Niko was just your average teenage boy. On the basket ball team, tall, thin, muscular. Blonde hair, green eyes, a long bushy tail...oh well, maybe he wasn't exactly average after all! You see, Niko is the genetic combination of human genes and animal genes. Fox genes to be exact. While most of his body is perfectly normal for a boy his age, there are some signs of his other genetic family! Red-blonde fur extends from the back of his head down to his tail. Which leaves a trail of fur down his back that get's darker as it moves farther down, until it turns blood red when it reaches his tail. He has fox ears, and a canine cock, which is sheathed, and has a knot.
Niko is a popular little fox. It's fitting that his genes come from a fox, because that's exactly what he is. Everyone drools and yearns for him. Boys, girls, teachers, students, everyone, they all love him! He, on the other hand, doesn't love all of them back! He knew from a very early age that he was only attracted to other males. And not only just males but males who were like him. Either furries, or a niko, which means only someone of the animal characteristics are in him. Furries on the other hand are very animalistic. Their whole body covered in fur, claws, tails, long fangs, genitals that didn't look, or behave like human genitals, these were furries.
Niko did like looking at the pure bread human boys sometimes, but his own kind stirred feelings him of lust and passion! He was glad he wasn't too much of an animal, because animals sometimes need chemical scents to get sexually exited. This was not the case for him. The site of a well oiled muscled body was enough for his sheath to pill back, and his canine cock to become exposed and leak.
Tonight Niko was on the prowl. He felt like a bitch in heat. Needing to have some strong male thing hold him, and put it's cock deep inside him. Or to put his own throbbing cock up inside some cute little creature. He needed a mate so badly he almost felt as if he were in pain!

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He went to a club known as a furry and niko hangout! He went inside and felt as if he'd come home! There were bunny boys, and cat girls, and combinations of different animals mixed with humans. Niko was in heave! Even though this wasn't technically a gay club, Niko knew he'd have a good chance of finding someone. A study done on furries and nikos that most were homosexual, probably due to the odd combination of hormones streaming through their blood.
Niko spotted a cute young bunny boy and went over to talk to him. The boy was a niko just like him. Bunny ears was all he could see of the boy's animal heritage. He imaged there were probably other things under the boy's cloths that were more animals, but he'd have to wait for now.
"Hello." Nikow said to the bunny boy, startling him from his daze.
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"Oh, hello." He said. "I'm sorry, I was off in my own little world." The bunny said nervously.
"First time in furry hang out?" Niko asked.
"Yeah, I never seen so many people...or whatever who are like me." The bunny replied.
"I know, I only seen a few people like us." Niko said.
"Are you a dog or cat?" The bunny asked.
"Neither, a lot of people get it confused. I'm a fox." Niko replied.
"Oh, I'm sorry, that was rude of me to ask." The bunny said.
Niko chuckled at this boys nervousness. He said it was fine to ask, everyone is curious. He asked the boy if his penis was left as animal. The boy said no, it was human. Niko explained to him that his parents decided to leave his penis exactly as it would be if he were a fox. The boy asked if he could see it. Niko smiled and led him off to the bathroom with him. Once inside the two made sure there were no other people inside and Niko slid his pants and undies down, which were special made to accommodate his tail, so they fastened and unfastened around the tail. He slowly slid his canine cock out of it's protective sheath. It was slick and velvety. The bunny starred, as if it was the most exiting thing he'd ever seen.
"Ya wanna touch it?" Asked Niko.
The bunny didn't reply. He just came over and started to touch it and caress it. Niko moaned in pleasure. This little bunny boy was making him so hard, his knot began to come out of the sheath. "Oh fuck, you're making me so hot!" Niko exclaimed.
"What is that ball thingy?" The bunny asked.
"That's my knot." Niko explained. " If I fuck someone, it'll go up inside 'em and keep us locked together for a long time."
The bunny looked up at Niko, as if wondering something, then finally spoke. "Show me." The bunny whispered to Niko nervously.
"Aw, fuck!" Nicko shouted, and pulled the boy into a stall with him, closing the door and locking it behind them. He felt so exited! He wanted this bad!
He pulled the boys pants down and fondled him through his tighty whites! "I wanna fuck you, you soft little bunny!" Niko said! The boy's cock was human, not like Niko's. Niko was so happy his parents had let him keep his K9 cock! He loved it, and didn't think sex would be the same without it!
Niko kissed and caressed the boy! He rubbed his smooth body all over, working his way down to a bulge in the back of the boy's undies, it surprised him at first, and he thought at first that the boy had two cocks and two sets of balls! But then he realized, it was a bunny tail!! A fluffy little ball of fluf and fur at the base of the boy's spinal cord!
His little bunny tail exited Niko! He was so soft and cute, and it made him feel like a big strong thing protecting him, and reassuring him. He considered for a moment, how odd this was. A fox wanting to fuck a rabbit! A rabbit was never supposed to be a mate to a fox! But then, they weren't an ordinary pair of animals!
Niko removed the boy's underwear, and told him to turn around. He admired the boy's form, and that fluffy little tail, as the boy did as he was instructed. Niko put the boy in a corner of the tail, and to him to relax. He slowly began to slid his slick thin dick into the bunny's crack!
The boy moaned and said "Please, fuck me!". Niko found the boy's hole and plunged in, the boy yelped in pain, but Niko told him to relax, it'd only hurt a few moments. The boy began to relax, asking Nikno not to stop. Niko slid in farther and further till he was deep inside the bunny and began to fuck him hard! The bunny moaned and cooded, he was enjoying himself so much! He'd never felt anything like this.
After a few moments of fucking the bunny, Nikko announced his knot was coming out! "Get ready kid, I'm gonna tie with you now!" Niko said, in a shallow voice!
"Oh fuck yeah!" The boy yelled.
NIko's knot began to move forward, pressing hard against the boy's ass! The boy began to cry out in pain. Niko asked if he wanted him to stop, but the boy said to keep going. Niko's dick knot slid in, with a loud POP! The boy screamed, and and Niko put his hand over the boy's mouth. "Shhhh, someone's going to think I'm beatin you up in here!" He said.
The boy moaned and shivered in pain, Niko was worried. "What if I really hurt him?" He asked himself. He could imagine having to take the boy to the hospital, everyone looking at them, saying they're freaks, and all his friends and family finding out! But the boy's cry lessened, and he whispered "I'm okay now, keep going!". Niko asked "Are you sure?". The boy repiled, "Please, fuck me!" in a low whisper! Niko needed no more incentive! He rammed his cock up inside the boy, and pumped the biggest load of cum into him, he'd ever produced!
The boy squirmed and moaned, and yelled filling the cum pumping into him! Niko collapsed on top of him, exhausted and out of breath. He was stuck inside the boy. Waiting for his cock to stop spewing sperm, and for his knot to swelling to go down so he could get out.
Niko, began to stoke his little bunny boy's dick, and the boy moaned and yelled in pleasure again, as he was brought to orgasm! The cum spewed out and spurted against the stail wall, which had probably seen it's fair shair of animal-human cum before!
Niko whispered in the boy's ear. "We're going to be stuck like this for a while now. Just relax." The boys stayed that way for 20 minutes or more, just basking in the after glow, rubbing each other, and feeling safe and secure. The bunny turned his head enough around to have a kiss with Niko. He licked the other boy's lips, and Niko returned the favor!
Finally Nikos knot's swelling went down enough for it to pop out, and he slid his cock out of the boy. Niko turned to the boy and thanked him, and helped him pull up his pants, and from his own pants he pulled out a pin, and writing paper, and wrote his phone number and e-mail address. He looked at the boy winked and said "Next time we'll have to do it face to face!" The boy smiled and blushed as Niko opened the stailand left the bathroom.
"Next time!" The boy thought exitedly!
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written by rikusoraRATE THIS STORY
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