The soapy water flowed over his shoulder, rushing down his back and twirling around his small pectoral muscles, continuing down to get lost in his developing six-pack at his abdomen. Thoughts ruminated through Kevin's mind as the shattering sounds of water rushing from the shower faucet and slicing to the porcelain tub at his feet.
The shower is of average design, with a sliding glass door that distorts images with a mosaic of squares. With his back to the on-coming spray of water, the short young man closes his eyes. What have I done? He asks himself internally. I just met him online two weeks ago and here I am at his apartment? This isn't safe in the least; you're lucky to be alive.
Memories of last night cut through his mind like a painful stab of a sword.
It had been his first sexual experience. Not with another man, but ever. Seriously ever! He's never even masturbated his entire life. And there he goes, spoiling his pureness for one measly blow job. Sure, it felt amazing at the time, but the following guilt was enough to make his heart shatter.

You Fuck My Face in the Middle of the Night
His scrubbing ceases as Kevin falls deeper into thought.
Although, despite the loss of his innocence, it had truly been worth it. What is a male's virginity worth anyway? It's the female that counts, not him. Try to think of the bright side. Use optimism and see this occurrence as a breakthrough. Now that you've lost your very first batch of sperm, a new world of sexual gratification is at your feet.
That's true, Kevin though. He felt his self-esteem grow again, and the shadow that just cast itself over the sliding glass door does not bother him. It might have if the man had approached any second sooner.
- encounters
The low rumbling of the sliding door opening did not send shivers down Kevin's spine as he has excepted. In fact, with this newfound view of this whole thing, he finds himself taking a small step forward, to make room for his new owner.
Clad in nothing more than his birthday suit, the taller, more muscle- bound man steps into the shower behind the teenager. His black hair and tanned body is immediately drenched, and his large body creates a shield, blocking all water from reaching Kevin.
"Good morning, Nathan." Kevin says at last, reluctant to turn around to face him.
To his surprise, Kevin feels the large man's muscled arms slither up his wet back, sending tingles through his body, and up around his shoulders. One arm continues up, moving around the small shoulder and snaking down over Kevin's breast bone. The other arm gently glides down and wraps around the kid's waist, resting with an open hand just inches above that tired pelvic bone.
"Good morning, babe." Nathan says with a slow ring, and he holds Kevin close to him, chest to back, leg to leg, penis to rear.
Feeling blush coming to his cheeks, Kevin looked down to see his newly formed erection. The skin-to-skin sensation is far too exhilarating. He didn't see the man's gaze, but Nathan must have seen it as well, for he chuckled softly into Kevin's ear and whispered to him: "Look who's up early."
Following that comment, Nathan slowly glides his lower hand down to engulf the younger man's erection in his thick fingers. He begins to tickle the skin with small strokes, at which Kevin shudders and leans his body back against his master's chest.
"Is he asking for attention?" Nathan asked, streaking his nose against Kevin's.
With soft pants, the younger shakes his head and answers, "Actually, he's trying to introduce you to his other friend."
"Oh? Who might that be?" Nathan asked, looking into Kevin's eyes.
With a trembling hand, Kevin placed his smaller fingers over the man's hand that grips his erection, and slowly pulls it free. Nathan allows his friend to guide him gently, twitching his fingertips to stimulate Kevin more so as he directs the large hand down over his scrotum.
Kevin, gripping Nathan's hand with caress, glides the man's fingers down between his legs, and holds those digits against his anus. This action somewhat surprised Nathan, and this shows in his furrowed eyebrows and his gentle question.
"Are you sure?" He asked the young man in his arms.
Kevin nods with a serene smile easing onto his lips.
The two cooperate with each other's movements and Nathan turns the teenager around, slowly lowering him to the shower floor as water rained down all about them. He looked into the boy's shimmering blue eyes as they peered into his own.
Kevin lays fully back into the curve of the bathtub, and relaxes every one of his limbs, granting full privileges to Nathan, who gently raises both of Kevin's legs. He stops when Kevin is in a half-Human Pretzel position, his feet propped against the wall and sliding glass door.
His chest rises and falls with both fear and arousal as Kevin stares at Nathan's hard, hairless chest and throbbing red dick. The thick forest of pubic hairs surrounding Nathan's loins travels upwards to his naval. Kevin's eyes continue up past the finely toned abs, up through the entrancing pecks and dark brown nipples, and finally rest at the man's dreamy eyes.
I can't believe I'm doing this, Kevin thought as Nathan leant down. But his thoughts of doubt are all vaporized into oblivious when he feels the wet, massaging feeling of Nathan's tongue slipping into his anus. This kind of thing would normally have disgusted Kevin beyond belief... but it just feels way too good.
A groan of pleasure escaped the boy as Nathan removes his tongue. The man grins impishly at this. If the kid is pleased now, wail until I get in there, he thinks.
There is no hesitation--which Kevin would have rather had, to prepare himself. Shortly after Nathan's tongue is removed, he grabs ferociously onto Kevin's hips and plunges his erection right into that small ear entrance.
The scream Kevin emits is loud. very loud. He closes his eyes tightly as the sharp pain shoots through his body. It's almost to the point that he would rather push the man off.
Nathan knows what the boy is going though, but the best way to endure this is quickly. Like pulling a band aid off a hairy leg. He feels terrible at the pain he is delivering, but knows the tables will turn eventually.
And they do. After the first five or six thrusts of Nathan's hips, Kevin begins to feel the lurid feelings of ecstasy. The next thrust impels more pleasure. The next, even more. Before long, Kevin's cries of agony has converted into shouts of pure sensation.
Kevin reaches around and grips onto the tanned man's back, legs twitching in the air above him. Nathan grins down at him, and increases his thrusting pace until his hips feel like the pitons of a racing engine. It's very shortly after when the man rolls his eyes back into his head, and, in unison, he outbursts a cry of pleasure as his dick outbursts a load of semen into Kevin's rectum. The feeling was so great that Kevin shot out his own stream of milky love juice up in the air, only to fall back onto his chest and be rinsed away by the raining drops of shower water.
The feeling was inexplicable.
Kevin lay there in the tub with his eyes closed with shock and joy, and embraced Nathan in his arms with a passion. The man allowed Kevin's legs to relax, and released them, but did not pull out. He held onto the boy, too, wrapping his tan arms around his shivering body.
It was near silent in the shower. Their pants were drowned out by the water's roar, and neither of them had their eyes open. Kevin felt the man's full weight on his chest, and soon found it hard to breathe. Had he fallen asleep?
With a gentle smile, Kevin opened his eyes and looked down at Nathan, reaching up and stroking his hair. "That was so amazing," he exhaled.
To his dismay, Nathan did not respond.
How rude! Just fuck me and fall asleep, huh?
Kevin scowled and shook Nathan by the shoulders, "Nate?"
Still no response.
"Fine," Kevin narrowed his eyes in disgust and moved out from under him, sliding the slowly weakening eruption out of his semen-lined ass. With great upset, his own penis had fallen flacid, and he stood over Nathan, looking down at him.
"Cut it out. You're making me angry."
Still, Nathan did not look up. This is a very stupid joke.
Angry, Kevin opened the sliding glass door and stepped out of the shower. While grabbing onto a towel, he says quietly to Nathan, "I'm going home. Don't ever contact me again if you're going to use me just for the sex. No matter how great it might be."
While drying off, Kevin walks from the shower and towards the bathroom door. His elbow taps against a small tube of pills, and sends it crashing to the floor. Being the nice guy he is, Kevin turns around to pick it up. While kneeling down to lift the little container, he reads the label.
With frightened eyes, he slowly look back to the open shower, at the tan back and curved butt that's laying face-first in the shower.
"This is AZT..." Kevin whispers.
"I'm sorry, bro..." Nathan finally stutters out. It's obvious in his voice that he is crying.
Kevin stands up, throwing the pills back down to the ground. "You're sorry!?"
"I should have told you, but you'd run away... I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry."
Kevin's emotions are filled with both fear, anger, and depression as he turns around and runs out of the bathroom. While dashing through the apartment, he collects his clothes and puts them on without fully drying.
With tears welling in his own eyes, Kevin bursts out of the man's apartment, and dashes madly down the street. Before making it to the next block, his knees give way, and the sobbing young man drops to his knees, collapsing and weeping on the cool morning earth.
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