Ken had heard about the first-floor men's room in the arts building but he had never gone there until today. He passed to row of lockers separating the washroom from the main corridor and pushed open the door.
At the entrance was a row of sinks and then to the left was a row of urinals to the left and right followed by the cubicles. Ken was nervous and there was a split second of panic when he saw a guy standing at one of the urinals but did not want to attract undue attention to himself so he quickly moved to one of the vacant urinals and pretended to take a piss. A few seconds later the guy finished and left. Ken zipped up and moved to the section of cubicles and found an empty one second to the last on the left. He entered and undid his pants and sat down. Ken immediately noticed all the graffiti and had started to read some of it when his eye caught sight of movement in the stall to his left. That's when he noticed the hole in the divider. Not a very big hole, about the size of a quarter, but certainly big enough to see the guy in the next stall jacking off. Ken sprung a boner and his heart was racing. This was better than he had imagined. Ken's hand moved to his stiff cock and he started to stroke in rhythm to his friend next door. The guy's dick was circumcised and about 6" long. The twisted patch of hair around his balls was blond and disappeared at his legs.
The guy's legs were perfectly smooth. Ken's dick was leaking juice and its head had turned a bright red color. Ken's thoughts were interrupted by a whisper from his j/o buddy. "Let's go somewhere so I can suck it." Ken couldn't believe it. His first time in the tea room and this guy wants to give Ken a blow job. "Ok, where?" Ken asked. "Follow me," came the reply. Ken was only a few seconds behind his friend when they entered the main corridor and turned right. A few seconds later, just passed the large lecture theater they turned right again and through a door leading to a stair-well and up the stairs. They climbed passed the fifth floor where the stairs ended at a platform before a locked door leading to the roof.
The area was dimly lit by a single bulb behind the exit sign. The light was enough to get a good look at his friend. They introduced themselves and Ken was pleased by Burt's package. 5'8", blond hair bluntly cut and shaved at the neck, green eyes and full pouty lips contrasted by Ken's 5'10", brown wavey hair, brown eyes. Burt put a hand out to Ken's straining crotch and gave a firm squeeze. Ken moaned with pleasure and returned the action. Soon they both had they pants down around their ankles and were feeling each other's basket through their Calvins. Burt got down in front of Ken and pulled down Ken's shorts. Burt gave a quiet whistle of admiration at Ken's hefty 8-incher. Then starting at Ken's balls, Burt bathed his sack in velvety warmth. Ken sighed and leaned back against the wall spreading his legs slightly to give his buddy better access to his nuts. After a few minutes of intense ball-washing Burt traced the veins on Ken's dick up to its purple head.
Ken gasped when Burt covered his dick with his mouth. "Yea man, that's beautiful, suck my cock." Burt pushed deeper until Ken's cock was happily passed Burt's tonsils. "Mmmmm, that it, suck it...suck my fucking cock...oh yea that's right." Burt quickly developed a rhythm and Ken's fat cock pistoned in and out of his friend's eager mouth. Burt had moved a hand between Ken's legs and was pulling on his balls. With his other hand Burt was fisting his own aching dick. "Yea man," Ken breathed, "pull my balls...pull'm hard man...fuck I'm close...yea suck my cock, suck it deep 'cause I'm going to shoot -- Ah, fuck!! Ken, blasted the back of Burt's throat with hot thick cum. "Oh yea baby, drink my cock-snot...yea feed on it man -- fuck that's great. Burt released Ken's dick and licked the cum from his lips. "I'm gonna cum!" Burt exclaimed.
"Cum on me man,"Ken said, "I want ta feel your hot cum!" Ken squated down and pulled his shirt up as Burt stood and took aim. The force of the first blast from Burt's straining cock took Ken by surprise. It was tick and sticky, hot and funky. Burt shot 8 or 9 good-sized splats on Ken's chest. The shear quantity was amazing. While Burt was still shooting Ken leaned forward and took his buddy's dick into his mouth and greedily drank the rest of Burt's impressive load. Ken rubbed this stick load into his chest and crotch. Ken was laughing now. "Shit Burt, that was a big fucking load. I don't think I'll shower for a while cause the funky smell will remind me of you." Burt laughed, "any time man, that was great. Maybe next time you can fuck me." "That'd be great, you've got a great ass. I'd love to fuck you." They got dressed and exchanged phone numbers. This was the first of many experiences they shared together. And it wasn't the last time they went to the campus tea room.
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