I got up early and decided to go on my walk early. I live on Windward Avenue about two blocks from the boardwalk in Venice Beach. California. I had lived there since my lover died, about five years ago. We had been together for 54 years, and now I am alone so every day I walk to the boardwalk just to have something to do. It takes me some time to get to the boardwalk because at my age; I am 87 years old, I can't walk very fast; with having to use a walker. As I passed the venders on the boardwalk I greeted each one, they all said hi to me and I to then, I see then every day. It does an old man good to know that he has so many friends.
Will maybe more acquaintances, but it is better than to have no friends. Going over to a cafe on the boardwalk I ordered a coffee and sweet role and took them over to a bench to watch all of the people walk by. As I was sitting there I happened to look down and there in the grass (well really it was mostly mud) I saw something shining. Bending down I saw that is was a ring. I took a stick that was there on the ground and dug out the ring. I didn't put it on because it was so dirty so I put it in my pocket. I continued on my walk
The next day when I woke I took the ring and washed it to get all of the mud off of it. Putting it on and examining it I found it was a beautiful ring with some ancient runes carved into it and it looked like gold. It looked as if it were a very fine piece of jewelry. Well it was time for my walk so I took my walker and walked down to the beach to have my coffee. Today looked as if it would be much like every other day, not so much fun having nothing to do and physically unable to do anything. After getting my coffee I took it over to a bench to sit there and watch the people. If you have ever been on the boardwalk in Venice you know how entertaining it is to sit and watch all of the very interesting people. A young boy about 25 years old skated up on a pair of roller blades. Well when you are 87 years old you think 25 is young. When he got in front of me he took off his T-shirt and proceeded to wipe the sweat off of his face and sat down beside me. He looked over to me and said, "Hi Tom". Well I didn't recognize him and said, " I am sorry but I don't remember meeting you. Have I seen you at the local gay bar?" There are a lot of young boys I have met but didn't recognize. Laughing he said, "I am sorry but you don't know me but I know you. You can call me Djinn." Well I tell you this guy Jin was beautiful. He was about 6 feet tall and 195 pounds of solid mussel, dark hair with sun-bleached streaks, and bright green eyes. His body had almost no hair on it but a line running down into his very brief running shorts, which were made of some very thin silky fabric. And it looked like he was not wearing any underwear. And let me till you, what I saw, I was very imprested. And I was enjoying looking at his sweating body glistening in the sun. Now this boy was the definition of beautiful. "Jin, that's an unusual name" I said. "Is it like Jin as in cotton Jin, or gin like in gin and tonic?" "No" he said, "it is djinn, and djinn is not my name it is what I am. My name is Bahman" "Like the djinn in the lamp or the bottle?" "Yes," he said "but I am not just any djinn, I am your djinn." "Mine? How are you mine?" I said with surprise. He answered me saying "Well I am the djinn of the ring and you own the ring therefore you own me. "Don't be ridiculous." I said, "People don't own other people." " I told you I am not people. I am a Djinn and I belong to you" Laughing I said, " Well, you know as well as I that djinns don't exist." "I am sitting beside you so I am living proof that we exist. Come, walk with me and I can prove what I say." I had nothing else to do so I said that I would walk with him a little ways. We had walked about five blocks when I realized I didn't have my walker and was surprised that I could walk that far without it. I told him that I would have to go back and get it. Bahman said "You won't need it any more now that I am with you" I knew that I could not walk that far without it, but somehow I had. Also I noticed he had left his blades behind and I commented on it. Again he laughed, it seems he was always laughing, and said that someone would find them and make good use of them. "While we are walking let me tell you a story." He said. I had nothing else to do so I said that he should tell me.
"I was born in the north, in an area that you would think of as Germany. When I was about 10 years old a group of slavers raided our village and killed most of the men and took the women and children. I don't know what happened to most of the people but I was taken and sold to a merchant as a houseboy. I never saw my mother or any of my brothers again. The merchant was a very good man and he treated me kindly. He took me to a distant land known as Persia. It was in the reign of Cyrus the great. I served the merchant for about 10 years when he died under mysterious circumstances. It was thought that his nephew had killed him for his riches, but no one did anything about it. The nephew inherited all that the good merchant had, that included me. This nephew was called Goodarz and was a very cunning and crafty man and not trustworthy at all. It was rumored that Goodarz was a wizard but wizardry was against the law so no one knew for sure. Now this Goodarz had a beautiful son whose name was Shahrokh. Goodarz was always very cruel to me but his son, Shahrokh was kind to me. One day Shahrokh called me into his sleeping chamber and put me to work cleaning his room. As I was cleaning he came up behind me, putting his arms around me from behind started kissing my neck. I didn't know what to think but Shahrokh declared his love for me. He told me how he didn't like the way his father treated me but there was nothing he could do about it. We started seeing each other in secret and making love when his father was not at home. One day when his father was not at home Shahrokh and I were in his bed and I had my manhood buried deep in his so very tight hot body when all of a sudden a very loud voice yelled. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SON YOU FILTHY BOY? Well as you can imagine that ruined our lovemaking. If Shahrokh had been on the top it would not have been so bad because I was a slave and a slave was expected to be on the bottom. It was unseemly for a salve to be on top of his master's son. But the son could have been on top of me and nothing would have been said about it.
Goodarz said he would have to punish us both. Goodarz sent Shahrokh away to live with Goodarz sister in another city many miles away. Every day Goodarz would beat me. One day he came home and giving an evil laugh he said that he finally found a fitting punishment for me. He told me to stand in the middle of the room and he took a knife and cut my hand and collected some blood and sprinkled the blood around me in a circle. He took a new gold ring and put it in the circle with me. Goodarz said some words in a langrage that I didn't understand. He took a wand and tapped the ring three times and then with the wand tapped me three times. All of a sudden a great pain shot through me and every thing went black so black that nothing at all could be seen. I could not move I could not see but I was aware of my body, which was very cold. I staid like this, in this prison of cold and darkness for what seemed like many years. The punishment he gave me was pure torture. All of a sudden I became aware of being set free and I knew instinctively that I had been changed into a djinn and I was a slave to the wearer of the ring. Looking down I found that I was in a woman's body, and a very fat dirty old man was salivating over me. He took me and raped me and after he had cum into me he demanded that I give him much gold. He smelled so bad I thought I would be sick. Every day he took me and demanded more gold. I made him a very rich man but he was never satisfied. I was his sex slave and there was nothing I could do about it. One day he got into a fight with another man and he demanded that I kill the other man. Now I had never killed in my life and when I tried to kill the man a stroke of lightning came down and struck my master. He fell to the ground and after much great pain he died. Again there was darkness for a good number of years. Again there was light and I was back in this world. I was once again in a mans body and was a slave to a very beautiful woman. She was always very kind to me but she demanded a lot of sex from me and told me to make my manhood larger, which I did. The woman could not get enough sex. Although I made her very rich she was never a greedy woman. I never told any of my masters that I could extend their life or that I could make them younger. After a few years my mistress died and again there was darkness. This time the darkness lasted for one thousand years. Again I thought I would go insane. At this time I decided that if I liked my next master and they were good to me I would make them live a very long time because I didn't what to go back into the darkness. I didn't want the torture any more. All of a sudden there was light. I awoke to life again and standing before me was a beautiful man. He was tall and very dark skinned. Very black eyes and hair with a very muscular build. When I told him that he was my master and that I would do anything he wanted he looked at me and asked, "Will you be my lover? You are so beautiful." But as it turned out he was so greedy and very mean to me, although the sex with him was like I was in paradise. After a while he became abusive so I didn't tell him that I could make him live a very long time. I didn't know what to do; I didn't want to go back into the darkness. He would take off the ring every once and a while so I could not appear. And I found I could since what was happening around me. So I came up with a plan. I would make him lose the ring. Since he didn't die I could still be in the world of light but I was invisible. One day when he took the ring off and put it in his pocket I caused him to drop the ring without him realizing it. There he dropped it in the mud where you found it."
After Bahman had finished his story I said, "You must be the worlds biggest liar with the worlds biggest imagination, or you are ready for the loony bin." Bahman looked at me with a hurt expression on his face and said, "I can prove all that I told you is the truth." He waved his hand and I felt an electric shock running through my body, it didn't hurt but still felt very strange. All of a sudden the shock left me and I found I was completely nude and in bed with him with an erection so hard it was like I was a teenager again. Bahman was lying on top of me and was kissing me passionately. I didn't resist him; I was enjoying it too much. He started kissing my nipples and lightly biting them. He was driving me crazy with desire. He slid down to the foot of the bed and started nibbling on my toes. He sucked on my toes and starting kissing up my legs and worked his way up to my scrotum and then started to suck my balls. He was driving me crazy. Then he took my manhood in his mouth and slowly sucked me. He took the hood that covered my cock and with his tongue pulled it back to expose my large mushroom head. I had not been with anyone in over twenty years, it felt so good. He milked my cock until I shot several blasts into his mouth and he drank every drop without spilling anything. He whispered in my ear saying, "Please Tom, I want you inside me, I have not had anyone in me for over one thousand years and I miss it so much. Well I have never been built down their, barley four inches. When I looked down I could not believe what I saw. I had a monster cock. I started to kiss his soft sweet puckered rose bud. It was so nice; I was burning with desire. I worked his ass with my tongue to lube it up and then I slid my now monster cock into him. I slid in and out of him until I shot again and again filling him with my seed. I had never made love like this in my life. Bahman screamed with lust and said, "Now after over three thousand years I have finally found my Shahrokh, my Shahrokh I love you so. Please don't ever leave me. I said to him, "I am not Shahrokh, I am Tom." And Bahman said to me, "I know, in this life you are Tom but you are my Shahrokh reincarnated. And you will be mine forever." Bahman pulled me up from the bed and led me over to a mirror on the wall and said, "Look" and I looked. I was shocked to see myself but I was a young man not an old man as I had been just moments before. Bahman said that I would live forever, and that we would be together and he would still belong to me and serve me forever. He said, "Now do you believe that djinns exists?"
This ends my story of how an old man became a young man that would have love forever.
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Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
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