This is a long story and I feel the length is necessary. I hope you will agree with me that your time spent reading it is worth it. Although children who are not of age are mentioned, no sexual acts were done around them or to them. This is a true story.
About 20 years ago, I moved to a new State for a job. After about 6 months working, I became very good friends with a woman who worked there as well. We were both in management and got along better than I could ever have hoped.
I did not tell her I was gay as I did not see any reason to. We both knew neither one of us wanted a sexual relationship. She had four children already and it was a very nasty divorce. In fact, she was still dealing with him via her attorneys when we met. She and I were on the same page. We enjoyed each other's company, I liked her kids and more importantly, they liked me.
Her kids were wonderful. 2 girls and two boys. All four of them were in elementary school. Every week I would pick her and the children up at their home and have them come to my home. We would stop on the way at Blockbusters and pick out a couple movies. The rule was each kid could buy one pack of candy but we would end up putting them all in a community pile and we would just share.

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The girls were prima donnas but in a good way. The 8 year old boy had an amazing amount of energy. He had low impulse control and his mother appreciated a gentle giant around to help to guide him to become a respectful and productive citizen. The other boy was 10 years old and I will call him Seth. Seth was a very even tempered kid. He was a naturally kind person. Seth was very observant and particularly adept at reading people's emotions and responding in a helpful way.
** This is my third time to review this story. I realize it is too long. Although back story is important I've cut out a lot. So I'll just say each child was treated equally, they all knew they were loved.
As the years passed, Seth and I had developed a very strong bond. He looked up to me and I did my best to mentor him as a father should. School plays, athletic events, teaching how to shave, tie a necktie, shake hands... I did my best to help each kid to grow up with the social skills and knowledge to be happy, self-sufficient and content.
- first-time
- relationship
The biggest adjustment living with children was I no longer relaxed in my home nude. I also stopped sleeping in the nude. If home during the day I wore shorts and a t-shirt. In the evenings I chilled in boxers and sometimes wore a t-shirt. Always wore boxers to bed - one never knows when a kid's nightmare will require I my immediate presence. . The boys followed my lead and I got to watch them grow from little kids into young adults.
I haven't described Seth yet. He was a cute, good looking kid when we met. Blond hair, nice smile, friendly eyes, and height /weight was proportionate. Just as with the other children, I loved him.
During his senior year of school I was attending a track meet and I was watching him warm up and psych himself up for the race. As I watched him I actually noticed how handsome he looked. Lean, muscular body,. 6-pack abs. Defined muscles in his arms and legs. I realized he looked like a hot stud and was going to be a very good-looking adult. I watched him in his race and when he ran by, I saw his package bouncing. Christ Almighty, for the first time I actually found him sexually attractive. I never thought of him that way before. I knew right away it was something I could never approach because of our relationship. It was too strong an important to both of us. I did not want to ever jeopardize it.
That night as we often did, we both laid on my bed and watched TV. I continue to observe his physical features. I saw his package under his boxers. I would see it move as he would adjust himself on the bed. I would see his muscles define themselves in his arms when he would reach for something. For the first time, I realized I was about to get a hard-on sitting by him at that moment. Fortunately, I was able to get control of my thoughts quite quickly and reminding myself I was his father figure and I could never jeopardize that position. Later that night after he went to bed, I jerked off thinking about him for the first time. I was ashamed but realized how attractive he was to me
From this time forward, I started to pay attention to his physical features. I felt nothing was wrong with this as I would never act on my emotions. I was just collecting images for my spank bank to be used when I was alone and taking matters into my own hands.
As spring was coming to an end, the kids dad had been found and he met a judge who made it very clear he owed a lot of back child support. The State started taking this money directly out of his check and sent it to Seth's mother. Not only was he now paying support for the children, they were also taking an additional amount out to start the process of catching up of 8 years of non-payment.
Not happy with this, I guess he decided he wanted something for all of the money he was doling out. Long story short, he was going to have the kids during the summer and they would return to their mother for the school year. Developing a relationship with his kids hopefully. Better late than never.
Seth was now 18 years old and he held some resentment due to abandonment. His friends, his life and what he considered his family was where we were so he told his dad he was not going to travel to a different state for the summer and live with him. I respect the courage it must have taken for him to have that conversation with his biological father
The kid's mother did not handle this well and not going into any details, she had plenty of money coming in and no longer needed my financial assistance. So I moved out of the house and bought a home about 5 blocks away. A 2 story, 2-bedroom home.
My departure was amicable and the kids regularly came over. We quickly returned to our normal routines of basketball, video games, nighttime TV and just hanging out. Occasionally, some would spend the night in my second bedroom.
School ended, Seth graduated and the time arrived for the 3 kids to go stay with their dad for the summer. With his brother and sisters gone, Seth began to spend more time at my house. His mother switched to working 3rd shift so Seth spent most nights at my home. (with his mother's blessing).
Seth had decided he was going to take a year off from school and plan his future. He didn't know if he wanted to go straight to work, attend vocational school, go to the local community college or attend the University. His mother and I agreed that he was mature enough to make his own decisions and we'd support whatever he chose. I let Seth know I was available for any advice and was willing for him to use me as a sounding board.
One night while we were hanging out and having a couple of drinks, I nonchalantly brought up to Seth that since I now had my own residence again, I was going to return to my former way of living. Namely I was going to sleep au nature in my bed and since the upstairs had just the 2 bedrooms and a bathroom, I'd most likely be naked when upstairs. I asked him if he had any issues with this and he said he didn't.
Although I knew I would not risk ruining our relationship and wasn't going to out myself to him, I absolutely enjoyed the eye candy he provided. We hung out watching TV, playing video games and such with just our boxers on. I would discreetly enjoy the view this hunk provided. When sitting and holding a game controller, I occasionally could see a bulge in his shorts. Sometimes when he stood up to go use the bathroom, I'd see his package bounce as he walked. Forbidden treasure but I admired the view and would revisit it at night while jacking off while in my bed. I admitted to myself those were the hottest sessions for me... fantasizing about him while stroking away.
Things got even better. A water park was built not far from us and so we decided to spend a day there. I rented us a locker and we went into the locker room to change. I decided I wouldn't display any hesitancy or shyness and once the locker was opened, I immediately stripped completely and then put on my suit after putting my clothes in the locker. While doing this, Seth followed my lead and did the exact same. For the first time, I saw him completely naked as an adult. I did not stare but I absolutely took in the view.
He looked better than I had imagined. I knew he had a nice blonde treasure trail leading down from his belly button but now I got to see it's destination. The sex hair went down to a nice bush of trimmed hair above his cock. Although it was soft, his cock looked solid. It hung straight down with a nice cut mushroom head. There was a good mass to it. No one who ever saw this in the future would ever call him a pencil dick. His balls were partially obscured by his cock but I could see they were ample in size. I knew that night I was going to really use this view to get myself off.
I noticed that Seth checked me out as well. It was normal for guys to do this and we had never seen each other like this in all the years we had spent together. He didn't stare but he definitely looked. I like this water park.
We spent the day enjoying ourselves. I liked seeing him get out of the water as the sun reflected off of his wet skin. The water dripping off him, the wet swimsuit clinging to his body-it left very little to the imagination. We finished our day in the locker room, stripping ourselves and taking a shower. Separate stalls but a common area to put down our towels. We walked into the showers just carrying our towels. No shyness. We talked while drying ourselves then got dressed. Nothing awkward. I was glad he couldn't read my mind.
That night we ate dinner, watched a movie and went to bed. I had an intense orgasm before falling asleep. In the morning, I took a shower and when I left the bathroom and was in my normal state of nakedness, Seth walked out of his bedroom to take a shower and he was naked as well. Looking back at this, I think he did this on purpose. We said our good mornings as we passed and I quickly stroked one out as he was showering.
Life continued as normal for the next couple of weeks. I asked Seth if he had made a decision about school or work yet. He hadn't. I told him if he were thinking about attending the University, he should start the application process soon. I asked him if he wanted to visit the campus and actually see what it looked like. He had only visited the campus to attend a football game. He thought that was a great idea.
So one Saturday morning we got up very early and drove several hours and arrived at the campus. We checked out the campus as well as one can, visited the Student Union and got people to let us into the residence halls. Seth even found some students taking summer classes and asked them their opinion about the University.
Needless to say we were wiped out at dinner time. We went and ate dinner at a restaurant and then I suggested we get a hotel and get some sleep and return home the next day. He was happy to hear that. So we got a room, started watching TV and then I told him I was going to run a quick errand and would be back shortly.
One thing that is very easy to find near college campuses is alcohol and I went to a package store and bought us some whiskey and Coke. When I got to the room, we decided we were going to tie one on. So we drank quite a bit and got pretty drunk. I reminded Seth not to drink too much. I said let's have fun and get buzzed but let's go ahead and leave out the vomiting and hangover. He thought that was a pretty good idea.
We both got properly sloshed. As what happens when drinking we got hot and stripped down to our boxers. I enjoyed looking at this hot stud while we were drinking. Seth had a sentimental drunk going and he was trying to let me know how much he loved me and how thankful he was that I was there for him and his family when his own dad wasn't. We were having a good time but it was emotional. Once that was out of his system, he came up and gave me a solid hug. The close body contact along with being drunk made it very difficult to not get an erection at that moment.
I laid down in the bed and reminded myself he was in the same bedroom as I was so I had to ignore my raging hardon and go to sleep. I thought that if I were lucky in my drunken state, I might have a very realistic dream and could possibly even have a wet one. It had been ages since I had nutted in a dream so I was hopeful.
Sometime later, I don't know if it was 30 minutes or 4 hours, I heard Seth get up and go to the bathroom. I hoped he just had to take a leak and not vomit. I was still pretty drunk and missed the opportunity to see the silhouette of his body as he walked to the bathroom, hopefully showing his bulge. Damn it.
He turned on the wall light in the bathroom but didn't shut the door. I could see the shadow he cast on the wall across from the bathroom door. He started to pee and it sounded quite ample if that makes sense. I could see a faint outline of his body, hear the solid stream of pee hitting the water and imagined him holding that sexy cock in his hand. Even though I was still drunk and was tired, it turned me on. I gently groped myself under the covers and rolled over on my side so I would be in position to watch him return to bed. It wouldn't be much but it would have to do. I was disappointed with the lack of detail that I could see, but still enjoyed listening to him crawl into bed near my bed. It was comforting to me. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
At some point later I started dreaming of the two of us fooling around, just as I had dreamed hundreds of times before. It was a great dream and as I slowly woke up, I was really horned up. As the cobwebs started clearing out of my head, I felt a barely perceivable movement by my balls. I wasn't sure if I actually felt anything and as I lay there I felt it again. I decided I wasn't going to waste the horniness I was experiencing and I was going to quietly masturbate myself while Seth was asleep. I felt something brush against the hair on my balls and I reflexively started to move my legs. My leg bumped into a hand. I couldn't believe it but I knew it had to be Seth's hand.
I stopped moving immediately and carefully opened an eye. I could barely make out the image of someone kneeling at the side of my bed. I realized an arm was reaching over to me. I then could tell the covers had been removed from my midsection. I stayed completely still and a short time later I felt the hand resume what it had been doing. Seth was very carefully brushing the back of his hand against the hairs on my balls. I couldn't believe it but I'm not gonna lie-it felt great and was making me horny as fuck.
I didn't know what to do or how to react. This was a taboo thing for me. If I let him know I was awake, he might become very embarrassed. Things could become strained with our relationship. Especially if this was happening only because he was drunk. If I continued to pretend I was sleeping, he'd do his exploring then go back to bed thinking I was none the wiser. No embarrassing confrontation and no revelation to him my feelings. This could all be because of the alcohol and if it wasn't, there would be ample opportunity in the future for us to figure this out.
I'm no idiot, however. I decided to pretend I was asleep and let him do his thing. It was easy to decide this as he was still gently brushing his hand on my pubes over my balls. I figured I'd make things easier and roll onto my back. I made a little noise as if I were dreaming and rolled over. I could sense the startle Seth must have felt as I moved. He froze. I was now on my back and pretended to return to my deep sleep.
Some time went by and once Seth was satisfied I was not awake, he resumed passing his hand carefully over my groin while allowing it to gently brush my pubic hairs. It was all I could do to not bust my nut at that moment. I was so horny but I wanted it to last so while he was doing his thing, I was intently focusing on not busting my nut. I finally got control of my urges enough that I prevented myself from cumming.
Seth then stopped what he was doing and gently laid his hand on top of my cock. I felt my cock throb and jump but he just left his hand on top of it for a couple minutes. Again, I believe he was trying to make sure I wasn't waking up. I felt him then take a finger and he gently traced the outline of my cock and balls and ever so gently and smoothly moved his finger while maintaining contact with me. I was aroused beyond belief. When he finished tracing my cock and balls, he gently laid his hand back on my cock and slowly wrapped his fingers around it and just held it there. I then felt his other hand on my chest and he lightly brushed my nipples. Oh my God! I could not believe this was happening but I was also afraid of the outcome once he sobered up so I still played like I was asleep.
He placed his thumb over my pee slit. I could tell a lot of precum had leaked out of my cock and I felt the huge quantity of it being massaged onto my cockhead with a gentle swirling action. Periodically his thumb would leave my cock and then return. I wondered if he was tasting it.
Occasionally I could sense that he was staring at me to see if I would wake up but I did my best to not let anything move except for my cock and its contents. After what seemed like forever, he stopped fondling my cock.
Seth had seemed to be taking his time and exploring my body. While I felt my cock swell, throb and spasm, I realized he was getting up off of the floor and got onto my bed. He moved carefully and slowly. He straddled my torso facing my feet. He was on his knees which were placed on each side of my hip. He then put his hands on my thighs gently but firmly. I could feel him slowly lower himself and I felt his balls settle down on top of me, resting atop of my bush. He lightly sat his butt cheeks on my lower abdomen and sat still, checking for any reaction. I stayed still and for my first time enjoyed the sensation of someone's butt on me.
When Seth felt reassured I wasn't awake, he started to lean forward with his hands sliding down my legs towards my feet. As he leaned forward, his cock lowered down and came in contact with mine. I felt a shockwave shoot through me. I couldn't believe this stud's cock was in direct contact with mine! Soon our cocks were pressed against each other and I felt his precum on me and I felt his cock throb and spasm against mine. I loved this and knew I was close to busting my nut.
Seth slowly sat back up, sliding his hands up my legs until he was sitting on me again with his balls resting on me. He then reached down and grabbed my cock as well as his, slid a bit towards my feet until he could hold them together. He did not stroke them but just allowed them to be pressed together for some time. I felt his cock twitch and throb and mine did the same. He then released his grip and carefully got off of the bed. I was disappointed it was over but really enjoyed what had happened.
I knew he was standing at the side of the bed and sensed that he bent down. He grabbed my cock and I soon could feel his breath on it as he gently placed the side of his head on my belly. I was stunned as I felt he was going to give his first blowjob ever and I was going to be the recipient. This was my wildest dream and fantasy. I lay there in utter anticipation, my heart pounding and my cock twitching as he held it. I felt him lift his head and he moved it closer to my cock. I felt his breath increase its intensity as it moved closer to the crown of my dick.
I resisted my desire and temptation to lift my hips and shove my cock into his mouth. I lay there, waiting in anticipation when he surprisingly took my cock and smacked it against his cheek. He did this a couple of times then turned his head and smacked the other side several times. Then he took it and started tapping it against his lips.
I wasn't expecting this but I was loving it. I became even more turned on which I didn't think was possible. I then felt something different and figured out that while my cock was bouncing repeatedly off of his lips, he'd occasionally stick out his tongue and bang my cock on it. I thought about what he was doing and knew he was tasting my precum as it was my cock head which was bouncing off of his mouth.
I couldn't hold off any longer. I tensed up and felt the churning in my balls. I felt my cock throb and then the familiar release of orgasm. Seth must have felt this too. As the jets of cum started to shoot out of my cock, he stopped tapping it on his lips and instead he laid it on his outstretched tongue and my pulsing jizz shot into him, hitting the roof of his mouth, the back of his throat and covering his tongue.
I don't know how many ropes of cum left me, but it was intense, extended and I believe one of the largest amounts I've ever felt leave my body at one time.
As the orgasm ended, I felt his tongue start to gently lap at my cock head, collecting anything that remained. I knew he swallowed everything I delivered. I laid still in stunned silence, taking in what had just happened. He then stood up and returned to his bed after putting the covers back over me. He didn't jerk himself off, he just went to sleep. And from what I could tell, it took him no time at all.
I thought back to everything he had just done. He had taken care of me- he did not do anything to pleasure himself. I felt like this was a complete act of love towards me. I was torn whether I should reveal I was aware which would not allow him any chance of escape from embarrassment and humiliation if he regretted this. While I was contemplating the importance and significance of my reaction, I could hear Seth was in a deep sleep. I knew he was not faking anything as I have heard him sleep and his breathing pattern from the time he was a young child until now, definitely a man.
While revisiting everything that had just happened, listening to Seth sleep and accept the reality of what just happened, I noticed something.
I was horny again. My cock was hard again. I took my thumb and felt the precum on my dick. I placed my thumb, covered in my precum into my mouth. Yeah, I made my decision. I knew what I wanted to do and what I was going to do. I hoped I wouldn't regret this.
Very slowly and quietly I crept out of my bed and headed towards Seth, my sleeping stud. I felt it was only fair for me to let him know how much I appreciated what he had done and to let him experience the enjoyment I had received.
I crept over to his bed and watched his chest rise and fall in slumber. I carefully pulled the sheet and blanket off of his midsection. I admired this stud's body, the tight abs and treasure trail. I looked down and studied for the first time his now soft tool, resting on his leg with the faint sheen of precum which was a mixture of both his and mine slowly drying. I knew what I was going to do and he would soon find out.
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- first-time
- relationship