The benefit concert was going well, very well, much better than I could have hoped for in fact. The place was packed ensuring the charity would make a fair bit of money for a worthy cause. It always amazed me the sort of people that turned up to these gigs, kids into trance or dance, and metal lovers right through to people in their seventies who you would imagine would hate electronic synth based rock music. Still what did it matter, the fact that they all turned up was all that counted, oh and that they paid to get in which went to help the homeless.
At eleven p.m. it was our turn to play and the crowd was pretty well wound up and enjoying themselves in the darkened venue. We walked on stage in near darkness and began to play before the lights came up to illuminated the auditorium. We started as we meant to go on, driving synthetic rhythms that punched through the warm air like a sledgehammer. The crowd responded to the riff and as the saying goes "the band played on" driving the pace higher. It usually took me around five minutes before I felt comfortable on stage; after all who would imagine a musician who is stage shy?
I work alone in a studio all the time, seeing thousands of people looking back at you can be very daunting at the best of times. Once things began to roll though my ego took over and everything was fine, except for one guy at the front who kept staring at me the whole time I was on stage. He was a big guy, probably six-four or so, it was hard to tell from high above on the stage. No matter where I moved I could feel his eyes following me around and it got to the point where I got security to watch him from the wings. I tried to ignore the guys gaze but despite my best efforts it was not easy with ice cold eyes staring up at me all the time.
Ninety minutes later, exhausted, hot and very sweaty we left the stage to a decent wave of applause.

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"Well Nick, that's it for another year." I said to the bass player.
"You love it really." He joked, knowing that I didn't love it at all.
All I needed now was a long cold drink and to get a shower, the heat of the lights and nervousness sure made you sweat. The drink was easy; roadies passed out ice cold cans of lager which I downed thirstily, though far too quickly, the result was the alcohol hit me like a brick. I made my way along the subterranean corridors towards the bathroom where I found a guy from another band that had played earlier fucking some girl who barely looked fourteen against the wall. They didn't even notice me as I passed by them and headed for the showers.
- blowjob
I stripped off and stepped into the big shower room; the hot jets stinging my skin as I stood between the four nozzles letting the water rinse the perspiration from my skin and helping me to relax. I soaped myself off and then went to dry myself off in the deserted changing room, looking in the mirror I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I saw my now thinner and leaner body, I looked better after losing the weight and certainly felt fitter for it. I finished drying myself off, dressed and headed from the changing room.
When I left the showers the girl was still there, this time going down on some guy I had never seen before, again they never registered I was even there, they were so rapped up in their own little world. It made me feel horny though, and suddenly I needed to feel hot lips around my own cock, only I didn't care if it was a man or a woman's lips, just as long as they knew how to suck. By the time I got back to the untidy dressing room the crew had cleared it all and was heading out to the vans. I made sure I had forgotten nothing and walked down the dimly lit corridor that led out in to the parking area. I only got a few feet when from the darkness a dark shadow emerged to block my path, it was the guy who had been staring at me all night. His face was set in a non descript way, showing no sign of emotion what so ever.
It looked like trouble and I made ready for dealing with it as best I would be able to, he was as big as I had guessed. Strange though that even now I was taking in the bulging denims and the thick black hairs that showed at the neck of his shirt. This was no time to get horny I thought, not if he was about to beat the shit out of me. He moved closer and I could smell the maleness coming from him as he neared, it didn't help stop me from feeling randier than I already was. I stepped back slightly into the shadows so that the few light were on him; he stopped in his tracks and backed away from me.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." he said, his voice did not match his hard looks.
I stood and waited, not sure what was going on here, perhaps I was getting paranoid or something. His looks suggested violence, the black short-cropped hair, and almost a skinhead. The heavy boots and the tight white shirt all adding to the preconceived idea that he was trouble. I of all people should know you cannot judge on looks alone, and when he spoke again I realised my mistake straight away. He looked like he was a fighter, but when he spoke it was obvious that he was anything but. He just liked the music and had come to tell me that he did, nothing more than that. I chatted with him for a while as we headed out to the car park ready to leave for home.
"Sorry I meant to say before, Pip sends his regards." He said.
"You know Pip?" I asked. Pip was an old friend from way back, a good friend.
"Sure, we like the same things, so I had two reasons to come tonight." He said.
I looked sideways at him and he smiled, then put his hand over his tight denims at the groin. He was a friend of Pip's all right, did exactly what Pip did when he wanted you to know he was feeling horny. Suddenly my thoughts returned to sex as I watched him, he was my kind of a man. Big, muscular and very hairy.
"Do you need a lift?" I asked.
"I came down by train, but I could very easily come with you." He said.
The words "come with you" were well chosen, and I was all set to come with this guy just as soon as he wanted. I smiled and he followed me to the van, climbing in the back after me and squeezing into the bucket seat. Jaz the driver started the engine and soon we were heading away from the venue and off towards the motorway. We had a two hour journey home to look forward to, or I did, I had assumed that this guy would tell me where he wanted dropping off, but it soon became clear he was in for the duration.
"What's your name by the way?"
The journey was uneventful, we stopped off once to get coffee at a transport cafe, and I headed for the toilets to get rid of the hastily swallowed lager, Gary followed me in. We eyed each other up as we pissed, but sex in toilets had never been a favourite of mine, I preferred privacy. As we left I felt Gary's hand on my shoulder and when I turned we just started kissing there and then, only stopping when we heard footsteps approaching.
The rest of the journey home passed quickly and by the time Jaz drooped us off at my place we were both aching for each other. We were no sooner through the door and clothes were flying in all directions at once, the hall looked like we had been burgled within seconds. When I turned I saw Gary standing before me wearing nothing more than a tiny white pair of Tanga's they seemed so white against his tanned skin and the thick black hair that covered him from head to toe. His uncut cock was poking out from he waistband of the Tanga's, the foreskin pulled slightly back from the head showing the eye.
I pulled off my sweatshirt and Gary slipped out of the Tanga's, leaving us both standing naked together in the hall. The gap between us closed fast as we moved together, hands running all over each other, exploring and caressing. The feel of his body hair adding to the sensations for me as his hairy arms wrapped around my back to pull me nearer. His cock rigid against my stomach, pressing insistently into my belly, my own cock nudging up under his balls as the difference in height became apparent.
"You know I thought you had ice cold eyes when I first saw you." I said.
"Do I?" Garry asked, his eyes now sparkling with laughter.
"No, far from it." I said as I ran my hands over his firm ass.
I slid down onto my knees, kissing his firm stomach on the way down, then onto his thigh before moving my tongue to his balls and licking slowly upwards along the thickly veined shaft. He shuddered as my tongue hit the slightly exposed head of his thick cock, then I ran my tongue around the head, pushing back the foreskin as I went until the head was exposed.
"Don't suck me please, I'm too close already." He gasped.
"What you come only once?" I teased.
"Of course not." He replied, each word rising as I took him in my mouth.
The bulbous head filling my hot wet mouth as I sucked hard on his cock, his groans of pleasure filling the hall as I sucked him deeper into my mouth feeling every vein as it slipped into my mouth. Soon he was gasping loudly and his hips began to gyrate as he came closer still to blowing his load into my willing mouth.
"Oh shit. I'm coming." The words became a grunt.
I felt his cock twitch in my mouth and I pulled down on his heavy balls as he began pumping his hot sticky load into my mouth in six thick spurts. His hands holding my head as I sucked the last of his juice from the still thick cock. His cum had an almost sweet taste, a taste I could get to enjoy quite easily. He pulled away from me and his still sizeable cock plopped from my mouth to hang against his thigh.
"Your go now." He said as he lifted me up onto my feet. "Where's the bedroom?"
He followed me up the stairs, his hands on my ass as we climbed the wide staircase. Then along a passage and into the master bedroom where he lay me on the bed and sank his mouth over my hard cock, sucking me to the base.
"Oh god. you do that so well." I moaned.
His hands on my chest as his head bobbed on my cock, giving me a clear view of his mouth devouring my shaft, watching his rugged face working on me, beads of perspiration oh his brow dripping ono my belly. Before long I could feel the fire burning in my belly, slowly spreading throughout my body as Gary worked his magical mouth over my straining shaft. Pulling the very essence from me, drawing the thick liquid along the shaft until I could no longer hold back against him. My orgasm was extreme as I blew one hot blast after another into his beautiful mouth, to be swallowed easily. My back arching as each hot spurt ripped from my cock into Gary's mouth.
We lay together on the bed in the darkness, his powerful hairy arms wrapped around me, the warm furry feel against my body keeping me in a state of excitement as we lay together kissing in the darkened room.
"Pip said you liked hairy men?"
"I do Gary."
"Why?" He asked as he nuzzled against my neck.
"I don't know. oh god that makes me feel randy." I moaned.
He carried on nuzzling my neck and then moved to my earlobe, the sensations making me feel hot and wild. My hands roaming over the hairy chest, my mouth sucking on his hard nipples one by one. Our cocks rubbing close between us as we writhed together on the bed, our lips joined together as we embraced. Soon our cocks were engorged once more and it was hard stopping myself from going down on him there and then.
Gary rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him, his legs wrapped around my waist and his arms around my back as we kissed. I could feel the beads of pre cum from his cock against my skin as we writhed, and the scratchiness of his body hair against my skin began that sensual feeling that led to a blatant feeling of lust for me.
"I have to suck you." I moaned into his ear.
Gary helped me turn over him until we were in the classic 69 position, then as one we devoured each other, sucking wildly and lustfully on each other's hot shafts. Soon we were a mess of hot sweating maleness as we heaved and grunted together on each others cocks until we could hold back no longer and shared our juices to be easily and happily taken by the other as we writhed together on the wide bed. Eventually drifting into sleep in each other's arms, exhausted yet still I craved more from him, though my body was not willing to follow the lead of my thoughts. Maybe in the morning we would both be ready for a second round of male bonding.
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