I don't know if you guys can remember the day, that one we all have had if we are gay.... It doesn't matter if you are closeted, or out, flaming, or butch we all had that exact same day... The day we woke up and realized we were different from everyone else, the day we realized we were gay. It doesn't matter if we fought it to begin with, or if you embraced it the second it slapped you in the face. But we all had that day, and mine went something like this...
My name is Brodie, I am a real person... (aren't we all), I am twenty five years old, six foot one, one hundred and eighty five pounds... I consider my self to be quite muscular and have always been gifted in my ability to keep a decent body no matter what I have eaten.
When I was thirteen, I had a paper route that ran around my small country town in the Southwestern tip of Virginia. It was a small town, about eight thousand people you still had paperboys that walked or rode their bike and dropped the paper off... I generally walked and the last quarter mile of my route was a split one. I had the left hand side of the street, and a girl, named Cindy had the right hand side of the street. We had always chatted, about the things that went on in school. How football practice went and that sort of thing... On Fridays we always made plans to stay up late together and hang out, the Saturday morning paper had to be delivered by six o'clock in the morning.
The planets aligned one Thursday, and I woke up that morning feeling a little bit different... It took several days for the events to play out. My Grandmother is a police officer, and while we may discuss her more in the future, for now that is all you need to know... Once a year they had a weekend of continued education training, and I knew her time was coming soon... We had spoken on the telephone that Thursday night, as we always talked at least once daily. She told me that her time was indeed coming; she had to leave that Friday afternoon. I was asked to watch her cat, and if possible stay over the night so that no one would think she was not at home. I agreed, and started making plans.

You Fuck My Face in the Middle of the Night
I quickly called my best friend JJ (who's father named him after the bandit Jesse James which was rather amusing). "Jay, you will never guess what I just got lined up" I said. "I don't know buddy, what?" he replied. "My Grandmother is going out of town this weekend and wants me to watch her house!" I couldn't hold it in any longer. "That is so fucking cool. Ok this is what we do, Friday after football practice, you do your paper route, call me and we can go from there." Just then my older sister barged in and started shouting about how she had to call her boyfriend and how I should get off the phone.
JJ in his spark of genius exclaimed, "Yeah give that dumb bitch the phone, and when she calls her boyfriend. Tell her, to tell him, to buy us some beer for Saturday night or else your telling your Mom she is still seeing that guy who is over eighteen." My eyes got as big as saucers, and I said, "My God man, we have a winner!" I turned to my sister and said, "You tell Brian to buy us a case of beer, or I will tell Mom the second you sneak out. And I promise you JJ or I one will personally sit by your door and wait for you to make your move" I could hear JJ yelling through the phone "Yeah!" , "You tell her", and the like to encourage me.
My sister just sneered at me and said, "Alright assholes whatever you want. now give me the phone" I told JJ I had to go and we would hook it up at school the next day. The beer was arranged, and the next day at school I learned that we would drink it Saturday after the football game, just JJ and me.
- farm
I was so psyched that I flew threw my paper route, and Cindy and I made our plans to hang out that night. She walked over to my grandmother's house with me. Our paper loads showed up around three in the morning and we rolled them and readied for delivery. We started on our opposite directions to deliver knowing in exactly one hour we were to meet at the end. Like a well-rehearsed play we meet at the end exactly as planned. Then walked back to my Grandmother's house. We started kissing, and that night I somehow managed to lose my virginity to a girl. Very quickly after I came and we took a hot shower together, we had to split ways so she could sneak in before her father woke up for work at seven o'clock in the morning.
I laid in the spare bed of my Grandmothers house, and after she left I masturbated several times just thinking about the fact that I had beaten everyone and was the first to actually "do it" with their girlfriend.
I was the hero at football practice that day, and very quickly became a school legend through the quick working of a well connect social fabric. By game time that night I was getting high fives from the boys, and looks of admiration from the girls.
The game was tied fourteen to fourteen, and JJ who was the quarter back, came up to me the running back and said "You remember that little thing we did in my back yard the other day?" I quickly replied "Yeah" He threw back "Do it." I just looked at him, and he gave me the 'Yeah were going to get killed, but we will win the game face" So we ran the play, won the game, and the only consolation was when they finally tackled me, I was slammed shoulder first into the goal post. and it hurt like hell.
After all of our team congratulated us, we were given a decent bitching out by our coach. By the time all was said and done we were the only two left to shower. The shower was quick and anticipatory, we couldn't wait to get home and drink, what would be our first, frothy malted beverage.
As we talked in the shower, that same different feeling I had felt the day before came again. This time stronger, and I found myself scanning my best friends body. I couldn't help but wonder why I really liked what I was looking at.
JJ was same age as I was; as a matter of fact we were born on the same day in the same hospital. At thirteen he stood about five foot ten, had a very well defined body, and the nicest bubble ass you have ever seen, he had short black hair, and deep blue eyes. It was obvious he had started puberty; even though his chest was bare. his nuts were not.
I was slightly larger at six foot tall; I was one hundred and ninety five pounds, brown hair and puppy dog brown eyes. (Which I have been told, are much better then plain brown eyes).
As quickly as we could, we got back to my house. Started a fire in the fireplace, and started drinking the beer. As quickly as we could we dumped several beers in a row. Then we started to gossip about the days events. Every now and then I stopped to complain about my shoulder hurting, cause I was a big baby.
Finally, JJ announced, "Look if you want I will massage your shoulder for you, that way you will stop bitching" I said ok, and JJ instructed me to lay down on the floor with my shirt off. I did as I was told, and he climbed on top of me, straddled at my ass and started massaging my shoulder.
I thought I was going to die, and go to heaven. Instantly I got a hard on. Shortly after he started massaging me, I figured out why he would want to do something so nice. I was on my stomach with a sore shoulder and could not push up very much as he started poking me in my tender sides. As I laughed and begged him to stop, the only thing I could do was flip over.
I can't think of anyone who can actually laugh and think at the same time. So luckily for me I flipped over and JJ slid right on top of my hard on. As I knew he would he called me on it right away. "Oh my God your dick is hard!" For about a tenth of a second I felt ridiculously embarrassed.
Then I realized his was too. I grabbed his cock and said, "Well what do you call this" He kind of laughed and said, "I can't control that thing, it has gone crazy. It gets hard when ever it wants too" I said, "Yeah seems we have similar problems"
Feeling the need to quickly change the subject, we started talking about what it was like to have sex with Cindy. (The girl from the night before. yeah I know I almost forgot about her too) After a few more beers, the alcohol took over. I grabbed the porno that I had snuck from my step dad's drawer and crammed it into the VCR. We started in to watch it.
It felt great to be lying there next to my best friend, drunk for the first time, watching porn, by a then raging fire. (Some how more wood just kept getting piled on there, even though neither of us recalls ever stocking it)
I soon realized we were watching each other more then we were watching the porno, and with out thinking I made my move. Shaking I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. His eyes got huge, and he sat up and looked at me. Then quickly leaned in and got another kiss.
As we kissed I quickly went for his crotch, I was impressed with how his cock swelled. It was every bit of seven inches long, and was quite fat. I on the other hand was longer at about eight but not as fat, and I was uncut.
After kissing for quite a while, we had rubbed each other so much the front of our Umbros were wet. I stopped kissing for a second; we just looked at each other. He looked at me and we were both scared as hell. "Do you want to?" I couldn't do anything but nod.
I started down for his dick, pulled his umbro's down and put it in my mouth. It tasted so wonderful, kind of a sweet salty taste. The musty aroma that was coming from his crotch made me want to get as close as I could.
Something snapped and JJ took over the lead role. You couldn't imagine the dirty stuff that was coming out of his mouth. "Yeah suck it fag" he would say to egg me on. "Suck that cock" I was going crazy. Then he slowed me down, "Don't suck, just hold the tip of my cock in your mouth." So I put the tip of his cock in my mouth, and just for fun started sucking it like a sucker. He looked at me, and said "I have always wanted to do this, so don' t be mad" and then it happened, and I felt the first spurt of what I thought was his cum jetting down my throat.
Very quickly as the flow intensified I knew it was not, my best friend was pissing down my throat. I quickly jerked off and swallowed what I had in my mouth; he pissed on my face for a second quickly shutting down the flow. I jumped up and said "What the fuck was that?' He looked at me kind of scared and said "I thought that's what fags do? Did it taste good?" I thought for second, and it did, it was salty but warm and it felt great to feel his cock pumping in my mouth.
I told him to lie down on the floor and I scooted down beside him with my head at his cock. I told him to "That actually tasted pretty good, lets try it again" I put my mouth around his cock and he immediately started pissing again. Both of our cocks were hard. As he pissed I started humping his leg. It felt great. I let piss dribble out of my lips and massaged them into his balls eventually finding his asshole.
I started working his cock in my mouth while rubbing his asshole, as spit dribbled down his crack; I found his ass becoming more and more lubricated. I decided to slip my finger in. As it entered his ass he moaned and bucked forward. Working his cock deeper into my mouth. I was moving in sync. Working his ass with my finger, humping his leg, and sucking his cock as best I knew how to.
Shortly he started bucking, and grunting, I knew he wasn't going to last much longer. At the rate I was humping his leg I wasn't going to either. With a few quick thrusts, I felt his hot cum shoot into my mouth, with twice the force of the piss from earlier. Quickly I shot on his leg, and continued to hump as jets of my cum flew up on his chest.
I managed to catch all of his cum in my mouth, and swallowed. And we laid there on the floor until JJ became soft in my mouth. "God I need to shower." I quickly replied "Me too" and we headed to the shower.
Once inside the shower, we kissed a bit more, I drank his piss once again. And as he was leaned over to let the water run down his back I made my move. I came up behind him, and wedged my cock in the crack of his ass and started humping him. He loved the way it felt, even though I wasn't inside him. That 's when I started to piss, I had held off for nearly six cans of beer and when I finally let go. it shot everywhere initially the flow landed in the back of JJ's head. He didn't even flinch. Instead he reached behind his head and started rubbing it in. when the flow finally slowed down we finished showering and crawled into bed. Laying apart for awhile but sometime in the night JJ had rolled over and was spooning with me.
The next morning it was as if nothing had happened. for both of us. We made plans to hang out that night after church, and said our good byes.
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