This is another story from the B&B where I met up with the young jock (Colt) in his van. When I emailed him that I was coming to the B&B again he wanted to meet up again and said he might bring a friend if that was all right; he said he was hot. So after breakfast I showered and flushed out, in preparation for meeting Colt.
He was parked on the side street, same place I'd met him before only this time it was daylight. When he saw me approaching he got out of the van to greet me. He started to hug me but I motioned him not to. "We can save that till later." We got in the van and he drove out of town.
"Where're we going?" I asked.
"Just out of town a little ways to a place we picked out."

Quick Blowjob in the Gym Showers
"We... you brought your buddy?" I was pretty excited about that.
"Yeah, his name is Paul. Wait till you meet him."
"I'm going to like him, huh. You said he was hot."
- athletic
"Very hot. You said I've got a nice body; wait till you see this guy."
"Is he the guy you mentioned before that you did something with?"
"No. That was a guy from another school. Paul goes to my school. He's a teammate. A senior. Godd, he's hot!"
I thought he'd said the guy was his teammate but I guess I misunderstood. "And he's okay with everything?" I asked.
"Well, not everything. He's not going to let you fuck him or anything like that, but most everything else."
Colt had told me how he got hooked up with Paul and it's a story worth telling. They were in the coach's office after practice or something, talking about some of the players. Paul was the captain of the football team and Colt wondered why he was in there with them, being brought in on the conversation. Paul told him that the coach was probably grooming him to be captain next year. When they were done Paul left to shower but the coach held Colt back to talk to him about something else.
It took a few minutes and Paul was already showering when Colt was undressing to join him. There were only a few stragglers in the locker room and they were mostly dressed to leave. When he was undressing Colt spotted Paul's jockstrap laying on the floor in front of his open locker where he'd tossed it but it didn't make it in the locker. He was instantly drawn to it and he quickly made up an excuse in his mind why he would pick it up... to put it in Paul's locker, where Paul had missed.
Parts from his email: When everybody was gone I went over to Paul's locker and picked up the jockstrap. Just the feel of it was exciting to me, actually holding in my hand the jockstrap that held Paul's manhood. I was surely the only other person to ever touch it. It looked pretty old. It was worn and the pouch was stretched out. But no wonder, under the strain of holding up his heavy manhood. Unlike most guys whose jockstraps were newer and lifted and supported, his jock sort of sagged when he wore it, like the threads and material were just plain tired.
I didn't toss it in the locker right away. I kept holding it, feeling the soft material with both hands. I pretended it was still warm from his crotch and maybe it was. But holding it wasn't enough, Pete. I wanted to smell it. You have to realize about Paul, Pete. He is a total stud. The perfect male. A god. And that's not just me. He is the best built guy in school and almost the best looking. One of the guys on the team said the way Paul is built is almost criminal. Guys kid him about his muscles having muscles. But he's not all freaky like the big professional bodybuilders; he's just built for sports, but better than the rest of us.
The girls all want him and some of them have had him; probably most of them. He could fuck any girl he wanted. And I was sure I wasn't the only boy who wanted him. But girls can flirt and send their message; boys can't. He's famous for his butt. He doesn't really wear clothes to show off his body. He doesn't have to, it's pretty impossible to hide how he's built. He looks awesome in anything he wears. Even in his relaxed fit jeans his butt is prominent. I get to see his butt naked a lot, and it's awesome. I have a hard time keeping my eyes averted.
Anyway, I'm alone in the locker room and standing there sniffing Paul's jockstrap. It's like I'm sucking the smell of him into my being and it makes me a little heady. It was just a couple of minutes, or so I thought. It must have been longer, it's easy to lose track of time when you're savoring the moment.
Suddenly......"You gonna shower?"
I almost jumped out of my skin. I jerked the jockstrap away from my face, hoping he hadn't seen me, praying that my face didn't turn red, praying my cock wasn't too hard that he would notice because it was on the way. There was an awkward moment after he spoke because I couldn't find my voice and I couldn't think of what to say even if I did. It was like he'd given me a brain freeze. He came up to his locker, still drying off, muscles rippling, and made the embarrassment worse with, "Is that my jockstrap?"
"Yeah, I was just picking it up, where you missed your locker and it landed on the floor," and I handed it to him.
He didn't take it. "Just toss it in my locker."
I did, quickly, like it was hot and I needed to get rid of it. Then I went back to my locker to finish undressing to shower. I was embarrassed, and a little scared because I was afraid he'd seen me smelling his jockstrap and just wasn't saying anything... I knew my face must be beet red. But Paul didn't say anything. Meanwhile, the coach had left, telling us to make sure the door was locked behind us when we left.
I took too long in the shower. Paul yelled back, "Hey, are you about done?"
I yelled back, "Yeah, be right there!"... thinking he must be dressed and wanted to lock up and leave. I dreaded going back in the locker room to face him again but there was no choice. I wished he would just go ahead and leave and let me lock up. I turned off the shower and grabbed my towel and headed back to the locker room, drying off as I went.
I was totally surprised to find that Paul wasn't dressed at all. He was doing something in his locker, half hidden by the door, but I could see that all he had on was his jockstrap that I'd picked up off the floor. My heart thumped. I wondered if there was a reason why he hadn't gotten dressed and why he'd put his jockstrap back on. My imagination ran wild.
When he heard me at my locker he looked around his locker door and said, "Thought I'd clean out my locker while I'm waiting."
Okay, but that didn't explain why he'd put his jockstrap back on to do it. "I thought you'd be dressed," I said. It sounded like I blurted it out and maybe I did.
"I, uh..... thought maybe you wouldn't want me to." His tone was cocky.
His words sent shivers through me and I didn't know what to say in return. What was he doing? What was he driving at?
He moved back from his locker, closing the door, with a crooked smile and brushed his hand down over the front of his jock. "Thought you might wanta see what it smells like with everything in it. 'Cause, dude, you were not just picking my jockstrap for me. I saw you sniffing it."
Now I was getting scared. I knew Paul pretty well, I liked him a lot and we got along great but I didn't know where this was going. Was he coming on to me? Teasing? Goading? Or was he setting me up to beat the shit out of me? It felt like my face had turned ten shades of red.
He laughed and said, "You gotta stop being embarrassed about shit. Red's not your color."
I still couldn't find my voice. And what could I say if I did? I finished drying off and reached in my locker for a pair of clean shorts. I thought I might really be in trouble when he came over to my locker. I was prepared for the worst. He put his hand on my shoulder and I wondered if he was going to deck me. He didn't say anything and thank God he didn't hit me. He still had that little smile on his face as he nodded behind him. I followed him--I was numb--to one of the benches. He straddled it and leaned back on one arm. He reached down to grope the pouch of his jockstrap with his other hand as he nodded for me to sit on the other end of the bench.
I felt helpless but to do what he wanted. Helpless, but I wanted to do it. He didn't know it but he was bringing a dream of mine to life. He couldn't know how many times I'd jacked off to the mental image of his body. I scooted closer and he spread his massive legs out wide. I moved between his legs and put my hands on his muscular thighs. That was an instant thrill, touching his body for the first time. His legs were like warm rock.
Paul brought his hand up and put it on top of my head, as if he wanted to make sure I wouldn't back out or try to move away. No chance of that!! He pretty much made my first time not count. He pushed my face down into his jockstrap. Not hard. He really didn't force me; he didn't have to. I opened my mouth really wide to mouth his bulge and pressed my tongue against it. I loved the taste and the musky smell of his jockstrap.
Godd, he smelled so good, the mix of his old worn jockstrap with his freshly showered manhood inside. I could feel the stirring inside the pouch as he began to swell up. I wondered if this was the first time to get his cock sucked. I hoped so.
(BTW I should interject here, after reading some of my personal stores I sent him, Colt started writing about things in his life. He's getting pretty good at it although I had to get on him about his sloppy grammar, punctuation and such. At my suggestion, he's started keeping a journal and he asked me to help him write things up more like I write up my own experiences).
He eased my head back and pulled his jockstrap to the side, letting his cock and balls fall free. Well, his balls fell, his cock was nearly hard and it swung upward, nearly hitting me in the face. I said my heart was thumping; it was pounding now. I was actually going to get to suck Paul's cock! He didn't have to but he guided my head back and I took his cock in my mouth. He groaned really loud and raised his butt up off the bench to shove more of it in my mouth. I never did deep throat before and I choked when he tried to force the head of his cock into my throat. He didn't hold me there when I choked; he let me rise up off of it.
"Have you done this before?" he asked.
"Only a couple of times," I said. "I never deep throated before. I want to, though."
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know. I'll let you tackle it on your own," he said. He put both arms behind him then and I went back to sucking his cock. He started thrusting up into my mouth again, but not forcefully.
After a bit his arms got tired and he lay back on the bench with one arm flung way over his head and started rolling his butt around on the bench. I sucked him really hard. I wanted to devour him. I sucked his balls too, but each time I did he wanted me to get back on his cock. Okay by me. I would do anything this guy wanted me to do. I even had thoughts of him fucking me but he never made any move to do that. I didn't know how long I sucked him but it wasn't long enough. Not for me.
He put both hands on my head and guided me down on each stroke. I'd been doing pretty good picking up the technique of deep throat but now he was making it constant. Every thrust went into my throat, although not all the way in. He was using it like one of his pussies. (You taught me how to deepthroat, Pete, but I haven't had a chance to practice much).
I knew he was working up his cum and I braced myself for it, praying I wouldn't choke and gag and make a mess of it. Next thing I felt his cock lurching violently in my mouth then in my throat as he pushed my head down. His cock felt bigger. Then I felt the powerful surge along the large vein along the underside of his cock, sending his cum spurting into my throat. It felt like a lot; the surges were so powerful. I was clinging to every second of his climax, trying to hold on till he was done and he would let go of my head. Time can be a funny thing in moments like that and I wondered if he was going to stop before he drowned me. Sorry to say, panic took away from the pleasure of it a little bit.
Finally, his grip on my head loosened and I was able to rise up a little. He thought I was going to pull off and he kept one hand on my head. Again, not forcefully, but he let me know he wasn't finished. He told me, "Wait, man, I'm still cumming!" I was glad because he was shooting in my mouth now and I was getting the taste of him.
The bonus shots in my mouth tasted good and I kept sucking him to get it all. There was no need for him to hold my head, I wasn't going anywhere. I sucked him till his cock became so sensitive that he couldn't take it anymore. So I stopped sucking but I still held his cock in my mouth, along with the last of his load. As I rose up, pulling along the full length of his cock, I also swallowed his cum.
Paul's arms were hanging out from his sides and his chest was heaving, drawing in much needed air. His stomach muscles were bulging and rippling.
"Holy fuckin' shit!" he gasped. Suddenly he rose up, his awesome stomach muscles bulging to pull him upright. "Hey, man, I didn't mean to force you to do that. I didn't even ask if you wanted me to cum in your mouth, let alone swallow it."
"I did. I wanted it," I said.
"You're okay then."
"Yeah. Sure."
"That was so fuckin' awesome. I never had anything that felt so good never in my life. Not even pussy."
"Was that your first blowjob?" I asked.
"My first real one," he said. "I've had some girls try it but none of 'em did nearly as good as that." Then he turned real serious as he stood up from the bench. "Listen, don't tell anybody about this."
"You either," I said.
'"Right. Then maybe we can do it again sometime, if you want to."
I told him anytime.
So back to my story. A little ways out of town Colt pulled into a grassy lane that was grown over with trees and weeds. He said it used to lead to a house but all that was left was the foundation which I couldn't see, and a dilapidated corn crib further on, also half hidden by the tall weeds. He made a turn and pulled behind an old run-down shed. There was a pickup truck parked there, well hidden back in the overgrowth.
"That's his pickup," he said.
We got out and he grabbed a blanket from behind the seat, to cover the mattress, he said. We went around the shed to the door. It was hanging lopsided on its hinges and he had to struggle to get it open. As we went in I saw someone crouched down lighting some candles. I could see the only window was covered with a piece of blanket. I helped Colt pull the door closed and when I turned around, there was this young muscle god standing the in the dim light, in sneakers and socks, a jockstrap, and an athletic jacket heavy with awards.
"Holy Shit!" cane out of my mouth in a whisper. I wasn't expecting anything like this.
Colt introduced us. "Paul, this is Pete I was telling you about. Pete, this is Paul."
He stepped forward to shake my hand and said, "Great to meet you."
"Hey, you did it, just like I asked," Colt said.
"Yeah. He said you would like the jock effect," Paul said to me, indicating his jacket.
"I do, very much," I said. "Jockstrap's a nice touch, too." He grinned, with a little chuckle.
The two of them spread the blanket over a rather new looking mattress on the floor, the only furnishings in the shed. Everything else was junk.
"Well, I guess we all know why we're here," Colt said as he began taking off his clothes and motioned for me to do the same. Paul didn't take anything off, just stood aside and watched us. I was careful to lay my jeans near the mattress where the lube and condoms would be easy to get to if needed, and I sure hoped they would be. This young jock was turning me on just standing there.
Paul watched us both undress, not saying a word till I took off my shorts, then he said, "Holy shit! Colt wasn't lying!" as he eyed my cock openly. "That is one big hunk of meat. Man, what I could do with that."
"I'm sure Pete will let you do anything you want with it," Colt said.
"No, I meant if I had it swinging between my legs," Paul said.
"From what I've heard, nobody's throwing bean rocks at you," I said. "Is that the jockstrap?" I asked.
Paul laughed. "You told him about that, huh."
"Pete and I don't have many secrets," Colt said as he began groping Paul's well filled jockstrap. He motioned me over and I stepped on the mattress to join them.
"Colt didn't fully explain why we're all here but I'll try to figure it out as we go," I said as I joined hands with Colt groping the young jock's jockstrap. There was a lot of meat in it. At the same time I leaned in and kissed his chest. I wanted to kiss him on his sexy mouth but I wasn't sure yet that he would go for it. The way he moaned softly and wrapped his hand around my head, he didn't mind me kissing his nipples though. And he didn't stop me when I nuzzled under his arm. He lifted his arm and I kissed his armpit and wet the hairs there. He moaned something. His cock got hard fast and Colt pulled the pouch of his jockstrap aside to free it. I wrapped my hand around it. He was nice and meaty and thick, well over seven inches, neatly cut, with a broad, almost menacing head. I hefted his balls with my other hand. They were heavy too. All this as I was kissing my way down his flat, hard stomach as I slowly descended to my knees.
When I encountered the waistband of his jockstrap his cock greeted me anxiously, throbbing against my face. I tugged the waistband down off his hips and his cock sprung up with a hard smack against his belly. I pulled the jockstrap down his muscular legs and he lifted his feet for me to take it off of him. I started to lay it aside but he reached down for it.
When I gave it to him he put it around my neck. Nice touch, I thought. He planted his feet wider apart and I went to work on him with my hands all over his incredibly muscular body while I kissed his hard abs on either side of his manhood and nuzzled lower to lick in the apex of his thighs on each side of his balls. He was like live, warm stone to the touch. This kid was way beyond just being in shape for sports. Colt was in shape for sports; Paul was the benchmark.
I purposely bypassed his cock, kissing up the sides but otherwise ignoring it. At the same time, I sort of ducked my head and deftly removed my dentures and tucked them under my clothes. I didn't think he saw me do it. (I most often don't write this part in, about removing my dentures, but I should, I think it adds to the story and it certainly adds to the blowjob; ask anyone who's gotten one from me). He kept rubbing his cock against my face, aiming it at my mouth. Finally, I accepted it with a good tongue lashing to lick off the sweet ball juice, then I took it in my mouth.
"Ohhhhhh, Fuuccckkk!" he gasped as he clasped one hand over the top of my head and began easing his cock gently back and forth through my lips. I clamped down on it. I kept listening for cars on the road, for one of them to slow down and pull in but the few vehicles that did come along zipped right on by. The only noise was the soft slurping sounds of Paul's cock in my mouth and the pleasurable moans, and the soft, metallic clanging of the medals on his athletic jacket.
I'd momentarily forgotten about Colt, standing aside watching us and stroking his own cock. I reached out to pull him in close and gave his cock a few strokes as well but quickly went back to Paul while Colt sucked his tits.
Paul took something out of his jacket pocket. I was surprised and a bit disappointed to see him uncap a bottle of poppers. I used them myself but only on very rare occasion because they gave me a headache. I hated to see a boy his age using the stuff. He took a couple of snorts and moaned, "Awwwwhhh, yeah, suck that big dick." He held the bottle out to Colt but he shook his head. He offered it to me but I declined too. Paul took another hit then capped the bottle and put it back in his pocket.
Several times I felt his legs tremble, especially when I wasn't all the way down on him, with his cock barely wedged in my throat. I paused to suggest that maybe we should all lie down on the mattress. Paul stretched out, still wearing his jacket and shoes and I knelt at his side and resumed sucking his cock. Colt was at his shoulder, still loving his turgid nipples. I invited him to join me at Paul's cock and he circled to the other side of him. As we both worked on him Paul became more and more animated. He brought out the bottle again and took another hard hit. He capped the bottle and laid it aside... then reached for my cock!!! Okay, so the boy needed some courage out of the bottle.
I was blown away by him touching me like that. But it was curiosity, I was sure, over the size of my big cock, nothing more.
"Goddamn, that's a big cock," he said hoarsely as he stroked it rather awkwardly, like he wasn't sure he should be doing it. I was sure it was the first time he'd ever touched another male like this. Colt was surprised too. He let go of it then lay back to enjoy my mouth but I could see that he was still eyeing my cock.
I had no real hope that the big stud would actually do anything beyond touching me, yet I had to wonder where his youthful curiosity might take him. It didn't matter if he did anything back; he was more than enough to keep me happy. He was so damned perfectly beautiful, the kind of guy you dream about and makes you wonder what it must be like to live in a body like his.
Colt and I were trading back and forth from his cock to his balls while my hands roamed all over his body, feeling his muscles. I especially liked his hairy thighs.
While I was down there kissing the inside of his thighs, working my way back up to take back his cock from Colt, I saw him take the bottle out of his pocket again. He took several hard hits in each nostril, making me wish he wouldn't, then capped the bottle and laid it aside and waited a moment for the stuff to take over. I discreetly moved the bottle out of reach. Then he reached for my cock again. This was not casual curiosity, I thought. He had a serious, determined look on his handsome face. Suddenly he rose up and leaned toward me.
"Okay, you big fucker, I gotta try this." Then he went down on me!
I was stunned.
Colt's mouth dropped. "Oh, shit!" he gasped as we watched Paul give my cock several awkward strokes, enough that I thought he might not stop. But he did, wiping his mouth with his forearm.
Much to our surprise, he turned to Colt. "Just so you don't feel left out," he said and leaned in and went down on him.
I thought Colt might pass out. It was only a few strokes of his mouth but I was sure it meant more to Colt that anything he and I had ever done.
Paul rose up. "You ever tell anybody about this I'll break you in half."
"I won't, I promise," Colt said.
Paul lay back down. The way his jacket spread open, revealing his upper body, I left his cock to Colt and began exploring his muscles with my mouth. He laid his arm across my back and shoulders.
"Yeah, you big fucker, make me feel good," he moaned softly. "Fuck, Colt said you were good but when I saw you I never figured you for this kind of good."
"Tell me what you like, I'll do it," I murmured.
"You're doing it," he said.
It was like a feast. I moved all around him, not missing an inch. I was between his legs, kissing his inner thighs that he spread out wide. He cocked his knees up and splayed them apart, giving me access to even more of his crotch. I wasn't sure if that was his intent; I didn't remember if Colt had mentioned ass play with him. When I nuzzled under his balls to find his ass crack he humped his butt up off the mattress. Colt laid his face on his stomach to keep sucking him and I went for his ass. He let out a loud moan that turned into a whimper as I licked the inner slopes of his butt.
After a few moments I paused and said, "Hey, get on your hands and knees, make this easier for all of us."
We changed positions, his jock medals jangling on his jacket. Colt lay on his back and slid under him from the side in a quasi-sixty-nine position to get to his cock. I went back to his ass which was now spread wide for me. Paul had his head down like a docile lamb and once again I was surprised to see him reach out for Colt's cock which was within easy reach. He didn't stroke him, just kept hold of it. I could only imagine the thoughts tumbling around in his handsome head as he wrestled, I thought, with his fears and doubts and newfound desires. Something told me he seriously wanted to get in on the action but was afraid to.
I decided to go for the gold. Well, the silver maybe... there was no way this guy was going to give up the gold of his ass and let anybody fuck him. But he definitely liked ass play. My jeans were within easy reach and I fumbled to get the lube out of my pocket, all the while tonguing his hole. I could feel it twitching and loosening up and he was groaning like crazy. I discreetly used one well lubed finger to massage all around where I tongued him. He was receptive to that so I used just my finger to massage his clenching hole.
I was taking a chance and I braced myself for his reaction. I wouldn't have bet either way what he might do, but it was worth taking the chance. I kept rubbing his asshole, pressing my fingertips harder against the spongy aperture. I used a knuckle to push in on it, something blunt, not immediately penetrating. I've always said that if I can get my tongue in a guy's ass, then a finger, he's mine, and Paul was no exception. I got the reaction I hoped for.
I used my thumb first, pushing it gently through his hole as I kept licking all around it. He pressed back a little. He wanted this. I shoved my thumb through his hole and it tightened around it like a vise. When he was used to it I replaced my thumb with both fingers. It stretched him a little more and penetrated deeper into his hot, satiny ass. Through it all he didn't pull away. I probed around and quickly found his prostate before he did have a change of heart for I was sure that anything that too closely resembled fucking would cause him to freak out and he would stop me.
His prostate felt swollen and it was very much alive and active from his cock throbbing in Colt's hungry mouth. I wasn't too rough but I wasn't real gentle either. I felt I had the upper hand; this was a new experience for him and he wanted it to happen. I squeezed and massaged his love nut with both fingers, causing him to groan and whimper. He didn't know what was happening to him but he liked it.
"Ohh, fuck! Awwwhhh......Goddamn, what the fuck are you doing to me!" he murmured, his words slurred.
It took little more than a minute, which as most of you know is a long time in this situation. Paul didn't cry out, just kept moaning and whimpering as he clawed at the blanket and the edges of the mattress. Suddenly I felt his nut go crazy, and the palpitation of his asshole and I knew he was cumming. If his knees hadn't been supporting him he would've impaled Colt. I gouged his prostate pretty hard as it danced and fluttered against my fingers as he shot his load. It was a hard, long cum. I slowly eased off so all activity would wind down at the same time. I didn't think he would like me finger fucking him after he'd shot his load so my fingers were free of his asshole by the time he finished cumming but I kept licking and tonguing his wide open, quivering hole.
Colt slid out from under him, wiping his mouth. "Holy shit, Paul, you damn near drowned me."
Paul laughed weakly. "Been saving it up for you." He collapsed and rolled onto his side. "Geezusss, what did you do to me?"
"Sounds like I made you cum," I said.
"I thought the top of my head was gonna blow off. Fuck, Colt, how come you never did that, used your tongue and fingers?"
"I was afraid to try it," Colt said.
"Well, don't be," he said. "Godd, I never had anything feel so good in my life. Fuck, you guys are almost enough to make a guy sign off women."
"I'm glad you're okay with it. I knew I was taking a chance," I said. "If it damaged your macho ego in any way I'll make it up to you," I said jokingly. "When you get rested up I'll let you fuck me."
He looked at me, a deadpan stare. "You're serious. Big dude like you is gonna let me fuck your ass?"
"If a big dude like you wants to," I said.
"Fuck, yeah! Fuck, Colt, where'd you find this guy?"
"Sitting along the side of the football field. You were there that day. You gotta start paying attention."
"Was I not paying attention when you told me he'd let me fuck him?"
"I never told you that," Colt said.
We lay and talked for a little bit and listened to Paul tell how glad he was that he discovered Colt sniffing his jockstrap, how that one little incident had changed his life. I told him I was a jock freak too and he groped around to find his jockstrap and handed it to me. I didn't realize it'd come off from around my neck.
"Here, you can have it."
"But this is the jockstrap, the one that started it all. Colt should have it," I said.
"I can work on another one for him," Paul said.
But I handed it back. "Tell you what, you work on another one for me and I'll get it next time I come down here."
"Okay. Here you go, dude," he said, handing it to Colt. I could tell Colt was so happy to have it as his own. "Just don't every wash it, and don't wear it in the locker room, it's got my name in the waistband. That jockstrap is just between you and me."
As Paul's cock began to come back to life I dug a condom out of my jeans pocket. His eyes lit up.
"I thought of something. It's been a while since I've been double fucked and now would be a good opportunity,"
Paul gave me that deadpan look again. He didn't understand what I was saying. "So that means I get to fuck both of you," he said, looking at Colt who was trying not to look excited. I couldn't remember if he and Paul had got in to fucking. It wasn't what I meant but I said, yeah, if Colt was up to it. He said yeah pretty quick.
"Awesome," Paul said. "We can switch around. You can fuck Colt while I fuck you, then Colt can fuck you while I fuck him."
"Sounds like a plan," I said. I lubed up my own ass then handed him a condom.
"Yeah, I guess we'd better," he said. "I hate these things, though," he added after he torn it open with his teeth.
"Hey, I'm okay if you are," I said. "I don't like 'em either." He tossed the condom aside.
So Paul fucked me first. He knew all about fucking and he took charge. He put me on my back, brought my legs up and mounted me like he would a girl, something I was sure he'd done many times. He had no idea what that routine-to-him motion did to me; a guy my age being mounted by an incredibly muscled teenaged jock. I heaved out a quiet gush of air as he impaled me on his thick cock in one easy thrust.
When he was embedded deep inside me, Colt wedged his butt in to ride my cock. It was incredible. All the while Paul went on and on how he didn't see how it was possible for anybody to take a cock the size of mine up his ass. Colt laughed and told him he should try it, as he was riding up and down on my cock. We all agreed we would try to hold off so we could work in all the positions we wanted to try. It was hard. Paul really knew how to fuck. He had some really great hip moves.
After quite a long time we changed positions and Paul fucked Colt.
"Man, this has got to be the best kept secret in town," Paul said as he was fucking Colt doggie style while I wedged back under Colt so he could fuck me when he decided to switch again. "And it'd better stay that way," he added, giving Colt a rough thrust.
"UUhnn!" Colt gasped. "I told you I wouldn't say anything."
"Just something to jog your memory."
"You may have to remind me again," Colt said.
Knowing that Paul thought this was double fucking I called for a break to set him straight. "We're all heated up; we need to try double fucking while we're still able."
"What the hell have we been doing?" Paul asked.
"That was a three way," I said. "Double fucking, a guy takes two cocks in his ass at the same time."
Paul looked at me with a blank look again, then glanced at Colt. "Man, I don't see how you could possible take more than Pete's cock," he said.
I could tell Colt didn't know about double fucking either. "Don't worry I'm volunteering," I said
"Oh. Okay. Fuck, yeah, let's do it!" He sounded really excited now.
I positioned Colt on his back then straddled him, facing him, and rode down on his cock. Paul didn't have to be told to mount me from behind. Before he did, he offered me the poppers. I didn't know when he'd retrieved the bottle. I told him I didn't need it. He didn't use it either. Colt wasn't small by any means and I braced myself for Paul. I felt the head of his cockhead pressing against the juncture of Colt's cock and my hole. What he might have lacked in this particular experience he made up with determination. I felt my asshole begin to give way then open up--it almost burst open--and he shoved through as far as his initial thrust would take him, then he inched closer on his knees and impaled me completely.
"Fuck, this is totally awesome," he said. "Man, I can feel your hot cock throbbing against mine, Colt."
"I can feel your heartbeat in your cock," Colt said.
"That's gotta hurt," he said to me. "Does it hurt too bad?"
"No," I lied.
"Dude, I can pull out for a minute if you want," he said.
"No, I'm good," I said.
He left it in, deep and still for a moment. "Okay if we start fucking you?" he asked.
Paul started first, then Colt, like two well oiled, alternating pistons. Then Colt's cock slipped out. Paul pulled out so Colt could re-enter me. When he couldn't maneuver it Paul, most surprisingly took his cock in hand and guided it to my asshole
"Thanks," Colt said.
"No problem, this engine won't run on one piston," and he shoved back in me and they resumed fucking me.
Colt slipped out again. "Dude, cock your knees up and hunker your butt up for a better angle," Paul told him, sounding a little impatient. "Yeah, here we go."
I thought about suggesting we change positions with Paul on the bottom. With his bigger cock he would be more able to stay in. But they soon established a steady rhythm and I didn't want to interrupt it.
"Shit, man, I can't believe you're letting us do this," Paul said.
I laughed. "It's not exactly letting you. I don't get a chance to do this very often."
"Well, you got it with me any fuckin' time you want," Paul said. He was definitely in charge, which I suspected was the case in anything he did.
Colt was more the "contributing cock." He kept his cock moving and it felt good, but Paul was the one who was really fucking me. He was like a well programmed, well-oiled machine, definitely designed for sex. He obviously had way more experience than Colt; he knew his way around a warm, wet, willing hole whether it was male or female. He never used the same moves twice in succession, it seemed. His hips were all over the place, driving his cock straight in and out, then thrusting upward, then at side angles, then twisting around in circles. Godd, it made me want to scream when he did that.
It was mostly Colt's cock that was massaging my prostate but every now and then their cocks crossed swords and I could feel Paul's cock pounding my love nut unmercifully. It was the most wonderful dull hurt I'd ever experienced. Sometimes it was like they were doing battle inside me, Paul's cock shoving Colt's out of the way to get to my prostate. I had to grit my teeth to keep from yelling.
My ass quickly adjusted to the two cocks, as did I. I can be a total top, or bottom, active or passive, dominant or shamelessly submissive. It depends on the guy, but it's usually a conscious decision that I make. Paul pushed me into total submission. There wasn't an ounce of top in me. He fucked me and pounded me so far into submission that I was his eager, willing slut. He was using me as his fuck hole; no doubt his male pussy. And I loved it. Not in control, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold off; Paul would be in charge of that too, and I reconciled that, given his teenage stamina, I would likely continue to be fucked well after I shot my load.
Oddly, it became something I needn't have worried about as I reached the point where I couldn't cum. He had me on the edge but I couldn't get over it. I wanted to, I wanted to scream out for him to make me cum but it was like the whole process was frozen in time. He had taken me to a peak and left me there, teetering on the edge and unable to take the plunge.
Colt was doing his part from the bottom, rather heroically I might say, squealing and whimpering how awesome it was to be fucking alongside his teammate.
Paul was more verbal between guttural moans. "Ohh, fuck, this is so fuckin' good... Man, you've got an awesome ass... Fuck, man, still can't believe you're letting us do this."
I wasn't making much noise other than the unpreventable moans and groans. If I'd opened my mouth to form actual words, God only knows what might have come out. All the while, I was silently begging to cum. I didn't know how long they fucked me. Seemed like a very long time, probably a half hour or so. I just didn't know how long they were going to be able to last.
Suddenly Paul gasped, "Fuck, dude, your cummin'! I can feel it!"
Then I felt it with Colt's harder thrusts just as he froze inside me, trembled and erupted his load inside me.
"Damn, dude that stuff is hot," Paul said as he kept fucking me. "Fuck, Colt, don't lose your wood, I'm right behind you." With that he began fucking me like crazy, like he'd gained a new head of steam and I could feel myself soaring to even newer heights. It was going to happen. He was going to get me off. If he didn't, I would likely go crazy. We came within seconds of each other. When the damn broke I thought I was going to pass out. I did see black and tiny bright stars flashed on my eyelids. It was like I was being bombarded with those little explosions of pleasure as my cock shot long, thick ropes of cum all over myself and Colt. I didn't know where it went after that.
I came back to the world with Paul's weight heavily on top of me, his big cock still pulsating inside me. He was heavy and our combined weight was crushing Colt. I pushed up and Paul eased up off of me. His cock pulled out, dragging Colt's cock along with it, leaving my asshole open to drain as warm air wafted into my gaping hole. Paul was straightened on his knees. I rolled off to my side and felt their cum rush out of me. There was no squeezing it off, my asshole was gaping open and numb to any commands from my brain to tighten up.
"Fuck, man, we really stretched you ass. I could drive my pickup up in there," Paul joked.
"Feels like you already did," I said.
Colt was going on what a tremendously awesome fuck it was.
"Shit, man, you white washed him," Paul said, laughing.
"Yeah, he cums a lot," Colt said.
"Man, I wish I'd seen that gushing out," said Paul.
Colt wasn't wiping my cum off. He was letting it cool all over his chest and stomach. I had a feeling it wasn't going to take long for us to recuperate, especially the two teenagers. I might have taken a minute or two longer, but for Colt going down on me again, and that got Paul real excited.
"Can you deep throat him?" Paul asked.
"If I do it before he gets completely hard."
"Let's see you do it."
With some maneuvering, he did it, leaving Paul wide-eyed and stroking his own cock.
"Fuck, that is hot as hell. It sure makes your throat swell out," Paul said as he drew his hands along Colt's throat, engorged with my cock. "How long can you hold him like that?"
Colt held me till his eyes were watering the eased off.
"Now let's see you fuck him," Paul said to me.
So I fucked Colt and Paul was amazed how he took me. Then Paul fucked him. It was a chance for me to see Paul in action and watch his awesome ass in action, the solid mounds of muscle powering his young manhood. It was mesmerizing. I leaned forward and began licking Paul's ass crack.
"Ohh, man, don't stop," he moaned.
I didn't stop, and neither did he. He slowed his thrusts to allow me easier access to his butt. He even reached back to pull his butt apart for me. I could've gotten him off that way but he eased out and offered Colt his cock to suck. I thought he just wanted to see if Colt would suck his cock straight out of his ass. Colt only half-shot; there was cum boiling out of his cock but he never really shot off.
I asked Paul if I could have his poppers. He said sure and found the bottle. I was hoping he would take a couple of hits himself and he did when I handed the bottle back to him. That was the ruse; I wanted him to use the stuff. I waited for a few seconds for the stuff to kick in then I replaced my tongue with not one but two fingers. Within minutes I had him so hot and boned up again that he bolted away, saying he had to fuck me again. I let him, and it was a long fuck. Like I said, this young stud was created for sex.
I wondered how long we would stay, how much more the boys would be up for. We were stretched out on the mattress, the boys talking about how awesome it all was, and me agreeing wholeheartedly. They wanted to know about some of my experiences and whether I had sex mostly with older guys or guys their age. I told them boys their age always took priority but times with teenager boys were hard to come by. They thought that was funny because boys their age were super horny and always looking for sex. I told them most of the places I went for sex, boys their age couldn't get in, that's why it was such a great treat to get together with them and I told Paul how glad I was that he had come along with Colt.
He laughed and said, "You can thank my jockstrap for that."
I told them about the boy from Arby's and the Marines, about the college guy that used to live across from us, and about the monthly gathering of men and a lot of times with teenagers there. Paul asked if the teenagers ever did anything back or were they just there for the older guys to pleasure them. I told him they sometimes did reciprocate, but pointed out that nobody ever forced them into anything.
Then he did the damnedest thing, right out of the blue. Through all the sex he'd kept his athletic jacket on. He rose up on his knees and shrugged it off as he moved around to the foot of the mattress. "Okay, here's the deal--and I wouldn't do this for anybody else on the planet," he said as he pressed my right leg against Colt's left thigh and straddled them. "I'm gonna suck you guys' cocks."
We had no clue this was coming and we were totally and utterly surprised when he took hold of our cocks.
"You, 'cause you deserve it," he said to Colt. "And you, Pete... fuck, man, I'm doing it out of admiration and respect for the most awesome cock I ever dreamed even existed. And fuck, you guys have showed me so much..."
To say we were surprised would be a gross understatement. We were stunned speechless; all we could do was look at each other. Then Colt moaned as the muscular teenager leaned over and took his cock in his mouth. He only gave him a few strokes before he switched to mine. Then he switched back and forth, giving each of us more strokes each time.
Paul wasn't just sampling cock. He was seriously sucking cock, like he was practicing a newly acquired talent. He rose up at one point to say, "Tell me when you get close, okay? If I keep on sucking that means you can cum in my mouth. But I probably won't. And even if I do, I'll probably spit it, but I don't know."
I don't think Colt or I quite got over the shock. I was surprised he didn't use the poppers. Colt didn't last long. I couldn't blame him; hell, I was thankful for the pauses when Paul switched to Colt's cock that gave me time to retreat. Besides his mouth and his live tongue, it was awe inspiring just to see the broad-shouldered young jock hunched over, his handsome face moving up and down with his full lips distended around our cocks. I noticed Paul's erect cock sticking straight out between his legs, swaying like a battering ram, leaving no doubt that he was enjoying what he was doing.
Colt gave the first warning through a grimace that was evidence that he was trying desperately to hold off but couldn't. "I'm getting close, Paul," he gasped. Paul didn't stop. "Fuck, Paul.....I can't hold it.....I'm gonna cum!" Paul still didn't stop. Colt's body stiffened and he began to tremble in the throes of his climax. Paul uttered a guttural groan that told me he was getting Colt's load. His eyes widened with surprise but he held on like a trooper as long as he could, then he rose up and leaned over the side of the mattress to spit it out. He spit and coughed and almost gagged but he never let go of either of our cocks.
"Fuck!" he swore, gasping for breath. There was cum still boiling out Colt's cock and when Paul saw it he went down on it again to get the rest of it. He sucked him dry then leaned over to spit again. Then without hesitation he went down on me. He was determined. At one point I eased him up from my cock and told him he didn't need to finish me off. He squeezed my cock harder and told me he did. I didn't know what the compulsion was but I let him.
I warned him that I was a hard cummer and he might want to get off and just watch but he shook his head and kept right on sucking. My second warning came only seconds in advance. He still didn't stop so I let him have it. He pulled off about half way into it and received one hard blast of cum on his face as he was leaning over the mattress to spit out what he'd taken in his mouth. But as with Colt, he captured my cock and took the rest of my load. Odd, I thought, that he lingered now, holding the remainder of my load in his mouth along with my cock. He held it maybe for a full minute and I honestly thought he might try to swallow, but then he rose up to spit.
"Fuck!" he swore again, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "It wasn't so bad, though," he conceded, half laughing. "Wouldn't wanna make a steady diet of the stuff, but it wasn't so bad."
Colt rose up and drew him into a tight hug. "Godd, Paul, that was the most awesome thing. I can't believe you did that."
"I can't believe it either. I can't believe this whole day. Fuck, it's like a dream that I don't wanta wake up from."
"I hope you feel the same way when you go to bed tonight and when you wake up in the morning," I said.
"I think I will 'cause I'm spending the night with Colt and I'm sure he'll give me plenty of reason to."
I had leaned up and was rubbing my hand up and down the side of his thigh. Colt still had one arm around him and they lost their balance and brought Paul down on top of us. I took the opportunity to wrap my arm around his shoulder and hold him tight.
"Colt said you were awesome, Paul. He understated it." His still hard cock was pressing hotly against my hip. I had the feeling things were winding down but I didn't want to send him off with a hardon. "A hardon is a terrible thing to waste; can we do something about that?" I asked. "I don't want to seem selfish, but you're spending the night with Colt, so do you wanna fuck me again?"
"If I said no my cock would attack me," he said.
"Let it attack me instead," I said.
He moved between my legs and shoved them apart with his knees. He lifted my legs up onto his shoulders, his cock aimed right on target.
"I wanna show you something else, Paul," I said. "Maybe you won't like it, but at least let me show you."
"What?" he asked. "Fuck, man, what else is there?"
"I'll show you while you're fucking me."
He was well into it, driving his thick cock in and out of my ass without the urgency of the time before. If I let myself I might have thought he was making love, not just fucking, but I didn't let my thoughts go there. Although he seemed more loving, even trailing his lips across my chest from time to time, even nibbling on my tits, and nuzzling my neck, like I was sure he'd done with countless girls.
"What're you going to show me?" he murmured against my neck.
"This," I said as I put my hand on the back of his head and turned to face him and as we were face to face I brushed my lips across his mouth. He recoiled a little at first but I put a little pressure on the back of his head and murmured, "Just let it happen." And he did. He let me kiss him. Let being the operative word for the first moment, then I felt his lips relax and began to move against mine. He didn't recoil at my tongue and even parted his lips to welcome it. His met mine inside his mouth and he uttered a tiny, guttural squeal with, "Ohh, Fuck" as he began kissing me back. He became more animated with his hips and it was barely moments later when he shot off, while we were still in the middle of the kiss.
Finished, his powerful arms began to tremble and I pulled him down on top of me and held him tight.
"Goddamn, I never had a kiss do that to me before," he said.
"Thanks for being man enough to let me show you. You can decide in the morning if you liked it," I chided him.
"I may have to try that again tonight with Colt to help me decide," he said with a grin.
The shed reeked of sex. We did, too. I wished I could take them back to my room to shower but I couldn't take that risk of bring two teenagers into the B&B and up to my room.
So we got dressed. Colt offered me Paul's jockstrap but I didn't take it. It was their special jockstrap. Colt wadded up the blanket, telling Paul that they would have to stop by a Laundromat on the way to wash it. We made a tentative agreement to meet up again when I came back to the B&B.
There was an email from Colt when I got home the next day, going on and on what a great time they had. Paul added his two cents worth to the email. He said he was still reeling from the experience and expressed how glad he was that there was somebody to have sex with now anytime they wanted it. And yes, they had "practiced" everything that night when they got back to Colt's house. Colt said he gave my email address to Paul but didn't know if he would email me.
Several days later I was happily surprised to open an email from a sender named Paul. He went on and on again about what an incredible time it was and said it was absolutely the best sex he'd ever had. In an attempt, I thought, to assure me that he was straight, he said he was still fucking girls, but then added that it was mostly fill-in sex now, between the times with Colt. Then he said the strangest thing. Strange in that I would've never expected him to say it. He thanked me for opening his eyes and his mind to something he didn't think he would ever be doing or saying; that real men can be open to having sex with other men. He said there was probably no other man besides me who could've done that for him.
"I want to thank you for opening my eyes, and my mind to something I never ever thought I would be doing or saying. That real men can be open to having sex with other men without compromising their masculinity. I am no less a man for having sex with you and Colt (which I still am, BTW, with him), and seeing Colt in the locker room with the rest of us jocks, and being around him, he is no less a man. In fact, to be honest, I feel more of a man when I'm with him and I see him the same way. It may sound strange but sometimes I feel even more like a man fucking Colt than I do fucking a girl, I think because we feed off of each other's masculinity in that way, just like jocks feed off each other's masculinity in the tight world of sports. I told him I wrote that, BTW, and he laughed and said he definitely feeds off of my masculinity. We both know how he means that.. LOL.
This is a wonderful story, but a melancholy one. Paul was a senior. He will graduate. I hope we can get together again before that happens. But then he will likely be out of my life as so many young men who have outgrown me. My biggest hope is that Colt and Paul each find a replacement as they part ways and move on in life. If they keep in touch, as they say they will, perhaps I will know.
PS: I received a joint email from Colt and Paul. Colt had visited Paul at college and stayed with him in his dorm room. I didn't get a lot of description but the crux of the email was like a lightning bolt; I actually felt a jolt go through me when I read it. Paul let Colt fuck him! I cried out with joy when I read it. I almost wept as I read further; that Paul wanted us all to get together sometime if possible so I could fuck him.
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