My name is Josh and in high school I had a best friend, Bryan. We were on the soccer team together and our lives revolved around soccer. Most of our life in high school was spent doing something related to our love of the game. This meant that almost every second we were not with the rest of the team, we were with each other, but even when we were not playing soccer, the two of us hung out all the time. More than a few times people joked that we seemed to be joined at the hip. We both laughed at those kind of jokes because it was so natural for us. He was my best buddy and I was his.
Summer was finally here and as two soccer loving dudes, we were excited because the World Cup was on and we couldn't wait to watch every match together. This year, his parents were out of town and we had made plans for me to sleep over at his place and we were going all in. We had planned this for months and months and I was extremely excited to get a chance to watch the games on his parent's huge TV. Oh gosh, that sounds like I was in it for the TV, but that's not what I meant. First and foremost, I wanted to hang out with him - my buddy. It was so much fun to watch the games with him because he loved the game just as much as I did. We would literally talk about a match for days afterwards and try to implement things we saw into our own practice and it was just a time filled with passion over all.
I know what you're thinking, but no, I don't mean that kind of passion. Bryan was just my friend. I have to admit that yes, I probably had feelings for him, but he was as straight as they come and I knew this without a doubt, so I didn't even think about it. I was just excited to be around him and to count him as my best friend.
I grabbed my bag, headed out the door, jumped on my bike and peddled like a maniac, as I always do. I was heading over to Bryan's place to then go on to practice. The first match was just two weeks away and I was so excited that I think my legs peddled even faster than ever before.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
I arrived at Bryan's place in no time, but he wasn't outside. That was a bit odd, because usually he would be gearing to go too, but it was not unheard of, so I jumped off and dropped my bike on the lawn and headed around back. I figured he was probably at the pool. I rounded the corner and screamed out something like, "yo yo yo, where you at?"
Something silly like that. I can't quite remember, because before I had spoken the last word, I was terrified.
As I stepped fully around the corner and got a full view of the back yard, I could see Bryan laying there on the ground. There was not a doubt in my mind that this was a critical moment because he was covered in blood. If I was the artsy fartsy type and I tried to paint a picture of what I saw, it would have been one of those crazy art works with blotches of red all over.
- big cock
- blowjob
- monster cocks
- straight men
- teen
- twink
- young men
I reacted instantly, grabbed my phone, called 911 and rushed forward. The 911 operator told me what to do and I was able to locate the wound, which was on the right arm and hand, so they told me to hold it up. I put the operator on speaker phone and raised up Bryan's arm and held it. Even though I was later on told it was only a few minutes, it felt like an eternity before the paramedics arrived. They quickly stabilised the wound and I jumped into the ambulance and we were rushed to the hospital.
Long story short, everything was fine in the end. The doctor said he would recover with just a bit of rest, but some bones in his right hand and arm were broken, so he got a cast, but the doctor didn't think his parents had to come home. He got some pills to handle the pain if need be. Since I was coming over to stay with him, his parents asked me if I would be able to go there a few days early so he didn't have to be alone after he got back from the hospital. I had no problem with that and was happy I could help.
The next few days were uneventful, he was really fine, you couldn't even tell he had been in an accident, well except for the cast on his arm, but besides that he was his old self.
Finally the day we had been waiting for had arrived. It was the day of the first match. I headed home to dump my laundry at my house and packed some fresh clothes and I headed off to Bryan's place again.
I had a key, so I just let myself in and headed in. I yelled hello? as I entered, but no response. I went into the living room, peaked out in the back yard, and then the kitchen. He was nowhere to be found. There was a huge opened bag of my favourite candy on the kitchen counter as well as a bunch of other chips and other treats. I grabbed a huge handful of candy from the opened bag and headed upstairs. I figured he was in his bedroom maybe. Perhaps he had taken a nap?
I threw in too much candy as I headed upstairs and was munching on it as I got to his bedroom door. It was closed, but I just opened and walked in at the same time. One swift motion and I entered the bedroom of my best friend, a male teenager.
The sight that greeted me was something I will never forget and I am sure I will jerk off to it for all eternity, but at that moment, my jaw dropped open and maybe a piece of candy or two fell out, not sure.
Bryan was laying on his bed, in the state he came into this world, stark naked. I had never seen him this way before. I mean, yes we showered together after soccer practice and in gym class sometimes, but then I was always keeping my eyes were it was safe and not drifting down south.
He had propped up his upper body with a few pillows and leaned back on them with his body. His eyes were closed, and he tilted his head back. His legs were both stretched and flexed and he had opened them slightly, almost spreading them wide and his right hand in the cast was also just sprawled out to the side. His left hand on the other hand was frantically rubbing and almost abusing the tip of his cock and sort of wriggling about. As he did so it made a squishy sound, so he must be using some lubricant of some sort. I didn't see a bottle so I guessed he had used his own spit.
His cock was huge. It must have been at least 8 or 9 inches or perhaps even bigger. I had never really even thought about him that way, well I mean, I had, but I don't know. I guess I had never dared to even think about that. I had noticed sometimes when we played sports that he had a big bulge down there and now I knew why. I always thought he was wearing a cup to guard his nuts in case a stray ball or foot found it's way there. Now I was not so sure.
His dick was so damn thick and extremely hard. It was incredible to see my young teenage buddy with his muscular but still thin body and that huge monster dick looked almost out of place, but at the same time it added to the size of it. It made it look even bigger and that was just mind-blowing.
The way he lay there on the black sheets of his bed was so incredibly exciting. His duvet was thrown on the floor and so were his clothes. The red soccer shorts were laying there closest to me, and I could just imagine how it had all gone. He had come into his room, wiggled out of his thin sports shorts and dropped them as he walked a step and then he let his underwear drop down to the floor and probably around the same time as his tank top flew toward and missed his couch. He was after all a soccer player and not into basket ball at all, just like me.
I left my imagination and focused on reality in front of me again. I am not sure how long I had stood there, just frozen and staring at my best friend on his bed. My mouth still hung open and I could feel my own cock swell as I continued to let my eyes slide over and caress every inch of my friend's body.
Bryan suddenly let out a sigh and said, "fuck yes, yes, suck it, suck it, yes bitch, suck it, yeaaah" and it made me flinch because it was so unexpected. I was lost in my own thoughts and somehow this whole experience wasn't really real. I was suddenly reminded how very real this was and I felt my own cock flinch slightly between my legs.
Yet, there was something awkward about the whole thing. It was as if he was trying too hard. I don't know, I couldn't quite add it all up to something that made sense. It was as if he was well, not really enjoying himself. He seemed, I don't know, there was just something off about it. The way he fumbled with his hand and tried to squeeze and pull, it kinda felt like he wasn't really enjoying himself?
Yes, that's it! and as if he had read my mind he bellowed out a guttural cry as he flung out his arms hitting the bed. If his body language hadn't told me all about it, his words suddenly did as he screamed, "I can't, I fucking can't! Stupid fucking cast, I hate you, you fucking fuck fuck fuck."
Then he opened his eyes.
Yeah, he opened his eyes and I mean, I know what you're thinking, didn't I kinda expect that he would, well no, I honestly hadn't thought that far. I was just paralysed and stood there. I think what saved me was that my jaw was still dropped opened and my half-chewed candies were adding to the total shocked expression on my face.
"Oh fuck, oh, uh", was what Bryan said. I was shocked, but not because I had just walked in on my buddy naked - jerking his giant cock, but because I was caught doing it. My shocked state was because I was just staring at him and I cursed myself for not having the wits about me to I don't know, duck around the corner and just peak out a bit. Not get caught was what I wanted, but at the same time, I was so fucking delighted that Bryan was clueless.
Bryan grabbed a pillow and placed it over his crotched and apologised as he said, "sorry, I just, I didn't have time before and I just sorry, I didn't.. I just.. I can't sorry.. I just it with the fucking cast, I can't... I can't fucking cum!"
I had to close my mouth as he spoke, chew and swallow down the candy, to then return my attention to Bryan. It gave me a few seconds to to think, so I responded, "What do you mean?"
I was fully aware what he meant, but I figured it was best to play as if I hadn't just seen that whole thing go down.
He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, and then said, "I can't do it with my left man. I just always jerk off with my right hand and I can't really do it with the left hand. It's, you know, I fucked it up two years ago and since it's not been really the same, I just fucking can't."
And then after another deep breath, he gasped out, "I can't jerk myself good enough to fucking cum!"
As he spoke, I sort of half listened, in my mind, I was mustering up the courage to dare to do what I wanted to do. I wanted to make a proposal and I was trying to find the words to say so that it wouldn't sound gay. Sorry, if you're gay and all, but I don't want him to know, I can't, I just fucking can't loose him, but I want him. I so fucking desperately want to touch him. I have to ask.
I knew, without any doubt that I would never have an opportunity like this again, if this is going to happen, it has to be now. So, as he spoke, I didn't really listen. My mind was racing, trying to find the words and when he all of a sudden stoped talking, it Tok me a second or two and then I swallowed hard and said, "Do you want me to jerk you off?"
Bryan sort of flinched and I swear I could see tears swelling in his eyes as he said, "you would do that for me?"
Then, without pausing he added, "yes, please! I need to cum, I haven't been able to and I so fucking need it, please! Yes! I won't..." And then he trailed off and said, "oh fuck dude, you're the best."
He grabbed a hold of the pillow and removed it, again revealing his huge cock, that was still just as rock hard as before. I took his movement as an invite to get started, so I just moved forward and sat down on the bed next to him.
He leaned back again and closed his eyes and I readjusted myself slightly on the bed and then moved my right hand forward and made contact with his thick cock. I had never touched another man's dick before and I can't begin to describe what it trigged inside of me. I felt as if on fire and I can still remember the way it felt in my hand as I touched it. The skin of his young teenage dick was so soft, even though the dick itself was so damn hard it could probably be used to pry a door open. Why someone would try and pry a door open with a dick I have no idea, but that's what popped into my head. Then there was the warmth of it. It was so warm in my hands and it felt so good that I couldn't resist touching it with both hands. I let my left hand also wrap itself around it and I started just caressing the cock with both my hands at first.
Bryan gasped and opened his mouth to speak, but instead just let out a long breath as if he didn't want to speak the words he was thinking, but I had an idea. Partly because of what had transpired before when he was pretending some bitch was sucking his cock, but mostly because this was my best buddy and I knew how insanely into blowjobs he was.
We were not like those teen flicks you watch where everyone lies to their friends, we both knew we were both virgins. I knew he wanted nothing but for some broad to go down on his dick, but the opportunity hadn't presented itself. I guess for now, my hands would have to do.
I know what you're thinking, because I was thinking the same thing, but I felt that if I start sucking his cock, he would think I'm gay and I didn't want that. The thought of my best buddy getting that into his head and ghosting me was the only thing I could think of, or well, almost, there was also the warmth of his giant tool in my hands.
As I was caressing it, I had been moving my mouth to produce as much spit as I could. I almost had my mouth full already and I slowly opened my mouth and let it drip down in one big drop. Allowing just enough to escape my lips to not make a sound, while at the same time getting quite a bit of lubricant down on his cock. He didn't notice when it landed, probably because he had two cold teenage hands on his dick, sliding up and down on it. I let another drop flow down, while I used my right hand to slowly spread the first drop over his cock. Then I did the same to the second one. I kept doing this until his cock was all wet, that's when I pulled down his foreskin and let two more drops of spit flow down. All the time, my mouth was working hard to produce more spit. Then when I had spread that out and his dick was absolutely soaking in my spit, I made a fist with the lower opening of my fist wrapped around the very tip of his cock, while my left hand gripped around a bit lower, but not really making that much contact with his cock. I let another two drips of spit trickle down into my closed fist. Some got outside of my palm, but most made it in the middle. It was slowly going down into my fist and making it's way down to the giant dick below that was already soaking in my spit.
I had his cock right where I wanted it and I was about to get going, but before I did, I said, "Pretend there's a bitch about to suck your cock. Say you want them lips working your cock real hard. Say what you want. Go for it. Let's hear you talk dirty."
Bryan opened his mouth to first object I think, but he stopped himself again and instead swallowed. He closed his mouth and I loved the way his throat muscles moved as he swallowed. Then he opened it and he was back in that moment I had seen him before. His facial expression even changed slightly. He got harder somehow. Stronger and real fucking sexy if you ask me.
He just didn't know that I had a surprise lined up. I was going to jerk his cock like there was a warm wet mouth working his cock real hard. I was going to fake a blow job, or well what I thought a blow job was like, because I had also never had one. Yet, this, based on the pornos I had seen felt the closets I could get.
"Suck me bitch. Wrap those lips at my tip. Yeah,.. fuuuuuck, yyyeaaah"
The last fuck yeah was not really part of his script, that's when I pushed my fist down on his cock as if it was a warm mouth working that monster teenage cock of his. I squeezed hard as I pushed it down over his exposed cock head and then I twisted at the same time. My eyes were locked on the cock in front of me as I kneeled down and focused completely on my high school buddy and his big cock. Even so, I could sense him raising his head and opening his eyes to take in the scene, and then he leaned back again and just gasped.
I twisted down until my hand was right down past his cock head and then I started pulling up again, all the way to the very top, and this time, I added my left hand to apply a counter twist as I spat into the opening and added more lubrication and twisted down and pushed his cock down against his firm teenage body.
I can't tell you how badly I wanted to replace my grasp with my actual lips. I wanted to let my lips be the one caressing that giant fuck stick in front of me. I wanted to nibble at his balls and try my hardest to take as much as possible of him inside of my warm mouth. I wanted my spit to work overtime trying to lubricate his rock hard young cock as it pushed down into my throat. I wanted him to grab my hips and treat me like the bitch that he was pretending I was. I wanted him so badly, but I was scared, afraid and this was what I was brave enough to do.
I guess I could lie to you, tell you I did all that, but I somehow think you deserve the truth, so here it is. I am proud that I at least was brave enough to go this far. If you had told me yesterday that today, two high school buddies would have their first time together, I would have said, alright, yeah sure. If you had told me it would be me and Bryan I would have said you're fucking mental. No fucking way!
But yes way, here I was. Kneeling next to Bryan's naked body as I pretended to suck his cock with my mouth. I licked my lips and twitched as Bryan gasped and said, "Fuck yeah, you a dirty fucking bitch. Work my cock. Suck it real good. Suck it. Oh fuck yeah. Go slooow..."
So I did, I let my grasp sloooow it's descent on this run, I let my pretend lips wrap around his soft and warm cock. His thick meaty dick was caressed by my young soft and now warm hands. He continued to bellow out his demands, "Yeah, that's it. Go real slow, let me enjoy it, you whore. You love my cock. You crave it so bad you little fucker."
I almost came in my pants there. Little fucker, is that something you say to a girl or was he talking to me? Was he secretly thinking of me sucking his cock? Or was I imaging things? I gulped and continued to focus on his cock. I wanted him to have a really fucking good blowjob, well... pretend-blowjob.
"Suck me real slow. Let your lips slide up and down my cock. Yeah, just like that, that's it." He kept demanding from me, but I suddenly had an idea.
I was going to do the opposite of what he was saying. I was going to start going real hard. I imagined that the desperate whore he was describing was so gagging for it. I didn't have to stretch my imagination that far because that's what I felt. I so wanted to be the lips riding up and down that tool and to for the first time in my life, feel a man's cock inside of me. I wanted him so badly, but this was as good as it gets. Of that I am sure. So, I was going to go for it. I was going to be that slut he was commanding. I channeled it and braced for impact. I was going to go real hard, in just a few seconds.
He kept commanding me, "oh yeah"
"Fuck yeah. Just like that you slut. Go slow. Yeah, that's the way. Slow and suck it real hard. Suck it good."
3, 2, 1. Here we go.
I literally leaned forward and into it. I went all in. Just as he started speaking again, "yeah, slide those lips real slooooooooww.. aaaugh fuuck" and yeah, that's the exact moment when my hands channeled the cock sucking slut I was pretending to, the one that well, let's face it, I probably am, deep inside, somewhere, where it's safe to be that way. Not when you're with your best buddy, just helping him cum, because he can't jerk himself off.
I channeled the bitch, the one that wanted him. The one that craved to taste his cum.
I moved both fists down and up his hand, while at the same time squeezing hard and not letting him off. He gasped and moaned and gasped and then he erupted. Even though I was holding his cock hard with both hands, it still jumped and sprayed up into the air a huge load of thick and white cum that splattered on my face and chin. I couldn't resist. I opened my mouth and licked some of it into my mouth.
He tasted so fucking good. I know you don't believe me, but I have never even tried my own cum, so I was knocked into a whole new world as I tasted my best buddy's cum. The first cum that ever entered my lips was his. It was salty, sweet and so gooey that it just stuck to me like glue.
That's when his second load exploded from his monster cock and this one hit me right on my half-open lips. Some of it pushed into me and I almost came in my pants, that's how excited I was.
The next three loads missed me and jumped up and landed on his cock again. The last one sort of just spurted out and didn't really fly that much. The next one wasn't really a load, but rather just a trickle of cum exiting his cock.
I jerked his cock a few more times and then sat back and slowly let go. That's when I looked up at Bryan's face that stared at me and had this smirk on his face, he opened his mouth and said, "Sorry, I sprayed your face fucking full. You look like in that porno we watched. The girl on the couch" and then he laughed.
I laughed as well and went to the bathroom to clean up. I didn't wipe the cum off my face though, instead, as soon as I got into he bathroom, I closed and locked the door. I had to use my left hand to get my cock out of it's enclosure and I started jerking myself off with my left hand as soon as it was free.
Why not my right hand? Can you guess? Am I left handed? Did I hurt it jerking him off so hard?
No, it was covered in Bryan's spunk, so I had to jerk myself off with my left hand as I moved my cum-covered hand to my mouth and started licking and sucking on it as if it was Bryan's cock. I closed my eyes and within seconds, I sprayed the sink with my own juices as I imagined sucking on my best friend's hot cock and tasted him. His cum was so sticky and thick that it was hard to get it into my mouth. As soon as it entered it clung all over and I was sure that I wasn't going to ever forget the taste of him. It filled my senses and even before I started licking my hand to get all his cum from my right hand into my mouth, I could still taste him. I could still taste those fragments that entered my mouth as he sprayed his load on my face before.
After I had licked all the cum from my hand, I looked in the mirror and I did look like that whore in the porno. I had his load all over my face. I used my finger to push it all into my mouth as well. I sucked on it, tried my best to get it into my mouth and then swallowed as much of it as I could. I could still taste him. I closed my eyes again. It enhanced the feeling of his cum swirling all around my mouth. His taste. His spunk inside of me. His juices in my mouth.
Eyes closed, I came. I jerked my cock a few more times even though I had already emptied my balls and I imagined being the cock sucker that he had just scolded. The one he had just treated like his private little bitch. I was after all just like that bitch. I was desperate to taste him. I was desperate to please him. I wanted him. I needed him. I would have one, I would. Somehow, but that's how they say another story.
After I had cleaned up, I wiped my face, opened my mouth and as I did, some strands of cum formed strings from my lips, so I licked my licks again, but I wasn't going to drink any water. I wanted to keep him there in my mouth as long as I could. I swallowed and opened them again, this time nothing revealed that my mouth was still coated with his juices, so I joined my friend again. He had gotten dressed and when I walked in, he just walked up and hugged me and said, "thank you bro. Fuck yeah, that's, you're the best. I owe you big time."
Then we hung out and didn't talk about it anymore. It was just like it always was, but just one difference, I could still taste him. He offered me something to drink, but I didn't have a sip of anything and didn't eat anything that evening. I left and went back home to my bed where I jerked off again, still tasting him. Still all of him in my mouth. I licked my fingers and pretended it was his cock as I came again.
I was hooked. I knew this. I loved that we were high school buddies that just had our first time doing something gay together. Even though, he probably didn't see it that way and maybe you don't, but I was so happy that evening. I had gotten to taste him. I had gotten to do something so fucking amazing and Bryan didn't even understand that had happened.
I loved it. I hope you loved hearing all about it as well.
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