The summer that I turned 18 was a time that I will remember all my life. I had just graduated High School in June and had been working horses for a friend of my dad most of the summer. I was making $75.00 a week, which was big money for a summer job in the late 60's, most boys my age were making about $50.00 a week.
I guess I was small for my age at five foot five inches tall and about 120 if I was soaking wet, wearing boots, and coveralls with a barn coat. My red curly hair shone in the summer sun like a brand new penny and I had freckles all over my face, arms, and back. As a matter of fact, even most of the small horses I was working with that summer were bigger than me, and the bigger ones could have probably stomped me into the ground if I had let them have the upper hand.
All told, there were five of us boys working for Mr. Williams as wranglers, plus his son Billy who was 14, working the horses in the show ring, washing them down, cleaning stalls, and so forth, to get them ready for the County Fair, which would be the first week in August. Of the five of us "hired hands," only three of us knew how to ride, so we had to teach the other two how. Stanley, Jack, and I were the riders in the group. This was Stanley's second summer working there, and Jack's fourth. Jack and I were both the same age, and Stanley was just a year younger, but Danny and Martin were both two years younger than me, which made them just 16. I would have sworn that Billy was born in a saddle, because that boy could do things on a horse that I had only seen done in Westerns, and at the Circus.
I had known that I liked boys from the time that I was about eight, but I guess I was somewhat naive about sex, because at 18 I still had never touched, or been touched by, for that matter, another boy. Looking back now, the opportunities were there, I just didn't have the nerve to act on them.

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Anyway, back to the horses, or more specifically, the job. We were serious when it came to working around the horses, because it was easy to get hurt if you didn't pay attention to what you were doing. I had been thrown several times this summer myself, and I had been around horses since I was a kid. I ran barrels with quarter horses, and rode a Morgan in the show ring, open class and costume class. Jack and Stanley, who were both almost a foot taller than I was, said that I looked like a little kid on the big Morgan Stallion.
It was the week after the Fourth of July, and we were working the horses really hard. I felt like I was sweating as much as the horses were, and I'm sure that the other boys did too. By 3:00 that afternoon, we were so wet with sweat that the part of our legs that extended below our shorts would stick to the leather of the saddles and the seat of my shorts was so wet that my butt was starting to feel like it had been rubbed raw. We cooled the horses down, curried them and put them into their stalls, and were standing around outside the barn, trying to decide what to do now that it was too hot to work the horses.
Jack was the first to speak up, "Hey, why don't we go down to the creek and go swimming?" It sounded like a good idea, and we all readily agreed, never considering that the creek was nearly a mile walk from there, but then, when do teenagers ever consider something like that? It was not work, and no adults were making us go, so to us it was just "fun!"
- farm
By the time we got to the creek, we were sweating like someone had poured water over us, but we didn't really notice. There was a nice, deep swimming hole in the creek which was about 10 feet deep and a good 20 feet across. It tended to shallow out at the ends, about 25 feet or so to either side of the rope swing that was tied in a tree about center of the pool on the bank. Damn, that water looked cool and refreshing, and I couldn't wait to jump in. As I sat to take my boots off, I noticed that the other boys were all shucking their pants and underwear, so I did too. I ran for the bank, leapt into the air and grabbed the rope, swinging out over the water where I let go and hit the water with a great splash. The shock of the water temperature took my breath and I swallowed about a gallon of creek. I surfaced coughing and gagging like I had swallowed a bug or something, and as soon as I caught my breath, I let out a scream, "HOLY SHIT IT'S COLD!"
I was suddenly dragged back under water by the combined bodies of my four friends, as they splashed into the water and attacked me, en mass! Fighting my way back to the surface, I managed to swim slightly out of their treacherous reach, knowing that, if I didn't get out of their reach, I would most likely be dragged back under before I could even catch my breath.
We swam about and splashed one another for nearly an hour, when Jack and Martin seemed to disappear. I had seen them just a second before, sitting on the bank , side by side, but now they were nowhere to be seen. Not thinking a whole lot about it, I turned back to the others and continued to make the best use of the cool water. It seemed to me that every time we came to the creek, some of the guys would just disappear, only to return several minutes later. Sometimes, when one pair returned, the other pair would leave, and sometimes, only one would return and only one of the others would then leave. I never really thought that much about it.
As the sun began to set, the evening air got a little breeze to it, and I would begin to notice that my skin got all prickly feeling. That's when I knew that it was time to get out and head home. At home, I would eat dinner, read, strip my clothes off and take a shower, and then go to bed and listen to my stereo while I drifted off to sleep. Most nights, I would lay in the dark of my room and jerk off, but this time, I was just too tired.
As I slept, I dreamed about our afternoon swim, only in my dream it was Jack and I who disappeared from the group. We walked a short distance into the woods from the swimming hole, and began to play around with each other, when Jack got on his knees and began to give me head. He must have been doing a really good job of it, because I awoke to find that the sheet I was covered with, was covered with my sperm.
I would often fantasize about the boys I worked with when I masturbated, but Jack and Martin were my favorite fantasies. Jack was just under six foot, and weighed about 150. He had good tone to his body with a tan that had no tan lines at all. His coal black hair was a nice contrast to his golden tan, and made his green eyes stand out. He had a small amount of hair on his chest, which tapered into a narrow trail that led down his abdomen to his navel and then from there to his pubic area. His penis laid nicely over a pair of healthy, walnut size testicles. Even soft, I knew that it must be a giant hard, because it hung about four inches long.
Martin on the other hand was just about an inch taller than I was. His blonde hair hung to his shoulders, and was just about as curly as mine, with wisps of curls that draped his forehead, nearly hiding his deep blue eyes. His lips were full and pouting, and a little more red than boys lips usually are. He was starting to gain definition in his chest and abdomen, but still had just a hint of baby fat. Except for his pubic bush, which was very sparse, he had virtually no body hair anywhere. His penis was average for a boy his age, at about two inches soft, and his testicles still hung high and tight to his body. But the most beautiful thing about him, below the waist, was his firm bubble butt. You could bounce a quarter off of that tight pair of melons.
Anyway, I got up and went to my closet and got a fresh sheet and went back to bed. When I awoke again, it was to the sound of my alarm clock telling me it was 5:00 AM. I had to get dressed and have breakfast so that I could be at work by 6:00.
There were more long hot days, and trips to the creek, and Mr. Williams was starting to step things up on the workouts for the horses as it was quickly getting close to time for the fair. Mrs. Williams had had each of us who participated in the Costume Show Class come into the house several times for costume fittings.
My costume for the show was a Greek Warrior. The tunic was made of satin, with a red satin cape and the armor was all made of black leather, which she had made herself, copied from a picture in Billy's history book. She had even made sandals out of leather, with lacing that came almost to my knees. I would be riding the big Morgan with no saddle, just a blanket. I thought that it would be the coolest of all of the costumes she was making.
On Monday morning, the week of the fair, you could cut the tension at the barn with a knife. We all knew what our jobs were, and we tried our best to get into them, but the excitement of the week of activities in the horse ring was just too much for all of us. We spent most of the morning bathing the horses, that we would be using that night, and putting braids in tails, and manes, to keep them out of the way. This evening was the all Quarter Horse events. Everyone was pretty much dressed in jeans and western shirts, with cowboy hats and boots.
Our team took first, second and third in the barrels. I got the first place. Then we took first and third in the rescue races. The rest of the events included calf roping, corralling, and steer dogging. All together, we took home eight trophies and ribbons.
Tuesday morning was more horse washing, and tying in tail and mane extensions for the Open Class Show, and polishing and waxing the saddles and tack. I had to wear a suit for the show, so I shined and polished my boots to a bright shine. I took a second place for the show, which was pretty good considering the competition. My black western style tuxedo suit looked pretty good with the Morgan's shiny black coat.
By Thursday, we were all a bundle of nerves. That was the morning of the Costume Class show. We were excited as we worked to get the horses ready, but nobody said a word the whole morning. Mrs. Williams brought our lunch out to the back yard and we had sort of a pic-nic lunch. After lunch, Mr. Williams told us to go to the barn and take a nap in the tack room because he wanted us all well rested for the show. There were six bunks in the tack room, and it was air conditioned, so it would be nice and comfortable. I don't think any of us slept much, because of the excitement, but the air was a welcome relief from the hot, early August day, and we were pretty well rested when Mr. Williams told us to get showered to head for the fair.
At the fairgrounds, we unloaded the horses and put them into their assigned stalls. This was going to be a really long evening, because there were over 150 horses in the stalls, with riders putting the final touches to their coats. I was rubbing the Morgan down with Lanolin so that he would really shine, and brushing him down when Mrs. Williams walked in and hung a clothes bag on the fence.
"Be careful and don't get anything on this. You probably shouldn't put it on until about time for you to be in the ring."
"I promise, I'll take care of it."
"By the way, you're number 46. That gives you until about 8:00. The bridal tag is in the bag with your armor."
"Great, more time to wait and let the nerves build up" I thought to myself as I returned my attention to the Morgan.
At 6 :00, Mr. Williams walked into the show barn and told us it was time to go grab something to eat. We all went over to the concession house and had burgers and hot dogs, with French fries and cokes. As we sat eating, we joked and cut up with one another, teasing about how the show was going to go. Mr. Williams then said that we had better get back, because Jack was the fourth rider and he had to get dressed in his costume still so we gathered up our trash and put it into the can and headed for the barn, which was about a five minute walk.
Back at the barn, we all helped Jack get ready. He was riding an American Saddle Bred gray, and wearing a confederate officer's uniform. The darker gray of his uniform made him stand out against the color of the horse. There was a bit of a commotion behind me, and as I turned, I saw Jack sprawled on the straw on the floor of the stall with his pants on his feet, but nowhere else. I laughed so hard I thought I would wet myself. He had tried to put the pants on, without taking off his boots.
"Looks like you tried to put the cart before the horse Jack."
"Just shut up and give me a hand."
I bent to pull the pants legs back off of his feet and his boots came off with them, causing more laughter. After finally getting the boots untangled from the pants, I handed them back to Jack.
"Here, and you had better get a move on, because I just heard them call number two."
Jack hurriedly finished dressing and lead his horse from the stall. I had to admit, he looked extremely handsome in that uniform, leading that big gray horse. I could feel my erection straining against the front of my jeans as I watched him, gracefully, mount the horse. As Jack rode over to the staging area, I walked over to the next stall to see if Martin needed any help getting ready.
As I entered the stall, I was surprised to see poor Martin standing there in nothing but his Jockey Briefs, with a perplexed look on his face.
"What's the matter Marty?"
Looking like he was about to cry, Martin looked up, "I have had this thing on four times when Mrs. Williams was making it, and I still can't remember how it goes."
"Here, let me give you a hand with that." I said as I took the robe from him. "Raise your arms straight up over your head."
I rolled the bottom part of the robe up and held it over his head as he pushed his arms into the sleeves. Letting go of the bundled up material, it fell down his body, and I pulled at the fabric here and there, brazenly rubbing my hand over his package and butt, pretending to smooth out imaginary wrinkles. I tied the sash around his waist and then helped him into the tunic that covered the whole thing, again rubbing his now partially erect penis as I smoothed out more imaginary wrinkles. When I put the crown on his head, I stepped back and jokingly bowed saying, "Your Majesty!" as I was bowing, I couldn't help noticing that the fabric seemed to tent outward just below the sash at his waist. I helped him get up on his horse and handed him his shield and sword. Wishing him good luck, I turned to go back to my stall to get ready thinking that Martin looked like a young King Arthur as he rode toward the door.
I was talking to the Morgan as I started taking off my clothes to put on my costume. The tunic slipped over my head and I pulled it down where it belonged. It fit close at the torso, and waist, and then skirted out at the bottom, down almost to my knees. As I was looking through the bag for the different pieces of armor, I was relieved to find that Mrs. Williams had had the foresight to make a pair of briefs to go with it. I guess she realized that since I didn't wear underwear, I would need something. I had always worn a pair of Billy 's when trying the thing on while she was making it.
She had also used a new thing called "Velcro" to fasten the different pieces of armor on. It worked really well. When I had everything on, I lead the Morgan out of the stall and tied the bridle to the gate. I had just gotten up when Mrs. Williams and Billy walked in. She handed me a Greek warrior's helmet, which fit perfectly. Billy then handed me a large shield and a spear.
"You look just like Alexander the Great sitting there. Go out there and have fun!" she said, smiling up at me.
I rode over to the door of the barn and waited for them to call my number. I could feel the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach as I waited.
Suddenly, the loud speaker barked, "Number 46, Ray Mullins, riding for Williams Stables, theme; Alexander the Great!"
I rode into the ring and made the required number of revolutions, putting the horse through his paces. The big Morgan was so well trained that the only signals I had to use for him to change gait was to tap his flank with my heel, and to make him turn I only had to lean the reins against his neck. At the end of the fourth time around, I had to pull him up facing the judges stand, wait 60 seconds and then turn him sideways and have him stand for an additional 60 seconds. Then I lowered the spear and kicked him, and he ran as I guided him half way around the ring and back into the barn to very loud applause from the audience. I was really glad that I had the briefs on, because the skirt of the tunic wouldn't stay down with the horse running, and my hands were both occupied with the spear and shield, as well as the reins.
Inside the barn I rode over to the stall, and dropped the shield and spear as I got down off the big horse, then put him into the stall. We had to stay in costume in case we were called back into the ring at the end of the show, so I got a brush and curried the horse down to help him calm down. As I was exiting the stall, Martin came over, having finished putting his horse away, and ask if I wanted to take a walk to the restroom. Since it had been a couple of hours since I had been, I suddenly really had to pee badly, so I agreed readily. We talked about our performances in the ring as we walked along, laughing and cutting up as we went.
There were several people in the restroom, which was actually just a large concrete block building with four urinals and four rough wooden stalls along one wall, and four wash basins along another wall. The other walls were bare, and there was one large light bulb in the center of the ceiling. As we stood along one wall waiting for someone to leave, the doors on the last two stalls, furthest from the door to the building, opened and Martin and I hurried in. because of the distance from the center of the room, the stalls were quite dark and shadowy.
Martin was in the last stall, and I was in the one next to him. I noticed that there was a large hole in the walls on each side of me and I could clearly see the person sitting on the commode next to me. I also found that if I bent forward a little, I could see Martin, from the waist down, standing there peeing into the bowl of his stall. It suddenly dawned on me that the man in the stall to my right was massaging his, quite erect, penis and I stood there, with my own penis in my hand, and my eyes transfixed on the scene through the hole.
I didn't hear the door open behind me and was a little startled when I felt a hand take hold of my hard penis from behind me. I turned to see Martin standing there, smiling at me. As I stood there, he moved around me and sat on the commode. He leaned forward and licked the head with his tongue, then slowly swallowed the whole seven inches into his throat, then began bobbing his head up and down the length of my hard penis. I felt my knees tremble as the sensations shot through me like an electric arc. Martin was sucking like his whole life depended on it, and I was seeing stars.
It was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced. When I felt my pending climax churning in my balls, I told Martin that I was about to cum, thinking he would move out of the way, but he just sucked that much harder, until I felt the searing heat of my orgasm as it made it's way through the length of my penis, filling his mouth. I had never experienced a climax that hard or that full, and Martin swallowed every drop, not allowing any to escape his sucking mouth. As my spent penis began to deflate, Martin let it out of his mouth, then took some tissue and gently wiped the head to make sure that there was nothing to spot the costume.
I whispered to him to stand up and trade me places so that I could do him, but he said that we should really be getting back to the barn before the others started wondering where we were and come looking. That's when I noticed that there were eyes peering at us from both of the holes in the adjoining stalls. Martin and I quickly left the restroom and went back to the barn.
Jack, Danny, and Stanley all gave us knowing looks as we returned to the barn. We had arrived none too soon, because they were announcing the numbers of the participants that they wanted back in the ring. There were eight numbers called, with five of them being ours. We quickly got our horses from the stalls and mounted, then rode out of the barn into the ring. I took second place, and Martin took first, while the other three took honorable mention.
We rode in the trailer with the horses on the way back to the farm, talking about the events of the evening. When we arrived at the farm, I asked Martin if he would like to spend the night with me, and Jack walked over and said, no way dudes, we're all staying the night in the tack room, the rest of us haven't had a chance at that cock of yours, and we've been drooling over it all summer.
That night was my coming out, and boy, did I ever. We sucked each other all night long, but the one I enjoyed most was Martin. The next morning, he and I showered together, and I fucked him. Needless to say, it was awesome, and I couldn't wait until he returned the favor, but that's another story.
The rest of August and the first two weeks of September, we spent many more fun afternoons out at the creek, but there wasn't a whole lot of swimming being done.
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