For the past six months the passengers and crew of the ship Spindrift had to struggle to stay alive. Ever since that fateful day when there ship traveling from Los angles to London went through a space vortex and the ship crashed landed in the land of the giants. Here on this planets the inhabitants were enormous even the children stood close to one hundred feet tall. For most of passengers and crew thought there ordeal had been an absolute nightmare. Only one member of the crew thought there stay here was a wondrous adventure that person was an eleven year old boy named Barry Lockridge.
To the other passengers Barry was a nuisance and always in the way, but he did not care Barry always fantasized about giants and what it would be like to meet a giant. Here in this wonderful place he could actually act on his fantasy, also Barry new he was gay and hoped to meet a giant boy his own age who felt the same way. As Barry's luck would have it the ship crashed in a wooded area close to a middle school, he discovered this one day when he took his dog chipper for a walk. It was there that he met the giant boy of his dreams. The giant had blue eyes and blond hair and Barry thought he was beautiful even that dorky uniform of low cut shorts knee socks and blazer were gorgeous he would have to find a way to meet him.
Billy kobick son of the famous inspector Martin Kobick head of the most powerful government agency the S.I.D. Billy's father had just been promoted to head the agency and was in charge of the task force assembled to capture the feared little people, made his way up the steps of the Johnson Middle school with only one thing on his mind more than anything else in the world eleven year old Billy wanted to capture one of the tiny little people. But not just any little people he was looking to capture the tiny earth boy.
Ever since the news had been released and photos shown of the arrival of the tiny people all Billy could think of was capturing the tiny boy. He even joined to the delight of his father the little people capture squad, but he did not join for his father Billy could never talk to him he was always to busy. So he kept his secret of liking boys much better than girls to himself not even his friends knew he was gay.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
But when the news came out about the little people and he saw the photo of the tiny boy who looked the same age as him, Billy became almost obsessed with finding out as much information about the tiny invaders. If the truth be told Billy really did not care What happened to the other little people he did not care if they were caught and experimented on like his father told him or if they were stepped on all he wanted was Barry. Billy fantasized about what fun it would be to have the tiny boy sit on his tool and jack him off and make that white jizz come out something that had just recently happened for the first time. Sometimes when he was alone And his baby brother was not around he would take out his toy solider and use it to jack himself with it pretending it was the tiny boy little did he know his fantasy would soon come true.
Barry to was obsessed with finding out more information about the boy and often took chances by following him into the school. As luck would have Barry found a drain pipe that led into the boys showers, he was also delighted to find out that his giant had gym class three times a week and would talking showers after class.
Barry was thrilled he was going to see this giant boy naked the thought of it made his paints tent up with excitement. So Barry carefully planed chippers after noon walk at the same time as the boys shower. Barry was not disappointed as he watched the giant Shower he marveled at how large the boys organ was, even in a relaxed state it was as large as himself when excited it would be considerably larger then himself. Barry felt himself get hard from watching the spectacle towering above him, from his observation post Barry was pleased to see that the boy's shower much longer than the rest of the other boys. So much so that when the boy finished the other giants had dressed and let the locker room giving Barry an idea he would put his plan into action soon.
- sf-fantasy
The next time the Giant showered Barry waited until the cost was clear when the other boy's dressed and left Barry removed his cloths and left them in the pipe and carefully stepped into the shower. When he looked up he was thrilled to see the boy jacking himself, throwing caution to the wind he decided to move in for a better view. Standing just in front on the giant feet he looked up at the giant boy stroking himself at a furious pace and a loud moan of pleasure came from the boy.
UN able to fight off the need to pleasure him self Barry began to follow the boys lead and began to jerk himself. Closing his eyes Barry imagined himself atop the giant organ, Suddenly Barry was Snapped to reality when he was splashed with water he opened his eyes to see the giant boy stamping his feet and pumping his self even faster. Then we heard the giant say oh yea I'm going to squirt. Barry decided to get out of range and was backing up when he tripped over the drain falling on his back.
Getting over the pain of falling Barry looked up and what he saw shocked him. Raining down upon him was the thick hot Jizz from the giant organ. Covered in this warm milky white stuff felt wonderful but when he tried to get up he found he could not He was caught like a fly in fly paper he was trapped.
Billy had the best orgasm he ever had and shot his biggest load ever. Looking down he saw something moving in his spunk, Cool He said out loud I trapped a bug in my jizz I think Ill step on it. As He started to lower his foot he heard a tiny voice scream no don't step on me I'm not a bug. Curious Billy with drew his foot and got down on his hands and knees to get a better look at what was trapped by his jizz. Holly shit Billy said there trapped in his seed was the tiny earth boy. Using his fingers Billy extracted Barry From his jizz and placed him in the palm of his hand, getting to his feet he walked over to the showers cupped his hands and let the water rinse the tiny boy off. Hi I'm Billy the giant said what's your name.
Shivering the tiny boy called out Barry Lockridge pleased to me you. Like wise the giant boy replied but what are you doing here? I wanted to met you Barry called up to him; Billy's heart skipped a beat this tiny boy wanted to meet him. This was too good to be true Here he was holding in the palm of his hand the one thing he had been obsessing about for months, the tiny earth boy as he brought his hand up to eye level to get a better look at him. He marveled at just how hot this tiny boy was he also noticed the boy was shivering.
Are you cold Billy asked? A little Barry replied well I can take care of that Billy said and with that once again cupped his hands And blew his warm breath on the tiny boy, the giant's sweet warm breath felt wonderful and caused him to get hard all over again how old are you Barry Billy asked? Ill be twelve in six months Barry said me to Billy said the giant noticed the tiny boys erection And thought to him self he must like boys like me.
Wanting to be the first to break the ice Billy said I like boys better than girls he said with a sheepish grin on his face. Me to said Barry Smiling with relief that this giant felt the same way he did about boys. We can have lots of fun together if you want Billy said, sure said Barry it will be great. Cool said Billy but first I need to get dressed so I can go to my next class, Barry told the boy were his cloths were but Billy said your with me now you wont need them. He then went into the dressing and put Barry down on the bench.
Looking at his watch he saw that he had another fifteen minutes until his next class. Looking down he could see that Barry was masturbating again with a smile on his face, he said hey Barry like what you see wiggling his organ in his direction? The tiny boy nodded his head that he did. Want a closer look Billy asked? Yes Barry yelled up at him Billy sat down on the bench with the tiny Boy between his legs like what you see he asked?
Barry was surrounded by a wall of flesh and directly in front of him was the biggest ball sack and dick he had ever seen. The sac was like a giant bean bag and the growing organ above him blocked out the light. Once again Barry said yes well then said Billy show me how much you like it. Barry walked up to the giant sac and hugged it causing Billy to moan in pure ecstasy; instinctively he started to climb the giant sac. It's a good thing I took rock climbing lessons last year he thought to him self.
Billy was in sensory overload the feeling that the tiny boy made on his sensitive skin was driving him crazy, and now his was climbing his sac like you would climb on a rock this was way cool. Barry finished his climb and mounted the giant head of the boys cock. Looking up he saw the giant boy smiling down at him lovingly, make me squirt he said Barry just waved and set off on his task.
Ten minutes latter with Barry in Billy's hand went back to the sink to clean both of them off. With Billy now dressed in his uniform He picked Barry off the bench and said I have to find a safe place to hide my tiny boy, where are you going to put me Barry asked? Billy smiled and said that's what so cool about you Barry You are so tiny I could hide you any were, but I think you will safe and most comfortable if I put you in my briefs that is unless you would rather go in my pocket. No Barry said your briefs will be fine with Me, cool Billy said and instinctively kissed the tiny boy and then lowered him on to the base of his organ. As he walked to his next class a shudder of pleasure went through him he hoped he could make it through the rest of the day with out creaming in his paints.
Although it took an extreme effort Billy managed to get through the rest of his school day. Now he was headed home to spend an enjoyable time together with the one person he loved more then any one else and that person was ridding as a passenger in his shorts. Oh he loved his parents and his younger 8 year old brother Jason, who was also gay in fact it was with his younger brother that he came to realize that he preferred boys to girls both boys had Fun together making up different games
As he made his way down the front steps of his school Billy made sure no one was following him and ducked around the side of the building. Opening the elastic band of is shorts and briefs he peered Down at the tiny boy sitting on his shaft, hey Barry are you ok he asked softly? Fine came the tiny boys reply Billy smiled and said Ok we will be home soon and closed his paints and briefs.
As he was making his way back to the front of building he ran into His best friend Scott, what are you doing here and who were you talking to Scott asked? None of your business Billy said Scott noticed that Billy had an erection and was flushed were you talking to your wiener he said laughing?
Billy said don't be a jerk as he pushed passed him and headed for home, hey were are you going Scott called after him I thought we were going to hang out? Billy stopped and faced his best friend look he said I can't today but I promise tomorrow I hang with you all day ok? Scott looked dejected but didn't want to anger his best friend and push the matter ok ill se you tomorrow he said. Billy arrived home and looked at his watch good he thought to him self his younger brother would not be home for another forty five minutes plenty of time for some fun with Barry. He took a snack for both of them and headed up to his room, setting the snack on his night table he shucked of his shorts and briefs and plucked the tiny boy off his growing shaft. Holding Barry in his palm he kissed the tiny boy and said I love you. To Barry this was pure bliss to have this giant blond giant god tell him that he loved him was more that he could stand.
For more than to years he had been an orphan since the death of his parents. Forced to live with relatives that looked at him as an annoying burden and had not shown him any love at all, now here He was in the land of the giants found by a giant boy who told him that he loved him made his heart sing. I love you to Billy he said Causing a huge grin to appear on the billboard sized face of the giant boy.
After they finished there snacks of cookies and milk which was a crumb for Barry, Billy picked up Barry and placed him in his hand And said I'm going to make you squirt like you never squirted before. And gently spread the tiny boy's legs and began to slowly probe the tiny boy's organ. For Barry this was the first time another boy had touched him down there, and the feeling was just what he hopped it would be it was wonderful.
As Billy continued to stroke the tiny earth boy's organ Barry began to push it against the giant finger. Wow he really likes this he thought to him self after a few more minutes of attention from the giant digit Barry exploded all over Billy's finger. Oh awesome Billy said as he licked Barry's juice from his finger, it was the first Time he had ever tasted boy jizz before and he liked the taste.
Barry laid painting in the palm of Billy's hand Billy smiled down Down at the tiny boy did you like that Barry he asked? Oh yea he called up to him that was great. Cool now you can make me squirt Jacking you made me really stiff, my pleasure replied Barry; can you climb my balls again and make your way to the top of my head asked Billy that was really neat? You got it the tiny boy said.
Billy laid down on his bead but propped his head up so he could watch Barry, then placed the tiny boy down between his legs and awaited the pleasure that he was going to receive this is so cool he thought. Barry stood between Billy's legs at the base of the giant sac and looked up he could see Billy smiling down at him, and directly above him standing like a flag poll was giant wiener that he was going to get to the top of.
As he made his assent to the giant tip of Billy's head he heard the giant moan is blissful delight, Pre cum began to drip down slowing his progress but after a while he had reached his objective and was now sitting on the head of Billy's penis. As he looked down the slit of Billy's organ, an idea came to him I wonder just how much of me will fit inside. Slowly he began to slide he feet in to the giant slit.
Billy sat up and removed Barry and placed him into his hand Barry was concerned maybe he had gone too far to fast, I'm sorry he said To Billy I wanted to try something new. Billy smiled and said don't be I just thought of a new game we could play. What game Barry asked? Well I can put you in my wiener and jack myself and shoot you out with my jizz.
Barry said gee Billy I don't know about this, come on Barry Billy said it will be great just like at the circus were they shoot a man out of a cannon. But if you don't want to we don't have to Billy said with a sad look on his face. Not wanting to disappoint the giant boy Barry said ok Billy you can shoot me out of your wiener.
With a huge grin on his face he said great you're going to love this, picking the tiny boy he first brought him to his lips and gave him an affectionate kiss. Then set up his pillows to catch the tiny boy that was going to explode from his organ, with his free hand he separated his organs lips and inserted Barry up to his waste into the huge penis.
It was a tight fit but not uncomfortable you sure look funny sticking out of my wiener Billy said with a laugh. Ha ha very funny Barry said. Don't be mad Billy said he certainly did not want to offend the tiny boy, forget Barry said with a smile of relief Billy said ok are you ready he asked? Barry singled that he was.
Billy began to stroke himself slowly at first the feeling of the tiny boy inside him was the coolest he ever felt. Better than just jacking by himself, even better when his younger brother jacked him, he could feel his jizz rising inside him struggling against the cork which was Barry to escape.
After a few more strokes Barry shot like the bullet from a gun and slammed to one of the pillows designed to catch him. The feeling of being shot out of Billy's tool was pretty cool, he to could feel his jizz pressing against him and lubricating him at the same time. Billy lie back in bed and breathed heavily Barry had just given him the best orgasm of his eleven years of life.
He looked up and saw that Barry covered in his Jizz was stuck to the pillow, an idea came to him using his organ he pressed it into The small of the tiny boy's back an extracted him from the pillow Leaving him stuck on the top of his penis. He looked like something stuck to a fork. Exhausted Billy lie back on his bed and closed his eyes for a few moments.
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