My name is Erik Sheperd. I am a 38 year old, divorced, high school teacher. I am 6'1, 230lb., Dad Bod, above average, 7" cock with ample girth. I left my wife after coming out to her 6 years ago. We tried to make things work, but in the end, it was better that I leave.
I am a Behavior Specialist at a small high school located in SW Michigan. This is a low income school with several students having behavior issues due to their life circumstances. My job is to help them learn how to deal with their current situations and prepare them for post secondary life, hopefully keeping them out of jail.
Throughout the school day I work with a variety of students. Mostly students who should have graduated, but needed a few more credits to receive their diploma. The students are either 18 or 19 years old, however, I do not, nor have I ever, acted upon any fantasies about students as I do not want to end up on the evening news as the perv teacher that took advantage of a student.
We were in the final stretch of the school year and today started off nicely with no major behavior issues to resolve. A student, Thomas, came into the room and asked if he could change into his work clothes in my room. Thomas was 5'9, slim build with dark blonde hair. He normally uses the staff bathroom, but it was occupied. I have an area towards the back of the room that is more private and on a few occasions other students have done a quick change back there. Usually, the students just change from pants to shorts for PE and they are done in a couple seconds.

Quick Blowjob in the Gym Showers
Today was a bit different. Thomas was changing all of his clothes as he had come from PE and was leaving school to go to a job. When I glanced back he had removed his shoes, his pants were undone and his shirt off. He was putting on deodorant and adding some Axe body spray. A bit too much in my opinion and mentioned it to him. He looked up at me and laughed.
He stood there for another second putting his deodorant and spray away then put his thumbs in his pants to pull them down, and in a blink of an eye he was naked! Oops, his underwear came down with his pants. He quickly tried to grab his underwear but they had become twisted in his pants, so he was bent over squirming around and I couldn't help but notice his dick! Holy HELL! He was huge! The fact that he wasn't very tall only added to how big his dick looked. His dick hung several inches down and over a set of massive balls and there it was flopping around as he tried to recover his underwear.
All of this happened in less than a minute, but definitely long enough to leave an impression on my brain! I had known this student for 3+ years and definitely did not ever imagine a dick like that on a body like his!
- relationship
When he finally got his underwear untangled and pulled up he looked over at me and his face was flushed red and apologized for flashing me. I laughed it off and said no problem, but was glad no one else walked in during his strip tease. He laughed, but said, hey, if ya got it, flaunt it! I wondered how I should reply, and decided I would go for it and said, "Well, you definitely got it!". And gave him a wink.
I turned away and he finished getting dressed for his job and as he walked out of the door he looked back at me, "Next show at 11:30" he said. I laughed, but have to admit, my brain started imagining him doing an actual strip tease.
I was pretty busy after he left with a couple meetings. I looked at the clock and it was 11:30! I had a quick thought that I was bummed he didn't come in to change again, I figured he was just joking and that it was just my pervy brain making it into something more than it was.
It was lunch time, so I went to the back of my room where I have a mini kitchen set up and prepared my lunch. I had just pulled my food out of the microwave and turned around and bumped right into Thomas. Not only did I bump into him, I dumped my lunch down the front of him. A full plate of spaghetti went all over his shirt and I watched in horror as it slid down his body.
We both stood there dumbfounded and then he started laughing! I was mortified that I had done this and apologized as I looked around for a paper towel or something to give to him to clean up. Thomas was not upset and said he could just change back into his other clothes.
I told him the school had a washer and dryer and I promised to get his clothes clean or I would replace them. He thanked me and went over to where he had left his backpack and pulled out a change of clothes. I was on my hands and knees cleaning up the spilled spaghetti and when I looked up he had already removed his shirt and was just starting to pull down his pants. I quickly looked down and finished wiping up the floor.
As I stood up Thomas was looking at me. "I have a bit of a problem." he said. He looked down at his underwear. During the removal of his pants the spaghetti had gotten all over the front of his underwear as well. I told him it was no problem and I could get those washed also. He shrugged his shoulders and pulled them down and off his body and threw them with his other clothes.
He stood there naked for a second and looked over his body for any other bits of spaghetti, which he found on his belly and cock. He used his fingers to wipe up the mess and then licked his fingers clean. My mouth had dropped open at the sight and he looked up at me and simply stated "You should never waste a good sauce!" I think I actually drooled as he said this.
He turned his back to me and bent over to pick up a pair of shorts. He rummaged through his backpack for a second. "Crap, I don't have another pair of underwear, guess I am going commando." He said, He slid his shorts on over his beautiful ass and then grabbed his t-shirt and slid that on as well.
He turned around and sat in a chair to put on and tie his shoes. He crossed his leg to tie his shoe and his shorts fell open, I had a perfect view of his dick. He shuffled his legs to tie his other shoe and I snapped myself back into reality.
He gathered up the dirty clothes and brought them over to me. I told him I would have them ready for him by the end of the day and he could come back and pick them up before heading home.
I headed to the utility room and when I returned I found him still sitting at a desk playing on his phone. I asked why he hadn't gone to class and he blushed. He said he started to, but then realized he kinda had a problem. I asked him what it was and he blushed some more and looked down at his crotch and back at me. He said he didn't have any underwear on and that when he walked in these shorts things moved around quite a bit and it was pretty noticeable. Then he stood up and shook his hips back and forth and sure enough it was VERY noticeable.
I blushed and told him that I understood and would contact his teacher and ask that he be allowed to stay with me to do his work in my room due to some personal issues. He laughed and thanked me with a huge sigh of relief. He said guys always talk about wanting a big dick, but when you actually have one, it can be a bit cumbersome. I laughed and replied sarcastically "yeah, I know the struggle". He smiled.
We sat for a bit and I said his clothes were probably ready to be put in the dryer. I suggested he come with me to change his clothes over, but he just looked down and said he was having a teenage moment and it would probably be illegal to walk around school in his condition. I looked down at his crotch and sure enough he had a huge tent in his shorts. So, I went to move his clothes into the dryer by myself. When I came back in the room he quickly pulled his hand out of his shorts.
He blushed and apologized. It's just hard to ignore my dick when it's hard and loose inside shorts like this. It's like the material is making me even harder! Not that being a teenager wasn't enough to make that happen. I just looked at him and said it was all good, just us guys here. He seemed relieved and went back to his class work.
A few minutes later I glanced over and his hand was back in his shorts. Not moving too much, but he obviously had his hand around his dick. A second later he took a deep breath and said he couldn't handle it. My dick is so fucking hard it is driving me crazy! I have to bust a nut or I am not going to be able to get on the bus home.
Admittedly, I wanted to offer to help him out with his problem, but to keep it professional I told him I was going to go check on his clothes and would be gone for several minutes. He looked at me and then smiled. I got up and walked out of the room. I imagined him quickly ripping off his shorts to masturbate and release his load and felt a surge of blood flow to my penis.
I stayed gone for an acceptable amount of time and as I walked back into the classroom he was sitting at his desk reading a book. He looked up at me and smiled with a flushed face. I smiled back at him and asked if everything was all better. He smiled again and turned the page. As he turned the page he brought his hand up to his mouth and licked the back of his hand. "I told you, ya shouldn't waste a good sauce!" My mouth fell open and he just laughed.
I told him his clothes were not dry yet, but it shouldn't be much longer. He nodded and said he didn't mind and that he preferred working in my classroom anyway as he could focus better without being distracted by other things.
The next hour went by and we both kept to ourselves. I went down to get his clothes and brought them back to him. I said I would give him some privacy so he could change. He laughed and stated at this point it wasn't a big deal as I had seen him naked and let him jack off in the room, so at this point, seeing him change his clothes wasn't an issue and with that he stood up and dropped his shorts exposing a very girthy, meaty, piece of meat that made my mouth water.
He grabbed his dick and gave it a squeeze. He looked over at me and giggled, "watch this", he said. He proceeded to make his dick do a helicopter motion. I wondered if he was going to take off as the propeller spun around! He stopped and I could tell his dick had enlarged a bit. I laughed at him and told him to get dressed. Teenage boys are all the same!
The bell rang, Thomas left, and in seconds I was in the staff restroom jacking my dick with images of Thomas, his dick and all the transpired during the day.
The next few days were normal. I didn't see Thomas until Friday when he said the restroom was occupied and needed to use my room to change again. I nodded towards the back of the room and he went about getting changed for work.
I looked back a few minutes later and I saw him tuck his dick into his pants, it appeared he was going commando. He looked at me and said he had gotten very sweaty during PE and his underwear was wet. I told him I could wash his gym clothes while he was at work, so he would have underwear when he returned to school. He thanked me and handed me a pile of sweaty gym clothes. The aroma took my breath away and I felt my cock pulse.
Thomas left for work and I headed to the utility room. Before dropping his clothes in the washer I grabbed his underwear and held them up. They were visibly damp from sweat, but there was also a very noticeable wet spot in the front. I pulled the underwear to my nose and took a deep breath! His scent was incredible! My dick hardened quickly in my pants.
I thought about it and decided as I was going to wash them anyway I may as well have some fun. I locked the door and then I opened my pants and wrapped the underwear around my dick and began to jerk off with them. The excitement was so much I only lasted a few seconds and then blasted my load into his shorts. I quickly cleaned up my dick and threw the underwear in the washer, zipped my pants back up and headed back to class.
Thomas returned from work a while later and showed up to change out of his work clothes. I had his clothes ready for him and when I looked at his crotch there was a very noticeable bulge. He saw me looking and said he is lucky that he wears an apron at work, or the customers would have been getting a show as he walked around the restaurant.
He hesitated, took a deep breath, then asked if I minded if he took care of his teenage moment before changing his clothes. I smiled and told him I had to run to the office and would be gone for a few minutes so to take his time getting changed. He had a huge smile on his face and I left the room.
When I returned he was fully re-dressed and had his work clothes in a pile on his desk. He asked if I would be able to wash these clothes. He said he may have made a mess while changing his clothes. He lifted the shirt and there was a huge load of cum all over the front. I gasped a bit as there was so much and asked him how long it had been since he shot his load. He blushed and said he had jacked off before school, and this was a normal load for him. I guess with a big dick comes a big load! I just shook my head and told him to leave his clothes where they were and I would have them ready for him Monday.
I took his clothes home with me and used them to jack off multiple times over the weekend. I put his shirt on me, and laid them out in my bed as if he was next to me. I even humped his pants like I was fucking him. I came so many times I lost count. I don't think I had jacked off that much since I was a teenager. I finally washed his clothes Sunday night and had them ready for him Monday.
Thomas showed up Monday and I handed him his clothes. He went to change but paused a moment, took a deep breath, and asked if he could talk to me in the back of the room. We walked back to the private area and he said he had a problem with his dick and would I take a look. I asked him if he had talked to his parents and he shook his head and said he can't talk to them about this kind of stuff.
I agreed, I mean he had a concern. I was just helping out. Not perving on seeing his dick, right?! He opened up his pants and pulled out his dick and it was very, very red and chaffed. I kind of laughed and then asked him if he had jacked off over the weekend. He blushed and looked down and said he kind of went off the deep end this weekend as he was home alone and felt horny all weekend and admitted he jacked off more than normal. Having been busy with my own dick over the weekend I had the same problem. I just told him he needed to give his dick a break for a few days and it would be back to normal.
Thomas came and went throughout the week and we chatted more and more when he changed his clothes. He did not even attempt to hide his dick as he changed and would stand naked while he applied his deodorant and body spray. His dick flopping around with every movement.
By the end of the week he said his dick was back to normal. He said it was a good thing too as he needed to bust a load or was going to go crazy! He told me it seemed his dick was hard more often than it was soft. He grabbed his bulge to make his point. A very hard penis was struggling to fit within the confines of his pants. I laughed at him and said he is a normal boy. He scowled and said he wasn't a boy. He was a grown ass man and just turned 19 this week.
I wished him a happy birthday, but he didn't seem excited. He shrugged and stated that it really wasn't a big deal. He had broken up with his girlfriend, his parents were out of town, and they would be celebrating when they returned. He figured he could guilt his parents into a better gift as they weren't home on his actual birthday. He thought he was going to get some from his girlfriend but she told him that she just wasn't ready and he was too big to be her first. He said he would just spend the weekend at home alone again and jerk off, but try not to overdo it again and rub his dick raw!
I felt bad for him and told him I wanted to buy him lunch, he said thanks but that he had eaten at work, but he would be available for dinner, the groceries his parents left for the week were running low and choices were limited. Not a normal thing I do I thought, but it was a Friday and I would have to eat, so, I agreed and told him I would meet him at the local pizza place at 7:00.
We showed up at the same time and entered the restaurant together. We talked about his work and school and he said he was very ready to be finished with high school and get away from all the drama and cliches. We enjoyed our meal and I excused myself to pee and headed for the restroom. I barely made it to the urinal when Thomas walked up next to me. The bathroom was small and there were only two urinals right next to each other without a divider. We both pulled out our dicks and let our stream flow.
He finished before me and gave his dick a few shakes. He held out his dick to show me it was back to normal and ready to be abused again. Then he looked down at my crotch. I was just finishing up and was shaking my dick. He said that I was shaking it too much and more than two shakes meant I was playing with it.
I have to admit, I had plumped up a bit when he was showing me his healed dick, so I was a bit bigger than my normal size. I am definitely a grower! I laughed and said I guess we all do it and I knew for sure he does as I have seen the evidence! He laughed and tucked his dick back into his pants. I noticed he was commando again.
We washed our hands and headed back to the table. I paid the bill and wished him a happy birthday and was ready to leave. When we got to the door we both noticed it was raining pretty hard. I asked him how he got to the restaurant and he pointed to his bike chained to the bike rack. I shook my head and said he should just leave it and I would give him a ride home. He agreed and we made a dash for my car, getting very wet along the way.
He only lived a few blocks from the restaurant so we made it to his house in no time. He mentioned he wanted to get inside and get out of his wet clothes and rubbed his hand down his body and across his crotch where I could see the outline of his dick. I agreed, but said I would have to wait as I lived a good 40 minutes from the school. I would have to turn the heat up and blow dry. He told me I could come in and he would throw my clothes in the dryer. It was only fair considering all the help I have given him with laundry over the past few weeks. He didn't give me a chance to respond and told me to come in and get out of the car, I shrugged my shoulders and took off after him. The rain was still coming down pretty hard so we got even more wet as we headed to the house.
When we walked in the back door we were in the mud room. The washer and dryer were right there and he said we could just take our clothes off here and throw them in the washer for a quick spin cycle before throwing them in the dryer.
He didn't hesitate and started taking off his clothes. I on the other hand felt very awkward and wasn't sure what to do. He struggled getting his wet shirt over his head, and when he succeeded noticed I was still fully dressed. He told me to hurry up as he didn't want to be standing there buck ass naked waiting on me.
I proceeded to strip down to my underwear and threw my wet clothes in the washer along with his. He looked at me and said to take the underwear too... I was definitely not ready to do this as I was a bit wet and cold and knew my dick would not be flattering. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot. I pulled off my underwear and my hands quickly went to cover my dick.
He turned and threw them in the washer and set the machine to spin cycle. He turned around and had his hands on the washer giving me a full frontal view of his body. He had a typical teenage body, light hair on his chest and a full bush of hair around his dick and balls. I still had my hand covering my dick and he looked at me and laughed. No need to be shy at this point. I had seen him naked and it was just us guys. I agreed, but mentioned, I was very cold and he knew exactly what I meant.
Shrinkage??, he asked. I nodded.
"No biggie" he said and turned to walk into the kitchen.
He asked if I wanted anything to drink, now bending over in front of the open refrigerator. DAMN, that was a beautiful ass! The view was definitely helping with my shrinkage, but maybe too much.
He grabbed a couple beers and held one out to me. I accepted and he jumped up on the kitchen island and took a big swig of his beer. His legs were spread apart and giving me another full frontal view of his body.
With a beer in one hand I was only able to keep my dick covered with my other hand. At this point my shrinkage had definitely gone away and my dick was it's normal 3-4" of flaccidity, however, the more I looked at Thomas I could feel blood rushing towards my groin. I walked around the island and leaned against it keeping my dick hidden.
Thomas finished his first beer, jumped off the counter, went to the fridge and grabbed two more. I wasn't half way done with mine and he told me to drink up and not be a lightweight. I tipped up my beer and finished it, let out a huge burp and handed him the empty. He handed me my new beer and took the empties to the sink to rinse them out and set them on the counter.
He turned around and started saying something, which meant I had to turn away from the island. We were only a few feet apart, naked, and facing each other. My dick wasn't soft, but also, not fully hard. He openly looked my body up and down and said I looked good for my age. I laughed, thanked him, and asked what age he thought I was. He shrugged and said teacher age. He reached down and scratched at his balls. The washer buzzed that the spin cycle was over.
He walked back to the mud room and changed our clothes over to the dryer. When he walked back into the kitchen I noticed his dick wasn't as soft as it was when he left the room. He asked if I wanted to watch some TV, before I could answer he walked to the fridge, grabbed two more beers, and headed down a hallway to the living room.
There was a big sectional in the room and he sat in the middle of it. He nodded for me to sit down on the sectional with him. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. I was taking a swig of my beer when the TV began playing and I choked when I saw a lady being spit roasted by two young looking guys. From the look of it they were in a classroom and the girl was the teacher.
Thomas yelled and tried to stop the video, but fumbled the remote and it fell directly in my lap. He went to reach for it and I quickly held up my hand and told him I got it. I grabbed the remote and handed it back to him. He apologized and said he forgot he had been watching porn the night before and said he would have to remember to clear the history before his parents got home.
No biggie, all guys watch porn I told him. He seemed relieved and set the remote down in his lap. He admitted that he was watching a classroom video as he thought it was hot when he jacked off in my classroom, that he had been fantasizing about what it would be like to do more in a classroom. He was looking at the screen and said he would love to get a blow job in class!
The "teacher" began moaning as the two boys fucked her mouth and pussy. The boys knuckle bumped each other as they pounded her holes. They switched positions and the camera zoomed in on the boys dicks to show how wet they were with her juices. I looked at Thomas and I noticed his hand rubbing his dick and he had begun to sprout a bit. I looked back up at the screen and the teacher had switched positions again and was blowing both boys. Going back and forth on their dicks. Thomas commented that she was barely getting the heads in her mouth, the boys didn't seem to mind as they were moaning with enjoyment.
I looked back over at Thomas who was staring deeply at the screen. I looked down at his dick and it had extended and was the same length as the remote laying next to it. I looked back up and he was looking at me. He looked down at his crotch and said that this chick on the screen wouldn't be able to handle his dick if she was struggling with the two in front of her! He squeezed his dick and waved it around a bit. He then grabbed the remote and placed it next to his dick and gave me a nod saying it gets bigger.
He looked over at me and said it appeared I had gotten over being cold and no longer suffered from shrinkage. I hadn't even noticed my cock was now fully erect. Not as impressive as his, I started to cover it, but he told me to let it go, it was about time he got to see my dick as I had seen his dick so many times, hard and soft.
I moved my hand, and wrapped it around the base of my dick. He openly gazed at my dick and said I should be proud of it as it was a good size and girthy! He said he bet girls didn't complain it was too big. Then he apologized and said he didn't mean to sound insulting, that it was a nice dick, a perfect size, and that he didn't mean it was small and then he blushed and said he didn't mean to say my dick was nice, but it was, a really nice dick, I mean... he tipped up his beer and took a big drink.
I started laughing at him and told him I knew what he meant and said thanks, but admitted some commented that it was a bit thick. He nodded and said he gets that too. Guess the combo of length and girth was the killer.
He looked back up at me and said he thought I was a great teacher, he really appreciated all I had done for him and how cool it was that I was comfortable enough to hang out with him naked and talk so openly about sex stuff. He could never talk to his parents, they were cool, but it was just weird..
He started telling me that after jacking off in my room he realized how exciting it was to do it in a more public place. He really loved being able to jack off wherever he wanted throughout the house and admitted he had jacked off in pretty much every room of the house and outside on the deck. He confessed that he almost got busted by the neighbor when they had come out to grill, but it made it even hotter almost getting caught.
I thanked him and told him that I wasn't that comfortable in this situation and that I was afraid of being accused of taking advantage of a child. He nodded and said he understood, but that he was a grown man of legal age, he knew what he was doing. He grabbed his dick and slapped it against his other hand and said does this look like a dick of a child? This is a man dick and you can't take advantage of the willing! I laughed and we clinked our beer bottles together in agreement.
We both looked back up at the screen as we heard louder moans coming from the boys. They were both jacking off and shot their loads all over the teachers' boobs. Their loads were not that impressive and didn't really shoot out of the dicks, but more oozed out and dripped on her boobs. Thomas laughed at them and said he cums 10 times that much and can shoot past his head and that maybe he should become a porn star and show these guys how it's done. Maybe there is some porn chick that could finally take my whole dick down her throat and deep dick her pussy!
I stared at his dick and said he definitely had a porn star size dick. Maybe that was his calling! What would your porn name be? Without even giving it a second thought he said Tommy Gunn. I laughed and said he must have been thinking about that for a while. He smiled and admitted he had as he watched so much porn and noticed how guys always reference their dicks with their name.
He asked me if he could ask me a personal question. I looked up at him and said yes, that I was gay. His eyes widened and asked how I knew he was going to ask that question. I said we were sitting here naked with hard ons, so what's more personal? I asked if he was ok with it and he said it was no problem and then I waited for the next obvious question.
He kept staring at the porn and drinking his beer. The scene moved to a solo with the teacher fingering herself as she graded papers until a student walked in on her. She acted surprised but then smiled as she looked down at the boys crotch which was noticeably hard and tenting his shorts. She licked her fingers and then signaled for the boy to come to her desk.
The boy walked over to the teacher and she pulled down the boys shorts to reveal a large hard uncut dick. She stroked the dick and the foreskin pulled back and forth over the head of his dick. She then opened her mouth and took the head of his cock into her mouth. She started to go down on him, but was only able to get a couple inches in her mouth before she pulled off.
Thomas, sounding exasperated, said "see, that poor guy has inches of unused dick." I bet it feels good, but would feel so much better if she would swallow his whole dick! He was aggressively stroking his dick. He was almost yelling at the girl to swallow his dick... take it all... don't waste it... but, the girl stopped sucking him and they moved so the boy was going down on the teacher and eating out her pussy.
What a waste of a big dick. Why do they even have guys with big dicks do porn if the chicks can't take it! You know what I heard? (here it comes) That gay guys can take dick, the bigger the better! Is that true? He said looking at me, catching me staring at his hard dick. Hey, snap out of it... answer my question. Is it true gay guys like big dicks?
I looked up at his face and said that while I can't answer for gays everywhere, I can say that personally I haven't found a dick to ever be too big. Then I looked back down at his dick and said, but there is a first time for everything! Then again, there is only one way to be sure, and looked back up at his face. His eyes doubled in size and said, really? Really? Would you blow me? I didn't answer, instead I slid forward off the couch and crawled between his legs. His eyes were almost bulging out of his head as he watched me approach his dick. He still had his hand wrapped around it and I took his wrist and pulled it away, replacing it with mine.
I think he has stopped breathing and I got closer and closer to his dick. He didn't make any movements and then I did it. I bent down and engulfed the head of his dick. His dick was warm and girthy! He had a downward curve, which helped me in the position I was in. I glanced up at him and his eyes were fixed on me and what I was doing. I pulled off and asked him if he was ready? He nodded his head and then I went down and down and as I felt the head pass into my throat I heard him gasp and I then buried my nose in his pubes. I had his entire cock in my throat. This definitely was the largest cock I had ever taken.
I looked up as I began to pull off. Inch by inch his cock slid out of my mouth. He wasn't moving, or breathing, from what I could tell. I was at the head and stared at him and then slammed back down on his dick and then did it again, and again. I pulled up to the head and pulled his hands onto the back of my head. I used pressure to show him I wanted him to push my head down. He got the hint and he started slowly at first. Then he started thrusting and pushing on my head at the same time.
I kept taking him and grunted with approval. He started going faster and faster and I knew he was close. I reached up to play with his huge balls and gently pulled them down. This was all it took and he shoved his dick completely down my throat and grunted loudly. His dick pulsed so much it felt as if it doubled in size and I choked a bit. Over and over he pulsed his load into my throat still forcing my head to the base of his cock.
He kept hold of my head until the pulsing stopped. His hands slid off my head and I pulled off his dick stroking it as I did, milking every drop of cum out of him. His body spasmed with each stroke and he pushed on my shoulders to try to make me stop. But I kept sucking until I felt his dick go completely soft in my mouth. His body convulsed as I pulled my mouth off his dick.
I fell back on my knees and wiped my mouth clean of any cum that hadn't been shot into my belly. I then reached down and began stroking my own dick with a mixture of my saliva and his cum. It only took a couple strokes and I was shooting up my belly and onto my chest. When I finished I looked at Thomas. He was staring at my cock and body where I had shot my load.
Thomas leaned forward and slid his hand up my body, gathering my load with his fingers. He pulled his hand up and I thought he was going to feed it to me, instead he took his fingers and put them in his mouth. I was shocked and he must have seen it in my face and then he leaned back, smiled and said, "I told you, you never waste a good sauce."
I fell back on the floor and laid there, spent. I had just sucked off one of my students and he had just eaten my cum. I was going to be on the news for sure. I put my arm over my eyes and reality was returning to what had just taken place. I knew that Thomas would be freaking out and would want me to get out as soon as possible. Straight guys never want to hang around after they cum.
I started to sit up and Thomas had his head back on the couch and looked as though he had fallen asleep. I walked out of the living room through the kitchen and quickly pulled my clothes out of the dryer. I dressed quickly and ran out to my car.
I spent the entire drive replaying the events of what just happened. It was hot as hell, but wrong on so many levels. I got home and stripped out of my clothes and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and noticed I had dried cum on my chest and belly and even some in my hair. I turned on the shower and stepped under the warm water letting it wash away the events that had just happened.
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