Derek and I were in the shower locked in a death grip as I realized he wasn't just teasing me about having the hots for him (who wouldn't as he was a total jock, tall, dark, and handsome) as his 8" boner was slapping against my left thigh. My shocked look at him quickly vanished as I realized he was leaning in to kiss me.
His lips were succulent and firm; not to thin and not to large. Just right. His tongue was a surprise as it went into my virgin mouth. I had often wondered what it was like to kiss and I had never expected the tongues to do anything but now I found both of our tongues taking turns playing king of the hill inside of my mouth.
Another surprise were his hands which relaxed on my arms and moved towards my back and butt. I found mine doing the same on his body and we stroked each other as we kissed. This went on for like 10 minutes when all of the sudden he stopped kissing me and whispered in my ear, "Do you want to be fucked?"
I had never imagined gay sex and all I had heard of it made it sound dirty and painful but it also sounded very erotic at that moment so I surprised myself a little when I said yes after only a slight pause. I had no sooner said it than without a pause he whipped his arms up to my shoulders and spun me around to face the shower wall. I lifted my hands and placed them on the wall above my head and then swiftly moved his hands down to my waist again and pulled me by both hands on either side of my waist a little bit away from the wall again so my butt jutted out a bit. It felt so hot to have his hands down on my waist!

You Fuck My Face in the Middle of the Night
I was a little nervous about what came next though as I head never played with my ass at all and his manhood was bigger than anything I had ever seen before, including the little bit of porn I had watched since leaving my good Christian home and heading off to college. Yet here I was in our dorm shower about to have all 8" of it shoved up my ass!
I felt his hands leave my waist and travel down to the sides of my cheeks as his tongue explored my anus. I wasn't expecting that but it felt strange and good; relaxing and almost calming after the excitement we had experienced together thus far. It only lasted a minute or two though before I felt one of his fingers start to poke through my ass and move around a bit. I jerked forward as I felt it but he pulled me back with a hand on my abs towards him and told me to breath and relax.
I followed instructions and he stood up again raising his hand up my abs and the other on my slightly arched back as he did so before he separated them and put one over each of my hands on the wall. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear that this might hurt at first but I would enjoy it soon if I kept breathing and relaxing.
- college
I was almost too scared to nod but I managed a partial nod before he abruptly moved his hands back down to my waist before taking one of to guide his cock into my hole. It didn't actually hurt much as he went slow and honestly it felt the most like I was passing a big turd as he forced his way into my large intestine. I felt a buzzing in my groin after about 6 inches of his cock went into my whole and my entire torso started to buzz up my spine as he scraped my G spot.
It felt amazing, almost as good as my own self accolades when I realized his groin and thighs were now grinding against my cheeks as I realized his entire 8" and 2.5" girth were inside of me! Shortly after the initial contact he said "Well fuck you. How does that feel?" I started sweating slightly and not just from the heat of the shower but from the strain of his manhood in my hole and the head to toe arousal I was experiencing.
I said, "Derek, you sexy god," and took on of my hands off the wall and leaned around to pull one of his hips towards me closer as my response. He grinned and started fucking me hard, taking my had back up to the wall. With one had he held my hand against the wall on my left side and with other he held my waist from going to far away from his dick as he shafted in and partially out again, stimulating my G spot on each pass.
I started to feel a flush that I had never felt before and the buzzing in my torso, spread up my arms and legs and into my chest. The buzzing felt a little bit like my penis would feel just before ejaculation when I occasionally masturbated. But this was huge and all encompassing.
At the moment I felt liquid start to squirt into my insides and Derek lean against me a bit and start to groan I climaxed, ejaculating my load against the shower wall, my 6.5" shaft jerking wildling as it unloaded. But it wasn't just my penis this time that gave me pleasure and spasmed. My legs and arms and whole body writhed and alternately tensed and relaxed as my first full body orgasm wound its course.
I turned and looked at Derek panting ever so slightly and said, "Thanks bro." He looked at me with appreciation and slapped my butt again as he drawled with a smile, "No problem, we were both pent up from finals this week. Say, interested in being roommates after Christmas break?"
The end or to be continued depending on what I hear.
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- college