This happened when I was around 18/19 I think maybe 20. I was always interested in what dicks looked like don't know why just was and I was a very horny teen. Jerking off at least twice a day since around 12. Also I never really "jerked off" until I was much older, I was and still am a "bed humper" although as time went on the hand became useful also! The one person I had never imagined doing this with was the one I did it with first. The thought just never crossed my mind.
One night after being out racing around old country roads and pulling off into the woods to set up a camp, we lit a fire and started drinking and having a great time like we always did. After a few hours we were pretty buzzed, I was ready to crash (we were gonna sleep in a huge old wagon) My friend jim said he was turning in also so he had gotten in the back of the wagon and i went to the tree line on the edge of the fire light to take a piss.
All of a sudden I heard laughing and he was out of the car in his underwear pissing on fire saying it had to get put out.... when i looked he had a hard on and it looked big from where i was. Not knowing what to say I yelled don't get burned and we laughed. He got back in car then a little bit later I jumped in after slowing the fire a bit and finishing my drink. I changed into sweatpants and was laying there on my back thinking holy shit his dick was big..... I would like to have another look I thought, for what seemed like an hour I couldn't get the image out of my drunk head... I finally got up the nerve to slowly reach over and lightly touch his crotch- he was on side facing me, I wanted to touch his dick thinking he wouldn't know I guess totally odd but figured no harm no foul.
His dick was pointed down and semi hard. I was like oh god is he awake? or if he wakes up I'm dead....I immediately got super hard. My heart was pounding as he rolled over a minute or so later and pinned my hand on his cock! Then after a few more minutes he really started pressing it into my hand. The whole time he was "asleep"
He reached over a few minute or so after that and started feeling mine which was insanely hard. I was a bundle of nerves, heart fluttering and pounding on top of being drunk . I had never done anything like this. He slid his hand under the waste band of the sweatpants and I nearly shot a load, still vibrating with nerves, he grabbed my cock and slowly jerked me off. My mind was racing with all types of thoughts from holy shit this is wrong, to oh my god this is great, too do i stop this.
I had to fight to not cum. I caved..... and went with it, it felt too wrong but so good. For some weird reason better than my GF. Realizing he was awake obviously, I said screw it and I managed to slip my hand in his underwear as he was pressing his dick on my hand and held my first hard cock! I had all kinds of odd feelings all good though I guess but still insanely nerved up.
Then all of a sudden he pulled my pants down and started blowing me, I couldn't believe it was happening it took about 2.5 minutes and I shot my load in his mouth. He kinda jumped off and said holy shit that's a lot of cum! You need to warn me! I cum a stupid amount and shoot far and it was all over me and his face. I was shocked, guilty, amazed, stunned confused and relaxed all at the same time. It was so great! Better than my girlfriend in a way and she was really good at it.
Next he pulls his underwear off pointed his cock straight up and said my turn! Again i didn't know what to do having never done this but I went right up to it like I knew what I was doing and started sucking slowly trying to make sense of everything that was going on, and I really got into it I checked out every inch of it. I was mesmerized by it, it wasn't very big at all what I saw was like an optical illusion I guess when he was peeing on the fire, but had this slight down curve and just was so cool looking.. Like a perfect model of something much larger I guess I don't really know. While I was blowing him basically copying what he did to me, I realized I really enjoyed what i was doing. I kept sucking not knowing what to expect then he warned me , I stopped and he shot his cum on my face and that freaked me right out. I jumped said gross! What the heck! His reply was you came in my mouth lol at least I warned you, I said sorry I never did this before.

You Fuck My Face in the Middle of the Night
I slept like a baby. Next morning we did it again and it was just as great!!! But this time I warned him when I was going to cum and he warned me which became our standard practice or courtesy I guess. He was really really good at sucking my cock. He told me I was good at it and I told him it was my 1st time and I was doing what he did and what I like having done. He told me he had been doing it for a few years now and then since about 7th or 8th grade. It was a great experience. I didn't mind it . From that point on we did it everywhere, anytime all the time for the next 3 mos or so.
What I didn't know was he was also doing it with another friend we had and I had always suspected our other friend did it, but with my lack of experience I didn't know how to approach that. The 3 of us were together all the time and nothing happened, but I had figured after my 1st experience with 1 friend that logically they were doing it and he confirmed they were. I thought that was so great and was kinda happy the suspicion I had for a long time about friend 2 was true! Made all the sense in the world. That story about my other friend is for another time.. That time was just as nerve racking and exciting .
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- first-time