The kid was standing at the bar, oh-so-tight faded jeans outlining his tight, tender ass, black sneakers, and a white cotton shirt, precisely the same brightness as his dazzling smile. John was not what anyone would call shy. He swaggered up to the bar, near enough to the kid to rest his massive chest against Danny's shoulder. Danny looked up and John threw his killer smile at him.
Just Playin
The Group Sex Party in the Wool-Shed
I was bored and horny so I decided to accept an party invitation to go out. In our small country town there are no gay nightspots but there is a group of committed studs that put on the occasional function at a secret location. This time Adrian the organizer had decided to have a barn dance out on a sheep property.
The Great Homosexual Debate
We decided to set up this session as a debate: is homosexual sex an act of aggression and rape, or is it an act of love? All kinds of male animals compete like crazy to get girl cunt. Rams charge head to head, there is all kinds of fighting and bluffing. I took the position that anal sex was the form of sexual combat, one man dominating the other enough to fuck him. Homosexual rape for the winner, the loser gets to wank off to his virility. Gary took the other side. He makes love to other men. He listens what his partner needs, which happens to often be aggressive, and delivers to the pleasure of both men in heat.
Our Beginning
Somewhere around midnight the wind had turned into a cool Santa Ana and I suggested we take the bottle outside to take advantage of the night air. It was windy and glorious outside, a beautiful night with clear skies and bright magical stars that made me feel as if something special was happening. I felt tingling sensations on every part of my body where the wind brushed against me and I said out loud how great it would be to be naked right then with the warm winds flowing over our bodies.
Reflections Of A Past Affair
The particular event that crossed my mind was day that I finally got my hands on Dave's cock. It was on a Saturday afternoon that we had been playing in a pickup game of soccer. A group of guys got together at the local playing field on the weekends to thrash about. Then go out to drink beer and eat pizza afterwards. This weekend started like the others but had a decidedly different ending.
Sex Conquers All Obstacles
It was something I truly hated being. Most of all I hated being alone right now, naked in the corner of my room. This kind of alone was new, brand new. This was an alone brought on by rejection. I finally found something I hated more then being alone, and I didn't like that knowledge. I stood up to my full height of 5'7.
Just Once
I opted for spending the night so we climbed into the cab and made ourselves as comfortable as we could sitting up. We talked for a while and it didn't take long for the conversation to turn to sex. Rusty told me a long story about one time in the navy when he and two other sailors ended up in a bed with three women and as I could tell he was exciting himself, just by the way his voice sounded. It was way too dark to see but I made a bet with myself that he had a hard-on. After a while I knew I'd won the bet when he said, "We gotta stop talking like this. I've got a boner cramped up down here that's killing me."
Airborne Express
Suddenly he turned shy, but looked at me slyly and said, "If you want to give it to me...": his voice sort of trailed off softly. "Sure would", I said, "and I hope you use it!" - and I rattled off my home number, which he pencilled lightly in the margin of his pad. There was something haunting about the way he'd said "..if you want to give it to me...", and there was that "double meaning" sort of implied... But, he said good bye and drove off, leaving me to forget the episode - as if I could!
Sword Fight Fun Times
The explosive orgasms had left us drained, but several hours of sleep had refreshed us. I was curled around Rich's body, feeling his warmth against my chest and stomach, enjoying the intimacy, and wondering how we'd spend the afternoon.
Walked For Miles
His wife had gone out of town for the weekend, and he was spending his late night wandering online looking at porn, tweaking a line or two in a short story, and drinking his way through a four-pack of Guinness. Cans were never as good as bottles, but he took what he could get.
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