I woke with a searing headache. I opened my eyes to what seemed a piercing light. I immediately screwed my eyes closed again. My head rocked with pain. With my eyes screwed up tight, it slowly came back to me. I could see this fist hurtling toward me, and crashing into my side temple. I had been knocked out, I thought. I trembled at the very thought of it. A hand stroked my cheek as though cooling me.
Then I became conscious of a heavy weight on my stomach. I needed to see what it was, so I opened my eyes. I shivered with fear by what I saw. Josh was sitting on my stomach, his face calm and unmoving, while his eyes stared down at me. Then I recollected it was he who had punched my head so hard as to put my lights out. His eyes still spoke aggression. I sighed heavily and shut my eyes again.
It must have been six times, that I opened my eyes, met his, shuddered, closed my eyes again, while I battled for consciousness. Somebody came, his servant, and put a cold damp cloth on my forehead. It felt so good. Seeing a servant I recalled that I was visiting Josh in his wealthy father's downtown penthouse
Then Josh's voice. "You o.k.?" he asked. "Of course I'm not o.k.," I growled. Now my eyes were fully open, though my breathing was fitful. "Just lay quiet," he said, "you'll soon recover. Either shut your eyes, or look at me." There was little else I could do, since he had planted himself in such a way that he dominated my view if I opened my eyes. I closed them for a while longer.

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After a while I opened them permanently. Josh had a very attractive face. Clear-cut lines, dark blue eyes, gracious plentiful lips, a perfect proportion of all the facial parts, a neck which was slightly more prominent than most but only enhanced his naturally attractive looks, a chin which jutted out menacingly. Above all his face bore the look of an authoritative, demanding man. A man of strong self-will, who was accustomed to getting what he wanted. In fact, though we had gone through school and college together, so that I knew him closely for several years, I had never known him to give up on a single thing he wanted, even though it might not be available to him by normal means.
That thought made me wince, when I remembered that what he wanted was me. We had been close friends through our school years, but latterly he had become a homosexual, which turned me off. Our friendship waned. Josh, however, was the sole heir of a very rich family. His father had always pampered him, gave him everything he wanted, and turned a blind eye to his defects. Now here he was sitting on top of me, in effect physically dominant, expressing his desires.
I had refused his advances, and got into a violent argument with him. At the crunch of that I made a small fast movement which might have been interpreted as a threatening move, and Josh reacted by swinging his fist into my temple. He was a champion boxer and knew exactly where to hit me. Now I stared up into that motionless face, and knew him my superior.
- friendship
I gazed at his lips, with their perfect proportions. They dipped at both ends, seeming to invite contact. The centre of the lips were perfectly harmonised, and somehow, uncannily, seemed to invite me to kiss. Did I say me'? I meant
one' of course, since I'm not into such things with guys. Yet...
"How're you feeling?" he asked. "I desperately need something to drink," I replied. "Soft or alcoholic?" he asked. "Both", I replied, and he signalled to his butler to run for something. First water, which, with my head raised with a pillow I drank down feverishly at one long draught. He then handed me a small glass. "This is strong," he said, "take it very slowly. It will bring you to your normal self." I drank it slowly, looking up into his eyes as I did so. A gentle smile played round his lips and eyes. Was he taunting me?
After a few minutes, I murmured, "I feel good." Josh bent down and pressed his lips on mine, without so much as a "May I". My mind stubbornly refused to respond, but my lips wanted to respond to his gentle warmth. My mind rebuked my lips, which I then tightly sealed. He felt the sealing and the smile slowly departed. Then he tried a different strategy. His hand went behind his back and fondled my scrotum. I gasped, and he grinned. His other hand also disappeared behind his back, and soon my cock was engulfed in it. Cock and balls in Josh's hands! Quickly, unwittingly, my cock responded, rebelling against my defiant mind. I lay back breathing heavily, while Josh grinned all over his silly face. This was a lascivious tactic since he knew me incapable of moving or resisting.
"Little Johnny doesn't want sex with his bosom friend Josh, eh?" He laughed. Of course this was grossly unfair since my drink had been laced and I was out of my mind. It seemed that even my present disposition was in total rebellion with every other element of my background and nature - my childhood, my religious inclinations to purity, my inner fight against sexual temptation, my traditions. Everything demanded surrender.
And then it happened. Josh leaned over and locked my lips in a strong, sweet kiss. My hands went up instinctively onto the top of his head and I pressed him down, his lips locked into mine. For the longest minutes our lips moved in tango with each other and every element in me surrendered to his superb body, which now moved to encase me totally whithin its sovereign will. "Do you surrender," he whispered. "Yes, sir, I surrender, totally and unconditionally," I heard myself reply. There was still a very slight hesitation in the back of my mine, but my reply was the response of my whole physical being, which thrilled at every nerve which touched his superb body.
He reached down and fondled my cock and balls again, gently, playfully, grinning into my face as he did so. In response my fingers explored his face, his soft cheeks, his nose, his eyes, and above all those pure rose-bud lips. I pushed my fingers into his mouth, but he wasn't for that. "Fondle my cock," he ordered, and my hands slid down between our bellies to take that mighty 9-inch rod between my hands, stroking it as though it had always been mine, and as if I had no other concern in the world. He breathed heavily.
"Little Johnny," he said, "I'm, gonna move up your body and plant my cock in your mouth, lick it like a lollipop, then swallow it into your mouth and suck it like an over-ripe banana." I nodded positively, though something deep down inside me told me it was wrong to do such things. I silenced that inner voice and accepted that noble rod of my lord prince Joshua. I licked it feverishly,as though I was afraid he might withdraw it. Then I slid my mouth over it, like my mouth was a glove designed to fit a penis. He gurgled with enjoyment, egging me on to move my tongue and mouth around his cock, which by now I was doing willingly.
Then he began thrusts of his own, driving his cock deeper than I had dared permit. But by now there was no `permitting'. His lordship had taken command, his lusts lost in a fever of excitement, his body heaving up and plunging down, crashing into my throat. At this I began to get frightened that he would do real damage to my mouth. So I pushed my elbows against the floor and forced his crotch away from me. "No,' Josh," I said. "You'll do me damage if you continue that way. Remember I'm new to this thing."
He withdrew, sat on my stomach once again, smiled down and said, "O.k. pussyboy, if I can't do it there, I claim the rights to your other hole." I looked at him puzzled. "Your arse hole, dim-wit." he said, "Your little pink cherry located in the very centre of your bum. It's mine by right as the first one to steal your virginity. Am I right?" "Yes, Lord Joshua," I replied, "but I beg you, implore you, to go easy on it, since it is virgin, and none other cock, or even finger, has ever penetrated it. What's more, I'm dead scared of that monster weapon you hold between your legs. Promise me tenderness in the exercise of your claim."
"I will, pussyboy," he said, "Just yield yourself and follow my instructions, and you'll find it less painful than you might imagine. What is more I assure you you'll like it so much you'll come back for more, very often." I looked deeply into his eyes and said, "I hope so. You know I'm giving up so much for you." "Oh, don't be so pathetic," he barked, "You're gaining so much more than you can imagine. One day you'll thank me profusely for the freedom I've introduced you to, not to say the excruciatingly beautiful lust which I've already released you into." With that he gave my cock a hefty twist, as also to my testicles, which made me howl with pain.
"Now, open your legs," he commanded. He knelt between them, took some KY gel and applied it on my crack and into my anus. It was a most delightful feeling. His middle finger penetrating as deeply as he could, and spreading the gel inside. I squealed with delight. He then inserted his forefinger, and it didn't hurt. "That's about as much hurt as you'll feel when I penetrate you, pussyboy. Well, perhaps you'll feel a little more, but it's only the initial thrust as the big mushroom head penetrates. Once inside it's like a haven of rest!" "I hope so," I said nervously.
He rubbed the gel over his own cock, then ordered me to lift my legs and take them back over my shoulders. I realised instantly that he was opening up my crack, and his renewal of two fingers inside me confirmed it. Now he bent over me, till his nose touched mine. "Ready, pussyboy?" he asked. "Yes, master," I said, "Give it me with all you've got. I'm longing for it."
With such an unwise brash invitation, he lost no time. But first he bent over me and kissed my lips tenderly. "Thank you, Johnny, I love you very much. I've always loved you, though for many years I was afraid and ashamed to tell you. Not now though. This action is the token of my love." With that he gave one quick, hard, violent thrust of his cock into my anus. I screamed with pain, which took him by surprise. But there was no remedy now, for fortunately he was into my anus, only pausing for me to relax. He gazed at my face, smiling at me, "You o.k. sweetheart?" he asked. "Yes, loverboy," I replied and he grinned.
And without more invitation, he plunged his cock deeper into my anus. Being the first time it was a most strange experience. One is used to big things coming out, but not to big things going in! "Your arse hole has now become the Home of the Whopper," he whispered, "my Whopper. It's yours whenever you want it, or perhaps whenever I want it. I've now established my rights on your hole, in compensation I give you rights over my cock to have and to hold, to kiss, to lick, and to suck, and above all to invite it wholeheartedly into your inner man. Agreed?" As if I had any choice! "Yes, bossman," I whispered, "Yours till hell freezes!" He grinned and tweaked my tits.
Then began that merry dance of the jumbo cock, as he plunged it deep down into me, drew it back slowly, and thrust it again, hard and fast, into my anus until his cock met with resistance as it crashed against my inner wall. That bit hurt, and I begged him to ease up on crashing to the end, which he did, carefully measuring the distance he could hope to travel before having to end his mad caper down my shoot. With that calculated he began his strong thrusts into me. I felt that I was no longer my own man. This perfect figure of manhood had established his rights over me, and there was nothing I could do but submit to his every whim.
For the next ten minutes he pounded my shoot, withdrawing methodically, carefully, then plunging down fast, with gay abandon. He got into a rhythm and now he was moving like a piston rod, in and out, in and out. I absolutely loved it. I began to shout, "give it me, Josh, give it to me." If he hesitated for more than two seconds I would scream at him to continue, to fill my arse with his spunk, to knock all normal `common-sense' out of me. And he did. The emotion, mixed with the alcohol and lacing he had given to it, raised my sensual sensations to fever pitch.
He ploughed his furrow, deeply and successfully. I had known no comparable experience, and began now to masturbate myself in rhythm to his thrusts. Soon he was screaming: "I'm coming, Johnny, cuuuuummmmming" And he came, and within three seconds I shot my load all over his tummy.
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