Gay Sex Stories - Page 245

Getting Piss Splatter All Over

He liked the look of his pee coming out, he liked the feel of it exiting his body, the feel of his bladder loosening and his muscles relaxing. The water made a dark spot on the tree in front of him and flowed down the trunk pooling up by the roots. He started pumping his meat slowly.
4.3 1568 words 7 mins encounters young men  hairy  cowboy

Cruising Video Store For Cock and Sex

With a groan, I roll over onto my back to alleviate at least the pain in my dick. Damn. I was sure that Paul would be showing up for poker last night. I had hoped to invite him up to my place after for a cup of tea, and maybe a little action. I roll out of bed and make my way into the bathroom....
4.3 3449 words 15 mins encounters massage  shower

Shooting Load Into Mouth at Fraternity House

I had just turned 18 a few weeks before, and was still hopelessly a virgin. When my roommate Mike asked me if I wanted to go to the St. Patty's day party at his Fraternity house, I readily accepted, determined that tonight of all nights, I would hook up. Little did I know how right I was.
3.9 1163 words 5 mins college fraternity

Science Fiction Story - The Ritual

"Come in," he called, getting up from his kneeling position. The door opened slightly, and Nick poked his blond head through. "We're ready," he announced. Chris nodded solemnly, an expression that looked out of place on a fourteen-year-old's face, but he realized how serious this ritual was.
3.2 1230 words 5 mins sci-fi/fantasy twink  deepthroat  teen

Piss Splatter All Over

A three day weekend was up, and I looked forward to having the free time. Passing near a park on my way to a house, I heard a footfall behind me. "Hey dude." I turned around. Behind me there was a dark-haired man with a trim moustache. I'd seen him around. He smiled. "I've spotted you at the Gold Mine.
3.3 792 words 4 mins encounters blowjob

Restroom Queen Sucks Black Man's Cock

Since I worked during the day I took night classes and on this night I attended my Humanities class, when class was over I didn't feel like going home so I stopped by the liquor store and picked up a six pack of beer. I went driving around going nowhere in particular, and soon found myself way out of town.
3.8 1199 words 5 mins encounters anal sex fucking  threesome  black men  big cock  blowjob

Gay BBS Tale

We were bidding on a contract that required us to put a BBS into place, and none of had any experience with such things. So with my boss's blessing, I sat down to my computer and decided to begin exploring what the BBS board world had to offer. The local computer handout mag had a pretty complete listing of numbers in the back.
2.7 2146 words 10 mins encounters big cock

Sucking Huge Football Jock's Monster Cock

I've been in pursuit of such organs for years, and here is the story of my "first time" with a really big one, and still one of my best memories. I had the opportunity to write this down recently, and thought I'd post. I discovered then that I had a fetish for big cocks and loved everything about them.
3.7 25 minutes college big cock  monster cocks  blowjob

Science Fiction Fantasy: Marcs Diary

You can grow up tough, fighting and overcoming obstacles in your path. Even if you make it, you carry some scars. If you're lucky, you find someone who helps you forget your past. Or you can grow up timid, retiring from the world, seeking some inner order or explanation for the chaos. Hated them in school.
3.1 1244 words 6 mins sci-fi/fantasy anal sex fucking

Summer Time Love Story

I settle back in the seat of the car, happy and trusting with Vague at the wheel. He surprises me, by not heading straight home after dropping our friend off - it was getting late. But summer being as summer does with no worries about tomorrow, I enjoyed the ride, the stars and the moon. I just trust.
3.2 708 words 3 mins friendship

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