I could not stop thinking about the effect on my body as his cock unloaded in my mouth. I was disgusted with myself as my mind turned to a week ago and tonguing his asshole. I selected a pair of red full panties this morning, I could not believe how excited I was from the feel of silk against my skin. I felt like a hormone crazed teenager. My whole body just tingled all over, like 17 again.
Straight Invaded Ch. 04
A Cock in the Hand CH 02
Standing outside the back sliding door, I caught my breath and looked for any signs of life in the house. So far so good, I thought, as a mixture of drying cum and saliva on my chin and neck reminded me, this was not a bad dream. Despite the sweat from summertime humidity in Dallas, my shriveled, cum-soaked cock was beginning to feel crusty. I crept inside and heard no signs of stirring.
Jim and the Brit
But this time he had a friend in town on business. I really do not recall his name; he was a British guy that had given Jim blowjobs on a few occasions. Jim had mentioned to the brit that if he wanted a really good blowjob, he knew a guy. You guessed it, me. So, I rang the doorbell and in just a few seconds Jim opened the door wearing a robe.
Straight Invaded Ch. 05
That was a day I will never forget. I hit the shower, applied my hair remover, and shaved. I cleaned myself out with the tool Beth left behind, brushed my teeth, and packed up my belongings. I watched some ESPN and thought about my situation. I thought I believed him when he said I would be free to go. But it could be a trick to black mail me later.
I Looked at Your Pics
I looked at your pics here. And I watched your vids. Why so few? And so brief. I could watch you do that for a lot longer, You have a beautiful cock. Beautiful balls. Slim hips and a perfect ass I want to do bad things with. I want to lick your cock until you beg me. Yes, beg me to finish you off. Would you like that? You would? Good. Your pictures are so f----ing hot! OMG hot.
Straight Invaded Ch. 06
I looked at the clock and it said 8:11AM. Knowing the rules I opened the door, surprised to see Nate. He had changed clothes and cleaned up from last night. "Please come in," I said invitingly. "How can I help you Nate?" I thought you could use some release after yesterday, and looking at you I see I was right," he said eyes drawn to the tent in my pants.
Straight Invaded Ch. 07
I put on some red panties, and turned on the TV and ate some breakfast bars I brought from home. Knock! Knock! Knock! Startled, I jumped up and rushed to the door to prevent another scene in the hallway. I opened the door quickly but only partially and was glad I did when I saw the maintenance man. "Hi. . . everything is ok here," I said peeking out the door. "I'm not here for maintenance.
Straight Invaded Ch. 08
Startled, I started to the door when it occurred to me, I was not in uniform. "Be right there!" I yelled. I ran to the dresser and plucked out another pair of pink panties, pulled off my sweats and pulled on the panties. I was panting as I got to the door, wondering who it could be. I opened and peaked around the door to see the pizza guy.
My First Experience in High School
They were two brothers and their cousins, the cousin and I were just a few months apart in age, the youngest brother was a year or two older, and the eldest brother was almost grown around twenty. I had skipped a class and was hanging out in an overgrown, tree-shaded area near the school football field. The cousin came running towards me saying 'The coach was headed this way, run.
Straight Invaded Ch. 09
I freshened up and got dressed. About 7:45 I texted Danny. Send: GOING ACROSS THE STREET FOR BREAKFAST. A few minutes later. Ding: OK, EN ROUTE BACK WILL BE BY AROUND 3. CARLOS AND NATE ARE COMING TOO, OR SHOULD I SAY COMING IN YOU? ARE YOU READY? Send: YES, I AM :) Send: OK TO INVITE ANOTHER COCKSUCKER? Ding! YOU'VE BEEN BUSY I SEE, SEND ME A PIC. I texted Shane and asked him to send a pic.
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