previous lovers. I knew just how to work a cock right and I was determined to give him the most pleasure that I could. I kept sucking him and twisting my head around, so that I kept hitting different parts of his cock as I bobbed up and down his cock.
He gasped out and moaned as I kept going up and down. As I was doing this, I started unbuckling my pants and then slid them off my body completely. I pulled up my shirt over my head, oblivious to the cold breeze that embraced my naked body. My passion fueled through my system and warmed me from my insides to the very end of my cock. It was as if I was on fire.
When I was completely naked, I pulled my mouth completely off his cock and placed a big amount of spit at the tip of his cock. Then I moved up and straddled him. I positioned my ass in front of his cock and then I leaned back and found the shaft with my right hand. Carefully placing his cock at my opening, I then sat down slowly. I was worried that it was going to hurt too much, but I think in my aroused state it seemed doable. It was just a new sensation as his cock pressed up inside me.
I let out a moan as I continued to slide down deeper on his cock. I can't say it was completely pain free, but the pain was nothing in comparison to the euphoric sensations that flooded through my entire body. I felt as if his cock was igniting my entire body. It was sending out gushes of cosmic energy to every part of my body. I was just so overcome by lust that I kept sinking deeper and deeper down on his cock.
I looked down at Marcus and he had his eyes closed tight and his face had a look of a man that was really enjoying himself. He let out small pants and moans as I kept going deeper and deeper down on his cock. Then as I reached the very bottom, I pressed my ass cheeks down on his body, making sure that I fitted as much of him into me as I could.
The feeling of having this cock enter my ass was absolutely fucking amazing. Feeling him fill my ass up with that rock hard cock of his. That he was inside of me was an absolutely mind-blowing experience. I then started slowly raising my ass up, moving my hips as I raised my body upwards and this made him let out a sigh of pleasure as my ass was massaging his cock.
I slid all the way up his shaft and then moved down again. Planting his entire cock in my ass. I did this a few times, until I felt that there was no more pain. When all I felt was that brewing ecstasy, I let myself go, I just started flying up and down his cock. Riding this hick cock as hard as I could. I don't know what came over me, but I was a slut on fire that night.
I kept banging into him and the rhythmic banging as my ass slammed into his body could probably be heard all over the place, but I didn't care as I rode Marcus. Banging away at him below me and he kept moaning and groaning as I kept riding him. Riding his cock and hoping he felt as good as I did.
I looked down at him and I could see him below me, his eyes were still closed and his mouth was wide open as it let out moan after moan. Then at once, he grabbed a firm hold of my hips and raised me up slighty. Then he started fucking me.
If I thought that riding cock was an experience beyond fantastic, it was now my turn to gasp and moan as if I was a bitch in heat. It was absolutely mind blowing to feel his cock slam into me full force as he held on to my hips and tried to penetrate my ass with all his might.
I looked down at him, but I had a hard time focusing as my eyes kept rolling in my eyes, but this time I was met with a warm, but lusty fixed gaze that enjoyed my aroused state. That's when I felt I reached the point of no return and I gasped and groaned as I started ejaculating my cum on top of him. One load landed all over his shirt, his face and neck. The next hit him in his face and just as it did, he let out a groan and kind of froze. His cock planted inside of me and as I felt his cock twitch inside me, I knew he was cumming inside of me. I felt gush after gush of his love enter me.
I was busy cumming, so all I could do was close my eyes and wait for the orgasm to calm down. When I finally felt myself come down from the high, I opened my eyes and looked down at a smiling, but cum covered Marcus below me. His shirt had multiple goey stains, but his face was completely covered in my cum. It was all over his mouth and on his cheeks, on his neck and some even in his hair.
I looked down at him and couldn't help but laugh, "I'm sorry. I seem to have made a mess".
He laughed and said, "No worries. I enjoyed it!" Then he opened his lips and licked the cum off his lips. He let out a loud "Mmmmm" and said it was delicious. I laid down on top of him, rested my head on his chest. I lay there for a moment, but then I started feeling extremely cold.
He embraced me, but whispered, "Maybe we should go into my cabin. Can I interest you in a warm shower?"
I sat up, grabbed my clothes in my hands and bolted for his cabin. He laughed and tucked his cock away and ran after me. I ran in the door into the warmth and then realized it was his house and I just stood there, naked, in the middle of the living room, clutching my clothes and suddenly I felt so cold. He came in moments after me and said, "Straight through the corridor, straight ahead all the way and that's the bathroom. Start the shower and I will be right in."
I ran towards the bedroom down the small hallway in the back of the cabin. I looked over my shoulder at him and saw him stare at me with a smile across his lips. It took me only a few seconds to enter the bathroom, turn on the shower and as soon as it was warm, I jumped in under the warm rays of water that sprayed down all over my body. It splashed against my firm body and a warmth filled the bathroom and my body. Soon I felt a hand on my ass as Marcus joined me in the shower. I leaned against his strong body as he grabbed for some shampoo and started massaging it into my scalp. When he as done with that, he got some soap and started caressing my body, cleaning me and massaging me at the same time. He kept rubbing my body up and down, until I was suddenly starting to feel my cock stir, but I tried to ignore it.
Then it was my turn, he took my place in the warm water and first rinsed off his face with water. Trying to get rid off the cum that was still there. I then cleaned his hair and body, just like he had done for me. Caressing him and feeling him. I, however, paid special attention to his cock and this had the desired effect. It started growing in my hands and I looked at him and couldn't help but bite my lip as I gently got down on my knees in front of him.
As my mouth once again wrapped itself around his hard love stick, I heard him let out a gasp and this time he just stood there. He whispered out a few words of encouragement, like, "yeah", "that's nice", "don't stop" and finally "I'm cumming". The last one was accompanied by good load of cum that slammed into my throat and mouth. I swallowed greedily and then moved up rinse my mouth with water, but instead he kissed me. He jammed his tongue deep inside of me, tasting me in his mouth.
After that he went down on me. Started sucking my cock as I stood there in the shower with the warm water heating up my body. It didn't take me long to cum. I sprayed a good load down his throat as I gasped out, "I'm cumming".
After our mutual oral ejaculations, we cleaned up again a little and then he turned off the water and grabbed a towel for me. I was expecting him to hand it to me, but instead he wrapped it around me and started rubbing it all over me to dry me. Then he quickly toweled off himself and as I was about to start putting my underwear on, he got up behind me and grabbed a hold of my hand. I almost fell as I was standing on one leg, but he held me firm and he moved his hands down my arms and then made my hands drop the underwear. Then he moved his hips forward and guided me out of the room. He moved me forward towards the bedroom and into the bed.
He kissed my neck and said, "Stay the night."
I pressed my ass against his soft cock and said, "Sure, I would love to."
He pulled open the covers and got down in the bed on his back, he held the cover open for me and smiled at me. I crawled into it beside him. Resting my head on his shoulder and pressed my body tightly against his.
We fell in love like that, entwined together. Oh, I actually meant to say we fell asleep like that, but I guess we also fell in love, even though I didn't know it at the time.
We awoke early the next morning and I told him I had to go over and talk to my friends or they would be worried, but he insisted that we have breakfast first. He made us scrambled eggs, toast and took out orange juice and brewed a fresh pot of coffee. It was one of the best moments in my life and I had experienced enough heartbreak and bad times to cherish and enjoy every second of this glorious moment in time.
After we had breakfast, we talked and finally I told him that I had to go see how the girls were doing. As I was leaving, he said, "Hey, Uhm.. Yeah.. Can I see you tonight? I really want to see you again."
I smiled, raised one of my eyebrows and said, "I am living literally right across from you for a the next few days, so yeah, you will see me, but yes, I want to see you too. Maybe come over for dinner tonight?"
He said he would love that and then I went back to my girls and told them about my romantic night with Marcus. When I told them we made love in front of the fire and that I was riding his cock completely naked they were completely stunned. They said they should have stayed up and that they would have loved to see that. I on the other hand was happy they didn't.
Later that evening Marcus came over and I realized I had never felt this way about a man before, nor a woman either. It was different with him. We sort of naturally bonded that night. He would stand behind me and put an arm around my shoulder or just place a loving hand on the lower part of my back as he would pass. When we sat down to watch TV, we sat close to each other and I just felt so at home.
When the girls went to bed, we stayed up and talked. We actually talked the whole night into the wee hours and about everything and anything. We didn't even have sex that night. We were so into the conversation and I just loved talking to him. I loved finding out more about him. We never talked about mundane things though. It was as if this was a holiday romance, where we just talked about other things than our actual lives.
I did muster up the courage to at some point ask, "So.. back home, do you have a boyfriend or something like that?"
He smiled and said, "No, I'm single. What about you?"
I kinda looked down at the floor and said, "Don't laugh, but I've never been fucked by another man... before.. well you know.. last night."
He laughed.
I just gasped and slapped him jokingly on the shoulder and said, "I said you shouldn't laugh".
He continued laughing and then he spoke, "Sorry, but you were like a wild animal and the way you just dove down on my cock, I've never seen anything like it. I am sorry, but I just don't believe that, you are too wild to be a virgin."
I looked him square in the eyes and said, "Honesty is really important to me. I was a virgin, until I met you. Seriously."
He had stopped laughing, but still had a smile across his lips, "Well," he said, "I am fine either or... I honestly don't go around trying to deflower hot cute guys, but I really enjoyed being with you yesterday. I really like you."
"I like you too", I said quickly as a response and then we kissed.
At some point, not sure how, we sort of drifted off into sleep there on the couch until the girls came into the kitchen next morning. We awoke to the noises of them chattering on about something that had happened to some celebrity over the night. I was too dazed to fully comprehend the story, but soon we started smelling fresh breakfast and slowly woke up.
Cheri came in and said, "Come on boys, time for breakfast!"
We had a wonderful breakfast and he was so natural around the two of them too. I was impressed that they had connected as well in such a profound way. It really felt as if we had all known each other forever. I even asked the girls on the ride back if I was imagining things and they both spat out they felt the same way. They both felt a strong connection to him. Cheri kept insisting that she had known from day one that he was special somehow.
Maybe I will tell the rest of this story some day, in greater detail, but I wanted to kind of summarize what happened next at least, so that I don't leave you hanging. We spent the entire holiday together and most of the time we were either holding hands or just staying close to each other. The night before I was leaving, I told him we were leaving tomorrow and he said that he wanted to see me again. We exchanged numbers and I gave him my address back home. He said he needed to stay here for a few more months, but then he would come see me.
It honestly felt a bit like a brush off, but I accept it and thought that hope dies last. Four months later, there was a knock on my door and I was expecting the girls, so I just opened the door. There he was. Marcus. My love.
I sprang forward and flung my arms around him and we hugged and kissed there in a hallway for a while and then I apologized for my manners and invited him in. He was carrying an army duffle bag and a computer backpack. He came inside, put down his bags and said that he really liked me and wanted to take me out for dinner.
I asked him where he was staying and he said, "I am staying at... oh hold on..", and then he fished out a piece of paper from his coat pocket. Unfolded it and read on it, "Hilton near the city center...".
I felt a look of disappointment creep up on my face and he said, "Is it a bad hotel or neighborhood or something?"
"No No", I quickly responded, "It's just well.. I was hoping..", then I swallowed down my pride and said, "I was hoping.. that you would stay with me."
"Oh", he said and a big smile spread across his face. "I just.. I'm sorry.. I was honestly kinda afraid that you would have forgotten about me. I'm sorry that I haven't been in touch, but I've been busy and I just didn't have time, but yes, I will.. I would be happy to.. well.. stay here... with you. Oh man... I'm sorry, it sounds like I don't. I just never imagined that you would look at me like that still.. with those eyes. I love your eyes. They sparkle and oh my god, I just want to have you again..."
Then he kissed me and we spent the entire night wrapped in each others arms. He fucked me twice during that night and I loved feeling his sperm slide up my ass. I felt as if he was somehow closer to me when I had a piece of him inside of me. He sucked my cock too, until I came down his throat and it was so amazing.
He stayed the weekend and then he said he needed to go to New York, but would be back in a week and was hoping he could stay here then. He said that he wanted me in his life and that he wanted to try and find a way for us to be together in a more permanent way. He looked to so nervous when he said it, but I got where he was coming from. I was nervous too.
I was thrilled and said, "Yes! Lets be together. I feel the same. I have missed you so much, but I have to admit I was a bit disappointed to not hear from you at all. No messages, nothing, but it's OK. I understand."
He seemed truly sorry about that and didn't really offer any explanation, he kind of just changed the topic. On Monday he left for New York and then returned to me on Friday evening. We once again spent the entire Friday night in each others arms and it seemed that our cocks were constantly hard and we were always engaged in one sex act or the other.
On Saturday we regained our composure and he said that he wanted us to move in together.
I was overjoyed and suggested that he might as well move in with me here. He said, yes, but over time, I want us to move to a new place.. We started living together that night.
After two months of living together, he sent me a text as I was out grocery shopping. It read, "Do you love me?". I put down the basket and quickly wrote back, "I love you Marcus. I think I want to marry you one day. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I am also afraid, afraid that this is all a dream and that one day I will wake up and be lonelier and unhappier than I was before, because I will have known great love and lost it."
"I love you too." was the response I got back and then another question, "Why do you love me?"
I laughed to myself and sent another text back, "Because you are you. I love your mind, how you look, what you cook and your cock :-O"
He responded with "hahaha thanks, sorry, just wanted to know".
When I got home, I asked him what the messages were all about and he said, "I don't feel comfortable talking about emotions and sometimes I don't know, it's easier to ask people on paper or well write it.. read it.. I don't know."
Then life went on as normal. We were happy together. I took on an extra job to help get some more income, because he didn't really contribute or have a job. My friends were starting to smell a rat and grumbled about it from time to time. They didn't understand why I slaved away, when he was just sitting on the couch at home. I said that I am happy and that they should just leave it. That was the truth too. I don't know. Somehow I didn't mind. I just knew that I loved this man more than anything else and it was pretty clear he was going through something. I know he is smart and I was sure he would bounce back eventually. If not, I would be happy to support him for the rest of my life because he was what made me complete.
One evening I was having coffee at Christina's house and Cheri was there too. Suddenly, we all decided that it was time for another road trip. They said I should invite Marcus too and texted him, he asked when we were going and then when I told him, he said he couldn't. So, we started planning a trip with just the girls and me. We decided to go back to the same cabin as we had liked it so much the last time.
The days before we were going, Marcus was in New York and he just got back when I was about to leave. I kissed him and said, "Hi and I have to go. The girls are waiting."
As I bolted for the door, he said, "Hold on, I got you a gift."
That made me stop in my tracks and I turned around and said, "Ooooh gift" and laughed.
He laughed too and said, "Well, I really appreciate all you have done for me, so when I was in New York, I got you a copy of Andreas Fortnight's new book.
"Shut up," I said, "It's not being released for several months!"
He beamed and said, "I know, but I know his Publisher and got you a copy, but you can't like sell it on ebay or anything. I had to swear on my life that you would not release that all over the internet or something" and he laughed.
He held up a book and it was the new book from Andreas Fortnight!
Then my phone started ringing, the girls were double parked and there was a cop there giving them a lot of grief. I had to bolt. I just grabbed the book, kissed him on the lips and kept yelling THANK YOU THANK YOU as I ran out and to the girls. I got there as the cop was taking out his pad to write them a ticket. I apologized a million times. Jammed the book into my bag and quickly put it in the trunk and ducked into the backseat.
The cop gave us all a stern look and said, "Well, enjoy your trip, but next time don't park here. There is a perfectly fine parking lot over there."
Then the road trip started. We were talking, laughing and just enjoying ourselves. This was exactly what I needed to unwind and find myself again. I had been so stressed at work and with the extra job and all, but I was already feeling more relaxed.
We arrived at the cabin in no time and as we did, I sent Marcus an image of his cabin. He said he would be busy the next few days though, so I wasn't surprised when he didn't answer.
After that we unpacked the car, got settled in and cracked open a bottle of wine. We talked about Christina's problems with her new boyfriend. He was being a total asshole with her and we were trying to help her realize that.
In the evening, the girls got tired and said they would go to bed. I poured myself another wine and said that I wanted to read the book. We had lit the fireplace and I took a picture of the glass of wine, my new book and the fireplace in the background. Then I sent it to Marcus.
I put away my phone and placed the book in my lap. If you've never waited for a book from your favorite author or if you're not a book worm, you can't understand how that makes one feel. I was absolutely ecstatic about this. I knew from the critics that it was an amazing new paradigm shift for Fortnight. It was the creation of a new world, a new fantasy world, a new series of books to come and I was absolutely ecstatic.
I looked at the cover and studied it for a moment, but then flicked to first page that contained the dedication, it read: "Juan Forrester, You are the love of my life. You are my wind, fire, earth and water. Will you marry me?
- Andreas Fortnight (aka. Marcus Rittlind)"
I read the passage over again. I couldn't understand it. What does it say? That's me. Juan Forrester, that's my name! Why is Andy Fortnight writing his dedication to me. Why is my name in this book? What does it mean aka? I mean, of course I knew what aka means, but it just slowly dawned on me. I threw myself down and forward, to reach my phone and I spilled my wine in the process.
I called Marcus with a video call.
He answered in our bed and with the bedside table lit. It was clear he had been sleeping.
I said, "Sorry, but, I just read the book. I mean, I didn't read the book, but I read the dedication.. like.. what?! You are Andreas Fortnight?!?!"
He looked kind of guilty and said, "Yes. I'm sorry for not telling you, but I just wanted to make sure that you loved me and not just the writer. Then I thought about the dedication thing and well, sorry, then I wanted to surprise you. I was finalizing that book when we meet. Having a bit of a dry spell and well, then I met you and things just started flowing."
I laughed, "Sorry? You don't have to apologize, of course I love you! You big goof! How could I love Fortnight? I mean, I've never met him. I mean, yes, now I know I live with him, but I don't love him."
Marcus smiled and said, "Well, I love you, so, did you see my question..?"
"YES YES YES YES" I screamed into the phone. "YES I will Marry you!"
Then we talked for a bit and Marcus said he was sorry, but he couldn't talk any longer, he needed to sleep because he had a meeting with the publisher tomorrow. They were trying to talk him out of mentioning that he is gay in the dedication in his book. They think he shouldn't alienate his readers. I told him I agree with the publisher. I don't think it's important. That message can be our little secret. He didn't seem all that pleased, but said he would hear them out.
We hung up and I sat there completely paralyzed first. I was trying to take it all in. Then, it sunk down and I just started jumping up and down on the couch. Screaming out loud and just making a lot of ruckus.
Both Cheri and Christina came running down the stairs. Trying to rub the sleep out of their eyes as they screamed, "What's going on? What are you doing?"
I told them the whole story and they were overjoyed. We stayed up all night and just talked. They were frantically researching Andreas online. At the end of the night, both Cheri and Christina had bought his first book and we lay there sprawled out on different couches in the living room reading. I read his new book and they were mesmerized by the very first book he wrote.
That's how I met and married the best Fantasy writer in the world.
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