This is a story about Troy, a young college student given the chance to attend a convention of students that involved student college government. Since he attends school in Arizona the chance to take a trip to Washington DC to learn the inner workings of both the US government and meet with students with like interests was a dream come true.
Something you need to understand about Troy is that while involved in the classic "Frat" life style on campus and popular with both the girls and the guys, he hides a little secret known to only a few special friends on campus. His upper class family has no clue, his frat brothers have no clue and his life with rare exception is lived as a straight male with a strong drive to succeed both in school and a professional life after. Being a third year student living in a fraternity has given him some opportunity to blend in (the closet) and still leave a little room for a personal life. As most that have traveled a little know, when away from home there are opportunities that would be far more difficult on your home turf.
Troy is unique by most standards while only twenty he appears younger, is of average height, (and length) is trim but not athletic but his features are very boyish if not cute. His blue eyes, very light brown hair which is almost blond and a smile that takes in all that see it manages to win over everyone. His honest, polite and positive demeanor makes him popular with all and is reflective of his solid family life. While this trip will not change his life, it will certainly be something he will always remember.
After the usual airport hassles and a pathetic five hour flight, typical of air travel in current times he arrived at Ronald Regan Airport in DC. He exited the aircraft, picked up his bag and went outside to await the courtesy van provided by the host school to arrive. The van arrived and he boarded with two other students that were attending the same program. One male and one female both of whom engaged Troy immediately almost in a competitive way for his attention. With his usual smooth conversation he put both at ease and quickly made friends with both.

Fucking the Sexy Mail Man
On arrival at the University, which will remain nameless for good reason, he was directed to the student housing that was provided. It seems because the school has so many programs requiring the hosting of outside students they have provided a structure that appears more of a hotel than a typical dorm set up. He checked in at the desk and was assigned a room and told that his room mate had already arrived but was out at the time. He found his room, entered and unpacked the few clothes that were required for the short four day trip being careful not to disturb his roommates clothing already hung. The rooms while more hotel like than dorm were very basic with two standard size beds, a couple chairs, a small sofa, a wooden table that acted as a desk and a small wall mounted television. A private bath with shower only, finished off the room and by college standards were pretty nice accommodations.
Since it was a nice spring day and the weather was clear he opened the drapes and looked out at the campus below. Because of the travel and the fact that he had a very short night the night before his trip, by ten he decided to turn in and get some sleep. Enjoying the moon light outside he decided to leave the drapes open and got into bed wearing just his very stylish white Kelvin Klein's. Sleep had nearly arrived when he heard the key in the door and his apparent roommate returning.
His roommate quickly realized that Troy was in bed and with the available light from the moon made his way to the bed and started to undress. In an attempt to be social Troy sat up in bed and introduced himself. The roommates name was Tom and as he came over to Troy's bed to shake hands it was hard not to notice that he had a half hard cock pressing out the front of his "Y" fronts and a very firm tight ass. Tom appeared abrupt and almost rude in his quick departure saying that he had to get to bed.
- college
Lying in bed Troy suddenly realized that he was hard as a rock and after a little thought remembered that it had been three days (a lifetime for a twenty year old) since he had gotten off. Without much thought he started to rub the front of his shorts and shortly heard a rustling sound from the adjacent bed. Tom was apparently just as horny as Troy and it wasn't long and both were breathing hard and making small gasping noises. Not wanting to risk any problem with his roommate he was not about to suggest anything. Tom on the other hand interrupted the sounds with what appeared to be more a command than a request and told Troy to come over to his bed.
Something that has not been said to this point is that while Troy is a strong determined young man, when it comes to sex he likes someone else to take charge and direct the activity.
Without hesitation Troy got out of bed and walked over to Tom's bed and stood. Tom, eyes open and covers pulled back exposing his hard cock told him to drop his under ware and get into bed. The excitement in the air made Troy suck in a deep breath and pull off his shorts. Crawling into bed they soon were kissing and holding each other with their crotches grinding together. It was a strange kind of sex but just the feel of another guy within minutes had Troy ready to burst. He did, all over Toms cock, dumping a huge load and moaning quite loudly in the process. Gaining his composure and realizing that Tom had still not gotten off, asked if he would like to put it inside him. Tom's only comment was I'm just not into that, why don't you go back to your own bed.
Lying in his bed he could hear that Tom had decided to finish himself off using his orgasm for lubrication. The noise the smell and the sounds quickly had Troy on the verge of another stiff cock. With a small convulsive movement and little noise it was obvious when followed by silence that Tom had succeeded in reaching his goal.
Morning came and the two emerged from sleep acting as though nothing had happened. They showered, went to breakfast and were off to the first day of the convention.
Back at the room after stopping at a local ready shop store they picked up a six pack of beer and decided to have a few before dinner. Two beers each and the past evening was brought up for discussion. Tom started with, so you would actually let me fuck you? The response of course was yes, but only if you want too. Tom's aggressive nature again raised and he, in a very dominate voice said, if that is what you want I'll take care of you. The aggressive nature and tone both frightened Troy and excited him. Deciding to see where this would go he said that he thought he would enjoy that.
Tom, again with the demanding voice told him to stand in front of him. With some hesitation he did and waited to see what was next. The next order was to remove his shirt, which he did. Tom ran his hands over Troy's smooth stomach up to his now very erect nipples gently tweaking them and then without comment pinched both very hard generating a loud gasp. Next he was told to remove his pants, then his socks and he was left standing there in only his tight white Kelvin Klein's with a semi hard filling out the front. Tom sat and looked, finally reaching out he ran his hand up the inside of Troy's leg until he reached his crotch. Once there he just massaged his bulge for a couple of minutes until a small wet spot appeared on the front of those very nicely filled out Klein's.
Standing, Tom went to the bed and removed two pillows and clearing off the top of the small table that acted as a desk placed the pillows on the top. The table being not quite square presented a longer than wide profile which Troy was instructed to lie over. The position allowed plenty of upper body support but left his head right at the edge with his hips slightly past the other edge. Comfortable but certainly exposed. The next surprise came when Tom went to his bag and came back with four short Velcro straps and quickly strapped Troy's wrists to two of the table legs. He then explained that the other two were for his legs but they could wait for the rest of his surprise.
Tom went to the door and left, explaining that he was going to see a friend. Being off balance and unable to remove the straps from his wrists Troy could only wait to see what would happen next. The wait was excruciating and what was only ten minutes seemed like hours. Suddenly the door swung open and Tom entered, followed by an Asian guy with knockout good looks. Troy guessed he was a gymnast judging from his build and well defined smooth body.
Tom immediately sat down on the small sofa and explained that this was Brian and that he had an interest in Troy's ass. He went on to explain to Brian that it was a present and that he had left it wrapped and he was welcome to unwrap it now. Sitting on the sofa Tom told him to go ahead and take off Troy's under ware and strap his legs to the table.
Thumbs slid under the elastic and gently tug the fabric down over Troy's thighs until they drop to his ankles where they are quickly removed. Gentle hands quickly use the Velcro straps to secure his ankles to each of the table legs spreading his legs and making his ass vulnerable to attack. Those same hands slowly caress the back and inside of Troy's exposed legs. Upon reaching his balls the carefully massage them and then run the full length of Troy's now very stiff cock. Placing a hand in the small of his back he slowly pulled back allowing his fingers to trace a line down Troy's exposed crack and upon reaching his tightly puckered hole causing an involuntary shudder of pleasure.
Tom stands and tells Brian to sit down and enjoy the show. Removing his clothes quickly he moves to the end of the table where Troy's head rests. Standing in front of his face his cock semi hard he instructs Troy to open his mouth. With his heart pounding and a light sweat building he opens his mouth and Tom steps forward slipping his half stiff cock completely in hitting the back of his throat. Within seconds Tom's cock is rock hard and he has started a slow in and out motion with each in stroke touching the back of Troy's throat.
Hearing a slight rustle Troy looks over at Brian to see that he is removing his clothes and again views the hard muscular but lean body. Dropping his boxers and exposing an almost perfect cock tilted up at about a forty five degree angle. Maybe six inches and not overly fat it looks like a good fit for a tight nearly virgin ass. Absorbed in those thoughts, Troy is surprised by the explosion of cum being deposited in his mouth as Tom's orgasm fills his mouth forcing him to swallow several times.
Telling Brian it is now his turn he turns to sit on the sofa to watch the next part of the show. Brian moves toward his target and with a tube of KY starts to massage Troy's exposed and tense pucker. After minutes of gentle massage his hole starts to loosen and allow slight penetration, this of course followed by a low moaning from deep within Troy's throat. Brian is an expert and soon this tightly puckered opening is relaxing to allow insertion of fingers and lube. It seems that even with limited movement, Troy's ass pushes back against the invading fingers almost begging for them to contact the special spot deep within. Brian suddenly stops and moves to Toby's immobile face and rubs his less than hard cock against his lips causing his mouth to open and except the equipment about to be used on his ass. As before Brian goes slow and makes this as pleasurable as the preparation of his now eager hole for penetration. Once rock hard he returns to Troy's ass to finish this most delightful project.
While all of this is happening, Tom is sitting on the sofa stroking his cock and enjoying the sight before him. Out of sight, but not out of mind Troy can hear the wrapper of a condom and eagerly awaits the assault on his defenseless opening. No disappointment involved, Brian's gentle expertise persists and the feel of his stiff cock pushing against his most private place is a continuation of the incredible sensory overload he has experienced for the last thirty minutes. Having no control over the situation he suddenly realizes that he has been brought to the brink of an explosive orgasm as Brian begins a slow gentle stroking with a massage of that special place each time he pushes in.
His mind is suddenly focused when he sees Tom leave the sofa and slip under the table. With Brian increasing his speed it becomes apparent he is about to climax and with perfect timing Tom's lips wrap around Troy's dripping and rigid member at the perfect time Brian suddenly goes stiff and stops stroking. With his cock pulsing in his ass and Tom's lips and gentle sucking his own orgasm explodes with such intensity that it is almost painful.
With what seems like minutes of dead silence, all three begin to recover at the same time and Brian's cock shrinks and drops from his ass at about the same time Tom's lips slide over the end of Troy's wilting erection. The feeling of the Velcro strips being removed from his ankles, although providing a relief is suddenly missed. His wrists are likewise released and it seems he doesn't want to get up but instead lies there resting while the other two step to the bathroom to clean up. Upon their return they quickly dress and tell Troy that they are going out for a beer and ask if he would like to join them. With a somewhat vacant look on his face Troy just mumbles "no thanks" and walks to the bathroom to shower. In the shower his mind is still reeling at what has just happened and wondering if he will ever get to experience that much excitement again.
After his shower he drops into bed and tries to relive the last hour which of course results in a stiffening cock. In spite of have just had the most explosive orgasm of his life he began stroking his cock enjoying the playback going on in his head. With perfect timing his orgasm occurred just as Tom's key was turning in the lock. He didn't look up or acknowledge his presence but instead lie there with a silly smile on his face until sleep overtook his exhausted body.
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- college