Gay sex in boarding schools.


I would like to hear from men who attended boarding school. Did students have gay sex with one another? Did students and teachers ever engage in gay sex? Did you ever have gay sex while in boarding school? What were the circumstances? Was the sex you had with a friend or someone with whom you weren’t particularly friendly? Did you receive sex like oral sex and did you perform oral sex? I am a former boarding school student who engaged in gay sex on occasion. My best friend in school had a gay roommate who gave him oral sex every night.
I would like to hear from men who attended boarding school. Did students have gay sex with one another? Did students and teachers ever engage in gay sex? Did you ever have gay sex while in boarding school? What were the circumstances? Was the sex you had with a friend or someone with whom you weren’t particularly friendly? Did you receive sex like oral sex and did you perform oral sex? I am a former boarding school student who engaged in gay sex on occasion. My best friend in school had a gay roommate who gave him oral sex every night.
Sounds like I missed out on some possible fun times at a boarding school. I think I would have liked to have joined a group of gay guys that took and gave blowjobs.
ooooooooo OMG, Yes, I loved boarding schools. Lots of young boys allowing me to suck cocks. Many boys were 10-15 years old and enjoyed my warm mouth on their small cock. I was a 30 year old teacher. Male and gay sissy.
I was in a Scottish Boardimg Schol we wore the Kilt ony allowed imto town on a Saturday I would go to the local cinema !mattinee sit at the back and 99/100 times a guy would sit down next to !e even if it was empty
And eventually his hand would rest knee, when I did not move , his hand would
If he seemed nice we would go back to their plc
Great happy times at boardimg school
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i was at boarding school both prep and senior and at the prep in my dorm the boys would lie face down with the chest on one bed and legs on another with their stiff cock hanging between the beds and another boy would go under them and see how many cocks he could milk. This was after bath night before lights out. One boy i remember managed to milk all the boys in dorm (10)
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also the boy in the bed next to me reguarly got into my bed and sucked me off and swallowed all my sperm. Eventually he came in my bottom which at first hurt a lot and felt like my bottom was on fire but after a while i reallly liked it