Joel was a super fit young guy he spent many hours a week in the gymnasium working to perfect his already beautiful physique, at 18 Joel was not just built like a young God he was handsome as any model with smooth tanned skin stretched tautly over his musculature. Joel loved to bush walk, sometimes with others but often alone, he had total faith in his ability to navigate his way through the bush and feared nothing.
Unfortunately for Joel his navigational skills failed him one day as he made his way through thick forest and scrub towards a river marked on his map. He didn't realize that at this point the river ran through a gorge, he was several miles out in his reckoning and suddenly he was teetering on the edge of the gorge his arms windmilling uselessly as his boots slid on the smooth sloping rock. He dropped to his belly hoping the increase in area would stop his slide but it was too late he felt the slippery rock grinding and scraping against his chest then nothing as he fell screaming over the edge.
Joel was fortunate where he slipped, as the river was deep and slow as it made its way through a large pool before exiting rushing, roaring and foaming over the next set of steep rapids. Joel's body splashed down in a huge sheet of spray winding the lad and causing him to inhale water as he struggled to reach the surface again. The current dragged him along as he floated semi conscious on the surface his ears ringing from the splash down, he didn't hear the roar of tortured water as the river raced towards the rugged, steel hard and slippery algae coated rocks.
Joel's limp body crashed against a huge boulder as the surge washed him into the churning maelstrom, he yelped in pain as the unforgiving rock rammed his fragile body knocking the wind from his lungs and he was tossed and dragged under the foaming racing surge. His lungs bursting as his body was battered and tortured, spun and twisted, his head broke the surface momentarily enabling him to suck in air then under he went spinning and grinding along among the slimy unyielding boulders. Battered and bruised, limbs aching he finally was spat out into the next long pool where he drifted limply towards a large flat rock in midstream, Joel bumped against the slab and opened his eyes then grasped the edge struggling against the current he dragged his wet aching body out of the river onto the rock.

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He screamed in pain as his dislocated leg jarred on the hard surface, he clenched his teeth and struggling sat up grasping his thigh to move his limp disjointed leg into a position that didn't send searing pain through his battered exhausted body. He looked around and saw he was in the center of a long wide pool with tall cliffs along both sides of the river; he was trapped with no way to escape even if his leg was OK. The rapids would finish him off if he attempted to float down the river and he prayed that someone would contact the search and rescue and the police.
His sodden backpack miraculously intact was acting as a pillow behind his head as he lay there gasping and moaning in his pain and anguish, the throbbing ache of his leg sent spears of pain throughout his exhausted saturated body. Joel rolled his head side to side gritting his teeth until the pain subsided somewhat and he could relax, he gingerly shrugged off the backpack worked it out from under him and lay back on the sun warmed boulder. He fumbled open the flap of the pack after undoing the buckles, he reached inside to find the small first aid kit he carried on his treks and found the Panadiene Forte tablets and dry swallowed two to help manage the aching pain of his injuries.
The drugs dulled his pain somewhat and he pulled out a plastic lunch box and opened it removing half a ham and pickle sandwich then closed the box tucking it back in his pack, he munched o0n the food and when finished he scooped some water from the river and drank it. His hunger assuaged he lay back and closed his eyes against the glare of the sun, and slumped on the rock exhausted by his ordeal. The day drew on and the sun dropped behind the tall trees on top of the cliff casting shadow across the river and rock where Joel lay; the shade seemed to draw the moisture from the river with it and Joel began to shiver as his clothing and body became damp.
- beginnings
Night slid swiftly into the gorge like a huge black specter leaving he lad shivering uncontrollably as his body chilled more and more I the conditions, his body slowly chilled to the bone as the long seemingly never ending night dragged by. Joel prayed in his mind for warmth but none was granted, by morning his chilled body was aching, his loose dislocated leg alive with incredible pain lancing through him in huge bolts of unbelievable agony. Tears ran down Joel's smooth downy cheeks as he moaned in anguish fumbling for more tablets to ease his agony, every bruise, now purple and green, ached abominably as his trembling fingers scrabbled in his pack searching for the first aide kit.
He found the slim package and pressed two more tablets from the silver foil covering placing them in his mouth and swallowing the dry tablets, almost gagging at the bitter taste. He lay back down moaning and shivering in the early morning light listening to the sound of the river gushing over the rapids nearby. His shivering body aggravated the pain from his leg but he was powerless to control his cold body. Slowly the sun crawled up the sky and the pills eased his pain, he watched the sun paint the canyon walls in shades of gold, the quartz in the rocks twinkling like jewels. The temperature rose with the sun and soon Joel's damp body was feeling its glowing warmth, his shivering ceased as he warmed and the pain subsided to manageable levels as the tablets did their job.
Joel looked up at the serene blue sky above, framed by the tall granite walls, he prayed silently that someone would discover his plight today and rescue him. He opened his lunch box taking out another half sandwich and munched on it, he was hungry but dared not eat too much in case he was trapped here for another day, half a sandwich night and morning meant he had food for three days then he had a couple of muesli bars and a bottle of Gatorade sports drink. The long hot day dragged by with no sign of aid and Joel knew he faced another freezing night as the sun edged behind the forest above, he ate another half sandwich took two more tablets and resigned himself to the long dark hours of misery.
Next morning his supply of painkillers was used up as he ate the now dried up half sandwich and swallowed the last two pills, washing them down with a swig of sports drink. He lay back allowing the sun to warm his frozen flesh, his tanned body shook, muscles twitching spasmodically as he breathed slowly and deeply trying to control his pain until the tablets worked. Joel was lucky he was well tanned or sunburn would have added to his pain, his clothes steamed in the sunlight as the dampness was driven from the material and the warmth edged into his body. The warmth triggered his cock, his flaccid meat twitched and grew as the sun baked into the clothing and in no time Joel was sporting an unwanted erection cramped inside his briefs and stiff clothing.
The lad groaned in frustration feeling his wayward woody throbbing, he, being a teen burgeoning on adulthood and at the peak of his manhood, couldn't stop himself reaching down and fumbling at his fly as he unbuttoned the denim shorts. He craned his head up looking down his body to where his bright red briefs bulged up from his open fly; his fingers gently felt the hot hard bone. He tugged his shirt up and eased the waistband down under his full fat balls and felt his erection slap hotly on his belly demanding attention as it oozed pre cum like a leaky faucet.
The trauma and dull throbbing ache from hid dislocated leg couldn't stop the urge to relieve his bursting balls, Joel began wanking slowly to try and avoid aggravating his injuries, but as his body and mind became more excited his hand began moving faster until it was almost a blur. His big roiling nuts tightened into his groin as he began shuddering and his engorged tool swelled and darkened, it pulsated before spitting thick creamy bouts of sperm high in the air to spatter down on Joel's ridged tensed belly filling the hollows between his rigid abdominals.
The arching of his hips up stirred the dislocated joint sending stabs of pain into his crotch, Joel gasped both in pleasure and pain as his climax raged through his body, his ears filled with the pounding of his heart. He didn't even hear the drumming sound of the approaching helicopter as it swept across the trees above the cliff and out over the gorge almost directly overhead affording the crew a perfect view of the teen in his mind blowing climax. The down blast of the aircraft's spinning rotors ruffled the smooth water of the pool where Joel was trapped, the strong downdraft blew down on his semi naked body as he attempted to cover himself.
The chopper crabbed along till it hovered above the lad and a crew member climbed out, his red overalls bright in the sunlight and was winched slowly down till his boots touched the surface of the boulder. He looked down at the totally embarrassed young man, his grin visible through the clear visor of his bright red helmet. The man squatted down shouting over the roar of the hovering helicopter, "Are you able to stand Joel?"
Joel shook his head indicating his injured leg that was flopped uselessly on the rock, the man flipped up his visor and reached down feeling Joel's hip joint then tried to turn his leg to get the foot upright, Joel screamed in pain and he let the leg drop back as he reassured the lad that he would soon be off the river and in the chopper. He opened his pack removing a plastic caste to wrap around the leg and help support it for the lift; he edged the plastic sleeve up Joel's leg being careful not to jar the hip joint then bent down putting the nipple in his mouth and blowing the sleeve up like a balloon. That task completed he gave Joel an injection of morphine to dull the pain and allowed a couple of minutes for the drug to do its job, while he talked to Joel taking his mind off the upcoming task.
He tucked Joel's flaccid cock back into his briefs and did up his fly saying, "Wow Joel you are one very fit young stud if you don't mind me saying so."
Joel blushed and smiled mumbling, "I don't mind if you think that it makes me feel really good having you say so."
The paramedic said, "Thanks mate I really mean what I said, I'd be honored if after you come out of hospital you'd like to hook up with me again."
Joel's brain now slowing from the strong drug slurred, "Anytime you like buddy."
Joel's body now feeling no pain the medic sat him up before helping him to his feet; he fastened the safety harness around Joel's body and clipped it to his harness before waving his arm alerting the winch operator in the chopper who started winching the two men skywards. They slowly rotated as the winch pulled them up and soon the winch man was gently pulling Joel inside the cabin, the medic scrambled in after Joel and unclipped the winch cable then slid the door closed as the helicopter roared vertically skywards.
The chopper zoomed away across the tall forest heading for the city to get the injured Joel into hospital; the paramedic was checking the pulse in Joel's injured leg in case the dislocation was interfering with the blood flow in his limb that could cause gangrenous complications. He found a very faint pulse and breathed a sigh of relief as he sat beside the semi conscious teen holding his hand comforting him. The winch man knew his medic's sexual orientation and smiled at the couple knowing that his mate, Luke seemed to have found a bloke that turned him on.
The aircraft landed on the helipad and the waiting hospital orderlies and a doctor soon had Joel on the gurney and wheeled away into the hospital. Luke followed them inside to retrieve his inflatable splint and requisition another morphine injection for his kit, he watched as Joel was placed on a bed, his t-shirt removed the nurse then began cutting off his jeans and briefs exposing his gorgeous body to everyone's view. Luke's eyes drank in the entrancing sight and he saw Joel's drug dulled eyes turn to his a look of utter embarrassment on his handsome face as the nurse bared his body.
With that Luke winked at him and smiled mouthing for him not to worry and he left the room collected his supplies before heading back up to the helipad and back to work. He hoped Joel would remember him and to be sure he'd tucked his card in the first aide kit in the lad's backpack. Two days later he returned to the hospital and found that Joel was still there so he called in to see him, the lad was sitting up in bed watching TV, he turned his head as Luke entered and a beatific smile graced his sweet lips as he said, "Hi Luke great to see you again I wondered if I ever would."
Luke beamed at him and bent over the bed kissing him on the lips, Joel gasped and recoiled a fraction before returning and pressing his lips to Luke's, the two young men breathed each other's air as their moist tongues danced together. Luke pulled back feeling he'd been devoured and he looked at Joel's innocent smooth blushing face, he smiled at him and said, "I'm glad you feel the same as I do Joel because I think we have a future together."
Joel nodded his eyes misty and his full pink lips trembled as Luke sat on the bed and they hugged warmly, both their hearts pounded like base drums in their chests.
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