Robert Fisher owned a squalid apartment building on the river side of town. The year was 1947, a time of a real housing shortage. This ensured that Fisher's apartments were always tenanted. To be fair, his rents were cheap but the apartments really needed a great deal of money spent on them.
The landlord, a big man in his early fifties, was busy knocking on the door of Apartment 102.
Julie Grace looked frightened when she saw the unwelcome visitor.
"Your husband home?", asked the landlord.

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"No". Her eyes dropped. "He's out looking for work".
'Drinking in some pub, more likely', thought Fisher. Work in post-war Europe was available for any man who wanted it. A baby started crying inside the apartment.
"I won't keep you. Ask Mr Grace to drop by the Supervisor's office. I'll be waiting". The big man padded off down the badly-lit corridor. The woman sighed and went to tend to her baby.
- historical
There was no longer any Supervisor. Those rooms were used by the landlord. Through a venetian blind Fisher watched his tenants come and go. Most paid their dues and were simply grateful to have a roof over their heads, even one that sometimes leaked.
The lobby door opened and in walked Billy Grace. The 20 year old was slender and still boyish looking. His good looks were spoiled by a perpetual frown.
"A word, if you please, Mr Fisher". The landlord ushered his tenant into the office.
"Look, if it's about the rent I - I promise to have it for you by Friday". The young man was sweating. "The baby's been sick and ..."
"I know", the landlord interrupted him. "You've told me the same yarn for the last four weeks. I want you out of here by Friday".
"B-but we've nowhere to go".
"I'm not running a charity". The landlord said, quietly.
The seriousness of the situation finally hit Billy. His frown deepened. "What am I to do?"
The big man sighed. "I suppose I could help you out", he said slowly. "But it'll cost you".
"Anything !"
"Hmm". Fisher looked at the young man. "I'll wipe the debt in return for a favour, sexual I mean".
It took a minute for it to sink in. "Not Julie!" his voice was little more than a whisper. "She's not been well since the baby ..".
His voice broke off as the landlord's big hand started feeling Billy's taut bottom through his trousers.
"Nice!" Fisher murmured, still fondling the young man's firm mounds.
"I'm no queer", Billy said, but made no effort to pull away.
"Of course you're not". His landlord was reassuring. "Purely a business arrangement". His finger felt the crack of Billy's arse and lingered on the hole.
The young man asked: "Will it hurt?"
"Not after you get used to it". Fisher's hand continued to massage the trouser-encased bum-cheeks.
"Yes", Billy whispered his assent. At least this way his family wouldn't be thrown out on the street. "When do you want to ..."
"Now". The landlord locked the door and pulled down the venetian blinds. He undid his braces and stepped out of his trousers and underpants. Billy gasped at the sight of the man's erect penis.
"Show time", said Fisher, unbuttoning the young man. When Billy's alabaster arse was revealed in all its glory, the landlord bent him over a table. Fisher got down on his knees and licked Billy's crack with his warm, wet tongue. He paid particular attention to the young man's pink puckered hole with it's ripe aroma of unwashed flesh and an even less savory scent. The landlord marvelled at Billy's smooth little arse with its small pink anus. He sucked that pucker right inside his mouth while the tenant pushed his mounds back, indicating how much he was enjoying the novel sensation.
Billy shivered with pleasure as the older man tongue-bathed his virgin fundament. He felt his own limp cock stir. His senses were truly overwhelmed by the intimate, obscene thing the landlord was doing to him.
"You might like to bite on a knuckle", the man suggested as he positioned the knob of his cock at Billy's back entrance and pushed. Fisher's cock was as rigid as a steel poker going up the young man's orifice. The landlord pushed until his balls brushed against pale hemispheres.
Billy clamped his sphincter, trying to repel the fleshy invader but to no avail. The tight muscle protested painfully as the warm, pulsating intruder filled his chute. Fisher waited, allowing the younger man to get used to the strange sensation. Then he started thrusting. Billy's insides churned around the cock.
'Strewth, he's tight' thought the landlord, marvelling at the swirling feeling inside that hot, juicy tunnel. He slammed into Billy so hard it brought tears to the young man's eyes.
Growing up, Billy's bare backside had felt his stepfather's belt often enough yet that was nothing conpared to what Fisher's cock was now doing to his arse. 'He's fucking the shit out of me', the tenant worried. Fisher's flesh-pole acted like a piston-rod inside Billy's chute. 'That big pile-driver's going to split me open and my guts'll spill out - all over the bleeding floor'. A belting hurt, especially the way his old man used to lay it on, but never like this.
The assault on the young man's fundament was unrelenting. After many minutes Billy no longer felt any pain. It was as if his landlord's cock had become a living part of him. Billy forgot any fears he had and, instead, totally abandoned himself to an overpowering feeling of lust. Fisher realised the change of heart and rode the young man even harder than before. The landlord grunted with exertion as flesh slapped against flesh. Billy's own cock swelled.
An age passed before Fisher groaned and the young man felt load after load of spunk layer the walls of his rectum. The man pulled out of him.
"You can clean up in there". The landlord indicated the door to a toilet. As Billy hurried past him, the landlord noticed the young man's erection. 'Something for him to take home to the wife', he thought with a grin. He wiped his own deflated cock clean and then got dressed again.
Billy sat on the toilet gingerly expelling a large quantity of man-seed and bowel juices, relieved his intestines remained intact. 'The old bugger certainly knew what he was doing', he thought. 'Billy Fisher taking a cock up the arse! Who'd have believed it'?
When the young man finally emerged looking a bit sheepish, Fisher handed him a receipt marked 'Paid in full'.
That night, in their seedy upstairs apartment, the young man, spurred on by the pain in his fundament and fear about his manhood, fucked his woman so hard she experienced her first orgasm. Her ecstatic yell woke the baby.
One week later, Billy returned to the landlord's office. The big man watched while his tenant locked the door and lowered the blinds.
"What are you doing?" Fisher asked.
Billy started unbuttoning his braces. "Paying the rent".
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