The axles squealed as the brakes set in and the train began to slow. The load clack of the wheels was dimmed by the passenger car, but the hiss and squeal of the air-brakes was still load, and it woke me up from me deep sleep and thoughts of Dirk. The air was suddenly quiet again as the brakes released their grip and the train steadily moved forward. I sat looking out the window, staring at the setting sun. We were over a trestle now, and the view was magnificent.
As the train again began to gain momentum, the bridge disappeared from beneath and trees covered the view out the window. I yawned and peeked at my watch, 5:49 PM. The diner opened at 6 and I was eager to meet my table mate. I pulled on my shirt and jeans and began combing my hair and preparing for the diner car.
I gave myself a look-over; my brown hair and brown eyes reflected back at me, I was satisfied with the way I looked, not that I jacked off looking at myself in a mirror or something, but I had my share of pussy in high-school. I hadn't really considered myself gay until it became almost an obsession, and every-night was spent cruising the Internet for gay pictures and stories.
I gave myself one more look-over and headed for the door. I stepped into the diner car and looked at my ticket. I was in table 3. I quickly spotted the table and took my seat, so far, I was the only one in the coach except for the employees. A waiter walked up to me and asked, "May I start you off with soup or salad?" "I'll have a Caesar salad, please," I asked.

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With that, the waiter headed into the serving alley of the train and began making my salad. I was pleased with Amtrak's service, even in the wake of the crash of the City Of New Orleans in Illinois, Amtrak seemed to be offering even better service, much better than you'd find on that of the average airline. He returned with my salad, it looked good, smelled good, so it must taste pretty damn good, too! Before I could even respond, the waiter turned away from me and said, "May I start you with some soup, or possibly a salad?"
At first confusion overwhelmed me, but when I turned around it all cleared up. My heart nearly stopped when I looked at my new table-mate, there he was, the man of my fantasies, can this be true? Dear God, I could've came in my pants by just looking at his picture, and yet, there he was! Dirk Pitt!
I looked around and saw that nobody was there, just him. He smiled at me as he sat down, "I guess we're table mates." "Umm, I guess so...," I managed to cough out over my surprise. "So, you're down here pretty early" "I kinda wanted to eat and catch the movie they're showing in the lounge car..." "Ah., what's on the list for tonight?" "They're showing Titanic"
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He only grinned at me and said, "yeah, we all love that Leonardo DiCaprio these days, huh?" "Hell, no, I think he's a stuck up bitch...if you ask me."
He laughed, and his opaline green eyes seemed to twinkle. "That's good, I don't like him 'either."
I stared at him, the stubble covering his face and neck made him even more masculine and increased his beauty. His green eyes twinkled in the fading sunlight, and his constant grin could've kept me from being depressed anytime. My dick was rock hard and, despite the tough jeans, a tent was forming. "So, you gonna eat, or just stare off into space?" At that, he startled me and I began to fade back into reality. "Oh, yeah, forgot it was there," I chuckled.
With that, I began to slowly eat my salad. We began chatting as the train clacked over the rail joints and the sun began to dip beyond the horizon.
We had a pleasant conversation, talking about our interests and hobbies (which, coincidentally, fell to railroads and the ocean, particularly ocean- liners and classic automobiles). He was the Director of Special Projects for the National Underwater and Marine Agency, I was moving to the East coast to get a job by the Atlantic.
As the twilight began to fade, a Burlington Northern Santa Fe train roared by, making the diner car rattle, the car filled with the noises of the air- brakes again and the train slowed slightly and we continued on east towards Chicago.
I accidentally dropped the plug from my laptop computer on the floor and didn't notice it until Dirk handed it back to me across the table. "What's this?", he pondered. "Oh, it's just a plug to my damn computer, I took it out this morning and forgot to plug it back in, so it's been in my pocket all day."
I retrieved the plug, and to my surprise, he explained to me that his computer had to be charged overnight, and that he wanted to play a new computer game he had purchased in Denver. I offered to let him play it on my laptop after dinner and he agreed to follow me back to my room.
The waiter came back and took our orders for the main course. I chose the Southwestern steak with Mexican beans and a coke, he had the burger with fried and a beer. The steak was wonderful, and the beans tasted like they were picked earlier this morning, it set me in the right mood, and I knew I'd be happy for the rest of the night, especially with Dirk "visiting."
After dinner, we walked back to my compartment. I pulled out the tray table and we sat down in-front of my laptop. I booted it up. "Shit, I left my briefcase at my seat, let me go grab it," he said.
Dirk explained to me that he was in coach, so I offered to let him keep his belongings in my sleeper compartment so it was more protected. He told me that he got belongings out of his bags frequently during the middle of the night, but I assured him it was OK that he came in the room and plucked his stuff out. I didn't sleep much during the night anyway.
He left to go retrieve his luggage and bring it back here. His seat was two cars away, so I had a little bit of time. I pulled out my cock and began stroking it. I was rushing an orgasm and when I blew my load into a tissue paper, it felt better than anything else I could do with my body, except for actual sex, that is. I leaned back and my head came to rest next to my boxers I changed out of earlier that afternoon, but before I could grab them and throw them in my dirty laundry bag, Dirk walked in. He sat next to me and grabbed the dirty boxers. "Whose dirty undies are these?", he laughed.
I tried to grab them back, but he played keep away and waved them around in the air. "Damnit!" I muttered. "Don't feel bad, man, we all wear underwear, at least you don't wear those little thongs that go up your asshole all the time," he laughed.
He pulled out a CD and handed it to me, "here ya go, load 'er up." I took the CD and inserted it in the D drive, the drive whirred and suddenly, the game popped up, I clicked on "install," and dutifully, the computer began loading the game, in about 30 seconds, the game was loaded.
I looked over at Dirk, he was looking at the screen, despite my best efforts, his good looks began giving me another hardon, I looked back at the screen just as his face turned towards me. I felt his eyes upon me.
I switched on my discman, I had it rigged so it would play through the computer's speakers. I turned to song 14 and Korn's "Freak on a Leash" began blasting over the speakers. "Oh, this sucks," Dirk said.
With that, he leaned over me to grab the discman, his stomach was on my hard dick and I knew he could feel it, even though he didn't respond to it. He turned off the music and grunted as he sat back up.
I looked over at him to see him staring at me. His eyes were entrancing, and I stared into them. I loved the way he looked. For the first time, I noticed his khakis were halfway tented.
He leaned over to me and kissed me deeply on the lips. At first I tried to push him back, but then held him close and returned his kiss, it felt so damn good! He leaned back and pull off his khakis. I, in suit, pulled off my pants. "is it okay if you miss Titanic tonight," he whispered. "as long as I'm with you," I responded.
We kept kissing, I looked over at his beautiful penis, it looked good, smelled good, so it must taste pretty damn good, too! I began stroking his manhood. It felt so hard and beautiful on my fingertips, God, this man must be perfect! He began stroking my penis as I began feeling his chest, a thick mat of hair covered most of it, and ran down his upper torso to his pubic hair. His nipples scraped across the palms of my hands, and I tried to stifle a moan, but only made it louder.
I was loving this man, and thought it could never be better than this, until he bowed down and took my cock in his mouth. If I hadn't of stopped it, I would've cum in his mouth the moment I felt his hot breath on the head. He quickly moved his head down the length of my prick, I felt his nose press against my pubic bush. He pushed his head up and down my shaft, and after about five minutes of this bliss, I trembled and sputtered incoherently as my penis blew load after load of cum in his mouth.
It was then my turn to assault his perfect penis, I lowered my head and began taking him in. I gagged at about halfway, but I pushed on. I could only fit about three quarters of him inside me. I assaulted his penis with all I had, making tender love to him. This moment would remain in my memory forever, it felt so perfect! He blew his load in my in minutes, I licked him clean.
We showered together, washing each-others bodies clean-but that's another story!
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