My name is Carlos. I am just your average Texas teenager, eighteen, 5'11", dark blonde hair, clear green eyes and a swimmers build. Nothing really special. My mother is Cuban, hence the name, but my father is a native Texan, as white as snow. It's always fun when I tell people about my heritage because they just can't understand how I can be part Cuban and still be so pale. Anyway that's not the stuff you are here for. Let's get to the good part of this story.
I just returned from a three month long trip to Brazil as part of a pre-college Sociology program. It was to help students learn about another culture. A local college had made a special arrangement with a University in Rio de Janeiro to create the program. They had agreed to house us in their unused dorms for the entire summer, as well as helping us with cultural integration so that we could get as much from the experience as possible.
My parents felt it would be a great experience for me so they payed for it fully themselves. I spent a few months before the trip learning Portuguese and as much about the customs as I could. I found the whole thing amazingly interesting and couldn't wait to get there and start the experience.
When it came time I met up with the group of fifteen students who would be going at the high college that was sponsoring us. We were met by a Sociology professor and the President of the college to give us the information we would need to know and to wish us good luck and fun times. Less than an hour later we were on our way to the airport and finally starting our journey.

Quick Blowjob in the Gym Showers
I had never been on an airplane before so I was kind of nervous but the excitement over the trip more than made up for it. I buckled myself in and waited for the takeoff. It was actually a lot of fun and when it was over I was amazed at how stupid I was for being afraid. When we touched down at the airport in Rio de Janeiro my fear totally disappeared. The beauty of the area was nothing short of breathtaking.
We were met by a group of Professors from the University and taken back to their campus. After our orientation we were shown to our dorms. Thankfully we were given single bed dorms and I didn't end up with a roommate. I was an only child so that wouldn't have worked well for me. We were told that for the night we were allowed to go out and wander the town if we wanted to, provided we took a guide from the dorms with us, they had made sure there would be plenty of them left on campus for us to have help.
I approached a door close to mine that I could hear music coming from, it was some sort of urban brazilian music, but I couldn't make it out clearly through the door. When I knocked the music stopped and I heard some shuffling and a deep voice called out for me to hold on in Portuguese. A few seconds later the door opened and a stunning sight hit me.
- college
- encounters
He was about the same height as me, maybe an inch or two taller, but he definitely had much better than a swimmers build. His golden bronze skin was tight against rippling, sinuous muscle. I can tell you this because all he had on was a turquoise sarong. His short black hair, and deep brown eyes were mesmerizing, and his full pink lips made me just want to kiss him right there.
His body seemed to be completely hairless except his legs and a little bit under his arms. His chest looked like it was carved from some living stone, and his abs were perfectly defined peaks and valleys. His legs were sculpted and I guessed perhaps he was a runner. His hip bones had that perfectly defined v that drives me wild, and it led into the sarong and down to a very impressive bulge.
I suddenly realized I was staring and looked up to his eyes quickly. They were dancing with barely contained laughter, and his lips were straining not to crack into a huge grin. I guess the terrified look on my face was highly amusing.
"I think you must be one of the American students. My name is Xalvador. I am sorry if my appearance is a bother, I just got back from the pool and hadn't had time to get dressed." he said, his deep voice was heavily accented but he seemed to have a wonderful grasp of the English language.
I couldn't even respond I was so embarrassed, all I did was stand there and blush, and this time he did bust out laughing.
"Do not worry about it, I am very open with my body. I have not worked this hard on it to keep it a secret." he said with a smile and a little wink. "I am sure you probably want to go explore, I was just about to leave after my shower anyway, you can go with me if you would like." he said.
Finally my embarrassment started to fade and I was able to speak. "Yeah, that would be great. I'm sorry for staring and for being so embarrassed. My name is Carlos." I said, all in a rush.
He chuckled again, his rich voice making me quiver. "It is alright, Carlos, no big deal as you say in America. Just come in and make yourself comfortable while I get dressed." he said motioning me in. As I passed him I felt the heat radiating from his body and I could smell the chlorine from the pool.
I sat down at his desk and tried to stay out of the way and quiet as he went through his closet looking for clothes. I was so entranced by his body that I didn't even pay attention to the room, or anything else. He was facing away and I couldn't stop staring at the rippling muscles of his back, or his bulging arms, and most especially the large bubble of his ass straining the fabric of the sarong.
I was still staring when he reached down and untied it and let it fall. I thought my eyes would bulge completely out of my head. His ass was gorgeous, each cheek was a firm round bubble, and there was just a hint of black hair running along the crack. I suddenly found myself wanting to just dive in and smell him, taste him. Then he turned around and I saw what had been making that huge bulge. I hadn't ever seen a dick that big when it was soft, it was at least six inches, and very thick, and he was uncut, his loose foreskin hanging past the bulging head. His pubic hair was trimmed very short and stopped right below his waist. I heard a soft chuckle and blushed instantly, not even having to look at his face.
"I apologize, I forget how inhibited Americans can be with their bodies, we are not like that here, we celebrate them more than we fear them. I am going to shower, I will be back in a few minutes." he said. I watched him walk out and just sat there stunned. It took him about twenty minutes to finish his shower and when he walked back in he was fully dressed, and strangely I was hoping he wouldn't be. He was wearing a pair of baggy khaki shorts and a light blue polo. The shirt was pretty tight, once again showing off his amazing body, and the color set off his skin tone beautifully. He had a thin gold chain around his neck and I could see a little gold crucifix hanging from it. He sat down on the bed and put on a pair of socks and pulled on a pair of sneakers.
"Are you ready to go?" he asked.
"Sure, what are we going to do?" I asked him.
"I have a few errands to run for my mother and then I figured we could go see some sights, let you start exploring the city. You will be here for another three months will you not?" he asked.
"Yeah, I guess I should get a little familiar with it." I said as we headed out the door.
As we walked down the hallway I watched his ass move in his shorts, swaying in such a sexy way that I almost wanted to reach out and grab it. When we finally made it outside we ended up walking side by side as he pointed things out, stores he frequented, places of interest. He told me later he would take me to see the famous statue of Jesus on the mountaintop. He assured me it was even more impressive up close, which of course brought thoughts of his dick into my head, I was quite sure it was even more impressive up close as well.
I got to meet many of his friends and acquaintances that day, as well as his mother who seemed thrilled to meet me. She felt that our summer program was a wonderful idea. I felt quite at home in her small apartment as she cooked and insisted that we stay to eat. I was a bit uncomfortable with the fact that she was so overtly religious. There were icons on the walls, crucifixes all over the place and seven day candles burning in many spots. I quickly got over it when she served the food, it was amazing, the woman's cooking skills were out of this world.
She spoke for hours about her son, who she told me was only nineteen, turns out he had always been a star student and a wonderful athlete, swimming and track his two best sports. He was also a straight a student, specializing in science when he was in school, and now studying it in University. I hadn't even asked him earlier when I first met him, but now I learned that he was an astrophysics major, planning on working on a new space program that the government was said to be developing. If that didn't pan out he was going to try to move to the US and get a post at NASA and work on some of their special projects.
I was thoroughly amazed at the things I was finding out about this man who had so thoroughly entranced me. Not only was he close to my age, absolutely gorgeous, and incredibly intelligent, but he also had plans to further his life and might end up moving to the United States.
After we left his mother's apartment and finished with the few errands he had left to do we started some sight seeing, starting with some of the amazing architecture, some of the cathedrals and churches, the government buildings, things of that nature. We finally ended up at the statue and then decided to go grab something to eat for dinner. I hadn't even realized that much time had gone by, but suddenly I noticed that my stomach was growling and I was ready to eat.
We ended up at his local favorite restaurant and ate something I couldn't really identify, but he told me it was some kind of fish and all I know is that it was amazingly good. He ordered us some kind of blue drink which I quickly found out was quite alcoholic. It tasted amazing, and I quickly found myself buzzing quite nicely.
I didn't realize how late we had stayed but before I knew it I looked out the window and saw that the stars were already starting to come out. Across the room a band started playing some form of Brazilian hip hop. Several of the servers came out and pushed some of the tables out of the way revealing a dance floor.
I was sitting there watching the people dancing on the floor when I felt like someone was staring at me. I glanced over and saw Xalvador looking at me with a smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back. He leaned over and motioned for me to do the same thing.
"I don't know how you will take this but, would you like to dance?" he asked me.
I was slightly taken aback, but intrigued at the same time. "Um, yeah, I would like that I think." I answered.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me out on the dancefloor. A few people looked as we went but no one really seemed to care much that two guys were dancing together. I don't know why I was so surprised to see that he danced as well as he did, with a body like his and the confidence he exuded I can't believe I even had to think about it, but damn he could dance. Within a few minutes I felt myself starting to sweat and noticed that he was as well, that's when he took his shirt off and I got another look at his gorgeous upper body.
He moved fluidly, grinding and swaying to the music and then pulled me closer to him grinding himself against me, pressing me into him, letting me feel the rippling muscle as it moved under his skin. My hands wrapped around him, feeling the muscle of his back and slowly making their way lower feeling his firm ass. Next thing I knew he was leaning down and kissing me. I felt his tongue brush my lips and parted them letting him explore my mouth and letting our tongues intertwine.
He broke the kiss and I looked up with a dazed look on my face. He just smiled and if the music hadn't been so loud I know I would have heard him chuckle. We finished the song and then left the dance floor. He wiped the sweat from his body with his shirt and then tucked it in the back of his shorts. We sat down at our table and ordered another drink and sat enjoying it, listening to the music and staring at one another. After a few more songs he gestured towards the door and we walked out into the warm humid air of the night. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.
"I hope you do not mind what I did. I saw the way you looked at me in my dorm, I felt like I was right that you liked men." he said, a slightly worried look coming over his face.
"Well, I didn't mind it, but I have never been with a man before. I have only actually been with one person period so I am not too experienced." I said shyly.
"Do not worry, I will teach you." he said pulling me close and kissing me again.
I let him lead me back towards the University campus not knowing what to expect, but knowing that I did have a good idea that it was going to be a lot of fun. It only took us about thirty minutes to walk back to the campus, we passed several other bars and restaurants that were showing similar scenes, people here just seemed to have a lot of fun at night.
We arrived back at our dorms and he took me to his, locking the door behind us. He pulled my shirt off and glanced over my body. I was nowhere near as nicely built as him, but I did have a fit body, with small pecs and gentle peaks and valleys for abs, my arms were not small or big, just average I guess. I had a bit of hair leading from the middle of my chest down my stomach and into my pants. He reached over and grabbed my hand, pulling me over and kissing me again. We made out for a while, exploring each other's bodies with out hands, feeling our way around in the dim light of the street lamp outside his window.
I kicked off my shoes and saw that he had done the same. My hands slowly made their way down to his belt buckle and unbuckled it, they then did the same with his shorts and I stood up, pulling him with me. As he stood the shorts sagged but were held up by his large ass and the growing erection he was unsuccessfully hiding. I helped them a little by pushing them the rest of the way off.
He stood in front of me completely naked as he stepped out of his shorts. His hands did the same to me, removing the rest of my clothing and we stood there, naked and admiring each others bodies. My cock started growing, going from small and limp to it's nearly six inches and it's full thickness as it went as hard and rigid as a stone. His dick was already at full attention resting against his belly, it was nearly nine inches long and almost as thick as my wrist, with large balls hanging below it. I reached out and cupped them in my hands, gently rolling them around and making him moan.
His hands moved up my body, coming to rest on my shoulders and pushing me down to my knees. I smelled the sweat and pheromones coming from his body, it made my dick start to quiver and leak. I licked his balls and felt his body shudder and tense up as he moaned and put his hands on my head. I slowly sucked one of the huge orbs into my mouth and let my tongue play with it, eliciting more reactions from him. I looked up and saw a look of utter bliss on his face, so I decided to go one step further. I slid my hands up his legs, and used one of them to pull his huge cock down so that I could slip my mouth over the large head.
As the head brushed past my lips I tasted just a bit of sweet and salty precum as it hit my tongue. I licked it off and continued on, letting the length and girth spread my mouth wider as he slid deeper inside. I felt the head hit the back of my throat and I gagged just a little, but I forced myself to continue. As he slowly started sliding down my throat his hands tightened on my head and started pushing me further down. I felt myself bottom out on his dick as my nose came to rest in his trimmed pubic hair.
I continued playing with him in my mouth for a while, but I couldn't keep it up for long, my jaw was beginning to ache and I finally had to stop. He smiled down and was about to pull me up to my feet when I grabbed him by the hips and spun him around. I found myself face to face with his perfect ass. The cheeks hanging in front of me, tight and firm with that bit of hair. The musty smell was amazing, my mouth started watering immediately.
I grabbed his cheeks with my hands and spread them, pressing my face into his ass, flicking my tongue against his hole. He shuddered and cried out. I slid one of my hands up and pushed against his back, forcing him to bend forward. He bent at the waist and grabbed his ankles to stabilize himself. Luckily for me that opened his ass up completely, letting me get a perfect view of that puckered hole.
I dove right back in, licking up and down his crack, probing his hole with my tongue, massaging his perineum with my fingers. His moans were so loud at that point I was afraid someone was going to hear so I stopped. He collapsed to his knees breathing heavily and shuddering. His cock was literally dripping with precum, his body dripping with sweat.
When he caught his breathe he turned to look at me and stood up, pulling me up along with him. He kissed me again as we moved towards the bed, he quickly pressed me down and repaid the favor, probing my ass with his long tongue, making me cry out and buck against him. Before long I was begging him to fuck me, which shocked me as I had never thought of myself as a bottom before.
He reached over to his nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom. I watched as he slipped the condom on his dick, rolling it down slowly to cover the huge piece or meat. He rubbed lube on my waiting hole, probing it with his fingers and loosening me up. A few strokes of his dick with some lube on his hands had it slippery as it could get and he slowly pressed it against my ass. I felt a tremendous pain and pressure as the head popped inside. I honestly didn't think I would be able to continue, I was nearly crying, but then as he slid deeper inside I felt him hit my prostate and all thoughts of stopping vanished.
His huge cock slid all the way inside me, bottoming out as his balls came to rest against my perineum. He waited for a few seconds to let me get used to the feeling of him being inside me and then started slowly pulling himself back out. As he slid out it continued to brush against my prostate making me moan and my breathing to speed up. I felt my body start to relax and the pleasure became so intense I didn't even want it to stop. Just then he pulled all the way out and flipped me over and on back.
I watched him as he slowly lined himself back up and slid back inside me slowly at first and then with much greater speed and ferocity. It was amazing to watch something that big start to spread me open and the feeling was so good I arched my back and nearly ripped the sheets with my hands as they bunched up. His arms were massive on each side of my head as they held him up, the muscles bunching from the effort. His chest was heaving with his heavy breathing and his abs were rippling with the rhythm of his pumping. He was ramming my ass so hard that I am sure someone outside the door would have been able to hear it. If not the skin slapping then definitely the grunting and my moaning.
I felt something happening deep inside me and without warning I felt myself start to go over the edge of an amazing orgasm. My dick got so stiff it hurt at that point and suddenly white hot cum spewed out and splashed all over my chest and abs. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I was still in the thralls of my orgasm and the kiss made it even more intense.
That's when I felt it, his dick got even bigger and harder inside me as he slowly built up to his own orgasm, slamming my ass harder and harder, making me start to cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. I knew that the next morning I would have bruises and probably wouldn't be able to walk, but I frankly didn't care. The feelings I was experiencing were too amazing. With a sudden violent thrust he cried out while he came, emptying his cum into the condom.
I ran my hands up his back, the sweat letting them move freely. I pulled him down and he slowly collapsed onto my body, our sweat mingling, my cum getting all over him as we held each other and kissed. His dick began to soften and slide out of my ass, the feeling was weird and made me a little sad. I didn't want it to be over, but I knew for now it had to be, and he finally rolled over and laid next to me panting and smiling.
"I told you I could teach you." he said through the heavy breathing with a huge lustful grin on his face.
"You can teach me anything you want." I said.
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written by cubalibreRATE THIS STORY
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