I met him on a beach; it was a quiet, little known lake in the middle of a nature preserve. The people that knew about the secret garden generally were the sort that preferred to bask in the nude, in the sun with sounds of the forest rather than in crowds with the sounds of the public beaches. Nobody blew whistles or told you to leave that floating device on shore. No ropes to stay within, no children screaming just for the hearing of it.
Situated perfectly for me, I was in a tiny clearing somewhat away from the main gathering area. The trees of the forest thinned just enough near the water to allow for a few patches of sun, just large enough for a beach towel or two. This particular day, I was alone in the clearing when he came along wheeling his bicycle.
He walked past in search of an empty clearing I guess. Either there were none or he decided that he wanted to share my little piece of lakeshore. Returning, he asked if I minded him settling near me. I squelched my impulse to run over and help him settle, simply replying that no, I did not mind. Then I turned my back and strolled down into the water hiding my bulging eyes and silent, open-mouthed scream.
Once in the lake up to my chest I turned around to watch him slip off his tight biking shorts to reveal a dark brown body, toned and well proportioned. He was way over six feet tall with no trace of pale skin on the side of his body that was facing out to me. Casually screaming in my head for him to turn and face forward for me, he did just that.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
He asked about the quality of the water. Clenching my fists I said it was wonderful, referring to his fantastic, very dark, succulent looking penis, draped against his large, low-hung testicles. He said I was right, meaning the water quality, I'm sure. He continued to submerge all of his well-toned, large muscles into the warm water, holding my eyes with his. I began to shiver uncontrollably.
We did the small talk thing for a few minutes while we both kept looking into the lake at each other's erections. Stopping close enough to reach out to my underwater erection and never lose eye contact, he said his name was Mark. With far more quiver in my voice than I wanted, I told him my name. Then as his huge arms sucked me into an embrace he just said that I was shivering. My body pressed to his, our erections trapped between us, he opened his hands to completely cover my back.
Fire seared my skin as I rattled with excitement. He chuckled; messaging my back and slipping my body back and forth across the front of his own, much large, warm body, our erections bumping over one another. My arms trapped at my sides within his embrace, I set my face on the slab of his chest. He inhaled sharply as I opened my mouth, covering his large, erect nipple.
- hairy
One hand moved to cover the back of my head, nestling into my curls. Pulling my head back, my eyes closed like a doll as I tipped farther and farther backward until the lips I'd been watching came at me. He kissed me slowly, his tongue wetting my lips then demanding entry to my mouth and curling around my own tongue. As we kissed, he turned around and around, sensations sweeping through me like the waters washing over my skin. My legs somehow got wrapped around his waist allowing his erection to push up toward my rear end, -that so desperately wanted to swallow him.
We emerged from the lake yet he continued to carry me as one might carry a package no heavier than a newborn baby. Kneeling down, he continued tasting my lips and mouth as he gently laid me on my back. It seemed like days passed as we kissed, never losing contact.
His hands had been caressing my whole body, leaving no nerve ending untouched. He slid his hands under my back as his huge penis rubbed its goo on my hole then pushed against muscles that relaxed, allowing him to enter my body. I squeezed my eyes shut tight, as conflicting sensations slammed together in a crescendo of pain and pleasure.
With little effort Mark, on his knees, pulled me up from the ground so that, still impaled on his massiveness, I was sitting in his lap, my legs around his waist. As I flexed and relaxed the muscles surrounding his erection, he began to rock his hips. It seemed like there was no end to the muscle he pushed into me. The higher up into my body he reached, the higher my level of bliss.
My head spinning, I allowed the sensations to sweep me away. The feel of the silky, thick hair on his back, his huge black-brown mustache, prickly against my face, we breathed into each other as we kissed. His hot skin under the carpet of curls on his chest, pressed against my own, tiny patch of chest hair.
I dug the heels of my feet into his firm, hairy backside as I reveled in that glorious sensation of him sliding in and out of my body. I could feel the massive piston pulse with every one of Mark's heartbeats. Rock hard legs with massive, hairy slabs of thighs managed to stand up with me still wrapped around him. His huge body bent over then flexed up straight, impaling me impossibly farther down on his shaft.
He let his head fall back, eyes closed, as his hips pushed forward hard. Then my ears roared and my tightly clamped-shut eyes saw stars while he made little motions going ever deeper into me. Bending way back, he let out a wonderful grizzly bear noise, as my insides seemed to explode. He kept jerking, shoving into my body and I could feel every stream of liquid that he pumped into me. I lost my breath as he stabbed up into my chest with a loud, open-mouth grunt of exertion.
I opened my eyes to look into one brown eye. The other he squinted shut as a creamy white liquid slid down his face to join the rest, coving his neck and chest. I licked my orgasm off his face but his mouth attacked mine, his tongue fighting to take back the stuff I'd licked away. Our tongues fought over the cream in our mouths as I felt Mark walking, his steel post still buried deep in my guts.
When we were up to our chins in the lake water, he pushed himself deeper into my body two or three more times before ever so slowly slipping out of me, making my ecstasy last an eternity. It seemed to take forever but eventually I felt my muscles pucker as I maintained my leg-hold wrapped around his waist.
We both submerged, rinsing away the liquid joy. As we re-emerged, rubbing water from each other's eyes, I saw he still had an enormous erection! And that's when I realized how much of that huge, gorgeous man's body had been pushed up inside of me. I would have bet that a spearing by a penis that long and wide would have been fatal.
Seeing me stare at him that way, he walked over, sweeping me up and cradling me like a baby as he brought me to his towel and wrapped me in it. I started to say something but one of Mark's huge fingers covered my lips as he pulled me down to him, on my beach towel, his arm trapping me tightly to his side.
I woke up.
A bicep the size of my neck was draped over me from behind. I felt his rock hard legs tangled up with mine. What must have been his still raging hard-on pressed into my back. As I stirred, he rolled flat on his back. He wasn't a dream. He was well over two hundred pounds and at least six and a half feet tall. He also did not have an erection as I thought. Most men would give away their own children for an erection the size of his flaccid penis. And those testicles resting on the ground between his legs, -yeow!
I couldn't help myself; I had to touch them. He started to get an erection right away. I wrapped my hand around his scrotum, hefting it up like a man judging the weight in a bag of gold. I tried to get as much of his erection into my mouth as I could, helping it harden. It was amazing.
Moaning, he easily grabbed me, pulling me on top of him, kissing me. He snuggled me down at his side and began stroking his penis. In his hand, his erection looked quite right, perfectly proportioned. My face just inches from the end of his long shaft, I began stroking my own hard penis and sucking on his nipple.
Not long after he tensed up and I had to see what was going to happen next. Mark closed his eyes tight, his chin on his massive chest, stomach muscles contracting, his erection pointing straight up in the air and he started a long, building growl of a sound; quiet at first. Grinding his vocal chords together, louder, and louder, his stroking speed ever increasing, a sudden eruption accompanied his final grunt. A long, thick stream of creamy liquid sprayed straight up into the air, splashing down on the furry, dark carpet of hair as another shot rose up to rain down, followed by swell after swell of the white-ooze melting down his hand. My own hand vibrated quickly bringing on my own modest squirts that sprayed against his side, accenting his dark skin.
That was how we met, back in July of 1986. Not one, single, solitary night has passed by since that day, where Mark and I have not slept in each other's embrace. Even now, after all these years, I still think back to that day and what we did, and the guys that watched us, and can't believe my luck. From out of the forest, a complete stranger, literally swept me off my feet. As exciting as that was, I enjoy even more, the comfort of familiarity. (Of course, compared to my little self, Mark being a big, hairy giant certainly doesn't hurt any either!)
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written by giomjrmastroRATE THIS STORY
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